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Top law firms don't want to defend Trump


The best lawyers won't do it?
Better Call Saul.

Really I'm sure there's a crooked lawyer willing to do it.

Would Saul cover some one who had a reputation of not paying? I thought the whole point of why Saul did what he did was that he is able to make some pretty good bank doing so... can't really do so if your client doesn't pay and Saul doesn't see the charitable type.

This is why you pay your lawyers... they don't work for free.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Not really surprising. Law firms don't want to take on cases they know they'll lose plus Trump's recent history has clearly shown he won't follow the advice of advisers.

They're plenty happy to take on cases they'll settle, though.


The grain of salt to take with Vault ranking is that they are based on a survey Vault sends around to lawyers, asking them to rate how "prestigious" they think certain firms are. There's obviously going to be some useful indication, because firms that are prominent and do well will have a better "rank" in people's minds, but it's literally a rank of "how prestigious do lawyers think other law firms are".


The grain of salt to take with Vault ranking is that they are based on a survey Vault sends around to lawyers, asking them to rate how "prestigious" they think certain firms are. There's obviously going to be some useful indication, because firms that are prominent and do well will have a better "rank" in people's minds, but it's literally a rank of "how prestigious do lawyers think their own and other law firms are".

Right, which is why it's useful but not gospel.

If you want to compare a firm ranked 97th to a top 10 firm to draw general conclusions, sure that makes sense.

If anyone sits down and says "firm ranked 17 is clearly better than firm ranked 19", meh.


remember me
So about the guy Trump ended up with representing him when he couldn't hire someone good


Trump’s lawyer in Russia probe has clients with Kremlin ties


The hard-charging New York lawyer President Trump chose to represent him in the Russia investigation has prominent clients with ties to the Kremlin, a striking pick for a president trying to escape the persistent cloud that has trailed his administration.

Marc E. Kasowitz’s clients include Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch who is close to President Vladimir Putin and has done business with Trump’s former campaign manager. Kasowitz also represents Sberbank, Russia’s largest state-owned bank, U.S. court records show.

Kasowitz has represented one of Deripaska’s companies for years in a civil lawsuit in New York and was scheduled to argue on the company’s behalf May 25, two days after news broke that Trump had hired him, court records show. A different lawyer in Kasowitz’s firm showed up in court instead, avoiding a scenario that would have highlighted Kasowitz’s extensive work for high-profile Russian clients.


Some, like Brendan Sullivan, said they had upcoming trials or existing commitments that that would make it impossible for them to devote the necessary time and resources to Trump’s defense.

AH-hahaha! This is legalese for, "I - I have to wash my hair that day, so...."

“The concerns were, ‘The guy won’t pay and he won’t listen,’”

Man, I thought the article left out "attention" by mistake, but realized the orange skidmark actually does run the risk of not paying his legal fees...crazy that even law firms have to take this into consideration.



well maybe the kasowitz firm is actually not that professional

Isn't the actual thing from Comey that there was no evidence that vote counts were directly modified by Russian influence? That's a whole different thing from what this guy's talking about.
Isn't the actual thing from Comey that there was no evidence that vote counts were directly modified by Russian influence? That's a whole different thing from what this guy's talking about.

It's called a straw man argument. It's where someone misrepresents the arguments of the opponent and beat down those claims instead of addressing the actual claims.

It shows an inability to defend against the actual claims.
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