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STEAM | July 2014 – 25TH THREAD EDITION (2008-2014)

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A week later..

*tries to buy Bad Rats*



That happened to me on the last day of the summer sale. It took 3 or 4 days to get resolved.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
That happened to me on the last day of the summer sale. It took 3 or 4 days to get resolved.

I threw the opening phrase into Google and found results dated as far back as 2012, however it's come up a lot lately. I can only assume whatever threshold Valve had previously set has been reduced significantly.


Yeaaaaahhh finally let back into the marketplace. Just filled out my Shovel Knight steam cards by selling other cards I don't care about. baller.
I've always told myself that a few times a year I still enjoy a modern AAA "push forward and A until the next cinematic" type of game in between the arcade score attack and small quirky experiences that I mostly enjoy now. I fired up Enslaved recently and at first I found the presentation pretty interesting and was enjoying myself a bit. But I hit a realization about and hour or two in that in the time I had played my brain was actively engaged for possibly like four of those minutes. Turned it off, deleted local content and moved it into the "ZZZ - Done" category as soon as I realized that.

I don't even mean to pick on Enslaved too much, it's just that it really seemed like the quintessential offender for this type of AAA game. Like it's not the "worst" game that I've played recently, but it is the most "AAA" in all the negative connotations of that term. It had reasonably well done yet bland cutscenes, it had relatively infrequent combat that made hinted at requiring skill but never seemed to actually do so, it had platforming traversal that was just connect the dots punctuated by occasional moments of annoyance when I tried to stray from the one of three proscribed paths, it had environmental obstacles that seemed to be there to just milk some time for the voice actors to banter back and forth with each other, and so on and so on. I can do a game like this if it at least has one area that is really excels in, but I could not find one here.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Holy bejessals this shouldn't work but it does.

Both Teslagrad and Broforce supporting 21:9 resolutions out the box? And with no cropping either? Some devs and pubs need to step their game up.

Does Teslagrad have proper controller support yet? It was rather wonky back when I bought it and so I cast the game aside in favour of...

...starting Black Flag again.


some day, The Ship will be mine. i entered a couple giveaways on SteamGifts, but don't expect to win. fingers crossed for Majukun's


ok, i'm going to die a little more, thanks.

Some tips:

1) Explosion damage stacks in Bioshock 1. That means if you stack up 5 explosive canisters and then lure a Big Daddy on top of them and then set them off, you'll get 5 times the damage. You can basically kill a Big Daddy in one shot using this method.

2) Find an environment with a wide pillar in the center and use the electricity to stun them, then shotgun them. Then put the pillar between you when they come out of the stun state. Always try to keep something between you and them unless you are ready to stun them.

3) Shotgun electric buck is your friend.

4) Shock them in water, use anti-armor rounds, run away.

5) Try and get them to fight random splicers to distract them. Ditto for your drones.

6) Don't be afraid to fight a bit and then run to a healing station. They are cheaper than using a health pack.

7) Telekinesis is super powerful. Even just a thrown dead body is strong. Electricity and water, fire and oil stains, exploding machines, point blank shotgun...these are the power moves.

Have fun (though you probably won't read this)!
I'm going to use the M&Ms money for 3DS games. Let the disappointment commence.

Zero Escape: VLR

Decent game. Played it on Vita where it was free (thanks PS+) and I didn't have to worry about game breaking bugs.

At least you're not buying inferior versions of Steam games on said platform, sir. ;)


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
some day, The Ship will be mine. i entered a couple giveaways on SteamGifts, but don't expect to win. fingers crossed for Majukun's

At this point I think someone not owning The Ship is stranger than someone not owning Half-Life 2. :p

Dr Dogg

Does Teslagrad have proper controller support yet? It was rather wonky back when I bought it and so I cast the game aside in favour of...

...starting Black Flag again.

I'm using a 360 pad and it's been fine so far. There are bindings already preset in the options but the only quibble I've found so far is that the analog sticks are just accepting a digital input. Some jumps require pixel perfect timing and as you can guess this is a game that has a lot of moments like that so I think I might tear half my hair out by the end.
That's only for physical carts, I think those were patched in the digital eshop version.

I'm all for digital purchases.
I have a huge Steam catalog and a huge PSN catalog.
But I refuse to buy anything else from the eShop (I got a $20 card once and used it to buy the Oracle Zelda games because I've never played them so it seemed okay to make an exception). So I think I've spent less than $10 on eshop games because Nintendo has no idea what they're doing when it comes to digital sales. Having all my purchases tied solely to my 3DS? Yeah, no thanks, I won't be buying anything in the eshop unless it's "free" to me via club Nintendo points until they fix that (which last I checked they still hadn't).


They fixed the save file issue of that game?

Going off the other responses, I will guess no. I'll make sure to double check those issues before I begin.

If Chunsoft put up a PC/Vita/3DS Kickstarter, the funding issues for the sequel would disappear quickly. Put ports of the original two games as stretch goals.

I'm all for digital purchases.
I have a huge Steam catalog and a huge PSN catalog.
But I think I've spent less than $10 on eshop games because Nintendo has no idea what they're doing when it comes to digital sales. Having all my purchases tied solely to my 3DS? Yeah, no thanks, I won't be buying anything in the eshop unless it's "free" to me via club Nintendo points until they fix that (which last I checked they still hadn't).

Physical-only as far as Nintendo is concerned. I've never lost a console before, but hope for the best and expect the worst is a good motto to live by in my experience.

I also prefer having something to put on my shelf whenever possible.


little reminder as we are approaching the deadline

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for.

ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Majukun, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

The Ship -- MB-F6863D55428F0A90 - Taken by super-famicom. 7 entrants total.



Decent game. Played it on Vita where it was free (thanks PS+) and I didn't have to worry about game breaking bugs.

At least you're not buying inferior versions of Steam games on said platform, sir. ;)

Only bad part is Vita doesn't have 999. I have 999 DS cart on my 3DS and VLR on my VITA, best way to enjoy the series!


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I'm using a 360 pad and it's been fine so far. There are bindings already preset in the options but the only quibble I've found so far is that the analog sticks are just accepting a digital input. Some jumps require pixel perfect timing and as you can guess this is a game that has a lot of moments like that so I think I might tear half my hair out by the end.

Ah, that's fine. At launch the game had controller support, but there were no button prompts, just utterly useless generic descriptors.


This is the first time I ever want to kick a developer for making an area too fucking huge. Exploring Giza for someone like me is a pain in the ass.
Only bad part is Vita doesn't have 999. I have 999 DS cart on my 3DS and VLR on my VITA, best way to enjoy the series!

I've never played 999, nor will I ever, most likely.
This caused some shock and rage in the VitaGAF thread where some were outraged and called it a travesty... others, like me it seems, managed to play the game and have a great experience without having played 999 first.

I did some research into it before and after my playthrough and came to the conclusion I wouldn't have had a much different experience at all if I had played 999 first. I guess it's something that varies from person to person.


I've never played 999, nor will I ever, most likely.
This caused some shock and rage in the VitaGAF thread where some were outraged and called it a travesty... others, like me it seems, managed to play the game and have a great experience without having played 999 first.

I did some research into it before and after my playthrough and came to the conclusion I wouldn't have had a much different experience at all if I had played 999 first. I guess it's something that varies from person to person.

LOL. VLR is still somewhat of a self contained story until the very end where it's revealed that it's a true sequel, but the game still makes sense. It's just more of a WOW factor when you realize just how much of a sequel it is, but most people were like that probably because playing VLR first spoils any of the big surprises from 999. Kinda funny to hear people called it a Travesty though ahaha.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm all for digital purchases.
I have a huge Steam catalog and a huge PSN catalog.
But I think I've spent less than $10 on eshop games because Nintendo has no idea what they're doing when it comes to digital sales. Having all my purchases tied solely to my 3DS? Yeah, no thanks, I won't be buying anything in the eshop unless it's "free" to me via club Nintendo points until they fix that (which last I checked they still hadn't).

Yeah, I limit myself to mainly only buying games under $10 on the eshop. When it comes to handhelds, I prefer to go physical anyway so it's no big loss. The only exception was the $30 credit from the SMT x FE promotion, and I could see myself making a few more exceptions in the future.

I thought that was only for Eurolands or is it different from the Euro-one just disabling saving in the problem areas?

I thought the NA version supposedly didn't have the glitch, but one of the articles I found says that people still encountered it. No idea since I only have the physical version.


Unconfirmed Member
is the first bioshock hard or am i just really bad? i can barely touch a big daddy.
I found that playing it on Hard was an exercise in frustration. On the contrary, tuning it down to easy is an exercise in boredom. I still can't get over the fact that a game with such an incredible atmosphere, setting and plot has that terrible gameplay, which prevents me from playing it.

Dr Dogg

Ah, that's fine. At launch the game had controller support, but there were no button prompts, just utterly useless generic descriptors.

Well I don't think I've seen a button prompt at all but the descriptions in the bindings menu make a bit of sense. There isn't too much to the controls but after about the time you gain your second ability you are required to do some joypad gymnastics which can be a right pain to pull off. Then again I can imagine it would be way worse on a keyboard.


I'm still sad that we never ended up playing L4D2. Two times we talked about doing it, but it never happened.

I'm gonna hook the thread here without reading anything else, just saying that I'M UP, I've always been up, and I'll always be for some GAF L4D2 extravaganza.


Yeah, I limit myself to mainly only buying games under $10 on the eshop. When it comes to handhelds, I prefer to go physical anyway so it's no big loss. The only exception was the $30 credit from the SMT x FE promotion, and I could see myself making a few more exceptions in the future.

I thought the NA version supposedly didn't have the glitch, but one of the articles I found says that people still encountered it. No idea since I only have the physical version.

I'm like all digital on everything except for the 1 physical game I have for each of my consoles just so something stays in the drive/cart space. Even my 3DS and WIi U is all digital, except for my DS and Wii games lol. I'm part of the problem aren't I :p

Steam makes the choice easy for me.


So indie gala bundle games for 1.49... worth it?

I almost paid 5 times that price for Blade Symphony alone, only it being multi only game stopped me. You decide yourself is it worth.
We need to play some of Blade Symphony now, when everybody will have it.

Yes. One of the better bundles in awhile from them.

Actually, lately they had good bundles left and right. Not awesome or anything, but at least one good game in most bundles.
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