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Starfield developers aiming for a game with a "vision of a future that’s grounded in reality


Pretty much what i think about it, all they showcase is some art shit. No gameplay in any way. Doubt this game is anywhere near done.
You dont show the release date for your new Ip, if you are not sure it's done.

Cyberpunk2077 was delayed, and gamers sent death threats to the developers. Then you had the management, who actively focused on new gen consoles, and higher pc gaming.

If you know bethesda, you should know how they do their business.


They need to cut the BS and show game play already

You need to cut the BS and stay out of Starfield threads until E3.

Pretty much what i think about it, all they showcase is some art shit. No gameplay in any way. Doubt this game is anywhere near done.

Did you say this same shit about Elden Ring, too?

Starfield releasing this year and all we have are concept arts. Do you guys really believe they are anywhere close to being done?

You must be right. After years of intense production, they probably only have concept arts.

This game will either release buggy as fu**, without any of the promised features or delayed.

What ‘promised features’?


What ‘promised features’?
Yeah that’s what I want to know as well. I think all we really have is ”Skyrim in space” to go by when it comes to gameplay and world interaction. They haven’t shown a list of features or anything like that to my knowledge.
Handling users expectations is the real problem
here when Bethesda is so silent. No matter how awesome it is some people will be disappointed because in their mind they expected something that was simply unrealistic.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Yeah that’s what I want to know as well. I think all we really have is ”Skyrim in space” to go by when it comes to gameplay and world interaction. They haven’t shown a list of features or anything like that to my knowledge.
Handling users expectations is the real problem
here when Bethesda is so silent. No matter how awesome it is some people will be disappointed because in their mind they expected something that was simply unrealistic.
Skyrim in space should tell everyone all they need to know really. If people want to set themselves up for disappointment, no one else can stop them.


Bethesda doesn't disappoint
Cringe Reaction GIF


Did anyone else see that tweet they put out saying what might we find exploring caves?......I don't know about anyone else but that sends alarm bells ringing for me.....I want a game where I explore the surface of planets,not lots of fucking caves.I spent most of Skyrim underground,if they design Starfield in the same manner then I am out.


Did anyone else see that tweet they put out saying what might we find exploring caves?......I don't know about anyone else but that sends alarm bells ringing for me.....I want a game where I explore the surface of planets,not lots of fucking caves.I spent most of Skyrim underground,if they design Starfield in the same manner then I am out.
Yeah because caves just shouldn’t exist on planets that you explore.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Did anyone else see that tweet they put out saying what might we find exploring caves?......I don't know about anyone else but that sends alarm bells ringing for me.....I want a game where I explore the surface of planets,not lots of fucking caves.I spent most of Skyrim underground,if they design Starfield in the same manner then I am out.
If they follow a similar template to their last games, then there's a vast surface world and randomized dungeons. Also cities.

Seems like they'll have to think of a sci-fi version of dungeons somehow.


Yeah because caves just shouldn’t exist on planets that you explore.
That's not the point I'm making though......the odd cave is fine.....every side quest in the game sending me to one like in Skyrim would be fucking awful.....and I understand why they design things like this,it's easier to design in a small linear space....but it would still be a bit shit given I want to explore a universe.


Skyrim in space should tell everyone all they need to know really. If people want to set themselves up for disappointment, no one else can stop them.
It’s still too vague because Skyrim came over 10 years ago. It’s not unrealistic to think next-gen Skyrim in space, problem is we don’t know what that means. There is a new engine but is it like Cyberpunk? Stalker 2? Horizon Forbidden West? Elden Ring? Nobody knows. They said the trailer was in engine but we’ve seen that used the wrong way so many times over the years that to me it means nothing.
The wait til E3 is going to be brutal. That’s all I know.


So, the martian?

I hope it's not too grounded. I'd like some Interstellar in there which also explored concepts based on real physics (except for the ending of course)

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
It’s still too vague because Skyrim came over 10 years ago. It’s not unrealistic to think next-gen Skyrim in space, problem is we don’t know what that means. There is a new engine but is it like Cyberpunk? Stalker 2? Horizon Forbidden West? Elden Ring? Nobody knows. They said the trailer was in engine but we’ve seen that used the wrong way so many times over the years that to me it means nothing.
The wait til E3 is going to be brutal. That’s all I know.
I'm expecting Skyrim in space with Fallout-ish combat, base building, vehicles / mechs. Better graphics.
I agree people can be unnecessarily negative about it, I'm cautiously optimistic, but saying its "the most hyped game in history" is a bit much no? If I had to make that claim I'd say most hyped would be ES VI or "HL3" in whatever form that arrives in.

I know we've seen the gameplay/in-engine video but thats not the game being played, I need to see that before I start to get really excited.
Why so serious?.jpg ,but yea only ES6 can compete with the hype of this upcoming masterpiece.

Dc Comics Lol GIF by HBO Max


You dont show the release date for your new Ip, if you are not sure it's done.

Cyberpunk2077 was delayed, and gamers sent death threats to the developers. Then you had the management, who actively focused on new gen consoles, and higher pc gaming.

If you know bethesda, you should know how they do their business.

Every developer in the universe is showcasing footage of there game way before release even nintendo.

There is no excuse here, we all know the buggy shit show there games are on release. this game is in no way done even remotely or else they would have showcased some shit. Hell even elder scroll 6 or whatever had some footage even if it was fake as hell and isn't releasing for over a decade later.

If your game is pretty much done, showcase atleast some part of it instead of shit art that says nothing.

I think these clowns at bethesda are trying to maximum bait pre-orders like they always do so they cash in on the hype before it all crashes down again.


Every developer in the universe is showcasing footage of there game way before release even nintendo.
Bethesda doesn't follow their steps.
They always follow their formula.
Show a teaser, then drop the gameplay in e3. That is their traditional. Every bethesda follower knows that.

There is no excuse here, we all know the buggy shit show there games are on release. this game is in no way done even remotely or else they would have showcased some shit. Hell even elder scroll 6 or whatever had some footage even if it was fake as hell and isn't releasing for over a decade later.
You acting as if bugs is something new. Games had bugs before. Yet, companies released them.
Cyberpunk2077 isn't the first game to do that.
Bethesda won't change their traditional, because people are worried about this issue now.

If your game is pretty much done, showcase atleast some part of it instead of shit art that says nothing
Wait for e3. That is Bethesda showcase.

I think these clowns at bethesda are trying to maximum bait pre-orders like they always do so they cash in on the hype before it all crashes down again
I love how people like you guys think Bethesda is doing shady stuff, because they are sticking to their traditional.

Learn Bethesda history first.
Every developer in the universe is showcasing footage of there game way before release even nintendo.

There is no excuse here, we all know the buggy shit show there games are on release. this game is in no way done even remotely or else they would have showcased some shit. Hell even elder scroll 6 or whatever had some footage even if it was fake as hell and isn't releasing for over a decade later.

If your game is pretty much done, showcase atleast some part of it instead of shit art that says nothing.

I think these clowns at bethesda are trying to maximum bait pre-orders like they always do so they cash in on the hype before it all crashes down again.

Plenty of other devs drop trailers that end up looking nothing like the finished game years before launching a bug-filled wonder. The difference with Bethesda is that their games don't have gameplay reveals until the summer before they launch and the trailers are always 100% true to what the final game delivers. It's always the same, a production trailer showing a cinnematic which cuts to a sizzle reel of in-game footage followed by an more in-depth gameplay-only trailer.

Morrowind - E3 2001 - First public showing - Game launch date "late 2001" delayed to May 2002.

Oblivion - E3 2005 - First in-game footage - Game launch date Nov 2005 delayed to March 2006

Fallout 3 - E3 2008 - First in-game footage - Game launch Oct 2008

New Vegas - E3 2010 - First in-game footage - Game launch Oct 2010

Skyrim - E3 2013 - First in-game footage - Game launch Nov 2011

Fallout 4 - E3 2015 - First in-game footage - Game launch Nov 2015

Fallout 76 - E3 2020 - First in-game footage - Game launch Nov 2018

Each of these were accompanied by long in-depth gameplay trailers at their respective E3 reveals and each launched that same year. In each case the footage shown was identical, for better or worse, to what launched later that year.

Bethesda has always done things this way and it seems to have done well for them. They release gameplay footage the summer before launch. Generate maximum hype and have the game available before the holidays and typically the games are successful. The only times this didn't happen the games were delayed and the last time that happened was Oblivion.
As long as I get intelligent alien species I will be happy.
Unfortunately I think "No intelligent aliens" is exactly what they mean by 'grounded in reality'. I just hope were not gonna have to let the game idle for a few weeks while traveling between planets.

I don't really see how advanced alien life and FTL travel could be described as NASA-punk.


I'm not really sure what to expect with starfield, I love the look of some of the concept art.

But hopefully whenever they reveal the gameplay, I hope it turns out to be a game that appeals too me.


Every developer in the universe is showcasing footage of there game way before release even nintendo.

There is no excuse here, we all know the buggy shit show there games are on release. this game is in no way done even remotely or else they would have showcased some shit. Hell even elder scroll 6 or whatever had some footage even if it was fake as hell and isn't releasing for over a decade later.

If your game is pretty much done, showcase atleast some part of it instead of shit art that says nothing.

I think these clowns at bethesda are trying to maximum bait pre-orders like they always do so they cash in on the hype before it all crashes down again.

Are you new to AAA gaming?

Game showcases are used as marketing tools. They'll show it when they can maximize impact...and it's looking like E3 2022.

Like I’ve said before, We didn't get Elden Ring gameplay until June 2022, eight months before release. So there’s nothing really new in what Bethesda does.

Their target audience for their concept art release is people who are willing to use their eyes and brains. Concept art shows what the artists are aiming for, and can give an indication of the worlds you can expect to play in.


Unfortunately I think "No intelligent aliens" is exactly what they mean by 'grounded in reality'. I just hope were not gonna have to let the game idle for a few weeks while traveling between planets.

I don't really see how advanced alien life and FTL travel could be described as NASA-punk.

The game is set like 350 years in the future or so. Semi-realistic for that time would be stuff that isn’t too crazy Star Trek-like. So no teleportation, you can’t download food from the internet, people can’t shoot laser beams from their eyes, no time travel etc. you can see the spacecraft still relies on propulsion and not some weird anti-gravity stuff.


Every developer in the universe is showcasing footage of there game way before release even nintendo.

There is no excuse here, we all know the buggy shit show there games are on release. this game is in no way done even remotely or else they would have showcased some shit. Hell even elder scroll 6 or whatever had some footage even if it was fake as hell and isn't releasing for over a decade later.

If your game is pretty much done, showcase atleast some part of it instead of shit art that says nothing.

I think these clowns at bethesda are trying to maximum bait pre-orders like they always do so they cash in on the hype before it all crashes down again.
congratulations. you won the award for dumbest post of the month!


Well we got a snippet, the geometry lighting and effects all look better then anything so far.

You got a snippet of footage that was supposedly created in-game which translates to the following concerning actual game graphics once everything comes together:

seriously, how many hundred examples of "why we do not trust anything that`s not real hands-on gameplay" does it take until people learn.....
That trailer definitely looked achievable, but it`s Bethesda we`re talking about.
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For a game that suppose to come out in 2022 so far they ve shown very little of it

I wonder what talking point you folks will desperately cling to when they finally show extensive gameplay at ‘E3’ this year?

In other words it's gonna have a ton of bugs on launch?

If you imagine that ‘Starfield will have its roots in realism’ directly translates to ‘it will have plenty bugs at launch’, you have much bigger problems than console wars.
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I wonder what talking point you folks will desperately cling to when they finally show extensive gameplay at ‘E3’ this year?

If you imagine that ‘Starfield will have its roots in realism’ directly translates to ‘it will have plenty bugs at launch’, you have much bigger problems than console wars.
No, I translate over-ambition to lots of bugs.

Airbus Jr

I wonder what talking point you folks will desperately cling to when they finally show extensive gameplay at ‘E3’ this year?
Hey dont attack me im just observing the situation

If they can finally show something at E3 then good for them

I have no stake on this matter so peace im out
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Report me if I continue to console war
You got a snippet of footage that was supposedly created in-game which translates to the following concerning actual game graphics once everything comes together:

seriously, how many hundred examples of "why we do not trust anything that`s not real hands-on gameplay" does it take until people learn.....
That trailer definitely looked achievable, but it`s Bethesda we`re talking about.

Did I say any of that?

No, no I didnt.


Bethesda: Starfield is grounded in reality
Also Bethesda: Yo, check out these sick aliens!

Think they are referring to the technology being presented. They are still featuring fuel burning rockets in place of the glowing lights and warp drives of Star Trek/Wars.


It’s possible the trailer was set in the past?
Definitely, you’re right that FTL travel is essential for moving across multiple solar systems.

Possible. Or maybe FTL travel is something that these ships only do in space and they launch with more traditional rockets, I guess we'll find out soon.
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