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Trevor Noah interviews scary white blonde woman on The Daily Show

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Why the need to merely identify her as a white woman and her hair-type?

The implications of that seem to be you're trying to put her in a preconceived box.

How can this place obsess over this stuff so much and still be so guilty of the things you're constantly on the witch hunt for?

I'll never understand.

Shitting on, mocking, and dismissing the plight of minorities whose experience she knows fuck-all about has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that she's a young, attractive blonde that did not in any way suffer like the people she's mocking and claiming to be "crybabies", "terrorists", and "the KKK". So yeah, it's relevant. This glossy, dolled up barbie ranting and raving angrily against those who are suffering is so ghoulish and despicable.


Shitting on, mocking, and dismissing the plight of minorities whose experience she knows fuck-all about has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that she's a young, attractive blonde that did not in any way suffer like the people she's mocking and claiming to be "crybabies", "terrorists", and "the KKK". So yeah, it's relevant. This glossy, dolled up barbie ranting and raving angrily against those who are suffering is so ghoulish and despicable.
Yep. There are certain cases where it is important to point out racial, sex, and class differences. For example, it's also worth scrutinizing abortion and other women's-health related legislation that is created by a male majority. You can't throw out what a person says just because of the way they look, or who they are, but if you consider what is said with the knowledge of what the speaker's experience likely is—as a person white, straight, attractive, etc—which is often a far different experience than the people directly impacted by social and political oppression, you may begin to realize that maybe, maybe she don't really have the full set of tools she needs to work through the issues she's proselytizing.

Not Spaceghost

She is the most oblivious person I have ever seen. To be directly confronted with their own lapses in logic and say naahh that isn't the same is absolutely infuriating ti behold.

The worst part is she's never going to back down from this or change herself, she's only going to dig herself deeper into this stance as time goes on. She genuinely cannot be reasoned with because she will never admit to being wrong, and that's the part that makes me the saddest.


It is maybe because she fits the model of a certain ideal woman, and at the same time engages in belittling the concerns of minorities and deriding their attempts at social justice.
This is exactly what I'm talking about it. Look at that first sentence.

She fits a model? So it's ok for you guys to start identifying people based on "models" if they speak out against people you sympathize more with?
She is the most oblivious person I have ever seen. To be directly confronted with their own lapses in logic and say naahh that isn't the same is absolutely infuriating ti behold.

The worst part is she's never going to back down from this or change herself, she's only going to dig herself deeper into this stance as time goes on. She genuinely cannot be reasoned with because she will never admit to being wrong, and that's the part that makes me the saddest.

Arguing with this kind of person is impossible, because they lack reason.
This is exactly what I'm talking about it. Look at that first sentence.

She fits a model? So it's ok for you guys to start identifying people based on "models" if they speak out against people you sympathize more with?

Your dishonest attempts at twisting what people are saying for your own agenda are pretty tiresome. People have a problem about what she fucking says, not what she looks like. But it just so HAPPENS that when we're talking about race issues, and those who have the authority and experience to speak about them, her gender/looks/privilege ALSO matters. But, glad that you find this more offensive than the vitriol she spews, which you seem to have no problem with.


This is exactly what I'm talking about it. Look at that first sentence.

She fits a model? So it's ok for you guys to start identifying people based on "models" if they speak out against people you sympathize more with?
You are getting hung up on
Me! said:
It is maybe because she fits the model of a certain ideal woman,

When the important part is

and at the same time....

There is no reason to think that every blond white woman is oblivious to the disparities in treatment of whites vs treatment of minorities. But when a blond white woman shows that kind of cluelessness, and shows that she is ill informed, we can begin to speculate about why she is ill informed. Like maybe because she is a white woman she doesn't really get the experience of the people she is criticizing.


All I can think of when she starts whining is that she just got done complaining about the whiners. She hates herself, she just hasn't realized it yet.
Like maybe because she is a white woman she doesn't really get the experience of the people she is criticizing.

Or even that she's completely informed and chooses to spread misinformation because she knows the type of racial dominance she's in support of highly benefits her and people that look like her.


I'm glad that he tried to get her to explain what her own alternative would be to the stuff she's arguing against. Granted her answers were vague and dodgy which made her stances fall apart.


Is the Black Friday quote for real? Like she really has no idea it comes from stores trying to get their books in the black (profit), rather than the red (loss)?


This is exactly what I'm talking about it. Look at that first sentence.

She fits a model? So it's ok for you guys to start identifying people based on "models" if they speak out against people you sympathize more with?

he said "the model" not "a model"

like that person is a "the model of a horrible human being" (an example of )

not a fashion model.


Interview for UK viewers here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2xv4fba65U

God, the audience pissed me off. Stop hooting and cheering every time Trevor counters her argument, it's obnoxious and ruins the flow of the conversation. I'd like to listen to two people talking and weigh up their arguments without people whooping every time their opinion gets affirmed.

Anyway, disregarding that, it was a good interview. Noah called her out on her many contradictory positions ("I don't see colour") and her inability to present solutions rather than calling out problems (the repeated "how should black people protest" questions). He was at his best when giving her the chance to speak and then clearly, calmly demonstrating why her positions are either simplistic, hypocritical or needlessly inflammatory. He let himself down when making meaningless semantic arguments ("How many people is it?") or making fun of her, even if he is a comedian and the impulse is understandable. Debating serious issues on his turf, it just seemed petulant. He could have told the audience to shut up as well, as Stephen Colbert did when he had one of his Republican guests on.

Nevertheless, it's great he had her on the show and showed how ideologically-motivated positions such as hers could be dismantled with calm logic rather than shouting. The bigger problem is that, with less apocalyptic vehemence, the left makes the same sorts of generalisations - think of the reaction to the NotAllMen hashtag, which was widely hated on despite making the same essential argument Noah was making - and has the same focus on blame and seeking out feedback loops of self-confirmation rather than addressing problems in their full complexity to find solutions. Noah's points are entirely salient and correct, the wider problem is that it's a universal issue that neither side is willing to recognise their participation in as long as they can call themselves the calm, rational good guys and the other side pure, uncomplicated evil.


Junior Butler
1. I will be watching the Daily Show once again.

2. Rockstar need to hire this woman for the next GTA installment.


Or even that she's completely informed and chooses to spread misinformation because she knows the type of racial dominance she's in support of highly benefits her and people that look like her.
Maybe! That's pretty evil. Probably more likely she is motivated by something else, like recognition or publicity, and she will say what her audience wants to hear, or what the opposition does not want to hear, because that's what gets people fired up, and keeps her relevant.


She's embarrassing even for her crowd. Trevor slaughtered her.

When he asked "What do you do then?"

She should've just said vote. Her feeble mind couldn't come up with that? Sad.
I love that people think Tomi is somehow a "new" voice of conservatism.

She is just like any ignorant, old, white trash piece of shit except in the body of a 24-year-old. Says the exact same things; uses the exact same arguments.
This is exactly what I'm talking about it. Look at that first sentence.

She fits a model? So it's ok for you guys to start identifying people based on "models" if they speak out against people you sympathize more with?

I'm not sure what you're getting so offended about.

Pointing out that white blonde women who spout bullshit are popular in Republican circles is a way to explain why she got so big. Ann Coulter, Megyn Kelly, Kellyanne Conway, Kayleigh McEnany, and now Tomi Lahren, they all fit the mold.

It's not racism, if that's what you're trying to get at. It's pointing out a trend that's no different from noticing that the vast majority of Paul Ryan and Mike Pence's staffers are white.


Strap on your hooker ...
Not sure what you're suggesting, but they can rattle on about how they think they're discriminated against. You heard her make a fuss over being called a "racist cracker" as if it was the n word. They'll mention affirmative action and how they're always being called racist and other cultures are trying to change America instead of assimilating. It's all bullshit but I certainly don't think it'll stump them.

But I like that you point out their canned responses. I think the key is to prepare for those. They're predictable enough that we should be able to strategize around them. Find the correct counter points, most effective framing, tone etc. Overwhelm them with citations and facts to contrast with their vague claims. I think that's where he was strongest -- pointing out the facts about black power leaders and their nuanced use of violence. I think it could have been taken further -- point out that she calls them a terrorist group because that's how the racist police framed it at the time. The fbi didn't just investigate black panthers, the fbi conspired against MLK too -- they try to hide that now. Black panthers spent far more resources fighting crime in their own communities, serving meals, helping people vote and get access to education etc. Beyoncé can celebrate a nuanced view of black panthers just like Americans can have a nuanced view of America despite all the awful shit it's done.
Good response. To the first point, I'd say that the tactic might not work too well for most interviewers, but in this instance? When the interviewer is an immigrant that lived through Apartheid? I don't think comparing personal notes on discrimination is gonna work out in the pretty white blonde girl's favor, call me crazy.

To the second point, absolutely, it's a constant source of frustration to me that social progressives often just let a lot of the other side's bullshit talking points slide on by because they don't have the facts that refute them on deck and ready to deploy. This happens all over this interview and many others like it. Not engaging and moving on to the next topic is very easily construed as ceding the point. If the opposition can get all their canned rhetoric and ways to circle around into it so clear in their heads, you have to get some clear counterexamples that smack them down in yours if you're attempting to win arguments and sway some minds.

And seriously, if the current topic isn't resolved well, fuck moving on to the next topic. Interviews, especially long-form ones like this, shouldn't be approached like a series of train stops that need to be strictly adhered to. If your opponent closes out a topic with some blatant bullshit, don't give that "hm well agree to disagree," [interviewer gives implied "get a load of this idiot, right guys?" head shake towards already sympathetic audience] deflection and shoo off into the next topic. The people that need to be brought to sense on the topics don't interpret that as a victory, they see it as a retreat. They see it as the other person getting the last word and you not being able to engage it.

Now, I can understand where you have to move on at some point after a handful of passes on the same topic, but it shouldn't get one pass. Keep it going a bit, make them uncomfortable, make them have to rephrase their talking points more and against a wider variety of counterpoints than they're used to engaging on a single topic. Give them plenty of rope to hang themselves. There's a pretty good chance you can bait a Marco Rubio 'broken record' moment out of them if you get them going on the same topic long enough, their bag of canned responses doesn't have a whole lot of depth, and they're not used to people exploiting that. Because the people usually challenging them have an overriding priority to hit all the points on the piece of paper in front of them.

Noah finally resisted the urge on the "what should a black person do to protest?" question, and surprise surprise, it's the part where Tomi comes off the worst for transparently trying to deflect and circumvent multiple times. That sort of pressing shouldn't be a one-time thing, though, it should be a constant.


I mean I dont agree with her but I really don't see how Trevor owned her. She held her own and I would not want to get stuck in a debate with this girl lol.

I mean, she truly does wholeheartedly believe in herself which makes her seem like very solid debater. But Trevor poked her arguments full of holes and it's not like it was difficult for him to do so.


This is exactly what I'm talking about it. Look at that first sentence.

She fits a model? So it's ok for you guys to start identifying people based on "models" if they speak out against people you sympathize more with?
Between this and the Joe McKnight thread I can already say I find your schtick tiresome.
I was listening to an NPR segment where they had Trevor on the other day. He really is an amazing guy. He speaks eight freaking languages. That's personal a goal of mine. Not to speak that many necessarily, but to become a polyglot.


This is exactly what I'm talking about it. Look at that first sentence.

She fits a model? So it's ok for you guys to start identifying people based on "models" if they speak out against people you sympathize more with?
She fits the type of alt right salesman perfectly. I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up on fox news with the rest of them, working to brainwash the masses.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
When she mentioned that she as a woman got her right to vote, why the hell didn't Trevor say "through suffragettes protesting in the street".


Comics, serious business!
I don't know how to think about these kinds of people. I never know how much of it is a business decision to act a certain way or how much of it is really them. Same goes for people on the left, too. Are they genuine or trying to make money? I get that the white supremacists are insane, genuinely so, but not sure about the money making apparatus around them. Are they just trying to profit from the situation? Do they go home at night and secretly think rational thoughts?
Young Ann Coulter. Same talking points and attitude. Probably just an act to rile up a fanbase and get press, but you never know. She might really believe the shits she spouts.


I was getting all worked up about this then I looked it up.

Lol, 23?
It shows.

She doesn't even critically think about the worldview she's pushing. Her points are shouted and supported by emotion.

She would be eviscerated in debate class.

That being said, I've taken shits older than her that have made more sense.


So they just fucking straight up LIE and add the "more" to the end of Black Lives Matter on purpose???!!!?!




OK, time to watch the rest


I was getting all worked up about this then I looked it up.

Lol, 23?
It shows.

She doesn't even critically think about the worldview she's pushing. Her points are shouted and supported by emotion.

She would be eviscerated in debate class.

That being said, I've taken shits older than her that have made more sense.

She's from west river SoDak (iirc Rapid City). There's a reason East River Dakota people have to go out of their way to try and isolate themselves from the sickness that is pervasive on the other side of the state, even though many of the east river views are not much better.

Being educated in the state that literally has the lowest paid teachers in the entire country didn't do her any favors.
So they just fucking straight up LIE and add the "more" to the end of Black Lives Matter on purpose???!!!?!




OK, time to watch the rest


She loves saying that. It's not her first time. She knows it's not true, she says it to rile up her audience.

She's a liar, which isn't unusual, because that's what conservative talking heads do.


Man, her saying Black Lives Matter and the KKK are essentially the same is... Wow... Infuriating...

Holy shit, I heard this on a local radio show about a week ago.

I literally couldn't comprehend what I was hearing. How bad does the disconnect have to be for someone to actually believe that? I don't get it.


Arguing with this kind of person is impossible, because they lack reason.

The second Trevor backed her into a corner over what Freedom of Speech actually entailed, she swung into emotional patriot mode.

Holy shit, I heard this on a local radio show about a week ago.

I literally couldn't comprehend what I was hearing. How bad does the disconnect have to be for someone to actually believe that? I don't get it.

I'm trying to figure out how to get every white person I know to sit down and watch 13th with me

I'm glad that he tried to get her to explain what her own alternative would be to the stuff she's arguing against. Granted her answers were vague and dodgy which made her stances fall apart.

No, she literally said "I don't protest." That was her only definitive answer.

Thus, black people just shouldn't protest.

American values, indeed.

I'm not sure what you're getting so offended about.

Pointing out that white blonde women who spout bullshit are popular in Republican circles is a way to explain why she got so big. Ann Coulter, Megyn Kelly, Kellyanne Conway, Kayleigh McEnany, and now Tomi Lahren, they all fit the mold.

It's not racism, if that's what you're trying to get at. It's pointing out a trend that's no different from noticing that the vast majority of Paul Ryan and Mike Pence's staffers are white.

Conservative women ain't allowed to have brown hair unless they're running for office. In that scenario, the master race isn't required to ogle her, just manipulate her.

Being educated in the state that literally has the lowest paid teachers in the entire country didn't do her any favors.

University of Las Vegas '14 though


There are definitely intelligent conservatives. I've talked and debated with them in the past, and respect their point of view and even been convinced of a few things.

Then there's this. When people say that Trump supporters are idiots, it's because a huge swath of them follow people and "news" outlets like this.


Conservative women ain't allowed to have brown hair unless they're running for office. In that scenario, the master race isn't required to ogle her, just manipulate her.
Tomi did intern for this member of Congress who attained their BA in PoliSci (online) while in office.

University of Las Vegas '14 though
It's hard to build on anything that lacks a solid foundation.
I don't know how to think about these kinds of people. I never know how much of it is a business decision to act a certain way or how much of it is really them. Same goes for people on the left, too. Are they genuine or trying to make money? I get that the white supremacists are insane, genuinely so, but not sure about the money making apparatus around them. Are they just trying to profit from the situation? Do they go home at night and secretly think rational thoughts?

I always ask myself these same questions. And if they do go home at night and do think rational thoughts that they believe to be true but then go out and spit hatred in a calculated, premeditated manner just to make money, they are all the more evil for it.


TMZ just showed Trevor and her having a drink together last night.

Tbh I think she held her own. Obviously I sided with Trevor and her "I don't see color" bs made me lol playing right off Colbert's character. But I don't think he eviscerated her like some are suggesting, I don't see the interview changing anyone's opinions on her. He said what most of us think she said what most of them think. It was pretty meh.


TMZ just showed Trevor and her having a drink together last night.

Tbh I think she held her own. Obviously I sided with Trevor and her "I don't see color" bs made me lol playing right off Colbert's character. But I don't think he eviscerated her like some are suggesting, I don't see the interview changing anyone's opinions on her. He said what most of us think she said what most of them think. It was pretty meh.

If anything, it gave her more visibility.

Putting her on the show was a mistake.


I always ask myself these same questions. And if they do go home at night and do think rational thoughts that they believe to be true but then go out and spit hatred in a calculated, premeditated manner just to make money, they are all the more evil for it.

No, it's cognitive bias. You just latch onto anything that fits your worldview, and if anything starts to challenge it, desperately seek out people who appear smart or famous to affirm it.

I remember myself doing this very well. She's my age; I imagine her views never received much pushback getting to where she is now, so it's what I just described times a factor of ten.

I think it takes a while after you become famous for the opportunistic cynicism to set in, if it ever does. I believe no one behind embedded conservative media desks can be exposed to that many rational conflicting arguments over that long and personally maintain that ideology, but that's the optimist in me.


TMZ just showed Trevor and her having a drink together last night.

Tbh I think she held her own. Obviously I sided with Trevor and her "I don't see color" bs made me lol playing right off Colbert's character. But I don't think he eviscerated her like some are suggesting, I don't see the interview changing anyone's opinions on her. He said what most of us think she said what most of them think. It was pretty meh.

She couldn't answer a pretty important question- What is the 'right' way for people to protest?

She attempted to deflect multiple times but couldn't address it. Since it's basically the entire basis of her position, that's a pretty big deal.
TMZ just showed Trevor and her having a drink together last night.

Tbh I think she held her own. Obviously I sided with Trevor and her "I don't see color" bs made me lol playing right off Colbert's character. But I don't think he eviscerated her like some are suggesting, I don't see the interview changing anyone's opinions on her. He said what most of us think she said what most of them think. It was pretty meh.


Of course that happened.


She couldn't answer a pretty important question- What is the 'right' way for people to protest?

She attempted to deflect multiple times but couldn't address it. Since it's basically the entire basis of her position, that's a pretty big deal.

No, she literally said "I don't protest." That was her only definitive answer.

Thus, black people just shouldn't protest.

American values, indeed.

Pretty sure that's the closest she got.
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