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Trump call transcript with Duterte leaked, calls Kim Jong Un "madman with nukes"

Since taking office in June, Duterte has moved to hedge on the Philippines' long-standing defense alliance with the United States by establishing closer relations with China. And his administration has overseen a brutal extrajudicial campaign that has resulted in the killings of thousands of suspected drug dealers.

Trump has not spoken out against that strategy, and in their call he praised Duterte for doing an ”unbelievable job on the drug problem."

”Many countries have the problem, we have the problem, but what a great job you are doing and I just wanted to call and tell you that," Trump said, according to the transcript.
This country should be so fucking ashamed that it made this man Commander in Chief.

There is no excuse for making Trump the face of our Democracy and bestowing the powers of the office to this wannabe-tyrant imbecile. None.

This is the man Republicans carry water for? This? God help us all.


Unconfirmed Member
Twist ending this was all actually Kim talking to duterte. Find and replace is a hell of a drug.


This country should be so fucking ashamed that it made this man Commander in Chief.

There is no excuse for making Trump the face of our Democracy and bestowing the powers of the office to this wannabe-tyrant imbecile. None.

I think the real tragedy is that it could have been easily avoided if the people who didn't like him actually went out in sufficient numbers and voted, rather than thought to themselves, "You know what? Not worth the inconvenience. Trump being President is a preferable alternative to me having to go out and vote."

The people that felt passionately against him and went out and voted against him have nothing to be ashamed of. The people that didn't want him but still didn't bother to do anything about it are responsible. This is basically some Spider-Man/Uncle Ben stuff right here, where Americans could have easily prevented this if they'd just left the house, but couldn't even do that.
The media has done an absolutely horrible job relaying what exactly is going in the Philippines. Nobody knows what "extrajudicial killings" means and it's not just about drug dealers.

Duterte encourages regular citizens to straight up kill anyone you know who uses drugs. Got a friend who uses drugs? Kill them. You, yes you, personally, kill your friend, because it would probably be too hard for their parents to kill them themselves.

(Or, you know, if there's someone you just don't like, kill them and claim they're a drug user)
Duterte keeps admitting to killing people. His supporters keep shrugging it off:

Washington Post said:
On Monday, Rodrigo Duterte, president of the Philippines, bragged about killing people. He said that when he was a city mayor, he used to hunt suspects on his motorcycle, shooting people on the spot. The goal, he said, was to encourage police officers to do the same.

“In Davao, I used to do it personally. Just to show to the [police] that if I can do it, why can’t you?” he said.

“I [would] go around in Davao with a motorcycle … and I would just patrol the streets and looking for trouble also. I was really looking for an encounter to kill,” he said.

This was not the first time that Duterte appeared to admit to murder — nor would it be the first time his supporters dismissed his remarks.


Sucks at poetry
This type of type of talk seems kind of dangerous. But it's also important that we know he is doing this. What the hell are we gonna do when they identify and fire the leakers closest to them?
This country should be so fucking ashamed that it made this man Commander in Chief.

There is no excuse for making Trump the face of our Democracy and bestowing the powers of the office to this wannabe-tyrant imbecile. None.

This is the man Republicans carry water for? This? God help us all.


As if we need more reasons to impeach this fucker immediately.


I dont think its healthy to leak these kind of transcripts. Honestly, this kind of thing ruins diplomatic relationships and theres absolutely nothing to be gained.

The saddest thing is that because of the persuasion successes of the clinton campaign and the majority of the media, half the country truly thinks that Trump is on the same level of madness as Kim Jong Un.


I dont think its healthy to leak these kind of transcripts. Honestly, this kind of thing ruins diplomatic relationships and theres absolutely nothing to be gained.

yeah, especially the part about us having 2 nuclear subs in the area.

but man... I just have this small small itty bitty feeling in the back of my mind that Trump wanted this convo leaked.


Sucks at poetry
Fuck... I don't know what's worse. The fact that Trump said these things or that it was leaked. I mean, assuming this leak makes it back to North Korea - they would have to have incredibly smart and competent leadership to not respond to this. I guess I'll expect even more escalated statements from North Korea and more missile tests coming closer and closer to Japan.
The saddest thing is that because of the persuasion successes of the clinton campaign and the majority of the media, half the country truly thinks that Trump is on the same level of madness as Kim Jong Un.

One man has 8 barely functioning missiles and is entirely contained inside its own borders. The other has access to numerous nukes on every continent in the globe and is currently at war with three different countries. And recently told Australia, it's strongest ally in the region, to fuck off. Who's exactly the bigger concern?


Sucks at poetry
“We have a lot of firepower over there. We have two submarines – the best in the world – we have two nuclear submarines – not that we want to use them at all,” said Trump, according to the transcript. “I’ve never seen anything like they are but we don’t have to use this but he could be crazy so we will see what happens.”

My god, he wants to push that button so fucking badly.
The saddest thing is that because of the persuasion successes of the clinton campaign and the majority of the media, half the country truly thinks that Trump is on the same level of madness as Kim Jong Un.

Persuasion successes - you mean just reporting the many crazy and stupid things that Trump has said and done throughout his lifetime? He's an egomaniac and a compulsive liar who would have accomplished some truly terrible things in our country if our checks and balances didn't stop him.

"The media" was more than happy to lick Trump's boots after he delivered a half-competent speech and Syria. If anyone is inviting the comparisons to another crazed egomaniac, it's not them, it's him.


This isn't meant as Trump defence as I can't stand the guy, but I wouldn't look good if some of my private conversations were leaked either. I guess though if this is something that could end his term early that would be pretty great.


Leak didn't come from Trump's camp, this came from Duterte's side.

I don't the Phillipines doing this themselves so I'm guessing the Chinese did it as a way to tell Kim Jon-Ung that he's screwed and that unless he changes direction he's goong to get wiped out.


Leak didn't come from Trump's camp, this came from Duterte's side.

It wouldn't surprise me if there are people in Duterte's staff who aren't so hot on him either. I know Filipinos can get just as whacky with the right wing conservatism as Americans, being a staunchly Catholic nation, but that doesn't mean everyone agrees with scorched earth policies.


Feels kind of weird to see Trump casually mentioning the location of nuclear subs almost as a way to brag. Besides Trump's praise of Duterte's handling of their drug problem, this was one of the first things that stuck out to me.


Gold Member
Trump on Duterte's Murderous Drug War: "You Are Doing an Amazing Job!"

IN A PHONE CALL from the White House late last month, U.S. President Donald Trump heaped praise on Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, one of the world's most
murderous heads of state, for doing what Trump called an ”unbelievable job" in his war on drugs
. Trump offered an unqualified endorsement of Duterte's bloody extermination
campaign against suspected drug dealers and users, which has included open calls for extrajudicial murders and promises of pardons and immunity for the killers.

You are a good man," Trump told Duterte, according to an official transcript of the April 29 call produced by the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs and obtained by The
Intercept. ”Keep up the good work," Trump told Duterte. ”You are doing an amazing job."

Funky Papa

"You are a good man", said the president of the United States to an actual unrepented murderer who actively endorses the use of death squadrons as a way to curb crime.

Way to bury the lede.

But while we are at it, what the fuck is doing Trump asking Duterte about Kim's state of mind? I'm almost dead certain there are better ways to obtain such intelligence than asking a bloodthirsty chieftain. I mean, I'm sure Trump knows by now that the IC hates his guts, but come on.


I mean i'm pretty sure that is a common views even on gaf on North Korea that shouldn't be news or a big deal.

The real problem should be Duerte not Kim
On the April 29 call, Trump pointed out to Duterte that his predecessor in the White House had been critical of the rising body count under Duterte’s reign in the Philippines, but that Trump himself gets it. “I understand that, and fully understand that, and I think we had a previous president who did not understand that,” Trump said, “but I understand that and we have spoken about this before.”
Jesus fuck, this guy sucks at words.


I don't the Phillipines doing this themselves so I'm guessing the Chinese did it as a way to tell Kim Jon-Ung that he's screwed and that unless he changes direction he's goong to get wiped out.

It says right in the report that it came from the Philippines...
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