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Silent Hills is almost entirely confirmed

'Silent Hill' got confused with 'The Medium', as the latter has the SH composer working on it and that game is a pure rip off of SH.

The big man child Dusk Fuddem won't admit this though, and continues to try to mislead, alongside some crony who joined Resetera to only post about this rumour....this was a giant red flag on its own.


Gold Member
Come on now. This game doesn’t exist. Much as I’d love it to, it doesn’t.

Time to move on. Konami don’t care about this IP.


Guys, a very reliable source told me that they had almost completed the launch trailer, but could not make it for TGA.

Expect the game to be revealed in March at the latest.
I wasn't expecting any Silent Hill stuff at the show, but that fucking P.T. looking fucking hallway at the start of the Returnal trailer...god damn it. :messenger_angry:

Yeah that was evil as hell...

Also, I can't be the only one that thinks Returnal is the worse sounding IP name I've ever read... Even Metal Gear Rising : Revengence sounded better...


Check out all the butthurt sony fans in here! All blaming poor dusk golem who was proved right with ono leaving and re8 village. Just because it wasnt shown at game awards doesnt mean it exists. Maybe still too early to show. Have you considered that?


Check out all the butthurt sony fans in here! All blaming poor dusk golem who was proved right with ono leaving and re8 village. Just because it wasnt shown at game awards doesnt mean it exists. Maybe still too early to show. Have you considered that?

Well my friend, about all these so-called trusted leakers, reliable leakers and insiders, Al Pachino (as John Milton and Satan) hit the nail directly on the head with his speech back in 1997.
This kind of Dusk Golem blokes, it's no mystery where they come from. They're some charlatans, mountebanks and crooks that have built egos the size of cathedrals for themselves. They must constantly feel aspiring emperors, they must forevermore feel as Gods of their own selves.

Thusly, they've created this kind of : "Kiss-my-divine ring process, so that I the God, shall grant you the insider information for your favourite game. And you all shall worship me as a God, because I was the one who first provided everyone with the insider information. You shall worship me as a God, because I am the one who greases even your dullest gaming fantasies with my insider tweets and leaks".
And while we're scrambling from one gaming show to the next, who's got his eye on the bullshit they've been saying all along?
And it keeps coming faster and faster. There's no chance to think, to prepare. It's just "The trusted leaker said..", the "reliable leaker promised...", when he was a charlatan this whole time...
We've got ourselves a runaway train here, we've got a horde of Dusk Golems jogging into every future Game-Show of this f*cking planet, ready to fist-f*ck the gaming community with their "trusted leaks", wipe their fingers clean, as they reach out toward their Social Media analytics page, just to tote up their f*cking followers, interactions, impressions, shares, re-tweets, and likes.

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I just overheard two japanese looking guys talking about this in my local supermarket,I had to hide behind the cornflake boxes because I was wearing my Neogaf t-shirt and I didn't want them to get suspicious...but I'm pretty sure I heard them say this game is coming out sometime in the future and it's going to be really great!


My sources told me Silent Hills was being developed by Sega, but will only be announced after the Microsoft purchase of Sega is completed.

Deets to my sources:
just trust me bro
As legitimate as any other alleged leak or insider information that gets posted here or anywhere. Thanks for the info bro


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I would look on the bright side of all this and go get Silent Hill: The Room DRM free on GOG.

Win for everyone.


Check out all the butthurt sony fans in here! All blaming poor dusk golem who was proved right with ono leaving and re8 village. Just because it wasnt shown at game awards doesnt mean it exists. Maybe still too early to show. Have you considered that?
Poor Dusk he just claimed multiplat run flawless in 4k on series X but struggle on ps5, who knows why the butthurt Sony fan don't trust him anymore :messenger_loudly_crying:
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I would like a new Silent Hill by Kojima. It would be cool have a VR mode.... This is a dream, unfortunately

Why Kojima? He didn't have as much influence on what P.T became compared to del Toro. del Toro architectured the majority of the teasers' horror direction. Kojima just put it together.


i know it was posted in September but maybe it might help some people to wake up

Copy & paste response. Just look at their other reply in that Twitter thread. Why would the European PR & social media team for Konami have access to this kind of information anyways.

I don't fanboy or anticipate SH as much as the other people in this thread, but it is in development.


Copy & paste response. Just look at their other reply in that Twitter thread. Why would the European PR & social media team for Konami have access to this kind of information anyways.

I don't fanboy or anticipate SH as much as the other people in this thread, but it is in development.

so they can promote and hype said game if it was indeed planned? lol
unless they release said game in Japan only


so they can promote and hype said game if it was indeed planned? lol
unless they release said game in Japan only


That's not how marketing works especially for unannounced products in the video game industry, especially in Japan. You do realise that these days most companies, in most cases, that have international social media channels for their company or product(s), employ a third-party marketing company to maintain them. As an example; some nobody in Australia could be handling the social media accounts and marketing duties for Konami ANZ, but he's also the same person doing shit for Epic Games or Razer. He doesn't know shit. He''s not going to have a single clue about anything Konami is actually doing in Japan. They will usually find out when the public finds out, and their jobs don't actually kick in properly until closer to release.


who is this dusk golem dude? has he been true before or wat

He leaked pretty accurate RE8 info months before its reveal and also leaked the internal struggle that Ono had with Capcom days before he left the company. He also leaked RE4 remake. I would say he knows capcom stuff but he doesn´t know shit aside from that.

Sony fanboys hate him because he made up some shit about RE8 not running well on PS5. IMO he doesn´t know anything about Sony or Konami inside info.
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I still can't believe there are people that think Konami will actually put effort into a video game title after the whole Kojima shitfest...

Let it go. Just let it the fuck go.

That's like people believing Bluepoint is remaking MGS just because they "heard" a sound like Rex.
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