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The rant about random shit |OT| : For all your cathartic needs


Neighbours from Hell
In today's society everyone has shit they want to rant about, but let's face it, most of it isn't new thread worthy. So I figured how about a one stop shop for all our petty little rants?

I figure between this and the mental health thread, we have everyone here covered :messenger_winking:

My city has people setting off fireworks every fucking day from like 7pm to 1 am. They go off non fucking stop. Every day, all fucking summer. I hate to generalize, but fireworks on non-holidays is one of the most trailer trash things ever. Anyone whose brain is so simplistic that they need loud bangs and bright colors to stimulate themselves needs to go do something that's actually exciting.

An aside:

USPS' tracking seems to be down like 3 times a week. Get your shit together, FFS.


Gold Member
When you make a topic and nobody replies so you let it slowly fall off the first page hoping nobody notices the failure of topic creation. Then you notice there's a little red notifications to say someone has added a reply so you excitedly check it only to read that its some asshole pointing out the failure of a topic. :messenger_beaming:

I bet that really pisses you off /Clarence Bodiker


Roadworks everywhere all the time even on roads that look just fine. Or roadworks which block one road for God knows how long which funnels the traffic down a single road which gets demolished by too much traffic so it gets closed for repairs once the first one is fixed and the cycle continues till the end of times. This shit just infuriates me.


I could rant about the women I work with everyday but instead I'll share this warning sign I created



Go Go Neo Rangers!
Drives me fucking nuts when people bitch about companies spying on them as they use anything from Google and have a smartphone. It legit just makes me want to smash all of their devices in front of their eyes.


Neighbours from Hell
I have the worst luck in the world for this particular thing. It has happened more times to me in my life than the odds would suggest it should. Far more.

Once again today it happened. Waiting all day for an important call. No idea when the call is coming so basically just waiting with my phone for fucking hours. Run to the kitchen to grab a drink, took 30 seconds at most. That is when the call came and of course I missed it. So basically, I was by the phone for 7 hours and the 30 seconds I was away from it is when they called. It was a doctor, so can't call them back directly. Gotta wait til tomorrow I guess.

I can't tell you how many times in my life this has happened to me in the exact same scenario pretty much. Every damn time without fail. I'm not a spiritual person at all, but with this particular thing I sometimes get the feeling that some unseen force is fucking with me, with how often this happens. Happened a few weeks ago too, but that time I ran to take a piss after waiting all day for a call and they called in that minute I was in the bathroom after waiting for like 5 hours.

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I feel like shooting spitballs into the gaping maws of people who yawn as loud as they possibly can so everyone knows what's up.
I'm really getting sick of the anti-indian racism from the ukraine war. A lot of indians support ukraine, but somehow being neutral makes us on the side of russia, which they are clearly not. It's just so fucking stupid really. Seeing posts of casual racism against indians not being checked. Screen shots of people looking for certain phrases from indian twitter with the narrative "see look, indians hate ukraine and support russia !!". When they literally searched for hate terms on twitter to push their narrative. These same people don't post anything about the numerous comments of indians supporting ukraine. Why are people like this? what the fuck? I just fucking hate casual racism.

I wish we as humans could just not be so fucking stupid. (also russian government needs to stop)


People keeping open the door that connects to the outside in a restaurant when u sit next to the door in the middle of the winter.


God damn. She's in there at 4 fuckin' a.m. in the morning stabbing her food like it tried to bite one of her children. God damn it!

Chill, bitch!
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