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The ending of the Playstation 4 is the Start Line for PS5

Captain Hero

The Spoiler Soldier
Playstation 4 lifetime was incredible in many aspects and for 2020 I can see Sony pushing the ps4 to the farest point via two anticipated games and at that point a new generation will begin by PS5 taking the lead



So the question is ..

Are you satisfied with what you got from PS4 lifetime ?

And what to expect from Sony at launch?

For me I couldn't ask for more .. ending it with two big exclusives! Not bad at all
I have been super satisfied with the PS4 and this generation of games, I think this generation I have purchased waaay more games than I have with previous generations. I don't expect anything mind blowing out of the gates with the PS5, but just having the PS4 backwards compatibility will be awesome, I will be able to transtion over to the new system with hopefully upgraded resolution/framerate on any games I am currently working on which would be nice! Now I just have to get a new 4K TV picked out for later this year...


I'm satisfied with the PS4 generation (i still need to finish up one game or two but that's it).
But i feel like i'm more than ready for this upcoming generation

Xaero Gravity

Looking back, all of my favorite games this gen were multiplats. Neither console's exclusives blew me away in comparison to the games found on both platforms.

But I can't say I'm disappointed with the PS4 or XB1 as systems. Overall I loved this gen of consoles.


I have been super satisfied with the PS4 and this generation of games, I think this generation I have purchased waaay more games than I have with previous generations. I don't expect anything mind blowing out of the gates with the PS5, but just having the PS4 backwards compatibility will be awesome, I will be able to transtion over to the new system with hopefully upgraded resolution/framerate on any games I am currently working on which would be nice! Now I just have to get a new 4K TV picked out for later this year...

They may start out slow like they did this gen. But if we have full bc, We can still play tlou 2 and GoT on the Ps5, hopefully enhanced too.

Nothing would be better than a surprise announcement of Bloodborne 2 for Ps5 launch tho. That'd be one hell of a way to kick off next gen.


I did like blue for PS4, but I must admit I wouldn't mind the return of black boxes if it meant the white spines like the PS2 boxes. Just for the astetic.


Has a voluptuous plastic labia
Yes absolutely satisfied. Some incredible games and memories with my PS4! Spider-Man being the big standout one in my memory. I just really love that game. This generation has been amazing... though it seems like just yesterday I was watching Sony's & Microsoft's PS4 and XBOX One reveals. Hard to believe it was 7 years ago.... ah... I'm getting nostalgic for the PS4!

I am also looking forward to Ghost of Tsushima. The visuals and setting look incredible and the gameplay looks like a lot of fun. It's looking similar to For Honor, or even the more recent Jedi Fallen Order. I just hope it's more responsive and fluid.


You really think there's going to be a major first party AAA exclusive after 2020 and the PS5 launches?
Dont know about first party, but there will be at least 2 years of cross gen games, just like with this gen. Games are simply too expensive these days and publishers have to get that cross gen money.


Ps4 was good, I think their output of games has been pretty solid (specially the second half of the gen) and some of my favorite games of the gen have been exclusive to Ps4. In an industry where it feels like large budget projects are focusing more and more on the crappy online "GaaS" model I appreciate their commitment to continue making AAA single player games with little or no microtransactions .

As for next gen I hope and expect it to be similar to this one. Though hopefully with a stronger start as it took a year or 2 for the Ps4 to really get going


The games have been great but I can't fucking wait for the PS5 so I can throw my PS4 Pro in the closet and never ever look at (and more importantly, hear) that piece of shit ever again for as long as I live.
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Transition should be better than ps3 > ps4. It will be easier to jump in.

Talking about games I expect new ips coming from Naughty Dog, Studios Japan and Santa Monica Studio. Hope for another partnership with Housemarque and From Software.

Hope Sony continue to bring AAA single player games, but surprises are always needed.


The nicest person on this forum
Looking beyond sony, the japanese development is muuuuch better this gen then last.
For third party games I agree and don’t get me wrong we got some good first party Japanese game this gen as well like Gravity Rush 2, The Last Guardian and Bloodborne. But Sony is focusing less and less on first party Japanese games and more on first party western games. I enjoyed some of the western games but my biggest reason I was in to PlayStation system because of their Japanese titles.
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Can’t Git Gud
The fact that The Last of Us2 is realeasing only now and not 3 years ago is very weird. We didn't even had new gta.
Feels like this gen was somehow too short but dragged at the same time with not that many new games coming out unlike 360 era.
I mean, TLG, BB, DS, GoW, SotC are some of the best games ever. I also loved 2n son and uncharted remasters+4.
But companies played it very safe. I have only like 13 games on my ps4 shelf but these are quality.


Gold Member
That's exactly my sent
I enjoyed PS4 but I’m also frustrated that Sony biggest focus this gen was mostly first party western games more than first party Japanese games.
That's exactly where I'm at with Sony right now. Personally, I need more titles coming from their JPN studios. The western games are quality, but usually not my preferred style of games. Luckily, there are some interesting third party titles upcoming.


The fact that The Last of Us2 is realeasing only now and not 3 years ago is very weird. We didn't even had new gta.
Feels like this gen was somehow too short but dragged at the same time with not that many new games coming out unlike 360 era.
I mean, TLG, BB, DS, GoW, SotC are some of the best games ever. I also loved 2n son and uncharted remasters+4.
But companies played it very safe. I have only like 13 games on my ps4 shelf but these are quality.
I think as game budgets go up, and development time goes up, its going to be a case of quality over quantity going forward in gaming. Except the Indie and AA scene of course.



The launch games weren't the best, but they were good enough to keep me satisfied until FF XIV released in april 2014, followed by Destiny later that year.
Those games carried me through most of the gen, although I dropped Destiny a month after D2 released.
Paragon kept me playing non-stop and then there were all the great titles in between, like Bloodborne, Monster Hunter, Hellblade, The Order (yes, I liked it), Driveclub, Dreams, MGSV, GOW, HZD, Death Stranding etc.

To think we still have TLOU 2 and FFVII Remake in two months, as well as Ghost of Tsushima, I think this is Sony's strongest gen since PS2, maybe even better.

No doubt they will ease into next-gen rather easily and wouldn't be surprised if there will be some rather solid titles being released during the launch-window of PS5.
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Gold Member
I was pretty happy with this generation. It wasn't perfect. Oddly enough, I want more remasters for older games. Just not the way ff7 has been done.

I'd be super happy if they just gave me demon's souls...
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Kagey K

The fact that The Last of Us2 is realeasing only now and not 3 years ago is very weird. We didn't even had new gta.
Feels like this gen was somehow too short but dragged at the same time with not that many new games coming out unlike 360 era.

I have to agree with this, it feels like we waited an entire gen on some games, while last gen we had games and sequels to those games released.

This year feels especially like games that were announced a long time ago are finally releasing and are still going to feel rushed and unpolished because publishers just want to get them out before next gen launches.


I almost forgot both of these targeted the PS4, because they look so incredible and there's all this PS5 hype.

Very satisfied with the PS4s library and life.


Gold Member
I enjoyed most of the exclusives I got on my PS4. I was underwhelmed by the lack of competitive experience I got within the ecosystem though. I suppose it's the opposite on Xbox. Got tons of competitive experience on the X...but was underwhelmed by most of the exclusives. I think I only really enjoyed Forza horizon 3, Gears 5, Ori and Killer Instinct. I played Halo 5 for like 2 weeks and dropped it. Gears 4 was pretty but boring. Forza 7 was pretty but I guess I'm just not a racing simulator type of guy.

On PS4 I absolutely loved God of War and Bloodborne (though Bloodborne is barely better than DS2, sorry, not sorry). Spiderman was...fine. Death Stranding...jury is still out on that, haven't been able to stomach it long enough to give it enough time. I bought Uncharted 4, haven't played it yet. I think the most hours on PS4 was spent on FFXIV honestly...which runs well enough. I definitely enjoyed my fighting games on PS4. Blazblue Continuum Shift probably my favorite so far. I'd say Tekken 7 but I play that on PC for streaming purposes.

There are a few games I feel like I may have missed out on. Detroit Become Human and Days Gone come to mind, but overall I'm satisfied. PS4 served it's purpose and I'll be getting a PS5 as well.


I still have like 50+ ps4 exclusives/games to finish so yes.

And if ps5 supports ps4 games = I have lot of gaming even if there arent many games for the launch year
To be honest, the main software line-up for the PS4 has been a mixed big for me overall:

God Of War: First half is great, but sadly loses steam about halfway through after Helheim.
Uncharted 4: Decent game and gorgeous to look at, but a bit too slow and plodding for my tastes.
Spiderman: Genuinely great game all around, second best superhero game for me, Arkham Asylum still wins out for me.
Horizon Zero Dawn: Decent open world game, a visual marvel too.
The Last Guardian: It was enjoyable enough, but probably my least favourite Team ICO game to date.
Ratchet & Clank: Now this I loved! Great re-imagining of the original game and it doesn't outstay it's welcome.
Bloodborne: Best exclusive on the system by far, and one of my top games of the generation, easily!
Shadow of the Colossus: Great remake of my favourite Team ICO game, fixes so many issues the original had too. Great work by Bluepoint!

I mainly got the system just to have the best performing console versions of multiplatform games. I've actually been way more impressed with Nintendo's first party line-up this gen than Sony's. MS have been dead last the whole time though. Halo 5 was bunk as fuck, but the Forza Horizon games? All three of them are fantastic! FH3 is one of my favourite games of the gen too.
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2021-22 we will see the last ports of sonys vita games. '

uncharted golden abyss, resistance burning sky, killzone mercenary


Looking back, all of my favorite games this gen were multiplats. Neither console's exclusives blew me away in comparison to the games found on both platforms.

But I can't say I'm disappointed with the PS4 or XB1 as systems. Overall I loved this gen of consoles.

really? I was blown away by Mario odyssey and Zelda BotW. Best exclusives ever.
Still going to be rocking the PS4 even after the PS5 launches as we will still be getting games for it as Next Gen has a slow start once again.

Xaero Gravity

really? I was blown away by Mario odyssey and Zelda BotW. Best exclusives ever.
Technically, Switch is next gen if we go by number of releases.

But let's count it as this gen for arguments sake. I did enjoy Odyssey way more than I thought I would, but I'm not a big fan of 3D platformers. And the weapon durability system in BOTW as well as lackluster dungeons really held the game back for me.

Don't get me wrong, I think they're great games regardless.


It's been a crazy gen tbh.....I only game on Playstation and back at the start of the gen I remember being told big third party exclusives were a thing of the past.....then From dropped the Bloodborne bomb.......then Marvel decided the most popular super-hero of them all would be Playstation exclusive.....then Kojima decided his first post Konami game would be with Sony......GOW got an amazing overhaul......Guerilla hit the big time with Horizon Zero Dawn....Ueda finally released The Last Guardian(and it was worth the wait).......lots more great exclusives and we've got TLoU Part II to come with my base PS4 still going strong........
...........I am starting to wonder if they can keep it up next gen actually.


Gold Member
Very satisified. PS4 had a lot of games I've been wanting to play (like Spyro) and new games that took my breath away (Spider-Man). And it looks like, going into the next-generation, they're going to be giving us plenty more to play and love. PlayStation is in good shape and it all started with the content PS3 got later in it's life.


Gold Member
It has been fantastic. Even the remasters were fun. Playing Resident Evil 1-7 (numerous remastered versions), all the Devil May Cry games, and etc. The console is still an amazing device. What do you do with a legacy device that gets remastered games? Do you just wait for the Re-release of the remastered games? The exclusives were insane. Bloodborne, Neir Automata, Nioh, Horizon, and a handful of titles later on. I had classic arcade games galore on my PS4. I streamed movies and TV.

I had such a great time with PS4. I had a better time with PS4 than I did with PS1-3. Those times were good, but they were nothing like this. We got our own Guilty Gear that looked amazing and another one coming this year. I loved watching Sony's E3. I sat in the theater and even at home. I felt like Sony was delivering. This was one of the best generations of PlayStation. I'm really hoping PS5 does even better. I have digital titles that could last me another 10+ years. Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, and etc. I would absolutely love if Sony would make all PSN titles BC on PS5. I love the PS4. I have 3 games already paid off that are AAA. Plus we have more on the way.

I have my own From Software folder with 6 amazing games from that studio. It feels amazing, but now we're starting over. I know I might add Elden Ring to that list (depending on when that comes out). What's next? My PS4 library is like having a wonderful dream, so many memories of all the games I got to play from launch until now. I still have PT installed.

Sure it doesn't have Squaresoft or Konami at the helm. Those days were glorious. Even without those classics, the PS4 was amazing.
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Gold Member
If ps5 is 100% compatible with PS4, the life of the PS4 will be extended. Devs will release PS4 ganes with no worries of losing possible sales due to ps5 early adopters.
I will buy a ps5 month one, but I assume my PS4 backlog will not decrease by release.
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Only got the PS4 last year after selling a dust collecting Xbox One but have been having one hell of a good time with it. I got it for the exclusives, but not the Last of Us or Uncharted. Got it for the Yakuza series, for Persona (didn't like it that much after all) and for Bloodborne. Started today First of the North Star and after that will have Judgement, Ghost of Tsushima and Nier to play.

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Yeah, I LOVED it and I want Sony continue to bring us more first party Japanese games. If only thing PS5 gets is first party western games then we are going to have very dull next gen.
You should check out Ramzaes' videos on Gravity Rush. He does a good job explaining the series' charm and like us, is pretty disappointed in how it got largely ignored by Sony.


It's the most disappointing Sony's console if you ask me. hands down - first 2-3 years were basically filled with nothing but cross-gen titles, remasters (extremely lazy ones most of the time), and indie ports from PC/smartphones, like literally there was absolutely nothing worth owning a PS4 other than a few eye candies/benchmarks. like KZ:SF, TO1886 or DC, until UC4 and Horizon showed up halfway of the console's lifecycle.

Then there was GoW remake and Spider-Man, which i'm personally not a fan of, especially SM which I'm completely not into, despite being made by my most favorite studio.

And I have a mixed feelings about the last part of PS4 lifecycle - DS, sure, it's a great looking game, but I mean visually, it's not something you would necessarily want to play, let alone throw 60 bucks on it. I'd put it in the same bag with launch titles. Now the upcoming two exclusives - TLoU2 - it will be technical marvel, that's for sure, but at this stage many people, including myself, already vomit by just thinking about yet another 3rd person/over-the shoulder "cinematic experience"... GoT - again, visually stunning, but I feel the game is sort of late to the party, as Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice already delivered a great samurai experience. Sort of like BF5 was released a year after CoD:WWII - I know there ware other major issues with the game, but what I mean is, CoD completely filled the WWII theme nostalgia people craved for back then, and nobody asked for WWII ever since, and I have a feeling the same might happen with GoT.

So that would be it in terms of the supposedly "all of the amazing exclusives!" lot of people keep talking about. Ok, granted, there was also GT:S, you know, the game that used to be the system seller for every PS system prior, but that game is a joke compared to even the medicore GT5. Days Gone has gone with the wind faster than a fart. Oh, and the messiah known as TLG wen't along almost completely unnoticed, only Shenmue 3 had more stealthy release. And probably few titles here and there I honestly couldn't care less for.

You may bash PS3 for its initial price, the design choice, exotic architecture and what's not, but its lineup was as legendary as PSX and PS2, there wasn't a quarter, if not even a month, without Sony's exclusive, which again, covered entire spectrum of genres, and not just within a single titles, but entire series/trilogies. PS4 was/is not amazing at all (unles you started gaming just yesterday), it's the laziest effort (if you can even call it like that) Sony has ever put into their gaming consoles. That free PS+ sure can make a man one hell of a lazy ass motherfucker.

And all of the above apply just to the software, side because I could go on and on about the build quality, the jet engine noise, DS4 ergonomics and battery life thanks to perma LED, as well as the god-awfully slow download speeds, which were somewhere acceptable back in the PS3 days, where the patches took only couple of hundred MB, going up to 2-4GB at the very end of the prolonged generation, but that's still nothing compared to today's 60-150GB, and again, you could somehow explain that back then because PSN was free compared to XBL, but now they make significant chunk of their entire profit just from PS+, and it's just as garbage as it was almost 15 years ago.

But in Sony's defense, this entire generation was a huge disappointment, not just them, be it the 1st or 3rd party publishers, even the big, popular yearly franchises from EA, Ubi etc. were "meh", they were just there but nothing to e hyped about like in the PS360 era. Looking at the gen today, I'd say only two games are actually recognizable, influential, meaningful, whatever you want to name it - GTA5, Witcher 3, Minecraft and Fortnir. All the other games were forgotten in no time, literally people were finishing most of this gan titles within a week or even a weekend, and nobody even heard of those games The best thing that happen this gen is IMO Play Anywhere from MS, as I am now able to play games what were not available elsewhere than an XB console, on a hardware that meets my needs/demands, on the performance level that satisfies me, and even with extra features like adaptive sync, high refresh rate, down sampling and so on. I only need Sony to follow suit to be a fully happy gamer.

That being said, I really like to think the Jaguar CPU is really so damn weak, that that's all we could ever get from those machines, and the upcoming generation will allow the developers for much greater creative freedom, and both Sony and MS will have to fight for every single consumer like they did back in PS360 generation, and luckily, every single sign on the road indicates this is exactly what will actually happen.
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