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Tropes Vs. Women Episode 2 - Damsels In Distress Part [spoiler warning]

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Really ? She wasn't the first one to do it and a lot of articles did more to address the issue than she did.

Well, she did, or does still stand on the pedistal of a lot of gamers who hate her and want her silenced. She might not have been that big an influcence in whatever without them.

The conversation that is being had here and now, which has seemed almost omnipresent since Anita's kickstarter. How she's influenced game design is nebulous. Impossible to determine. How she's changed the conversation is plain.

Wasn't she called in to a meeting with a developer for a game? I thought she was consulting for development in some part of a game. If I've got it wrong, forgive me.


Well, she did, or does still stand on the pedistal of a lot of gamers who hate her and want her silenced. She might not have been that big an influcence in whatever without them.

Wasn't she called in to a meeting with a developer for a game? I thought she was consulting for development in some part of a game. If I've got it wrong, forgive me.

Invited to DICE, said contradicting things and a general 'make better female representation, kthanxbai'. Landmark of this gaming gen.


If you're capable of becoming pregnant, it's not the man's job to avoid you being pregnant. It's your own job to take responsibility for your body, and thus it's unjust to make the men pay for your lack of responsibility. I'm not talking about rape, since that is another matter (not to mention men are also raped by women, but I digress), but about getting drunk and sleeping around, and then abusing the men by robbing their money and let them pay for your own mistake.
I'm not sure I get this argument or missing something, but as far as I know from the viewpoint of law the man is not paying the woman but for the child instead. And it's just fair that both persons responsible for the child are taking care in some way. After all, it's not the child's fault for being born and it couldn't have done anything to avoid it, while both parents could but didn't so both pay.

But I agree with the thought of the rest of your post. In my opinion feminism can't work efficiently without a similar movement that works in parallel to adjust the role of men with it as well, who have plenty of own problems as well that should be resolved. But that's not the fault of feminism, it makes is only more difficult.


why does it always have to be black or white...
I'd rather see someone in the middle make a proper documentary on the topic and not someone biased to either side..





99. Tameem Antoniades, co-founder, Ninja Theory
It takes balls to face what Tameem Antoniades has faced in revealing and releasing the reboot DmC: Devil May Cry, but his self-confidence is backed by the talent that can tell a good story through an action game.

Oh, nevermind. It's a joke list.



I think there's a large problem between people who don't know whether they should be fighting for equity or equality. Sometimes, people tend to assume gender equity can only be achieved through equality, which means that we have to assume that both genders are equal despite all evidence to the contrary. (Hence, some people pouncing on "studies" that validate the absence of human sexual dimorphism in things such as muscle mass)

It's not even something people are willing to approach in academia. Studying the correlations or linkages between something like race and physical attributes is ethically repugnant to the modern enlightened mindset and will eventually lead to people screaming "eugenics!" in a suitably high-strung manner. Which is why we have to assume that say - an average Japanese woman will be as capable as an American one in a basketball competition. Humans always get "special case" exceptions, and as a biologist, I've been trained "not to go there". It's much easier to deal with organisms with fewer strong opinions

From a human perspective, I think Greer has a point - the biggest enemy of modern women is other women. Let's say Ms Sarkeesian has an issue with the portrayal of women in video games since the industry is largely male-dominated. If we want to acknowledge this divisive kind of thinking, the onus of action is then on women to make video games catered to female interest, not for males to either insert token women in some affirmative action movement (trying to forcibly change the market to something which hasn't been proven to exist) or to try to "write for women", because that'd just be the male idea of what they think vocal and soi-disant disenfranchised women want.

Men might have sex and power fantasies - so what? I never see Ms Sarkeesian without lipstick on (male-created enabler of female subjugation to the ideal of a sexualised male fantasy). She needs to find what archetype she thinks ALL women should all neatly fit into and get them to all agree with her. Good luck with that.

Edit: And if I'll say something sexist here: The main problem with male gamer reactions with regard to Ms Sarkeesian is that the constructive male approach towards female bitching about issues is to try to solve all the woman's problems. I personally find that women largely bitch because they want catharsis, not because they want to actually *do* anything about it.




edit :

I really hope you don't shave your beard .... EVER

I don't have a beard, so shaving would be pointless. Not genetically inclined towards it, sadly.

And I believe she's still wearing cosmetics and a dab of lipstick. Not the full overdone application, makeup can be subtle too. Ms Sarkeesian can really dress herself however she wants - I was just making an attempted pithy comment at the fact that modern feminism has kind of lost itself in being able to achieve a clear consensus (as opposed to the '70s and '80s movements).


there isn't a single hetrosexual woman in this world who wouldn't want her man to rescue her if she was taken... Protecting out women and children isn't some kind of social stigma it's part of our DNA... I also think she needs to just remove the children all together... what parent wouldn't save their child and children are by default weaknesses that are the most easily exploitable in real life as well as in fiction


And I believe she's still wearing cosmetics and a dab of lipstick. Not the full overdone application, makeup can be subtle too. Ms Sarkeesian can really dress herself however she wants - I was just making an attempted pithy comment at the fact that modern feminism has kind of lost itself in being able to achieve a clear consensus (as opposed to the '70s and '80s movements).

Here is a clear consensus : Women should be allowed to do whatever they want with their body as long as they are aware of society's way of dealing with women.

Calling it: less than 800 posts in the 30 days after the thread goes up.

That is cheating =P

there isn't a single hetrosexual woman in this world who wouldn't want her man to rescue her if she was taken...

I would rather be rescued by police or someone who knows more about the situation than risking losing a loved one by the hands of bad guys, thank you very much


I'm not sure I get this argument or missing something, but as far as I know from the viewpoint of law the man is not paying the woman but for the child instead. And it's just fair that both persons responsible for the child are taking care in some way. After all, it's not the child's fault for being born and it couldn't have done anything to avoid it, while both parents could but didn't so both pay.

But I agree with the thought of the rest of your post. In my opinion feminism can't work efficiently without a similar movement that works in parallel to adjust the role of men with it as well, who have plenty of own problems as well that should be resolved. But that's not the fault of feminism, it makes is only more difficult.

Given that most of the problems men face in our society result from the traditional gender role of "Men are Hard and Tough, anything else is like a Woman and therefore Bad", feminists are already working to adjust the role of men.


I did not miss any point. The main point is that women are such victims of these repetitive plots, and I simply showed how that is not the case. That you're unwilling to see it is not my problem.

All you did was make a poorly written, convoluted rant that boils down to "but what about us men?" You did miss the point in your absurd attempt to portray women as having it better and reframe the discussion to what personally bothers you about women. I don't even wanna waste time dissecting the crap in your blog post.

I still can't get over how she said that men being physically stronger than women is a myth.


She never said that. She made an excellent point that women are depicted as far less capable. e.g. a man is capable of taking down a massive dragon, moving huge pillars, etc., but a woman can't free herself of a few captors. Big difference in what she said and what you imagined she said.

The amount of salt here.

It's very palpable how threatened many of the boys in this thread feel over this one woman and her outrageous and offensive videos.
After playing through the few of the games on the 'spoiler' list and watching the video, I feel more mixed about this video than I did about her first one. I agree completely with Anita's comments on the whole stuffed in the fridge trope and them being more symbols or motivational tools rather than real characters (... not that I'd argue many of the male characters in the examples she used were real characters either :V), but I didn't really get how some examples of fighting 'possessed' females was as 'insidious' (a word I think she used approximately 100 times throughout the video) as she kept insisting it was.

It's definitely an overused trope in games, but it's also something that moreso than the other story scenarios she brought up seems split fairly evenly up among male and female characters, and isn't as much of the subtle promotion of domestic violence she made it out to be. Also RE5's Jill fight seemed like a weird example to use considering you can do that whole thing as Sheva as well.

Still enjoying this series, but after the somewhat neutral first video she's definitely starting to branch off onto more focused and subjective territory people aren't necessarily going to agree with 100%.
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