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STEAM | August 2017 - Toot toot, Cold Steel Warrior, shaka brah

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Dota 2 is dead, move over Valve.




Playing Rakuen, nearing the end now, but holy shit!! Much tears, anyone who's played it will know what bit I mean but damn! ;__;

It's even more impressive when you consider that Dota is ostensibly free. Later, you sell the farm for floating little creatures that follows you, but it's free at first.

Not sure why, but seeing that decimal taken to the third digit is making me really fucking angry right now. Just pushed a kid off of a bike. Things will progress until you edit it.


I was thinking of buying PUBG too, but watching a couple of streams for the game made it seems like a sniper battle most of the time.
Not my cup of tea.


Apparently the last TT Batman patch removed all the making of contents, is this true?
I'm reading this from the steam commmunity hub and it's insane if TT really did that, releasing a patch who forced everyone to download the whole game again just because they removed contents.
I'm still not convinced :)

I was nonplussed by watching it, reading about it, and the shitty name of it. Same for what I assumed its genre was.

For whatever reason, I picked it up on an early sale anyway. And there's really no way to explain it. It's just flat out good.


Apparently the last TT Batman patch removed all the making of contents, is this true?
I'm reading this from the steam commmunity hub and it's insane if TT really did that, releasing a patch who forced everyone to download the whole game again just because they removed contents.

Well, how else would they sell you this content as DLC?


And PUBG never was on sale yet (and I assume it won't be for a long time).
I think it had a small sale but still that was probably just a small part of its sales with how it's been selling after it

Hmm looking at Steamdb it doesn't seem that's the case? I could swear I had seen it once
I think it had a small sale but still that was probably just a small part of its sales with how it's been selling after it

Hmm looking at Steamdb it doesn't seem that's the case? I could swear I had seen it once

Some key sellers have had discounts on it, but it was them giving up their cut. Bluehole hasn't had one, and with them selling more than 2 million copies in August they're not going to need to do one for a while.

I think it was Steam's #1 seller through most of not all of the Summer Sale at full price.


Just did about half a dozen sidemissions in Rage along with most of the races.
After a while I find I like the driving sections and I appreciate them making it easy enough for keyboard players to play the races in the game.
I think it had a small sale but still that was probably just a small part of its sales with how it's been selling after it

Hmm looking at Steamdb it doesn't seem that's the case? I could swear I had seen it once
GMG offered it for about $24 after a coupon sent out in emails. Otherwise, I think the game has stayed at $30.

These crates are paying the game off for me!


Wonder if next Humble Monthly will have an avarage better tier games when the early unlock was cheaper than usual. I'm already getting little hyped.


Just Cause 3 on PS4 is literally garbage. I'm trying to play it but between the HUGE loading times everytime you die and the fact the game literally stops when there are explosions on the screen....well, I think I'll uninstall it.


Just Cause 3 on PS4 is literally garbage. I'm trying to play it but between the HUGE loading times everytime you die and the fact the game literally stops when there are explosions on the screen....well, I think I'll uninstall it.

But unoptimized games don't exist on console because devs code to the metal


Anyway this week is so full of games for me:

-Sonic Mania
-Yakuza Kiwami
-SFV Menat (will play the story mode for 5 minutes and forget about the game until season 3, I hink)
-FFXV AC DLC (actually, I'm VERY interested in it)
-Recore via Game Pass (if the free trial works as intended and the game pass play anywhere feature will make me download the game on PC, of course).

After this, I have literally no plan to buy other games until MG Survive hits (and Yakuza 6 in March 2018). Of course with sales and bundles this won't happen, but I'm talking about D1 releases.


The interrogation system was one of my main gripes - you're pretty much guessing what option to pick based on what you know about the character, which often is next to nothing.

I feel like the main story and writing picked up as the game went along. The first set of cases were kind of disjointed, while the latter become interconnected and more interesting. The Phelps character has a reason for being the way he is, wait till you finish the game to judge him. I won't spoil it, but I really liked that part of the story actually.

i don't think it's so much that phelps is a bad character, it's more than it seems like they recorded the lines with a different intensity than the context lets on. so if phelps shows up and is like "detective phelps. traffic", you could see that introduction go in a way that it's not like he's insane and yelling his name at people lol


Ah yeah I hammered the button a bunch and now the problem is gone.:D I should clean it but didn't find any screws so guess they are under the "feet". Think the problem is I've started to eat granny smith apples and they are very sugery and I always eat them watching youtube.XD

And now I feel stupid for getting rid of my previous mouse.

Oh well.


Spiderman Shattered Dimensions isn't allowing me to change any of the video settings.
Gonna try and see if running it as Administrator will let me do it.

Anyone know what causes this? Like I wanna disable Depth of Field but when I change it, the game tells me it cannot change any settings, at least during gameplay.

Game looks pretty though
If Rockstar came out and said GTA6 is just going to be GTAO2 and they would just update it forever and sell you DLC and single player was gone, people would be just as upset
If GTA:O2 was done right, it would be better than recent GTA singleplayer. GTA: Battlegrounds would make better use of the open world too

What's the appeal of super-scripted missione with subpar open world combat in a game with expensive physics engines? The spontaneity of multiplayer and mayhem is what makes gta fun.
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