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Sniper Elite 3 |OT| "In the absence of orders, go find something and kill it.”


Gold Member
The fourth mission is like a poor man's Phantom Pain, haha.

I like the game a lot more now that I'm not constraining myself to ghost playthroughs. The third mission was really cool, timing your shots with the canon fire and stuff.
damn that's one of the largest day one patches ever, no?

Outside of pc mmo's of course.
Currently is the biggest on next gen consoles followed by transformer 9Gb, then Wolfenstein 7Gb.If no one complains they will literally take the piss & get bigger. Looks like what is going gold is the beta!
I have some questions about this game before I buy it on Steam.

1. If I haven't played parts 1 & 2, will I be lost story wise? How long is the campaign?

2. Is the season pass worth it? Is the DLC mission "Target Hitler: Hunt the Grey Wolf" any good? And are they releasing other dlc missions, which come apart of the season pass?

3. Can I run this game maxed out 1080p60 with my specs?
i5-3570k 4.2ghz
gtx 680 4gig
16gb of ram

4. How is the co-op? Is it the campaign with another player or separate missions?



Storywise, don't worry if you haven't played the first 2. The story is not really that good and not the point of the game. It basically serves to get you from point a to point b.

I'd say play the game first, then if you feel like you want more content, go in on the season pass.

I've got an i5 4670 and a 760 and it runs at 1080p/60fps on Ultra. Yours isn't too far below that and i think it will run fine. There really seems to be no glaring performance issues.

The coop is awesome. With the wide open levels, you can set up some pretty good kill shots and assaults between the two of you. The game is made better for it.

it's worth 50 bones.
Storywise, don't worry if you haven't played the first 2. The story is not really that good and not the point of the game. It basically serves to get you from point a to point b.

I'd say play the game first, then if you feel like you want more content, go in on the season pass.

I've got an i5 4670 and a 760 and it runs at 1080p/60fps on Ultra. Yours isn't too far below that and i think it will run fine. There really seems to be no glaring performance issues.

The coop is awesome. With the wide open levels, you can set up some pretty good kill shots and assaults between the two of you. The game is made better for it.

it's worth 50 bones.

Sold! Thanks mate!
I love this game too much, even with its jank.

That jank being explosives that'll kill you through walls while those walls still stand, crates and walls that you can clip through, bad texture and geometry pop-in in some areas, enemies that sometimes seem to shrug off a high powered bullet to the sternum too much of the time, and can see you from 10 feet away even while you're motionless and prone, in high bushes, in the dead of night, as well as the occasional vehicle that seems to be able to see through walls to know when you're circling one way or the other...

BUT... with all the assists gone it is one hell of an amazing sandbox of stealth and sniper action that rewards patience, adaptability, cunning, and a flare for the explosive. This might just be my favorite stealth shooters ever because the only silenced weapon you get is a slow firing, low ammo pistol with a 20 foot effective range, tops. The risk/reward of going loud and how that plays out into the level design, your need to distract and relocate, and your own devious plans in single player - with definite possibilities in co-op - is just a great challenge and change of pace. This is what I wanted when I played v2 - a sprawling, free-form sandbox where the AI weren't hard-coded to cheat for thrills every few minutes.

Do yourself a favor and ditch the tactical assists. All of them. Experiment and find out how various conditions change the way you aim and fire, and revel in a plan well executed and a shot that goes the distance and lands in something squishy and vital.


if anyone has the ps4 version I have an extra camo weapons pack code since i got the collectors edition.


?= second number in my username.

claimed by sladeums


Neo Member

any comments about the multiplayer, particulary no cross maps. Are there enough players to find matches quickly (Xbox One in this case)? Any networking issues that ruin the experience. How about aim assists, is there and if there is, how badly it affects the gameplay.

Is this worth buying for just multiplayer. I don't play campaigns, ever.
Can anybody tell me why the muliplayer/co-operative options are grayed out for me? Do I have to beat the campaign first or something? I'm confused.
Yea I have playstation plus, just downloaded Dead Space 3 and Vessel on my PS3 no problem. I just deleted it and am re-downloading it now. I did think it downloaded unusually fast the first time, maybe it just downloaded the single player portion for some reason. I'll find out in an hour or so I guess. Last time it took maybe 30 minutes which is weirdly quick in my experience.


http://xboxclips.com/video.php?uid=... M E&vid=aba8b46d-a96c-4657-92c5-384be77759fd

Anyone fancy giffing this glitch.

That Testicle shot must have been painful.

By the way, just played the first two missions and I'm digging it. While the environments don't feel very alive, the game looks very crisp and runs smoothly at 60 for the most part. I'm digging the whole "Hitman/Splinter Cell but with a Sniper Rifle" feel of the game. I'm just glad I've got something to play while I wait for July 29th. Also appreciate the $10 off which should be done more often.
NO LUCK! It says I'm disconnected and when I try to connect it says: "This portion of the game is not installed yet, please wait for it to be installed." The download is done though, there is nothing left to download. I don't know what to do.
Almost done with the main campaign and this game keeps throwing wonderful little moments at me in spite of its flaws.

The open level design is a major improvement over V2 and gives you the satisfaction of executing your own plans. I also appreciate all the noises to mask my sniper shots (not very realistic but the game is called Sniper and I enjoy being able to shoot the long rifle more often.)

The kill cam is a little more gruesome and the short slow-motion pauses make the game flow better for me.

Room for improvement:

The stealth and detection AI is really wonky sometimes. When I fire a shot from a distant tower, let them search the general area of the tower instead of every man in the area immediately knowing which floor and window I was firing from.

Do something interesting with the officers instead of just giving them increased detection range. Have them coordinate searches and backup or use binoculars to pinpoint you - so they actually become the priority targets they're supposed to be, instead of merely an XP bonus.

Since you spend a lot of time observing NPCs, the AI could be more procedural and interesting. I'm also not sure why binoculars are needed to mark and observe when realistically a sniper scope would do just as well.

The traversal / movement mechanics could do with an overhaul... let me low crawl over objects, brace my barrel against objects, fire from different stances etc.

But all in all, this game delivers on its premise.
Any opinions on the co-op?

I know it's the same as the single player campaign, but does it play well?

Co-Op doesn't work (only friends allowed, no matchmaking)
Multiplayer doesn't work most of the time.
Matchmaking is a joke
No host migration.
30 seconds to start a game, you can't stop it even if you're alone in a lobby.

Just read the official forums. The online part is broken. I just sold my game because I paid 60 € for a broken (but fun) piece of software with a 16 GB patch.

Nope, I don't have faith in Rebellion. Multiplayer will be completely dead in two weeks


Co-Op doesn't work (only friends allowed, no matchmaking)
Multiplayer doesn't work most of the time.
Matchmaking is a joke
No host migration.
30 seconds to start a game, you can't stop it even if you're alone in a lobby.

Just read the official forums. The online part is broken. I just sold my game because I paid 60 € for a broken (but fun) piece of software with a 16 GB patch.

Nope, I don't have faith in Rebellion. Multiplayer will be completely dead in two weeks
I have watched a whole lot of streamers playing multiplayer on PC and PS4. I would say that it works rather good.

Only problems I've seen were the usual ones - host leaving closes the room etc.


Junior Member
Euope gets first before North America great :)

So far I love it .
Kill cam are awesome , I love the realism in this game, the stealth is so good , the AI is poor but OK .
Shooting from above with several "one shot kill" is amazing.

puchased with no regret

a good way to wait MGS5



Remember it has to download a 16Gb patch, fucking joke. MS should not allow this, should go back to the old 360 policy.

isn't the 16GB patch more MS's fault? On PS4 I could play without downloading anything. And I've read somewhere on GAF, that the patch process on the Xbone is terrible, because it has to swap not only the new data, but old data, too (or something like that), which is why the patch size increases that much.

I had a patch on PS4, something around 1GB, but I could play without it.

//edit: I made a x-ray killcam montage - i love this feature http://youtu.be/oMwVPnD9uUc


Been playing the game for a few hours now. The story is pretty terrible, but didn't really expect anything else. There's a lot of buggy moments, but overall I can't help but love this game. I really hate sniping in games normally, but like the feeling of doing it here. The mission structure is mostly good, and the game has a certain...character.


NO LUCK! It says I'm disconnected and when I try to connect it says: "This portion of the game is not installed yet, please wait for it to be installed." The download is done though, there is nothing left to download. I don't know what to do.
It's still downloading. If you select "information" from the PS4 menu it will show your progress. Single player unlocks at 8 gigs or so.
isn't the 16GB patch more MS's fault? On PS4 I could play without downloading anything. And I've read somewhere on GAF, that the patch process on the Xbone is terrible, because it has to swap not only the new data, but old data, too (or something like that), which is why the patch size increases that much.

I had a patch on PS4, something around 1GB, but I could play without it.

//edit: I made a x-ray killcam montage - i love this feature http://youtu.be/oMwVPnD9uUc
Do you think that was the issue with the amazing spiderman 2 on the xbox one?
Do you know why that is about having ti replace the old data? Does not sound very logical!
Anyone know at which install percentage you can play the game on the xbox one?

Bought digital and I was playing the campaign after 33 minutes at 68%. I could not connect to the online until after it was fully installed though.

So far, the SP is a blast on "Sniper Elite". I have run into some weird glitches though and I have wondered if it has to do with not turning on "V-Sync"...they mostly seem to come from fast animation transitions such as "on the move stealth kills." (mashing the "Y" button while approaching an enemy)


Even though we had a 16GB download patch on the Xbox One it only took about 1 hour and 15 minutes for it to download and install.
Alright, played some co-op with a friend last night and we had a lot of fun.

My biggest complaint is the audio. It sounds like people are right next to you, but they aren't. Makes it hard to locate enemies unless you can see them. Can't tell you how many times I was looking through the binoculars and I quickly switch to my weapon thinking someone was right next to me when they were probably a good 30' away.
Any opinions on the co-op?

I know it's the same as the single player campaign, but does it play well?

It's really fun works perfectly can jump in and out of other game modes with ease without having to reininvite. We had no lag issues and no disconnects in four hours

My only complaint is it doesn't seem like xray kill cams are in on anyy co op campaign mission after the first. Can anyone else confirm? I get slightly slo mo ones but we haven't gotten a single xray kill since the first mission.

Also, the auto recording clips of your best shots is genius


I'm totally impulse buying this right now. Kind of came out of nowhere for me. I remember its announcement vaguely.

I'm guessing this is a good bet for a few hours of single player fun? I just want to shoot some dudes. Haven't done so in a while. Since I played CoJ Gunslinger actually.
I'm guessing this is a good bet for a few hours of single player fun? I just want to shoot some dudes. Haven't done so in a while. Since I played CoJ Gunslinger actually.
Granted I was sick at home yesterday and my head was a little out of it, but it probably took me five hours just to tackle the third level. The areas can get pretty damn large, and they're free form in terms of how you want to approach each primary or optional secondary objective.

To be fair though I'm playing without assists and pretty sure I killed every last soldier by way of traps, firing loud and making quick relocations to secondary firing locations to take down more when they investigated. Rinse and repeat and stealth crouch stab and silenced pistol shots for the win, many, many, many hours later.


Formerly Gizmowned
Me and another guy speed ran the co-op in about an hour and 10-20 minutes. Granted we just went for the objectives and caused havok lol. The challenges and survival are pretty fun. Also helps to rank up if you want to.
Also, the auto recording clips of your best shots is genius

Oh it's for that :O
I thought it's a bug and it's recording for no reason heh
But can youn turn it off ?

Any opinions on the co-op?
I know it's the same as the single player campaign, but does it play well?

Playing co-op is the way it's meant to be played :) It's really good and additional co-op modes are also fun.
Playing campaign with my brother:


So what's up with the season pass? It is available on any other platform other than PC yet? I kinda want to buy to play the Hitler DLC (I would have bought that anyway).


Anyone getting the issue on Xbox One that they can't use any of the online features? It says 'This portion of the game is not installed', but the game has no updates and I let it all download from start to finish without launching =/ ?
OK, I have an extra Camouflage Weapons Pack because I ordered from Gamestop and got the Collector's Edition (PS4)

Quote to reveal and whoever gets it just say that you claimed it

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