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Agent Dormer and I will be partaking the online experience of Syphon Filter later this week, are there any brave enough to join us?
I'll join although admittingly I haven't even played the game yet despite having it for about a week now. I've got so many games backlogged, not to mention stuff I need to read and watch. :(

Is a headset a near requirement for online play? I don't have a USB one. :(


I can do it tomorrow night, but I'm out of town Friday and Saturday. I'll be up for it again Sunday and on, though.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I'm down, been playing this for the past week or two and have a character that is fairly far progressed now. I can definately help you guys out with earning Par times and hidden objectives for most of the online missions. Can even give some pointers to help unlock some of the beefier equipment.

Shadow: The online experience demands a headset though, expect to be kicked out of rooms constantly for not having one. The missions require mad communication and planning especially when trying to get the par times. This really isn't Kill.Switch or Rainbow Six 3 where you can just run and kill freely while shooting the shit. Think Perfect Dark with 4-players I suppose, cooridinating and divvying up objectives/tasks as well as covering fire, developing pre-game strategies and routes to utilize. If you can't communicate you'll have no clue where or what everyone is doing and will just end up pissing everyone off. It won't be very fun for ya either.


Mistaken iRobbery!
I'll be recieving my copy in the mail next week from Alpha. Gotta find time to balance this with SOCOM II since I bumped off FFXI. Tenchir, we need 2 more people to play with.


List of people who has it:

Musashi Wins
The Shadow
Agent Dormer
Brandon F

That's about enough for 2 seperate games if we all mange to log in at the same time.


Mistaken iRobbery!
I think Lyte Edge has Syphon Filter Omega Strain, but I dunno if he plays it online. Same with SOCOM II.

I bought the Syphon Filter Trilogy from someone for $17(non GH) about a month ago. Been playing a couple of stages in each game just trying to get used to the '98 control style :p Syphon Filter 1 brings back HS memories for me.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Game has a real good friend tracker as well to meet up and make private GA rooms. We'll all exchange tags and whatnot. Only annoyance is that the game boots you back to the mission select when games end so you have to recreate rooms again to retry missions. It's lightyears ahead of the Norrath online setup.
You mean I can't even hear anyone else through the speakers without the headset? Talk about piss poor design. :(

Gamertag: Infamous Hawk ...although I'm not sure I'll be keeping this game if I have to buy a $30 USB headset when I have 3 "normal" headsets I can't even use with the PS2. I can't believe MadCatz or some other company hasn't made some kind of headphone jack > USB adapter.


works for Gamestop (lol)
The Shadow said:
You mean I can't even hear anyone else through the speakers without the headset? Talk about piss poor design. :(.

I don't understand why voice coms can only be heard through the headset. Socom 2 only allows the channel to go through the headset as well. Do Xbox Live games on Xbox allow you to patch the voice communication through your TV speakers?

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Defensor said:
I think Lyte Edge has Syphon Filter Omega Strain, but I dunno if he plays it online. Same with SOCOM II.

Don't have either game anymore, sorry. :) Sold off Syphon Filter when I got Rallisport 2 (which I also have yet to play online), and Socom just wasn't for me, so I returned it. Right now I'm just playing City Of Heroes and occasionally Halo and UT2k4 for the PC as my online games, but I'm always down for some Splinter Cell on XBL if anyone wants to play that. :)
Wario64 said:
I don't understand why voice coms can only be heard through the headset. Socom 2 only allows the channel to go through the headset as well. Do Xbox Live games on Xbox allow you to patch the voice communication through your TV speakers?

Yes. If the headset isn't plugged in, voices are automatically heard over the speakers on Live!. You can turn it off or on. I just assumed, heck, it seems logical, that if you don't have a headset you should be able to hear other people through the speakers on PS2 games as well. That's just dumb that they completely nix something like that. Probably to sell headsets I'm sure. Would have been nice if it came with the NA.

I didn't buy one because I'm really not sure I'll be keeping the game. I went halfers with a friend on the "Buy 2, get 1 free pre-owned games" deal at gamestop. I got one game and he got one. Syphon Filter was supposed to be the free game and I'm supposed to sell it on eBay and split the cash. I really don't feel like buying a headset for a game I may not even keep for that long. :(


Alright folks, we're on US-East.

I have no idea how to add friends, so just join the game hosted by BuddyC.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Ok, I just created a contacts only game in the first mission. go ahead and join up and I can chat with you and teach you the ropes...
I don't have a headset so what I can do is just cover for one of you or something while you get samples and do the objectives.


Is Agency Cell suppose to be a Friends List or Clan List? May be we can make our own.

Edit: I just made the Cell, the Cell is called "GAF" Who wants in?
Umm...Pretty sure you guys have to invite people. When I select "Join Game" it just says there are no games to join. I sent a contact invite to "BuddyC" but haven't recieved an invite to the game or to a contact list yet.


I do tenchir. Invite "Infamous Hawk".

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Ok, I'm gonna do UT2k4 myself. We'll try this again later.

Shadow I'll try and send u an invite shortly. I think my chick is named 'Sophie' in the game, I've been wanting to change it, but am too afraid it will delete my progress.

Oh and online play differs by adding a new objective or two to every mission(stuff that requires a teammate to accomplish such as getting the briefcase from the burning building in Mission 1; you can also get C4 with the help of a teammate to create a massive shortcut to the final boss of Mission 1 online). Also, the par times(time trials that unlock stuff) are shorter when online considering you have 4 agents helping out. You really have to coordinate to get those accomplished.


I am sending out all the invites right now for the cell, but I don't think I want to be the leader of the GAF cell though. So hopefully, I can pass leadership to one of you.

Edit: Crap, don't think I will be able to pass leadership on, so I destroyed the Cell. Someone else who is going to play Syphon Filter a lot should be leader.
Don't worry if it actually labels you as "leader". Just create the agency. No one literally has to be "leader" of it.

I wouldn't mind creating it but then again I'm still pretty undecided as to whether I'll be keeping the game or not.


Then you are saying that everyone in the cell has the power to invite and remove other members? The person who is the leader should be on often enough to invite new members.
tenchir said:
Then you are saying that everyone in the cell has the power to invite and remove other members?

I don't know. I would assume members could invite people, not just the leader. Don't know about removing them though I don't see that as a problem either. If people stop playing, they'll just stop playing.


This blows. Your agent looks identical to mine.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I can do it I suppose, I'll try and add everyone who posted in this thread a little later. For now UT2k4.


Holy crap, they both look pretty similar. I wanted to create a chick at first, now is a good time to edit the character.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
You unlock lots of new duds as you play. The default gear is slim pickings though.
Oh. I forgot mine is a little muscular and I added makeup at the last minute. Still, same hair and face.

Yeah. Just noticed the "Awards" at the bottom. Guess I'll go ahead and add them.

Whoa. Not just that. I have "Eyewear, Helmets, shoes, a few other things I don't remember when I first created him.


Mistaken iRobbery!
Alright you fools, I finally got my game in the mail today. I played the first mission offline and complete like 2 others online with some peeps. Where you at?


After playing it for a couple of hours, I decided it's not a game I would play with strangers a lot because I have no idea what to do in the game and most of them wouldn't communicate often(at least the one I played with, told them I was a newbie too).
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