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Some images from Nintendo Anual Report. (56K Killer)

sangreal said:

Unlicensed million sellers (US only as of June NPD) from Microsoft and Sony that aren't GT or Halo:
PS2      JAK AND DAXTER:LEGACY           SONY COMPUTER ENT. (SONY)      Dec-01      1,690,946
PS2      ATV OFF ROAD FURY               SONY COMPUTER ENT. (SONY)      Feb-01      1,686,175
PS2      SOCOM II: NAVY SEALS            SONY COMPUTER ENT. (SONY)      Nov-03      1,600,343
PS2      SOCOM:SEALS W/HEADSET           SONY COMPUTER ENT. (SONY)      Aug-02      1,419,633
PS2      ATV OFF ROAD FURY 2             SONY COMPUTER ENT. (SONY)      Nov-02      1,405,746
PS2      JAK II                          SONY COMPUTER ENT. (SONY)      Oct-03      1,241,629
PS2      RATCHET & CLANK                 SONY COMPUTER ENT. (SONY)      Nov-02      1,084,636
PS2      RATCHET & CLANK:GOING           SONY COMPUTER ENT. (SONY)      Nov-03      1,004,165

XBX      PROJECT GOTHAM RACING           MICROSOFT                      Nov-01      1,211,900
XBX      FABLE                           MICROSOFT                      Sep-04      1,021,696

And that is like saying "The only real First party games that Nintendo sell a lot are Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon"

(which also isn't true)

that's all fine and dandy, but obviously doesn't demonstrate my argument. let's compare nintendo's totals as a publisher against both sony's and microsoft's... obviously, you don't need to do that because we all already know the outcome. nice spin though...


={<SMOKE>}= said:
that's all fine and dandy, but obviously doesn't demonstrate my argument. let's compare nintendo's totals as a publisher against both sony's and microsoft's... obviously, you don't need to do that because we all already know the outcome. nice spin though...

In current-generation console game sales I'm sure Nintendo would lose actually. Atleast to Sony. Handhelds are a different story as Nintendo is the only company with a strong handheld platform

I'm not spinning anything. It just isn't true that Nintendo has some ability to sell original IP that other publishers don't have. The biggest games of the generation are original IP and they don't come from Nintendo. The Sims? GTA? Halo? etc.
If their goal is to make gaming more accesable to people who otherwise haven't played a game or wont play a game it isn't going to work. We've had this industry for 25 years and the people who have the wearwithall to try and enjoy games have already done so. The thing that Nintendo would have to reverse in the eyes of the aged is the preconception that gaming is kids stuff. They have to face facts that people who don't play games have already made their choice and are likely to stick to that choice until they are long dead.

Games themselves already exist for all kinds of demographics and those games are available on almost any current platform.


Nightbringer said:
It seems that Revolution scheme is the accesibility.

First thing is that the console will be more cheaper than the other two for be more accesible to the casual players.

Second thing is that the online is zero config, full capable and free for the people, this is accesible online.

Third thing is that the players can play to the old classics with an easy access to the Virtual Console. Virtual Console will have a similar aspect to the iTunes Music Store but for the games, inside of it you can search the game that you want and play with it.

But for me a good killer will be multimedia+low price, if Nintendo embeddes the PlayYan software in the console and a lot of online stuff (videochat, internet browser and others) and sell it for 200 dolars it could be a market killer.

you suposse to many things that havent worked on the past


Warm Machine said:
If their goal is to make gaming more accesable to people who otherwise haven't played a game or wont play a game it isn't going to work. We've had this industry for 25 years and the people who have the wearwithall to try and enjoy games have already done so. The thing that Nintendo would have to reverse in the eyes of the aged is the preconception that gaming is kids stuff. They have to face facts that people who don't play games have already made their choice and are likely to stick to that choice until they are long dead.

Games themselves already exist for all kinds of demographics and those games are available on almost any current platform.

You might want to take a look at the current situation in Japan, and just how many new people they've brought into gaming and are continuing to bring into gaming with the DS and Nintendogs, Brain Training, etc. Gaming still isn't mainstream (like movies, music, etc.), and there are hundreds of millions of people worldwide who can still be brought into gaming for the first time. Nintendo is having success doing just this right now in Japan.


Oblivion said:
Motherluvin seconded. The only real First party games that Sony and Microsoft have that sell a lot are Grand Tourismo and Halo, respectively. The Sony fanboys don't realize that people who buy Playstations mainly do so because developers that they like support the system. As opposed to Nintendo, where it relies on itself.

u are so wrong on so many levels



Urrrrgh. More and more it seems Nintendo is gonna turn its back on its fanbase and us actual gamers in favour of making non-games. If they couldnt even make a boatload of 1st party software this gen, having to outsource so many franchises, now with this divided focus, I am seeing nothing but really massive game droughts for Revolution.

For a start, as consumers go, trying to appeal to a 6 year old and a 70 year old is just retarded. For a start, I don't see my nan spending her pension money on a games console, nor my mum for that matter. Theyre just not gamers. Perhaps aiming for younger kids is a good option, as then that will instill the fanboy/girl loyalty from a young age, but I figured Pokemon already did that. Plus at the end of the day its mummy and daddy that buy the console, and if mummy and daddy realise the console can be used to watch dvd's, access the internet and other multimedia functions as well, they might be a bit selfish and try and tell their kid what they should want.
sangreal said:
In current-generation console game sales I'm sure Nintendo would lose actually. Atleast to Sony. Handhelds are a different story as Nintendo is the only company with a strong handheld platform

I'm not spinning anything. It just isn't true that Nintendo has some ability to sell original IP that other publishers don't have. The biggest games of the generation are original IP and they don't come from Nintendo. The Sims? GTA? Halo? etc.

to leave out nintendo's handheld efforts is ridiculous. i'm speaking on the company as a software publisher and they happen to publish handheld games.

as far as nintendo targeting older people, i agree with the post that people have already made up their minds... but have we reached a point where people in their 40's, 50's, and 60's have grown up playing games? like i said, nintendo is breeding customer's for life and i think the company does a fantastic job of it. it'll be interesting to see where the company is at in 15 years....

edit: for the poster above me, i don't see many elderly blowing their wad on a gaming system either, but perhaps images and advertising like the pic you posted might help to change older people's views of gaming. perhaps the next time they're with their grandchildren they might be inclined to join them in a game. positive reinforcement...


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Zer0 said:
u are so wrong on so many levels

No, I'm not. Sure, Sony may have a few million sellers, but those aren't the main reasons people would buy their consoles.
Dalthien said:
You might want to take a look at the current situation in Japan, and just how many new people they've brought into gaming and are continuing to bring into gaming with the DS and Nintendogs, Brain Training, etc. Gaming still isn't mainstream (like movies, music, etc.), and there are hundreds of millions of people worldwide who can still be brought into gaming for the first time. Nintendo is having success doing just this right now in Japan.

I'd like someone to show me the real goods when people talk of this stuff besides Miyamoto commenting that his grand father just started playing a game. Regardless, the Japanese culture has people already playing games, reading manga, and watching anime in various styles, with the respect of the artforms. This does not exist in North America and would be a huge cultural shift if it ever did. It is one thing having someone downloading and playing solitare or bejeweled, it is another to get them to go out and buy a specialized console and lay down $25 for a game.

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Luckett_X said:

Urrrrgh. More and more it seems Nintendo is gonna turn its back on its fanbase and us actual gamers in favour of making non-games. If they couldnt even make a boatload of 1st party software this gen, having to outsource so many franchises, now with this divided focus, I am seeing nothing but really massive game droughts for Revolution.

For a start, as consumers go, trying to appeal to a 6 year old and a 70 year old is just retarded. For a start, I don't see my nan spending her pension money on a games console, nor my mum for that matter. Theyre just not gamers. Perhaps aiming for younger kids is a good option, as then that will instill the fanboy/girl loyalty from a young age, but I figured Pokemon already did that. Plus at the end of the day its mummy and daddy that buy the console, and if mummy and daddy realise the console can be used to watch dvd's, access the internet and other multimedia functions as well, they might be a bit selfish and try and tell their kid what they should want.
You know, the picture wasn't meant for us to consume, but rather investors. So your being a bit over dramatic wit your prose.


yes ( as some ppl have demostrated in this same post) you are wrong on your nintendo fanboy statements

Musashi Wins!

I think their aim to offer pay for download games from their past library is a stop-gap to the sort of droughts the GC has now. It's not very satisfying to me (having had long access to these games) but it's not a bad idea for the consumer they get to buy a Revolution for the first time, or the first time in a long time.

I don't see anything too wrong with this other market their focusing on now. There's plenty of other options out there if it doesn't satisfy you. I was thinking about getting my mum a DS. She saw the game collection over here the other day and she said she wouldn't mind playing some of the "older style games" which to her means very basic and lighthearted. The problem I see for Nintendo isn't getting people like my mom to enjoy some of their excellent, easy to enjoy games. It's getting those people to actually spend regular money on said games. That's unlikely. She'd be more than happy to receive the gift of a DS and a few games...she's never going to browse the DS section of the store looking for a new title. Even though she buys new music, dvd's, etc. At least I don't think so, haha. Maybe she would order Nintendogs on Amazon or something.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Zer0 said:
yes ( as some ppl have demostrated in this same post) you are wrong on your nintendo fanboy statements

He just said that Sony has a few more million sellers. But I mean, if they didn't have any other third party support, how many Sony loyalists would get a PS2 for Sony's own franchises? Very few compared to Nintendo's. They just have more staying power.

And I'm not a Nintendo fanboy. I want to be, but Nintendo doesn't seem to want me to be for some reason.


Musashi Wins! said:
I think their aim to offer pay for download games from their past library is a stop-gap to the sort of droughts the GC has now. It's not very satisfying to me (having had long access to these games) but it's not a bad idea for the consumer they get to buy a Revolution for the first time, or the first time in a long time.

I don't see anything too wrong with this other market their focusing on now. There's plenty of other options out there if it doesn't satisfy you. I was thinking about getting my mum a DS. She saw the game collection over here the other day and she said she wouldn't mind playing some of the "older style games" which to her means very basic and lighthearted. The problem I see for Nintendo isn't getting people like my mom to enjoy some of their excellent, easy to enjoy games. It's getting those people to actually spend regular money on said games. That's unlikely. She'd be more than happy to receive the gift of a DS and a few games...she's never going to browse the DS section of the store looking for a new title. Even though she buys new music, dvd's, etc. At least I don't think so, haha. Maybe she would order Nintendogs on Amazon or something.

Bingo. That's where the pandering to other markets in advertising goes (though if the Nintendogs commercial is any indication, they have a long way to go). Simply making the products isn't enough, it's getting the message out there that it's worth spending money on.

Plus at the end of the day its mummy and daddy that buy the console, and if mummy and daddy realise the console can be used to watch dvd's, access the internet and other multimedia functions as well, they might be a bit selfish and try and tell their kid what they should want.

This would be a good point if, you know, every parent in the country willing to spend that type of money didn't already have a TV, a computer, a DVD player and actually thought the functionality present in such a machine would be new to them. To some perhaps, but not nearly to the majority. And as someone else already mentioned, none of this crap is for the consumer anyway. They do have investors they need to please :p

Musashi Wins!

Oblivion said:
And I'm not a Nintendo fanboy. I want to be, but Nintendo doesn't seem to want me to be for some reason.


I think you're right actually. I think very few people would buy a Playstation primarily for their 1st party offerings. Which is no knock on their quality.


Oblivion said:
He just said that Sony has a few more million sellers. But I mean, if they didn't have any other third party support, how many Sony loyalists would get a PS2 for Sony's own franchises? Very few compared to Nintendo's. They just have more staying power.

And I'm not a Nintendo fanboy. I want to be, but Nintendo doesn't seem to want me to be for some reason.

the problem is..sony got a third party support.the succes of the psx and ps2 were a mix on some good first party games and a lot of third party good games.its a diferente model,sony doesnt got the loyalist that nintendo have ( its normal,they come since the nes times) sony just got NORMAL PPL,the ones who ms and nintendo are desperate to conquest for his machines

nintendo and ms dont give a shit abut his hardcore loyalists.they want the casual market,the one who sells milllions of games and consoles


I talked my mom into getting a Nintendo DS. She only plays adventure games and puzzle games. So at first she was like "Oh, Lumines is cool! I wanna buy a PSP for that" because I had brought the PSP around, and she liked the way it played. And she loves good puzzle games. Addicted to Tetris Attack and Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo at one time. And I'm like "Mom, that's 250." She's like "Gosh, that's a lot." "Right, and you'll only ever play that one game and you know it."

"But Nintendo DS is $129.99 now. And there's another puzzle game I think you'll like, it's called Meteos."

My mom has Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis. So she has a hard time moving things frantically like that, which is why she prefers slower adventure games and [some] puzzle games. So after playing NDS, she did find it a bit more comfortable for her painful joints.

So anyway, the moral of the story is my mom will soon own her first NDS. Nintendo succeeded ONCE. Can it happen on the large scale? YOU DECIDE.

This anecdotal story was brought to you by AMIR0X PRODUCTIONS[tm]. Gaming for fun, gaming for life.


It's amazing what people have gathered from a simple annual report.

Dear god, LET Nintendo show you what they have, before you come up with some insane conclusions.

Holy shit is this thread filled with crap that is based on PURE speculation.

You're right to some degree about the loyalists but The Playstation has loyalists too. They don't seek individual titles, they seek a volume of games and a promise of high technology and that is what Sony delivered on two consoles running. That is better to have than if you are a company that holds "a" game.

Musashi Wins!

Amir0x said:
I talked my mom into getting a Nintendo DS. She only plays adventure games and puzzle games. So at first she was like "Oh, Lumines is cool! I wanna buy a PSP for that." And I'm like "Mom, that's 250." She's like "Gosh, that's a lot." "Right, and you'll only ever play that one game and you know it."

"But Nintendo DS is $129.99 now. And there's another puzzle game I think you'll like, it's called Meteos."

My mom has Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis. So she has a hard time moving things frantically like that, which is why she prefers slower adventure games and [some] puzzle games. So after playing NDS, she did find it a bit more comfortable for her painful joints.

So anyway, the moral of the story is my mom will soon own her first NDS. Nintendo succeeded ONCE. Can it happen on the large scale? YOU DECIDE.

This anecdotal story was brought to you by AMIR0X PRODUCTIONS[tm]. Gaming for fun, gaming for life.

that ending tag is nice, it needs to include some generic, abstract art in bright colors that features a hand or stylus.

Maybe the whole market is people like us buying DS for our moms :lol


Musashi Wins! said:
that ending tag is nice, it needs to include some generic, abstract art in bright colors that features a hand or stylus.

Maybe the whole market is people like us buying DS for our moms :lol

Can you say paradigm shift?


moku said:
It's amazing what people have gathered from a simple annual report.

Dear god, LET Nintendo show you what they have, before you come up with some insane conclusions.

Holy shit is this thread filled with crap that is based on PURE speculation.


These types of threads are good for weeding out the sensible, insightful posters (Musashi and others) from the morons (Luckett X for starts). It also attracts stupid n00bs, giving us a heads up for future encounters with said posters. I'm all for these types of threads continuing :)


I just assess the stuff Nintendo actually shows, as well as other companies, as opposed to what is hypothetical.

And since the current sub-theme to this topic is "MOMZ AND GAMEZ", I'll throw in that the only game my mother ever played was Puyo Puyo (Dr Robotniks Mean Bean Machine) on the Game Gear. We are talking a physical addiction, that to be honest quite scared me as a child until I realised I could use her extended playing sessions as material next time she tried to enforce the "you can only play a game for 1 hour at a time, lest you get epilepsy!". I think its one thing to get parents maybe into handheld gaming if you prompt them to do so by guiding them along or just letting them borrow yours, but console gaming is something else. Handheld gaming is designed to be anywhere, anytime stuff. Thats how a parent can get into it, as unfortunately when we grow up we have to get jobs and shit. This means they can play a bit on a handheld in breaks, but not sit infront of a console at home.

There, have I been insightful enough to not be labelled a 'moron' because I'm not blindly optimistic about aiming at an audience that isnt me. I dont give a shit if it helps Nintendo as a company, I just want great games that I like to play.
i commend nintendo for trying to capture the "oldest" demographic... there is a lot of thinking around the world demographics and how global aging will fundamentally change consumer products focus given the concentration of wealth... until there is a legion of young males with disposable income and the desire to spend money on legal video games in the rest of the world - the gaming world should be focusing on expanding demographics within mature markets to ensure steady and solid growth... it will help to truly expand gaming as a mainstream entertainment item and expand its economies of scale to further increase profitability and accessibility

the chief concern expressed here is that nintendo may be low-balling the power of the console which will in effect impact the experience of their games and potential third party games. im not sure if this is true -- nintendo games didn't fundamentally tap the power of the gamecube to any large extent (unlike the n64) -- and they delivered experiences most people found just fine (the complaints were more around the quality of the gameplay experience rather than the graphics, which felt rushed/downgraded).

if nintendo can release a console with the polygon/texture capabilities of their peers and provide an image experience that is indistinguishable on standard definition television sets - i think it will be ok. moreover, if they can provide a wide variety of features at an extremely affordable price (wireless controller, wifi, dvd, internal memory) and deliver a complete experience for half the price of their peers (let's say $200) -- assuming their marketing is good and the games are fine -- they will have an extremely successful product and i don't think anyone will really be complaining.

my key concern would be -- can nintendo do what the gaming industry has been trying to do for 20 years? nintendo has a historically poor track record of marketing spend effectiveness (ok they actually SUCK) and moreover, they haven't been able to create the games that attract non-gaming demographics outside of perhaps one or two games they have recently put out (nintendogs, brain training). so they lack both the push (marketing) and the pull (killer product). even if they can get one (killer product) putting that together with an awesome marketing campaign that ties into a broader go-to-market strategy is going to be a huge challenge for an organization with weak worldwide human resources (microsoft sucked the n64 people up pre-xbox). hence, this is what everyone should be focusing on IMHO - and changes in this area will make or break nintendo as far as i am concerned.



tehrik-e-insaaf said:
i commend nintendo for trying to capture the "oldest" demographic... there is a lot of thinking around the world demographics and how global aging will fundamentally change consumer products focus given the concentration of wealth... until there is a legion of young males with disposable income and the desire to spend money on legal video games in the rest of the world - the gaming world should be focusing on expanding demographics within mature markets to ensure steady and solid growth... it will help to truly expand gaming as a mainstream entertainment item and expand its economies of scale to further increase profitability and accessibility

the chief concern expressed here is that nintendo may be low-balling the power of the console which will in effect impact the experience of their games and potential third party games. im not sure if this is true -- nintendo games didn't fundamentally tap the power of the gamecube to any large extent (unlike the n64) -- and they delivered experiences most people found just fine (the complaints were more around the quality of the gameplay experience rather than the graphics, which felt rushed/downgraded).

if nintendo can release a console with the polygon/texture capabilities of their peers and provide an image experience that is indistinguishable on standard definition television sets - i think it will be ok. moreover, if they can provide a wide variety of features at an extremely affordable price (wireless controller, wifi, dvd, internal memory) and deliver a complete experience for half the price of their peers (let's say $200) -- assuming their marketing is good and the games are fine -- they will have an extremely successful product and i don't think anyone will really be complaining.

my key concern would be -- can nintendo do what the gaming industry has been trying to do for 20 years? nintendo has a historically poor track record of marketing spend effectiveness (ok they actually SUCK) and moreover, they haven't been able to create the games that attract non-gaming demographics outside of perhaps one or two games they have recently put out (nintendogs, brain training). so they lack both the push (marketing) and the pull (killer product). even if they can get one (killer product) putting that together with an awesome marketing campaign that ties into a broader go-to-market strategy is going to be a huge challenge for an organization with weak worldwide human resources (microsoft sucked the n64 people up pre-xbox). hence, this is what everyone should be focusing on IMHO - and changes in this area will make or break nintendo as far as i am concerned.


The internet is freaking yours. Take it.

Musashi Wins!

AssMan said:
My dad is 50 and he has an xbox.

yea, there are a bunch of LIVE sites that have private groups for gaming and their almost all older men/women/couples. No joke, there is a large community of those gamers it's pretty cool.
What's interesting here is how the DS always comes up in discussions of Gamecube and Nintendo's console woes. I think the DS has a lot of potential to expand the gaming demographic (like the original GB and Tetris did). However, Nintendo hasn't proven that this philosophy works in the console realm, IMO.

Consoles cost more, games for consoles cost more, so in general people expect more than handheld games. Now I understand Nintendo is trying to buck this trend with Rev, but I'm not convinced that the DS philosophy can apply to consoles. Maybe Nintendo can convince me otherwise, but I'd like to hear people discuss how the DS simple game philosophy will broaden their console market. I get a feeling that it will be very difficult to sell any console successfully without first attracting the core demographic of gamers and then spreading out from there.
GitarooMan said:
What's interesting here is how the DS always comes up in discussions of Gamecube and Nintendo's console woes. I think the DS has a lot of potential to expand the gaming demographic (like the original GB and Tetris did). However, Nintendo hasn't proven that this philosophy works in the console realm, IMO.

Consoles cost more, games for consoles cost more, so in general people expect more than handheld games. Now I understand Nintendo is trying to buck this trend with Rev, but I'm not convinced that the DS philosophy can apply to consoles. Maybe Nintendo can convince me otherwise, but I'd like to hear people discuss how the DS simple game philosophy will broaden their console market. I get a feeling that it will be very difficult to sell any console successfully without first attracting the core demographic of gamers and then spreading out from there.

i agree with this 100%. however, i'd like to make clear that i was speaking on nintendo as a whole in our previous exchanges. i do admit that nintendo has some things to work out in the console market, but if the ds is any indication of a 'new' nintendo (and the first piece of hardware to be launched under iwata) then i think they can be successful with the revolution. please note that success does not imply they will outperform sony or microsoft. i just happen to think there is plenty of profit to be had from these 'new' markets nintendo is targeting. also, they're not stupid enough to turn their back on the hardcore. anyone who doesn't expect kick-ass renditions of zelda, metroid, and ssb on the rev is a fool... hopefully they get it together and restore the mario series to its former glory. two or three new ip's would be nice as well...
={<SMOKE>}= said:
i agree with this 100%. however, i'd like to make clear that i was speaking on nintendo as a whole in our previous exchanges. i do admit that nintendo has some things to work out in the console market, but if the ds is any indication of a 'new' nintendo (and the first piece of hardware to be launched under iwata) then i think they can be successful with the revolution. please note that success does not imply they will outperform sony or microsoft. i just happen to think there is plenty of profit to be had from these 'new' markets nintendo is targeting. also, they're not stupid enough to turn their back on the hardcore. anyone who doesn't expect kick-ass renditions of zelda, metroid, and ssb on the rev is a fool... hopefully they get it together and restore the mario series to its former glory. two or three new ip's would be nice as well...

Yeah, I agree that Nintendo will again put out enough quality games to make the Rev a console worth owning. I guess a little of my frustration comes from the fact that at least right now it seems like they are content not to push the envelope graphics and tech wise (no hd being the prime example).

I guess what I mean is that sure they will make a profit off other markets, but possibly at the expense of giving up a truly next-gen set of Nintendo console classics. Business-wise it makes sense, but I can't help but be a little disappointed.
Oblivion said:

And DAY-UM. I knew the GC had more games than the 64, but the total software sales sold WAAAAY less. Aw, well. I don't give a damn, it's all Nintendo's fault. They shouldn't have tried to fix what wasn't broken.
Wait, what are you trying to say they shouldn't have fixed? Surely not the changes which led to there being many more GCN games than N64 games?


Warm Machine said:
If their goal is to make gaming more accesable to people who otherwise haven't played a game or wont play a game it isn't going to work. We've had this industry for 25 years and the people who have the wearwithall to try and enjoy games have already done so. The thing that Nintendo would have to reverse in the eyes of the aged is the preconception that gaming is kids stuff. They have to face facts that people who don't play games have already made their choice and are likely to stick to that choice until they are long dead.

Games themselves already exist for all kinds of demographics and those games are available on almost any current platform.

There's some numbers in Japan that would like to speak with you about this.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
JoshuaJSlone said:
Wait, what are you trying to say they shouldn't have fixed? Surely not the changes which led to there being many more GCN games than N64 games?

I've said it too many times before, but what the heck:

-console shape/color
-fucking with their franchises


Oblivion said:
I've said it too many times before, but what the heck:

-console shape/color
-fucking with their franchises
It's runs much deeper than this. These two factors would have little to no affect on how many games are released for the system.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Ironclad_Ninja said:
It's runs much deeper than this. These two factors would have little to no affect on how many games are released for the system.

Well, what other factors?


sangreal said:
Take Gran Turismo (from Sony), for example. It has sold 44 million (24mln this gen) copies and is not based on any license.
Are you kidding? It's vast library of auto licenses is the main reason Gran Turismo's sold so well.


Oblivion said:
Well, what other factors?
Well, there are a few reasons why the Gamecube would have more games than the N64. The main factor being the disk vs. cartridge format. Sure the Gamecube disks are smaller than standard DVD's, but that does not change the fact that it is running on a disk based format. Also, another major factor would be better third party relations when compared to the later half of the N64 life cycle.


jarrod said:
Are you kidding? It's vast library of auto licenses is the main reason Gran Turismo's sold so well.

I don't consider the game licensed IP, but you're entitled to your opinion. If you insist you may replace GT with the GTA series which sold ~19.5mln in the US alone this gen.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Ironclad_Ninja said:
Well, there are a few reasons why the Gamecube would have more games than the N64. The main factor being the disk vs. cartridge format. Sure the Gamecube disks are smaller than standard DVD's, but that does not change the fact that it is running on a disk based format. Also, another major factor would be better third party relations when compared to the later half of the N64 life cycle.

Oh, that. Of course. I thought you meant something else. In any case, they fixed some problems like the ones you stated, while creating other (imo more detrimental) problems.


Oblivion said:
Oh, that. Of course. I thought you meant something else. In any case, they fixed some problems like the ones you stated, while creating other (imo more detrimental) problems.
I agree. The Gamecube could definitely had used some better image handling. The public's view on the Gamecube should have been taken far more seriously and Nintendo should definitely have worked harder to counter-act the Gamecube's childish connotation.


Musashi Wins! said:
I think their aim to offer pay for download games from their past library is a stop-gap to the sort of droughts the GC has now. It's not very satisfying to me (having had long access to these games) but it's not a bad idea for the consumer they get to buy a Revolution for the first time, or the first time in a long time.

I don't see anything too wrong with this other market their focusing on now. There's plenty of other options out there if it doesn't satisfy you. I was thinking about getting my mum a DS. She saw the game collection over here the other day and she said she wouldn't mind playing some of the "older style games" which to her means very basic and lighthearted. The problem I see for Nintendo isn't getting people like my mom to enjoy some of their excellent, easy to enjoy games. It's getting those people to actually spend regular money on said games. That's unlikely. She'd be more than happy to receive the gift of a DS and a few games...she's never going to browse the DS section of the store looking for a new title. Even though she buys new music, dvd's, etc. At least I don't think so, haha. Maybe she would order Nintendogs on Amazon or something.

Brilliant!!! For us (the "core" gamers) the backlog would be filler stuff in between droughts of our main games. But for them (who Nintendo is aiming for) these downloadable games could be a new source of revenue for Nintendo. Imagine, even if these people didn't buy brand new Revolution games (which I agree, I don't see many non-gamers doing) and just used the machine to get the simpler downloadable games (old & new content, mind you) from the comfort of thier home at any time...maybe there wouldn't be a need for them to buy games any other way.

While Nintendo has said they're not looking to rape us on the cost of these downloadable games and less seeking profit and more seeking the income from these downloadables as a way of maintaining the network/servers, Nintendo will likely still make money from it. Not only that, but since the machine itself is likely to not cost Nintendo as much to make as what PS3 & X-BOX 360 are costing thier makers I can see Nintendo making a profit off just the hardware purchases even if they don't buy disc-based games...especially if they buy a potential (instant profit) Revolution HDD to store the games on later.

My point is, at a glance, we the "core" gamers may not see the profit or potential in going after non-gamers...but that's not to say it isn't there...especially thanks to the download service. There IS a market for older/simpler games for the casual, drop-out & non-gamer categories...look at all the TV games and 20-in-1 joysticks out there. And further, less experienced or "gaming-impared" people will find a $200 system that downloads $5 games from the comfort of their home more inviting than a $400 system that plays $50+ games that they don't even know anything about in an unfamiliar game store that makes them uncomfortable (you ever see a mother or non-gamer go into a GameStop, they obviously feel outta place).

Maybe Nintendo only makes a few bucks here and there on these people and you see my theory as crackpot, but Nintendo just got a total non-gamer to buy a next-generation game system...which is a start. While thier downloading an old Mario game, the system can advertise on screen the new one out in stores...this opens the door further for these once non-gamers to become "core" gamers.


posting on contract only
Zer0 said:
the problem is..sony got a third party support.the succes of the psx and ps2 were a mix on some good first party games and a lot of third party good games.its a diferente model,sony doesnt got the loyalist that nintendo have ( its normal,they come since the nes times) sony just got NORMAL PPL,the ones who ms and nintendo are desperate to conquest for his machines

nintendo and ms dont give a shit abut his hardcore loyalists.they want the casual market,the one who sells milllions of games and consoles
Is english your first language?


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
PezRadar said:

interesting thing i saw on another forum i saw.. all credit to kydd from there, but he posted what Peter Molyneux said about the Revolution Controller which he supposedly has seen.

(i just dont wanna make a new topic for this.. this seems relative enough ahha)

someone already mentioned it but nice nonetheless that's two high profile game designers praising the Revolution... sure this is going by what that guy said at his blog.
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