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STEAM | August 2017 - Toot toot, Cold Steel Warrior, shaka brah

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Honestly, I just wish the people saying "Yeah, but Valve have time and money to create good games" would look at other media. Like, Harper Lee only wrote one fantastic novel, and J. D. Salinger only wrote one novel, full stop. Both were skilled writers, but extra time and money did nothing to help them creatively.

And then you have the Star Wars prequels - a case where no matter how good, bad or indifferent the films actually were, they could never live up to what people want of them.

Actually, now is a really good time to link to Matt Lees recent Gamescom Congress presentation on Cultural Complicity. It's not even as though Valve are to blame for this aspect of the community, though - they really have been clear that they'd do a new Half-Life game when it was creatively beneficial for both them and the fans, and not a moment before. That there is no resolution to the story is annoying, sure, but not the end of the world in any sense.


Have they? It seems to a lot of people they went out of their way to simply avoid answering any Half-Life 3 questions.

A non-answer is an answer. It's just some people interpret that answer based on what they want/hope, rather than what it is.

Or, to put it another way, if you ask your signifant other "Did I do something wrong?" and they say "I don't want to talk about it," clearly you did something wrong. They just don't want to answer directly. However, that won't stop some people from going "Oh, hey, I didn't do anything wrong, otherwise she would've said so."


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I hope we get a sale on Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 when Infinite releases on September 19.

you just had it on sale days ago, 40% off during the Capcom...err midweek? Or was it last weekend? something like that.
Mainstream gaming's relationship with Valve vis-a-vis Half Life is strange.

From my point of view, they've been clear whenever asked about why they're not moving forward with the franchise. It's unfortunate that I don't get to play through the conclusion, but I'm not going to denigrate valve for not moving forward on something they aren't 100% invested in.

It's understandable to be disappointed in Valve to a degree, but many of the reactions I see are just absurd.
It's a unique situation for sure. Most other series that won't see a continuation just don't have the funding or perceived appeal, this is pretty much the only situation that I can think of where money and appeal aren't the concern, but that the dev more or less just doesn't want to do it. A shame because Ep 2 is the worst ending point of any of the HL games, if they just stopped after HL2 it wouldn't have been as much of a sting because for all intents and purposes that chapter of HL was pretty definitively concluded at the time.

My own perception of Valve isn't strained by means of Half-Life, in truth I never really had the affinity towards it that gaming at large did (open your eyes sheeple, the contiguous first person shooter experience with no interruptions had been done prior!), I just think they've become less personable as an entity and have played their hand too much in treating their various fanbases foolishly.

I hope we get a sale on Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 when Infinite releases on September 19.
Probably not the best sales tactic to put a sale on the old game when the new title releases, especially when the new title's cast is 80% recycled from the prior game.
What kind of games are the Yakuza series? Is it like a variation on GTA?
They're more like... beat 'em up... JRPG... dramadies? More questing and world detail. You don't jack cars or shoot dudes. Story that takes itself serious but also has a lot of absurdist elements.




well with the true final boss defeated, that's hollow knight done

that last fight is actually really good, unlike
hollow knight
and most other bossfights, it's a fight you can't just brute force your way through by spamming attacks and trading blows and you gotta just do good old dodging and striking whenever you see a window to attack

i ended up using a really cowardly setup with like all the "more hp" charms, but i ended up defeating it with life to spare, so i guess i could've specced more for damage and make it easier for myself. having all that extra health did make all the bad runs last longer which is good for learning all the patterns and getting used to the boss tho

anyways, that's hollow knight properly done, really good game with tons of style and really rewarding exploration. it's dark souls to a fault, down to the whole
continue or break the cycle
thing, but it's a really great game

Yes or Gunstar Heroes

hmm that's complicated

i like contra but i don't like gunstar heroes

What kind of games are the Yakuza series? Is it like a variation on GTA?
it's basically an rpg in a modern setting. you do things like walking around town finding collectibles, doing quests for people that generally involve walking around and talking to other people, you fight random encounters, you play minigames (like fishing or managing a cabaret or freaking space harrier lol) and you watch a fuckload of cutscenes

combat is pretty brawl-y, with different skillsets and context-sensitive moves and blocks and counters and stuff. there's also a skilltree so you can customize your fighting style a bit

not sure what i'd compare it to, it's kind of its own thing, but it's definitely not a gta style game


They're more like... beat 'em up... JRPG... dramadies? More questing and world detail. You don't jack cars or shoot dudes. Story that takes itself serious but also has a lot of absurdist elements.


So like Sleeping Dogs, but without the cars and guns?

it's basically an rpg in a modern setting. you do things like walking around town finding collectibles, doing quests for people that generally involve walking around and talking to other people, you fight random encounters, you play minigames (like fishing or managing a cabaret or freaking space harrier lol) and you watch a fuckload of cutscenes

combat is pretty brawl-y, with different skillsets and context-sensitive moves and blocks and counters and stuff. there's also a skilltree so you can customize your fighting style a bit

not sure what i'd compare it to, it's kind of its own thing, but it's definitely not a gta style game

Hm, ok. Is it open world? I've never played Shenmue, but that sounds the way people talk about it. Aren't there old video games in that too?


Hm, ok. Is it open world? I've never played Shenmue, but that sounds the way people talk about it. Aren't there old video games in that too?
yeah it's kind of similar to shenmue without being like a shitty tech demo lol

it's open world in the sense it's got discrete missions and "leisure time" in between them in which you engage in all those quest/minigame activities, but the map is fairly small and there's not a real focus in making traversal interesting or fun or whatever

it's also got a bit of like "tourism" aspect to it, in that the game has a bit of an obsessive attention to detail and playing that game is probably getting pretty close to being in actual tokyo (tho i never been so correct me if i'm wrong)


So I am trying to play Half-Life 2 deathmatch with my brother. I'm in Pennsylvania, he's in Alaska. When I try to create a match and invite him or if he does the same and tries to invite me, we cannot connect with each other and just get "Sever not responding".

Can you still create and host games in Half-Life 2 deathmatch?


So I am trying to play Half-Life 2 deathmatch with my brother. I'm in Pennsylvania, he's in Alaska. When I try to create a match and invite him or if he does the same and tries to invite me, we cannot connect with each other and just get "Sever not responding".

Can you still create and host games in Half-Life 2 deathmatch?

Ports being properly forwarded?


So when are we getting that Shadow of the Tomb Raider announcement, I would have thought we would have gotten it during Gamescom but that came and passed. Maybe at The Game Awards?


Yakuza games are action rpgs

Run n gun games include metal slug btw

So when are we getting that Shadow of the Tomb Raider announcement, I would have thought we would have gotten it during Gamescom but that came and passed. Maybe at The Game Awards?
Pax west is in less than a week
Whenre thebgame awards?


So like Sleeping Dogs, but without the cars and guns?

Hm, ok. Is it open world? I've never played Shenmue, but that sounds the way people talk about it. Aren't there old video games in that too?

Yakuza is this: It's a 3D Streets of Rage mixed with JRPG elements set in a small, but extremely well-realized district in Tokyo. You walk around, get into random battles, decimate your enemies, and receive EXP and items. In the interim between story beats and crazy ass boss battles (note the tigers), you're free to wander around the Kamurocho district at your leisure. During that time, you can partake in the approximately 9,000 minigames that the developers seem to have no problem adding more of with each iteration.

The combat mostly consists of a hand-to-hand brawler with a ton of finishing moves and melee weapons to use. There ARE guns, but you don't aim down the sights or reload or any of that. They share a similar purpose as all other weapons: use a few times, then toss away.

There are no cars; if there are any, they are part of a separate sequence (ala Y0) or they're their own separate minigame (ala Y5). These are games where you run around a 4-block by 4-block zone. Cars aren't really necessary.
Probably a dumb question, but with all the changes Valve has made to gifting there's no way to get stuff like the Tomb Raider Japanese language pack outside of Japan anymore, is there?



diaries of a spaceport janitor is a weird game. you walk around doing menial labor and get paid pennies for it and you have to spend it all on basic survival stuff. you need to buy food and genderchange every few minutes, which means saving money is pretty difficult

there's also a sort of main quest thing but it looks like it's gonna be a grind to get proper progress on it

and the map is a kind of an indescrifrable maze which makes it really hard to actually get some momentum going since you'll quickly find half a day lost just trying not to walk in circles heh

it's kind of weird cos if the game gave you like a minute to breathe without asking you to get some food or go to x place or whatever and just let you take in the really beautiful pixely world that'd be kind of great

the bazaar and all these wacky alien races and the fun writing is all really enjoyable, and it's not like you'll die if you don't eat or whatever, i just wish the game pushed you to just focus on that


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I wasn't sure how the limitations on differences in price affects stuff that doesn't have any price in other countries.

Yeah, the price difference restriction doesn't come into play in that situation as there technically isn't one. Trade regions still apply, though (e.g. a gift purchased in RU would be useless to someone in the US).


What in the hell happened to my skills... I can't hit shit in PUBG, nor in CoD: WWII, or in Rainbow Six: Siege. I feel like an old man suddenly. :(

I'll go back to watching a Let's Play of Yakuza 0.
Yeah, the price difference restriction doesn't come into play in that situation as there technically isn't one. Trade regions still apply, though (e.g. a gift purchased in RU would be useless to someone in the US).

If I were to find someone in Japan willing to gift me this would I be able to activate it on my US account, or no?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
If I were to find someone in Japan willing to gift me this would I be able to activate it on my US account, or no?

That'd work, yeah, as Japan and the US aren't part of a trade region. I edited in a link to Valve's list of trade regions. Gifting between the countries not listed is affected only by price difference and, if applicable, the PurchaseRestrictedCountries flags attached to the particular package.


That'd work, yeah, as Japan and the US aren't part of a trade region. I edited in a link to Valve's list of trade regions.

Hey JaseC do games bought in Humble or the SE store redeemable on regions where the game is not available for purchase. FFVI is not available on Steam SEA.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
i like fancy saoirse

It'll probably be gone in about a week-and-a-half, so enjoy it while it lasts. ;)

Hey JaseC do games bought in Humble or the SE store redeemable on regions where the game is not available for purchase. FFVI is not available on Steam SEA.

Depends on how the package is set up. A game not being available on certain stores doesn't necessarily mean keys can't be activated in those territories. In the case of FF6, as long as the key isn't intended for Eastern Europe, India or Brazil, it'll be region-free.

Deleted member 98878

Unconfirmed Member
So, Warhammer 40k Space Marine is a really fun shooter. Go play it if it's in your backlog.
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