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Silent Hill: Revelations - First look, story info

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Adelaide Clemens and Kit Harington will star in Silent Hill: Revelation 3D for writer-director Michael J. Bassett.

The film begins lensing in Toronto today.

Clemens was seen in X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Harington stars in HBO's upcoming Game of Thrones.

Silent Hill: Revelation 3D is based on the acclaimed survival horror videogame franchise by Konami and is the sequel to Samuel Hadida and Don Carmody’s earlier Silent Hill directed by Christophe Gans.

For years, Heather Mason (Clemens) and her father have been on the run, always one step ahead of dangerous forces that she doesn’t fully understand. Now on the eve of her 18th birthday, plagued by terrifying nightmares and the disappearance of her father, Heather discovers she's not who she thinks she is. The revelation leads her deeper into a demonic world that threatens to trap her in Silent Hill forever.


I think she looks really good for Heather, now we can just hope that the script and direction is up to snuff.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Whoa so this is a Silent Hill 3 adaptation? I'm excited and scared by the possibility!
Narratively it makes more sense to do the third game, since it was a direct sequel to the first game, which the first film was (loosely) based on.
Solstice said:
As long as it's better than the first one...

The first one had some good qualities. They got the atmosphere right for the most part, the reworking of Yamaoka's music was handled very well, creature designs were awesome, sound work was great... but then, you have Avary's script along with a few other factors that hurt it.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
mrseaves said:
What's the point in making a Silent Hill movie?
That's an odd thing to say..

1. Money

2. The unique horror of the game is very compelling and should easily translate to a film.

3. They already made one.. Why ask that now? And while there was room for improvement, it wasn't half bad IMO.
Sean Bean needs to make a return.
I'm not sure how they're going to make this a direct sequel to the first. Some ret-conning maybe?

Edit: Can someone tell me how to spoiler? I don't want to ruin the first movie/game for anyone.
SalsaShark said:
Yeah, let's just skip the best game in the series and do a movie about 3!

It is scientifically impossible to do Silent Hill 2 justice regarding a film adaptation.

They'd best just leave it alone.
SalsaShark said:
Yeah, let's just skip the best game in the series and do a movie about 3!

Bassett talked about this once, he said that SH2 was great as it was and they would leave that tale alone.

Plus, can you imagine how much bitching and fan backlash there would be if they did do SH2?


disappeared said:
It is scientifically impossible to do Silent Hill 2 justice regarding a film adaptation.

They'd best just leave it alone.

I agree

but still, i really doubt they took that into consideration.

edit: proven wrong! that's great then


NotTheGuyYouKill said:
Bassett talked about this once, he said that SH2 was great as it was and they would leave that tale alone.

Plus, can you imagine how much bitching and fan backlash there would be if they did do SH2?

Wow, that's impressive actually


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I've always argued that the critical response/rotten tomatoes rating does not represent an objective response to the first film.

The studio decided not to screen the film for critics as an experiment at the time of it's release. Not because it was really that bad.

This "told" all professional reviewers that it was bad. Most movies that were not screened for critics prior were absolute turkeys. On top of that, it was a videogame based movie. They would not be inclined to give it a chance or go out on a limb to defend it.

And the tomatometer rating continues to inform the public that it was "factually bad".

I'm not saying it was Shakespeare or that it's for everyone.. But it is a 2 star film at worst. The absolutely low 29% tomatoe rating dies NOT reflect the actual quality of this film.
BocoDragon said:
I've always argued that the critical response/rotten tomatoes rating does not represent an objective response to the first film.

The studio decided not to screen the film for critics as an experiment at the time of it's release. Not because it was really that bad.

This "told" all professional reviewers that it was bad. Most movies that were not screened for critics prior were absolute turkeys. On top of that, it was a videogame based movie. They would not be inclined to give it a chance or go out on a limb to defend it.

And the tomatometer rating continues to inform the public that it was "factually bad".

I'm not saying it was Shakespeare or that it's for everyone.. But it is a 2 star film at worst. The absolutely low 29% tomatoe rating dies NOT reflect the actual quality of this film.

When it boils down, at least guys like us know it was a decent flick.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
disappeared said:
When it boils down, at least guys like us know it was a decent flick.
Yup! Holding Silent Hill to a high standard, I'd say it wasn't the "ideal" Silent Hill flick.. But it was far closer to the ideal than I would have expected!
I've been burned once before. Silent Hill captured the atmosphere of the games but none of the heart. I have zero interest in this, even though SH3 was my second favorite (after SH1 of course.)


Man i don't understand how some no name directors get lined up to work on such a property. I hope the movie will be good, but i just don't know.


AbsoluteZero said:
The original Silent Hill movie is arguably the best "Videogame Movie" ever, so I'm await this one with tentative excitement.

Definitely. It's not a bad film, and has some really good stuff in it, despite it's flaws. I'm looking forward to seeing what they can do with the sequel.


Junior Member
Feels odd, but I actually am looking forward to this. Some good choices have already been made, so I hope they keep it up.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
I still need to watch the movie. I avoided it because of how shit the resident evil movies were I figured Silent Hill would be much worse


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Router said:
I still need to watch the movie. I avoided it because of how shit the resident evil movies were I figured Silent Hill would be much worse
They're nothing alike. The Silent Hill movie at least tries (and succeeds fairly well) to remain faithful to its videogame counterpart.


Glad a sequel is finally happening. Silent Hill was nowhere near the movie I wanted, but was far, far better than I ever expected it to be. I actually enjoy watching it, which is something I can't believe I can say for a Silent Hill movie.


The first film fucked it up in so many ways except visuals/creature design. Let me count the ways:

1. Changing the main protagonist from Harry to some unknown chick for all-female power. It doesn't matter that the original story already have Cybill in it. But then they need to shoehorned Sean Bean just to have a male character. Well, fuck that, if you want a male character, you should have used Harry in the first place. The story was about the affection that a father has for his adopted daughter to the point that he's willing to go through Hell for her. To change that to a mother's instinct to protect her daughter is so predictable and cliche.

2. They fucked Cybill's character in so many ways it's not funny. And that ending
where she got burned in stake was nasty
and not the kind of horror I expect from Silent Hill.

3. Pyramid Head. Why the fuck do they need to include him without any reference to the kind of fear that he represents? If you need to include him, fine, but at least give some justification as to from whose fear he materializes out of.

4. Dahlia is completely changed in this story. And for no good reason too. Instead they add in some new character to serve as a villain. WTF?!

5. Lame ending which doesn't serve as a lead in for this sequel.

Because of that, I'd rather they start off fresh and forgetting DeSalva (or whatever crappy family name they came up with for the first film) family. Just start off with Harry and Heather fresh.
Lime said:
Can we merge this with the other thread?

Sounds fine to me, I figured since it was movie news that it would go in the OT, and I did search before posting. Search fail on my part I guess.
First film had its moments. This could be decent.

I seem to remember back when SH 3 first came out, someone somewhere (gamefaqs I guess? lolz) was posting pics of Heather's voice actress, and she was ridiculously cute, dunno if they were real or not. Anyway, that actress doesn't really look like Heather to me, more like an eastern european rocker chick or something.

Oh, shit, they had better have a fucking epic Vincent for this. Still one of my favorite vg characters ever.

"Monsters? They look like... monsters to you?" Trolled.
theinfinityissue said:
First film had its moments. This could be decent.

I seem to remember back when SH 3 first came out, someone somewhere (gamefaqs I guess? lolz) was posting pics of Heather's voice actress, and she was ridiculously cute, dunno if they were real or not. Anyway, that actress doesn't really look like Heather to me, more like an eastern european rocker chick or something.

Oh, shit, they had better have a fucking epic Vincent for this. Still one of my favorite vg characters ever.

"Monsters? They look like... monsters to you?" Trolled.

Heather Morris, I think her name was. She voiced and motion-captured the character as well. Would have been an interesting casting choice.
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