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Things that happen on the border of sleep.

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All this MGS3 talk took me back to a time a few years ago. I was about to go to sleep and my roommates were playing Metal Gear Solid. They had played a good deal of the way through and were also about to retire for the night, but they didn't know how to save. So they asked me. They caught me in my half-sleep state and asked me how to save. I vaguely remember mumbling stuff about "go up, then down... then use the saving software included in the disk... and then..."

There was silence, then for some reason I fully woke up, sat bolt upright and said "Damn it man, use Mei Ling!"

More silence, then everyone started laughing their asses off. Come to find out that after they asked the question, I'd been mumbling things for several minutes all climaxing at "use the saving software". I got shit for that for a long time afterwards. There was also something about corcusses (corpse + carcass I think) and calling somebody a shit puppet, but I think those are fake and never happened.


Anyway, anybody else have any half-sleep stories they'd like to share. You should you know, it's like SO the American thing to do.


aka The Hound
Last night I was about to drift off when for some reason I opened my eyes and saw a spider descending towards my face. I sat up, and quickly woke my wife while I watched it land on my pillow. She freaked when I told her (hates spiders) and turned on the light. It wasn't there; I imagined it. I looked all over the bed, nothing. Took us a while to go back to sleep. She didn't even see anything and it still kept her up.


I was falling asleep one winter... my neighbor was shoveling snow. I fell asleep, but continued my chain of thoughts. At some point I was talking to my neighbor, and he used his shovel, and kicked me right in the leg, which prompted me to stir my leg, and it woke me up.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Claus said:
I always enjoy when you're near sleep and all of a sudden your leg just kicks you awake.

Yeah.. I think I "trip" in my sleep quite often... sometimes my whole body jerks like I fell down...


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
One time I was laying in my bed and my dad came and started talking to me about something, but as he was talking I thought "Wait a minute, this... isn't real....!!!! My eyes are closed!" and so I opened my eyes and he disappeared. The werid thing is how nothing changed except him disappearing, my brain knew exactly what the room looked like from the angle my head was facing.

Then another time my friend was staying at my house for a couple weeks and when he was sleeping I woke him up to ask him about something. He sat up and looked right at me and was talking, but something didn't seem right and not everything he was saying made sense. Later he didn't remember that we had a conversation at all.


When you're just about to fall asleep, have you ever had that feeling like your falling? I get that sometimes, just this weird sensation.


not a medical professional
I hate waking up like that, because it brings the dream into a bit of reality.

Especially if you're having a falling dream, or if you've fallen or something, and you wake up still feeling like you're falling (eg that rollercoaster feeling in your stomache); then you jolt on the bed, feeling like you've collided with the ground. Its just so weird and akward.. Makes you think if you're where you were, or if you're in your bed for a second or two.

I apparently have a problem with talking in my sleep. The thing is, what i say is 'clear as day' apparently, but it just doesnt make SENSE. I speak words, that you can clearly make out - but they are strung together in weird forms, and so the sentences make no sense. No one has ever told me what I've said, but they said it was scary. Perhaps its a state of REM, you know, dreams only last a few seconds and you only remember a few when you wake up, if any?

I used to sleepwalk too, but not anymore. Thankfully.

Have you ever had one of those nights, where you think you cant get to sleep, you keep tossing and turning and keep checking the clock; but every time you check the clock, it tells you that like a half hour, or an hour has passed - but you don't remember going to sleep? You think you've been awake for the entire night, but those eight or nine hours go by really quickly, even though you've checked the clock regularly? Its like you pass out and dont realize it.

Crazy stuff.


insert blank space here
Sometimes before I fall asleep I notice weird things happening with my sheets. Almost like a flexing in and out of the fabric with some extra rolling water-like motion. I know that the fabric isn't moving... but my eyes tell me they are. Needless to say it freaks me out.
LakeEarth said:
When you're just about to fall asleep, have you ever had that feeling like your falling? I get that sometimes, just this weird sensation.

That happens when you start to have an out of body experience. If you're able to calmly let yourself "fall", then you'll probably find yourself wandering around outside, floating. Or at least I was able to do that once, somehow :)


When I get back from skiing, and go to sleep, I always have the feeling that I'm still slaloming. I get the feeling that my bed is turning and that I'm downing down the slopes. :<


insert blank space here
6.8 said:
When I get back from skiing, and go to sleep, I always have the feeling that I'm still slaloming. I get the feeling that my bed is turning and that I'm downing down the slopes. :<

Skiing? *two thumbs up* Fortune or Cascade lol?

I get that feeling after skiing also. It was especially bad after my day of skiing at Tremblant.


6.8 said:
When I get back from skiing, and go to sleep, I always have the feeling that I'm still slaloming. I get the feeling that my bed is turning and that I'm downing down the slopes. :<

Same thing happens to me after a day at Cedar Point.
I find that the "falling" sensation and the the leg kick always come together. I'll feel that I'm pitching forward and my leg reflexively kicks out to break the fall.

DrEvil said:
I apparently have a problem with talking in my sleep. The thing is, what i say is 'clear as day' apparently, but it just doesnt make SENSE. I speak words, that you can clearly make out - but they are strung together in weird forms, and so the sentences make no sense. No one has ever told me what I've said, but they said it was scary.
On a similar note, I find that I can't read in my dreams. I'll be looking at a sign or writing on paper, and I can't make the symbols resolve into words. Often the effort of trying to read what it is I'm seeing is enough to wake me up. I wonder if the part of your brain that processes reading and language is in someway turned off or subdued when you dream.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Lucky Forward said:
I find that the "falling" sensation and the the leg kick always come together. I'll feel that I'm pitching forward and my leg reflexively kicks out to break the fall.

On a similar note, I find that I can't read in my dreams. I'll be looking at a sign or writing on paper, and I can't make the symbols resolve into words. Often the effort of trying to read what it is I'm seeing is enough to wake me up. I wonder if the part of your brain that processes reading and language is in someway turned off or subdued when you dream.

that is a "known" fact about dreams...people can't read in their sleep
Yeah it is because reading uses a different area of the brain than the dreaming activation is in. Haven't you seen that Batman: TAS episode where the Mad Hatter puts Batman in a dream world where his parents are still alive and he is going to marry Selina Kyle and someone else is Batman? The way he realizes it is all a dream is when he goes to read the paper and it is all crazy and so are all the books. He then realizes its a dream and escapes by using a fall to wake himself up!!! One of the many reasons batman rocks!!

aoi tsuki

Blackace said:
that is a "known" fact about dreams...people can't read in their sleep
i was having a dream that i thought was real, until i realized i couldn't read.

There's also an excellent episode of Batman: The Animated Series about the same thing.

Edit: Oh nos, beaten!!


Whenever I'm about to go to sleep and I hear a sudden loud to moderately loud noise, I see a quick subtle flash of white or some kind of pattern while my eyes are closed. Does anyone else get this?


Time ta STEP IT UP
One day I woke up and I thought I saw some kind of alien head in my window. It had BIG BROWN eyes and it was just staring at me... and I was frozen for AT LEAST half a minute. I could not move a muscle... I was paralyzed but the sight.

Scared the shit out of me.
Sometimes my mind works in really freaky ways when I'm asleep. For instance:

-I have debugged many programs in my sleep, down to the exact location of the code that needs to be changed.

-Remember that part of Secret of Mana where you had a teleporter that didn't work properly and had to figure out how to get it to work? I actually woke up in the middle of the night with the solution and ran to the system to do it.

-Solved the wooden wheel puzzle in Conker in my sleep. Woke up in a cold sweat and ran to the system to do it right away.

The freaky thing about it all is that I don't wake up semi confused or anything. For some reason my brain knows the solution and feels there is no way that I'm wrong. It scares me that my brain seems to think that the solutions I come up with in my sleep are real, and every time they have been. I mean....when I solved that conker puzzle (the most recent sleeping episode I would say) I booted the system and said to myself "this is the solution." Freaks me and everyone I know out big time.

I think it runs in the family too. My sister just recently had a dream where she was asked how many strokes where in this big word. She instantly answered with a number and then promptly woke up. She had a piece of paper next to her bed and wasn't sure why, but felt compelled to write the word and the number down. Soon after, she came into my room looking really mystified and told me to the check the paper. She said "count how many strokes are in that word to write it." It took, no joke, about 1 minute before I finally decided on the answer....and that was the number next to the word :S. Freaky shite.


not a medical professional
I can read in my dreams, I do regularly too; so I dont know this BS about not being able to read.

Then again, I'm left handed, perhaps my brain works different than you righties.

And as for jason, he's just a nerd who dreams about videogames too much :p


Something used to occur where about 5 mins after lying down, I'd fall into a strange dream that I was playing kickball with my buddies in 6th grade again, they were pitching it to me and I wake up only to fully launch a kick straight up into the air, goddamn I hate that.


Queen of Denmark
DrEvil said:
I can read in my dreams, I do regularly too; so I dont know this BS about not being able to read.
I'm also confused by that assertion, as I can recall reading in my dreams.

But I'm also left-handed.

aoi tsuki

DrEvil said:
I can read in my dreams, I do regularly too; so I dont know this BS about not being able to read.

Then again, I'm left handed, perhaps my brain works different than you righties.

And as for jason, he's just a nerd who dreams about videogames too much :p
IIRC, to oversimplify, the left brain controls logic, and the right brain creative. Unless you read with your right brain, a page at a time, it wouldn't be possible to truly read. i too have "read" in my dreams, but only to the extent that i've picked up a book and started reciting what was presumedly on the page. i can never recall seeing groupings of lines, interpreting them into characters/words/sentences, and converting them into sounds (speaking). And i'm a leftie too.


Error Macro said:
That happens when you start to have an out of body experience. If you're able to calmly let yourself "fall", then you'll probably find yourself wandering around outside, floating. Or at least I was able to do that once, somehow :)

I think thats refered to as Lucid Dreaming. Ive managed to do it once for what was prolly 5 seconds, and it was amazing.


Going with the original posters' MGS theme....

The Fucking Colonel scared the shit out of me when I first played MGS2.

I had been playing for about 8-10 hours when I got to the part where the Colonel flips out *OMG SPOILERZZZZ*

"Don't you think you've been playing long enough?"

HOOOLY SHIT. THat scared the FUCK out of me. First of all, I had started around 8pm. So, this was sometime between 4 and 6am. i was bordering on passed out, when that happened. I just froze and was like "WTF...HO...HOW DID ...NO WAY"


I think I see bugs crawling BEHIND the walls or the floors when I'm really sleepy. Also, if I close my eyes I can see the organisms in my eyes moving... and sometimes even when I'm wide awake I can see them move. Weird shit.

White Man

that is a "known" fact about dreams...people can't read in their sleep

I've definitely read in my dreams. Usually just signs, but there's been a few cases where it's something longer.

Now, most of the time, what you've said is true, but the reading happens frequently enough that I know it happens.


I felt like I was drowning once. It felt so real, then I just woke up, and took a huge breathe, sweating like crazy. Scared the hell out of me.

Mashing, are you sure those are microscopic organisms? I always thought those were scratches?


I suppose they could be scratches, but they appear to move even when I keep my eye perfectly still. Also, would I still be able to see them with my eyelids shut?
Make someone wake you up real early. Then stay up for a while, maybe a hour of two.
After that, go back to sleep. My brother and I have found we are more likely to have lucid dreams after doing this. They weren't totally lucid though, but still pretty damn cool.


last quarter in one of my failed struggles to stay awake in architecture class i had one of those leg jerk convulsive things and managed to fall out of my chair.


not a medical professional
Mashing said:
I suppose they could be scratches, but they appear to move even when I keep my eye perfectly still. Also, would I still be able to see them with my eyelids shut?

I have them too, most definately scratches.

They move because you inadvertandly try to focus on it, and your eyes move slowly making them move

if you focus on something in the distance, say a sign, you'll see they dont move.


I also remember when I was very young, that I was half-sleeping with my knees bent up. Suddenly both legs thrusted downward propelling me right off the bed and on to the floor. I heard a thump, felt some pain in my head and heard my brother say "are you okay?" It was still dark, so I just got up, laid back in the bed and thought nothing else of it until now. And all that time all I could think about was what Jabba the Hutt was doing at the moment. It was a pretty wierd night.
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