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The Social Network [OT]

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AvidNobody said:
Please tell me you aren't serious...

Just buy it. Hell buy it again if you want, it's pretty damn good.
lol wut. This post confuses me. I've never used Amazon's little download thingy before, so it was an honest question. Buy it again? I've already professed my desire to buy it, it'll either be from Amazon or the official site. One or the other.

shagg_187 said:
Amazon MP3 Downloader is as safe as it can get. 320kbps and DRM Free. Buy it now!! :D

Ofcourse, there is one benefit for buying via official website: You get Apple Lossless and FLAC so if you're hardcore about it, buy it via nullco.com/tsn
I just noticed Amazon is listing US only for the 48 hour deal, but would Canada be ok to buy as well? Your GAF profile says you are Canadian, so I'm guessing it should be fine...

/creepy stalker mode
MoFuzz said:
I just noticed Amazon is listing US only for the 48 hour deal, but would Canada be ok to buy as well? Your GAF profile says you are Canadian, so I'm guessing it should be fine...

/creepy stalker mode
:lol <3

No, sadly you can't buy it in Canada. I bought the Blu-ray/Vinyl copy and link was provided for the download. It's only for 48 US states (you know, the usual: excluding Hawaii. Blame Sony Pictures for the bullshit).

For Canada, you need to buy it from www.nullco.com/TSN for now and wait for the Amazon.com exclusive 48 hour deal to end. I see you're in Canuck-land [/creepy stalker mode]. Just wait for it to show up on nullco, or if you can't wait: buy the CD and digital download link will be provided right away.


I love not having an irrational hatred for people I've never met. I can go to any movie I want if it's good, some of you kids should give it a shot.
1 more review up, tallying to 38 reviews at 100%!

Two of my favourite pictures from NYFF Premiere:


Gerty!! <3


She's so fucking hot! <3 <3


All I knew about this movie until recently was that it was about Facebook, and I laughed and determined there was no way in hell I was gonna see it. Then I found out who wrote it and who directed it, and the reviews started rolling in. Fucking SOLD. :lol


Good to see people are finally seeing this as more than Facebook the movie.

Though it's a damm shame that it takes good reviews and 100% marks on Rotten tomatoes to make them see the light.

With the quality of the people involved in this it should have been evident months ago that this was going to be good.


shagg_187 said:
No, sadly you can't buy it in Canada. I bought the Blu-ray/Vinyl copy and link was provided for the download. It's only for 48 US states (you know, the usual: excluding Hawaii. Blame Sony Pictures for the bullshit).

For Canada, you need to buy it from www.nullco.com/TSN for now and wait for the Amazon.com exclusive 48 hour deal to end.
Damn, well at least that settles it then, no decision needed. Will wait the couple extra days and grab it from nullco minus the poopy Amazon downloader, $2 be damned. Thanks for the info.

Trying to keep my hype in check for this, but critics are eating it up so far.


Has waited diligently to think of something to say before making this post
Looking forward to this but I might have to wait until after the weekend because I have guests visiting. I find the story of Facebook's founding and of many internet companies in Silicon Valley fascinating. I've already mentioned this before but the movie is an easy sell because many people already know about Facebook; the fact that the movie is getting positive reviews on top of that is icing on the cake.

One thing bothers me though. The guy played by Justin Timberlake is called "the creator of Napster" in the movie. I thought Shawn Fanning also helped create Napster? Shouldn't he be called "the co-creator or Napster" in the movie? Minor detail but it's bothering me because I'd never heard of Sean Parker until this movie.
I don't understand the hate for this movie. I feel like if it were about a topic other than Facebook the entirety of GAF would be jumping to see this on opening day. David Fincher and Sorkin? C'mon! That is some quality stuff right there.


'OMG it's a movie about Facebook I hate it' is lame. People that judge something because it's even a little bit mainstream are ridiculous.

That's as bad as spending all day on Facebook. :lol


Vyer said:
'OMG it's a movie about Facebook I hate it' is lame. People that judge something because it's even a little bit mainstream are ridiculous.

That's as bad as spending all day on Facebook. :lol
If anything, you'd think that the movie has an instant appeal to Facebook haters. It's not like the trailers and marketing are showing some sort of uplifting, inspired, feel-good biopic.
KingOfKong said:
I don't understand the hate for this movie. I feel like if it were about a topic other than Facebook the entirety of GAF would be jumping to see this on opening day. David Fincher and Sorkin? C'mon! That is some quality stuff right there.
We all just want the GAF movie. Get on that EviLore!


Subconscious Brolonging
Been one of my most anticipated films ever since I found out Fincher was directing. I can't wait to see it.
Lé Blade Runner said:
I can't wait for this. I thought the trailers were awesome, and the clips have been even better. Eisenberg seems to do a really good job, too.
I was skeptical of Eisenberg but man, he does a fantastic job in those recent clips.
Dabanton said:
With the quality of the people involved in this it should have been evident months ago that this was going to be good.

There was understandable confusion over whether this was the good Sorkin or bad Sorkin.


Dabanton said:
Good to see people are finally seeing this as more than Facebook the movie.

Though it's a damm shame that it takes good reviews and 100% marks on Rotten tomatoes to make them see the light.

With the quality of the people involved in this it should have been evident months ago that this was going to be good.
I dont think it's weird at all; most people don't pay attention to those types of things. They see a vaguely interesting trailer, they realize it's a movie about facebook, then they lose interest. It hasn't been marketed well.
The Storyteller said:
There was understandable confusion over whether this was the good Sorkin or bad Sorkin.
Just wondering.

What do you consider bad Sorkin?

I'm very excited about the movie and I don't even use facebook. Should I be wary of big crowds this weekend? I was hoping this would be a sleeper hit that people catch later on. With all this marketing surrounding facebook, I have a feeling shows will be sold out. The stuck up film snob in me is thinking most of these facebook users don't know Fincher and Sorkin.


When I first saw the trailer I thought to myself: "Hey, the trailer is pretty good....but what? It's about Facebook? How can they make an entire movie about that?"

A few weeks later I learned Fincher was directing.

Then the early reviews started coming in. Then the 100% on RT.

Could possibly beat out Inception as my favorite movie of the year, if what I have read about it is true.
Kind of off topic, but I was wondering why a story about the world's youngest and quickest billionaire sounds so damn boring to GAFers.


The whole movie seems to be built around "I can own you verbally in a prick-ish genius way" and yet the real guy is nothing like this. He stumbles over words. Jesse makes a better MZ than he can ever dream to be. I like movies where the actor tries to live up to someone with an impressive personality/mannerism, not an actor completely making someone impressive in that regard. If you met him in real life you'd think "lol".
ProfessorLobo said:
Kind of off topic, but I was wondering why a story about the world's youngest and quickest billionaire sounds so damn boring to GAFers.

It's because it is centered around facebook, something very popular. Because Gaffers have to be so different than everyone else they have to automatically hate facebook and anything to do with it.


ProfessorLobo said:
Kind of off topic, but I was wondering why a story about the world's youngest and quickest billionaire sounds so damn boring to GAFers.

Because it's "too new" of a biopic. It feels like Miley Cyrus writing an autobiography.

I just don't understand who the audience is for this movie. I can't see it breaking out past the 20-something set and into the mainstream.
ProfessorLobo said:
Kind of off topic, but I was wondering why a story about the world's youngest and quickest billionaire sounds so damn boring to GAFers.

exactly. people don't know what they should (yes should) find interesting these days.

a movie about facebook? lol

it's the double-edged blade of our society since the proliferation of the web: we're willing to accept that there is STUFF and PEOPLE and STORIES behind everything we use and take for granted, but once any of that becomes a topic of serious discussion (or a film, in this case) it's instant lulz.

i witnessed it first-hand, and i'll never forget it. i was at a midnight showing of Inception on opening night.. i went alone because the only person that would have gone with me was working a late shift. as i sat waiting for the movie to begin, an acquaintance of mine that i had not seen in about a year entered the theatre with a group of friends. he ended up sitting a row in front of me. he noticed me as he approached his seat, hellos were exchanged, etc.. we both mention how excited we are for Inception.

commercials end, lights dim, trailers are seemingly about to begin. i'm met with a search bar.

oh jesus fucking christ like i didn't sit through enough of your banal celebrity news and AT&T commercials.. pictures flash by.. it's obviously a social networking after-school special segment. goddamnit if there's one thing i don't need before a movie i'm hyped for, it's a goddamn PSA about not putting pictures of yourself fucking your own ass with a frozen banana on your twitter. i pictured the end, "once it's online, it can't be deleted" or some shit.

but it wasn't. children singing, it's hauntingly beautiful! lives flashing before my eyes.. all leading up to him: Einsenberg. i'm not retarded, i recognize that the kid has talent.

holy shit, this is it! this is that facebook movie that i read about on some website a few weeks ago or something.. wow. i honestly have never been so engrossed in a trailer in my entire life. everything rang true, every piece of dialogue, every conversation seemed to shake me to my core. i was awestruck.

the trailer ends. my friend, firmly seated directly in front of me, turned to his right in the silence following the trailer.. "man," he said to his friend at sufficient smart-ass-comment-after-a-trailer volume, "they really jumped the shark with that one!"

people laughed. tens of people must have laughed. i couldn't understand. what was so unlikable about the presented film that would elicit not only an accusation of selling-out, but outright laughter? at its best, his critique of the trailer could have been "melodramatic", which is the consensus i've noticed among people i talk to about the movie as it nears release: why make a movie about some stupid nerd who made facebook?

East Lake

blame space said:
exactly. people don't know what they should (yes should) find interesting these days.
I don't think it's that honestly. I feel like the main problem is not whether it's interesting but whether people can actually sit there and feel like that melodrama you mentioned works with a film on this subject, being on something that people use everyday. You can't help but think, I wonder if the real version had a witty Eisenberg making out with women in hallways and a giant screen with the members count, stark cinematography and children singing in the background? It just seems like at this point with something so relevant it's hard to suspend disbelief and that a documentary or something would be more apt.


ProfessorLobo said:
Kind of off topic, but I was wondering why a story about the world's youngest and quickest billionaire sounds so damn boring to GAFers.
Facebook was originally created only for college kids, I started college the year it first came out and it was a pretty cool new thing.

Since then, I've literally heard the story a billion times, about one of the developers fucking the others over, and there being a lawsuit and some drama etc. I even remember visiting the other social networking site that was supposed to be facebook (have no clue what it's called off the top of my head).

It seems like old news. Who cares? A guy made a website and got rich. That's not really that interesting as we live on the internet so this type of story isn't particularly special or unique to facebook.

I'm going to watch the movie because of the critical reception, and am prepared to be delighted by how they managed to translate the facebook drama into a coherent and interesting screenplay.


I've always hated social networking sites because it seems that since we're approaching the 10 year anniversary of the year I graduated from high school, everyone wants to show me their wife/husband/kids.

But the movie looks good.


Maccas said:
Apparently something exceptionally uninteresting has been turned into an incredibly interesting movie. I'll definitely see it, even though David Fincher violated me through Benjamin Button.
I don't understand how the creation of the biggest social network ever, an entity that has changed the internet, could be uninteresting.


charsace said:
I don't understand how the creation of the biggest social network ever, an entity that has changed the internet, could be uninteresting.
Imagine a movie about the creation of Google.

Everyone knows the story, you know of the two guys who worked in some garage and then made a cool search engine.

It would be boring as fuck.

The facebook story is also boring, but it has some drama, and apparently a bunch of the stuff in the movie is exaggerated or straight up made up...and that is how they are able to make it interesting.


Korey said:
Imagine a movie about the creation of Google.

Everyone knows the story, you know of the two guys who worked in some garage and then made a cool search engine.

It would be boring as fuck.

The facebook story is also boring, but it has some drama, and apparently a bunch of the stuff in the movie is exaggerated or straight up made up...and that is how they are able to make it interesting.

My question is... so what? If it's a good movie, you're still opposed to it on principle?


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
KingGondo said:
Paging Gary Whitta.

A NeoGAF movie is a guaranteed goldmine.

As long as we get Costanza back for part! :lol :lol

PS: Hmm maybe my GF and I could go see this Friday night when we are suppose to hang...

Korey said:
Imagine a movie about the creation of Google.

Everyone knows the story, you know of the two guys who worked in some garage and then made a cool search engine.

It would be boring as fuck.

The facebook story is also boring, but it has some drama, and apparently a bunch of the stuff in the movie is exaggerated or straight up made up...and that is how they are able to make it interesting.

Actually a fuck ton more shit happened with the FB creation than with Google. Did you read the wired story about the movie btw?
Korey said:
Imagine a movie about the creation of Google.

Everyone knows the story, you know of the two guys who worked in some garage and then made a cool search engine.

It would be boring as fuck.

The facebook story is also boring, but it has some drama, and apparently a bunch of the stuff in the movie is exaggerated or straight up made up...and that is how they are able to make it interesting.


we were able to take some good pics at NYFF press conference:





Also have video of the entire thing as well as the 50 minute one-on-one with David Fincher. [link]


Scullibundo said:

:lol :lol :lol

Edit: Damn, gotta check out the one on one with Fincher - I wish he did more interviews, but the ones he agrees to do are usually pretty great.
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