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The NRA wants to sell insurance that would cover the legal costs if you shoot someone


And the NRA is unreasonably powerful for their relatively small size. Again, thanks to Republicans.

I'm still hoping that the ultimate effect of the Trump presidency is the complete obliteration and destruction of the Republican party and it's associated entities like the NRA.


Most existing types of coverage like this protect you from civil liability, in the event you're sued by the deceased's family, but they do nothing for criminal liability (it basically kicks in once it's confirmed that you're not being charged with anything). And I would assume that this sort of coverage by the NRA is also contingent on lack of criminal liability.. so if you just murder someone, the NRA isn't going to jump to your defense. I would certainly hope they wouldn't, anyway, but in this day and age, who can tell.

Yeah I believe this sort of thing is meant to protect your life from being ruined in the event you do shoot or kill someone. If it is found that you justifiably protected your life from immediate danger then these sorts of things protect you (I think).


I'm still hoping that the ultimate effect of the Trump presidency is the complete obliteration and destruction of the Republican party and it's associated entities like the NRA.

Republican presidents are terrible for gun companies and the NRA. Lunatics relax when it is one of their own in power.



"If you blow someone's brains out in your home, we'll send a cleaner to get rid of those pesky blood stains, gooey chunks of grey matter, and the puddle of feces and urine your victi- *ahem* the other party secreted upon their untimely, but totally defensible, death."

Billy maze here...with a revolutionary product!


We forget that half our country is stupid. This will get federal funding.
Everyone pooling together a fund so that it'll cover someone in trouble and need support... Sounds pretty commie there komrade 🤔

What happened to each in charge of their own destiny and bootstrap it up?
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