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Some images from Nintendo Anual Report. (56K Killer)


Don´t hit me for my bad english plase








Now the numbers:



Ranger X

So it's revealed... the revolution is that you can play old games and also go online.

"Revolution" is indeed used a nice PR word here and nothing more. :lol


Man, the GC didn't even surpass N64 in Japan and most likely won't anymore. At least the Revolution can assist with that.


Bad Art ™
I don't think the pdf is really "New"


So it's revealed... the revolution is that you can play old games and also go online.

Also, Nintendo’s next console, code-named Revolution, is being developed
under the theme “All-Access Gaming” and is aimed at increasing the gaming population by welcoming a wide variety of new
customers to the world of video games.

I don't see how old game can increase the "gaming population"


The Amiga Brotherhood
SantaCruZer said:
uh I hope not that's it, but I start to suspect it is.

Nah, "broadens the definition of current and future video games" would be referring to the new interface/controller stuff.

Unless they've suddenly embraced high-definition of course :D
Obviously the GCN lags behind the N64 on there, but one thing did surprise me. Adding up the totals and finding the worldwide tie ratios, for N64 it's 6.83:1, while for GCN it's 8.47:1. Will late adopters buying little drag it down, too?


Don´t hit me for my bad english plase
It seems that Revolution scheme is the accesibility.

First thing is that the console will be more cheaper than the other two for be more accesible to the casual players.

Second thing is that the online is zero config, full capable and free for the people, this is accesible online.

Third thing is that the players can play to the old classics with an easy access to the Virtual Console. Virtual Console will have a similar aspect to the iTunes Music Store but for the games, inside of it you can search the game that you want and play with it.

But for me a good killer will be multimedia+low price, if Nintendo embeddes the PlayYan software in the console and a lot of online stuff (videochat, internet browser and others) and sell it for 200 dolars it could be a market killer.
Those numbers really point out how the Gamecube can't be considered anything but a failure for Nintendo in a business sense. Even in Japan, where the Xbox factor was basically nil, the Gamecube sold significantly poorer than N64. Too me, this is the root of this change in philosophy for the Revolution. They just can't compete directly with Sony, so they're taking another tack.

IMO, they're saying that we're going to try to get hardcore gamers with the "nostalgia" factor, while bringing these new gamers in with simple games. To me, it's a little disappointing because I'd like to see as many technologically advanced consoles as possible. I'll probably get the Rev, but it's disappointing to see Nintendo bascially saying that we're not even going to try to make the premier gaming console anymore.


Was bored, and found that Nintendo has a Altman Z-Score of 5.5987. Although 5.6 is way above the 3.0 "good shape" line, Nintendo was up nearer 5.9 or so last year.

What does this mean? Nothing, really, but if it slips under 3 (doubtful, the game industry seems to be 5+) start tossing out the warning flares. 2? Well, Sega needs company. :)

Doc Holliday said:
I dont like the sound of this...seems like they are pitching Revolution to everyone but us :(

The concept board that takes up their first few pages is who they're targeting with the DS, and seems to be a stay with their game design--try to bring in new gamers with fun, accessible games.


So it's revealed... the revolution is that you can play old games and also go online.
Nintendo has already confirmed that the play old games thing is nothing more than a secret weapon. The 'big gun' is the controller and interface.


Don´t hit me for my bad english plase
The good of all this is that Nintendo has considered that the GCN is a failure for them, this is a good sign.

The failure of GCN was born when they created the console for the gamers, not for the whole audience and made games that were worse than the N64 counterparts.

The console has more support and more genres than the overhyped N64 but Nintendo never promotioned their console to all the audience, only to their main audience and because their main audience waits for a better Zelda than OoT and a better Mario than SM64 the main audience was dissapointment and the doomed aura appeared on the sky


I wonder how Nintendo will react to seeing those numbers that show the GameCube has performed even more poorly than the N64.

I'm afraid that their answer seems to be to put most of their effort into stuff like Nintendogs and Electroplankton (if their press conferences have been any indication from GDC and E3). I'm not at all gonna be happy about that, becuase I don't care for these "non-games" one bit.
Nightbringer said:
The good of all this is that Nintendo has considered that the GCN is a failure for them, this is a good sign.

The failure of GCN was born when they created the console for the gamers, not for the whole audience and made games that were worse than the N64 counterparts.

True, but to me the core of the failure was that there was no new original IP to define the system (see GTA, Halo), the system looked liked a kid's toy, and the controller was not conducive to third-party multi-platform games (like Madden etc...). Mario, Zelda, et al.. are fantastic, but new IPs that take off really spark interest. To me it's amazing that despite the competitive pricing, the Big N could not really ever push Gamecube into the mainstream gamer's consciousness.

EDIT: Before someone comes in, I know GTA is not new to this gen, but essentially it was an unknown coming in to this gen, and defined a genre in this generation
GitarooMan said:
Those numbers really point out how the Gamecube can't be considered anything but a failure for Nintendo in a business sense. Even in Japan, where the Xbox factor was basically nil, the Gamecube sold significantly poorer than N64. Too me, this is the root of this change in philosophy for the Revolution. They just can't compete directly with Sony, so they're taking another tack.

IMO, they're saying that we're going to try to get hardcore gamers with the "nostalgia" factor, while bringing these new gamers in with simple games. To me, it's a little disappointing because I'd like to see as many technologically advanced consoles as possible. I'll probably get the Rev, but it's disappointing to see Nintendo bascially saying that we're not even going to try to make the premier gaming console anymore.

i agree about gamecube being a failure. however, i think nintendo is smarter than people give them credit for. some of those images scream apple and it just occured to me that nintendo is creating customers for life (similar to apple). the sale numbers that nintendo's titles do, coupled with the number of games they publish, leads me to think that they've got a pretty serious fanbase (in addition to the number of hardcore fanboys... lol). what other publisher is doing what they do with original ip? nobody.

even though i don't think it will happen, if the bottom were to fall out on the industry because of all the licensed and 'me too' titles, i'll bet you nintendo continues on profiting. it may not be what you want them to do, but they know what they're doing.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Nightbringer said:
The good of all this is that Nintendo has considered that the GCN is a failure for them, this is a good sign.

The failure of GCN was born when they created the console for the gamers, not for the whole audience and made games that were worse than the N64 counterparts.

The console has more support and more genres than the overhyped N64 but Nintendo never promotioned their console to all the audience, only to their main audience and because their main audience waits for a better Zelda than OoT and a better Mario than SM64 the main audience was dissapointment and the doomed aura appeared on the sky


And DAY-UM. I knew the GC had more games than the 64, but the total software sales sold WAAAAY less. Aw, well. I don't give a damn, it's all Nintendo's fault. They shouldn't have tried to fix what wasn't broken.


={<SMOKE>}= said:
sold boatloads of software... they're second only to ea: the license kings.

How is that unique to Nintendo? Every publisher sells lots of unlicensed IP. Even EA. Especially the other first-party publishers.

I wouldn't call most of what Nintendo sells "original IP" anymore either, but thats just me. Unlicensed, yes.
sangreal said:
How is that unique to Nintendo? Every publisher sells lots of unlicensed IP. Even EA. Especially the other first-party publishers.

I wouldn't call most of what Nintendo sells "original IP" anymore either, but thats just me.

i think you're missing the point. in my opinion, nintendo is in a unique position. the company has millions of loyal fans that continue to buy games based off their original ip's. no other publisher in the industry moves as much non-licensed software as nintendo. i'm suggesting that if the industry were to take a turn for the worst and the casual market was no longer there to gobble up software based off of the newest hollywood blockbuster/sports title/(insert license here), nintendo would still be in good shape.

in addition to that, i believe the company has some of the most loyal fans in the whole marketplace--and that these fans will continue to support the company for years and years to come (much like hardcore apple fans). how many of the millions of ps2's sold are owned by hardcore sony fanatics who mainly purchase sony published titles?

instead of going head to head with sony and microsoft, i think nintendo is embracing who they are as a company by indulging those fans while attempting to reach/create a market that both sony and microsoft are not concerned with. in then end, it's the best move for the company. like i said before, it might now be what WE want them to do, but they know what they're doing...


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
={<SMOKE>}= said:
i think you're missing the point. in my opinion, nintendo is in a unique position. the company has millions of loyal fans that continue to buy games based off their original ip's. no other publisher in the industry moves as much non-licensed software as nintendo. i'm suggesting that if the industry were to take a turn for the worst and the casual market was no longer there to gobble up software based off of the newest hollywood blockbuster/sports title/(insert license here), nintendo would still be in good shape.

in addition to that, i believe the company has some of the most loyal fans in the whole marketplace--and that these fans will continue to support the company for years and years to come (much like hardcore apple fans). how many of the millions of ps2's sold are owned by hardcore sony fanatics who mainly purchase sony published titles?

instead of going head to head with sony and microsoft, i think nintendo is embracing who they are as a company by indulging those fans while attempting to reach/create a market that both sony and microsoft are not concerned with. in then end, it's the best move for the company. like i said before, it might now be what WE want them to do, but they know what they're doing...

Motherluvin seconded. The only real First party games that Sony and Microsoft have that sell a lot are Grand Tourismo and Halo, respectively. The Sony fanboys don't realize that people who buy Playstations mainly do so because developers that they like support the system. As opposed to Nintendo, where it relies on itself.
={<SMOKE>}= said:
i think you're missing the point. in my opinion, nintendo is in a unique position. the company has millions of loyal fans that continue to buy games based off their original ip's.
More like hundreds of thousands of maybe-loyal fans (and decreasing) if the last batch of GC games was any indication.
instead of going head to head with sony and microsoft, i think nintendo is embracing who they are as a company by indulging those fans while attempting to reach/create a market that both sony and microsoft are not concerned with.
By stealing MS' idea of Arcade? I know my mom loves Bejewelled, and guess who's bringing her a cheap, downloadable console version?
in then end, it's the best move for the company. like i said before, it might now be what WE want them to do, but they know what they're doing...
So did they not know what they were doing with regards to the GC? What makes you think that they've suddenly become wise in the home console industry?


={<SMOKE>}= said:
no other publisher in the industry moves as much non-licensed software as nintendo.

and I'm suggesting you're wrong. Take Gran Turismo (from Sony), for example. It has sold 44 million (24mln this gen) copies and is not based on any license. Nintendo doesn't have some special power to sell unlicensed IP that the other publishers lack. Halo outsold any Nintendo game released this gen


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Of All Trades said:
More like hundreds of thousands of maybe-loyal fans (and decreasing) if the last batch of GC games was any indication.

That's because the last batch of GC games aren't anything special. A full fledge Mario platformer, SSB sequel and Zelda game would still sell millions. THOSE are the games we're really waiting for.


Oblivion said:
Motherluvin seconded. The only real First party games that Sony and Microsoft have that sell a lot are Grand Tourismo and Halo, respectively.


Unlicensed million sellers (US only as of June NPD) from Microsoft and Sony that aren't GT or Halo:
PS2      JAK AND DAXTER:LEGACY           SONY COMPUTER ENT. (SONY)      Dec-01      1,690,946
PS2      ATV OFF ROAD FURY               SONY COMPUTER ENT. (SONY)      Feb-01      1,686,175
PS2      SOCOM II: NAVY SEALS            SONY COMPUTER ENT. (SONY)      Nov-03      1,600,343
PS2      SOCOM:SEALS W/HEADSET           SONY COMPUTER ENT. (SONY)      Aug-02      1,419,633
PS2      ATV OFF ROAD FURY 2             SONY COMPUTER ENT. (SONY)      Nov-02      1,405,746
PS2      JAK II                          SONY COMPUTER ENT. (SONY)      Oct-03      1,241,629
PS2      RATCHET & CLANK                 SONY COMPUTER ENT. (SONY)      Nov-02      1,084,636
PS2      RATCHET & CLANK:GOING           SONY COMPUTER ENT. (SONY)      Nov-03      1,004,165

XBX      PROJECT GOTHAM RACING           MICROSOFT                      Nov-01      1,211,900
XBX      FABLE                           MICROSOFT                      Sep-04      1,021,696

And that is like saying "The only real First party games that Nintendo sell a lot are Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon"

(which also isn't true)
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