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Trevor Noah interviews scary white blonde woman on The Daily Show

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If anything, it gave her more visibility.

Putting her on the show was a mistake.

Yeah, having a guest which has possibly generated the most interest out of any interview since Noah took charge and which has a million views after just one day on youtube was clearly a mistake.


opposites attract!



She isn't saying anything new or interesting, shit been said since 1776. Hell she is not even saying it well for her audience. There is a reason she is at the blaze and not on Fox.


I'm glad that this seems to be picking up a lot of steam as I felt that Trevor Noah hasn't really been given much of a chance by most critics since pretty much day one. I understand that Stewart's shoes are incredibly hard to fill, but I felt like this was a great choice. With several people under the Stewart tree going on to have their own great late night shows, I feel like the choice of Noah bringing an outsider perspective was pretty much the best choice possible. He definitely has his down moments, but I feel like he has been rapidly improving, and the Trump victory is only fueling him to get even better.

We already have Samantha Bee, Seven Colbert, and John Oliver to tell us the Jon Stewart perspective.

I'm now interested in the Trevor Noah perspective.


It felt like this is perhaps the breakout moment that Trevor Noah needed.

Great interview that stayed civil yet 100% substantive. I think I'll start watching him regularly now.
Does this surprise you?

People in the entertainment new industry typically have to get along and be friendly.

Hell, even John Stewart and Bill O'Riely were pretty friendly off air.

Nope, not at all.

It's just humorous. People like Trevor can have interviews like that and then have drinks and pal around with them after because ultimately, they don't have as much to lose.

And yeah, I knew about Stewart and O'Riely.

I think Bill Maher and Ann Colter are really chummy as well, aren't they?
They're professionals. Nothing wrong with it.

That's my point.

People get up in arms like he's sleeping with the enemy or something.

Nope, not at all.

It's just humorous. People like Trevor can have interviews like that and then have drinks and pal around with them after because ultimately, they don't have as much to lose.

And yeah, I knew about Stewart and O'Riely.

I think Bill Maher and Ann Colter are really chummy as well, aren't they?

Very much so.


That was a really good interview by Trevor. Definitely a tough one because you could see the gears turning in his head, there were so many times I would have wanted to fire back or burst out at her but he kept his cool and let her lead. The not seeing color comment coming back around was gold.


Finally got around to watching it and Trevor handled it very well. His logic and counter points were great. I can't say the same about her. That was a great interview, imo.
I love how at one point she was talking about the middle of the country (specially straight white men, and people who live in states where their individual votes are worth more than that of individual voters on the coasts) are "sick of not having their voices heard."
TMZ just showed Trevor and her having a drink together last night.

Tbh I think she held her own. Obviously I sided with Trevor and her "I don't see color" bs made me lol playing right off Colbert's character. But I don't think he eviscerated her like some are suggesting, I don't see the interview changing anyone's opinions on her. He said what most of us think she said what most of them think. It was pretty meh.

How romantic. Maybe they talked about how she'd probably have him lynched back in the good ole days.


I honestly think people like her shouldn't be put on shows like that.

This is the wrong way to go about this, because her view point is the one that just won the election.

You can no longer just ignore them and hope that they go away. They absolutely must be a part of the conversation now. Through open discussion, they can be exposed for what they are in situations like the one in this interview.

This also doesn't really expand her platform, as It's already a huge one. She doesn't need the publicity from the Daily Show to get more viewers. Facebook has already done that job for her.
This is the wrong way to go about this, because her view point is the one that just won the election.

You can no longer just ignore them and hope that they go away. They absolutely must be a part of the conversation now. Through open discussion, they can be exposed for what they are in situations like the one in this interview.

This also doesn't really expand her platform, as It's already a huge one. She doesn't need the publicity from the Daily Show to get more viewers. Facebook has already done that job for her.

Between the Daily Show and TMZ, it looks like she is about to go mainstream. She won the week.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Yeah, Charlamagne went on her show and afterwards they became cool with each other. Although he disagrees with every point of hers he's still friends since, I assume, it's because he gets a direct view of the opposing side.

Here's their 18min long interview


Charlamagne wrecked her too.

I thought this guy did a way better job schooling her than Trevor did. She actually was on the defensive in this vid.


"But if police officers stop shooting black people there will still be problems in black communities, we must talk about this as well."

But if we cure Parkinson's there will still be cancer. We must talk about this as well.
But if we stop school shootings, there will still be road accidents. We must talk about this as well.
But if I tie my left shoelace, my right one is still untied. We must talk about this as well.

lol who gave this fool the time of day? oh wait, she's white and pretty in America.


O'Reilly is a moron, not a Neo-Nazi.

Talking about black people said:
“But how are you going to get jobs for them?" O'Reilly asked. "Many of them are ill-educated and have tattoos on their foreheads, and I hate to be generalized about it, but it's true.

“There is a violent subculture in the African-American community that should be exposed and confronted. Enter the Black Lives Matter crew which roams around the country promoting a false narrative that police officers are actively hunting down and killing blacks. Here's the truth. Police shot whites at a rate of 50 percent in 2015. Police shot blacks at a rate of 26 percent.”

"Don't abandon your children,” O’Reilly said. “Don't get pregnant at 14. Don't allow your neighborhoods to deteriorate into free-fire zones. That's what the African-American community should have on their T-shirts.”

Marc Lamont Hill looks like a cocaine dealer.

Bill O'Reilly is exactly the same as Tomi Lahren.

I love when white people tell us poor Negroes what we should or shouldn't be doing.

White people(especially white people like O'Reilly and Lahren) should shut the fuck up about what black people should or shouldn't be doing.


Between the Daily Show and TMZ, it looks like she is about to go mainstream. She won the week.

My point in that post is that she's already been there. She reaches more people than the Daily Show does. Trevor Noah did a segment on her popularity a while back. That's probably what led to her going on the show like this.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
I finally saw this when someone linked it to me after the hype up of Trevor taking her to task. I can away let down, he went pretty easy on her honestly and if someone who supported her this wouldn't make them think twice about supporting her soon.

There was a couple good little zingers, but overall pretty weak interview as far as truly calling her out on her bullshit.
Trevor was pretty classy with this one. He had running in circles and contradicting her self;
He pointed out each hypocritical statement passively and subtly. It will probably fly over the head of her supporters though;

She refuses to be labeled / lumped up ion a group but dismisses the black lives matter movement as being entirely comprised of violent and racist people akin to the KKK.

She then quickly follows that up by labeling herself herself a "Millennial."

She says she doesn't see color and then complains why black people can do this and that but white people can't...to which Trevor calmly replies....i don't know, I don't see color.

She can't answer a simple question derived from a statement she provided regarding the protester practicing his first amendment the "wrong" way.

This girl did not win anything...she was just owned in a classy and subtle way that probably flew over some people's heads...including her's. But the reality will sink in for her and those people while they ruminate on what happened.
Trevor was pretty classy with this one. He had running in circles and contradicting her self;
He pointed out each hypocritical statement passively and subtly. It will probably fly over the head of her supporters though;

She refuses to be labeled / lumped up ion a group but dismisses the black lives matter movement as being entirely comprised of violent and racist people akin to the KKK.

She then quickly follows that up by labeling herself herself a "Millennial."

She says she doesn't see color and then complains why black people can do this and that but white people can't...to which Trevor calmly replies....i don't know, I don't see color.

She can't answer a simple question derived from a statement she provided regarding the protester practicing his first amendment the "wrong" way.

This girl did not win anything...she was just owned in a classy and subtle way that probably flew over some people's heads...including her's. But the reality will sink in for her and those people while they ruminate on what happened.


VOX was talking about how Trevor was executing on his "make the other side elaborate" idea of how to argue with the other side, when the other side acts like a toddler


Don't want to hear her talk by herself. Cliff notes version pls?

"His audience booed and were applauded by the media. If my audience booed at him they would have been called racists. They booed at me for citing a fact. Trevor's a great guy but he compared me to a racist uncle. I burst the bubble."

And on and on and on.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Watched this today. When she said she was from Dallas it all clicked. I've met precisely one person from Dallas that wasn't a complete double.

TMZ just showed Trevor and her having a drink together last night.

Tbh I think she held her own. Obviously I sided with Trevor and her "I don't see color" bs made me lol playing right off Colbert's character. But I don't think he eviscerated her like some are suggesting, I don't see the interview changing anyone's opinions on her. He said what most of us think she said what most of them think. It was pretty meh.
she held literally nothing of her own. Unless of course you subscribe to the theory of it doesn't matter if you are right as long as you yell what you say louder than anyone else. She couldn't answer any questions. She walked right into several setups.

She contradicted herself. One of her main points on caepernick was that if he doesn't like the country he should leave. Yet on TDS she says she wishes we could disagree without so much conflict or whatever she said.

I also like how she's so critical of other people's protests but recognizes that women didn't have the right to vote until... A bunch of women got together and protested, which she never actually mentions.

She couldn't answer a pretty important question- What is the 'right' way for people to protest?

She attempted to deflect multiple times but couldn't address it. Since it's basically the entire basis of her position, that's a pretty big deal.

Also why is she so angry, abiut everything.
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