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Ultra Street Fighter IV |OT| What is old is new once again


There are a crazy amount of Ryus/Evil Ryus in wolf garb on PS4.
Out of my last 30 ranked matches, at least a third of them are Ryu or Evil Ryu.

Part of me secretly wants Ryu/Ken to be Sean-tier in SFV, but we all know that will never happen.


Passing metallic gas
There are a crazy amount of Ryus/Evil Ryus in wolf garb on PS4.

I'm almost convinced USF4 has a troll function built into its netcode. Blocks of characters in a row that you really dislike fighting, one dude who thieved a W and is never to be seen topped off by mirror matches.
Stay salty my friends

Mike M

Nick N
I want to get good with Gouken, damn it. Even with my shit skills I can still EX Tatsu or Super/Ultra off of his back throw or EX palm launcher for OK damage. I can even tag on a couple extra hits with a jumping MP. I can cancel into palm easily enough, but I have problems comboing into the blow to cancel.

Also, my zoning game sucks. I can spam LP hado all day, but I suck at anticipating when to throw MP or HP. Miss my guess, and the ball is on the screen long enough that my opponent closes the gap before I can throw another.

So much about him appeals to me, but I'm really no good with him...


Unconfirmed Member
I want to get good with Gouken, damn it. Even with my shit skills I can still EX Tatsu or Super/Ultra off of his back throw or EX palm launcher for OK damage. I can even tag on a couple extra hits with a jumping MP. I can cancel into palm easily enough, but I have problems comboing into the blow to cancel.

Also, my zoning game sucks. I can spam LP hado all day, but I suck at anticipating when to throw MP or HP. Miss my guess, and the ball is on the screen long enough that my opponent closes the gap before I can throw another.

So much about him appeals to me, but I'm really no good with him...

Stick at it man, he's a fun character.

Keep your LP hado spam and randomly throw in MP or HP ones to mix things up.
If you guess right, it's free palm, tatsu or Ultra 2 depending on range.
If you guess wrong, he still recovers quickly enough, so watch their movements:
- If they're walking/dashing in, stick out a sweep.
- If they're jumping in, use cr.HP or EX tatsu depending on range.

A nice combo into palm is (excuse me if my notation is bad):
cs.MP > cr.HP x LP hado FADC cs.MP > cr.HP x palm (EX and go crazy)

The link from cs.MP to cr.HP might take some practice, but jump in training mode for a bit and you'll get it in no time. I don't know exactly how many frames, but it's far from one of the hardest links in the game.

I'm no Gouken beast, but I mained him since Vanilla quite comfortably. My alt since Ultra has been Oni, and the two contrast nicely.

Mike M

Nick N
Stick at it man, he's a fun character.

Keep your LP hado spam and randomly throw in MP or HP ones to mix things up.
If you guess right, it's free palm, tatsu or Ultra 2 depending on range.
If you guess wrong, he still recovers quickly enough, so watch their movements:
- If they're walking/dashing in, stick out a sweep.
- If they're jumping in, use cr.HP or EX tatsu depending on range.

A nice combo into palm is (excuse me if my notation is bad):
cs.MP > cr.HP x LP hado FADC cs.MP > cr.HP x palm (EX and go crazy)

The link from cs.MP to cr.HP might take some practice, but jump in training mode for a bit and you'll get it in no time. I don't know exactly how many frames, but it's far from one of the hardest links in the game.

I'm no Gouken beast, but I mained him since Vanilla quite comfortably. My alt since Ultra has been Oni, and the two contrast nicely.

Man, I suck at continuing combos with FADC, but I never really put in the time to get it down.

I will persevere this time, damn it!

(I also like Oni. Regardless of his tier ratings and viability, he just looks awesome.)


Gouken is awesome, felt right at home with him the moment I picked him up. Still, he's got some big weaknesses that unfortunately impact his game significantly. His zoning is weak to focus attacks and characters with good forward walk speeds. He also gets shit off his light hit-confirm buttons. In a game that's based off of the focus attack and hit-confirming, he sucks at two of the more important things. His oki game is also decent at best, especially with DWU now making things harder.

Still fun to play. I feel good when I kick ass with him because I know he's a character that is very honest and fundamental. Also, his all-black poseidon costume is awesome. If this wasn't USF4 I feel like he'd be top tier.

Mike M

Nick N
I can cancel close standing HP into palm relatively easily, but crouching HP is proving elusive. I'm more likely to get EX fireball or super.

I'm clearly doing something wrong, but I don't know what. Do I need to buffer the forward input before pressing down and HP to hit the crouching attack before ending the motion at down/toward plus 2x punches?

I have never been anything but scrub level at this game, and I feel like there are execution secrets beyond me sometimes...
Jumped in with the PS4 version yesterday. I bought a CronusMax Plus to test it out with my X360 stick and seemed to work OK (at least for single player/online). Couldn't notice any lag with the adapter while playing.

Anyways, seems that most good players are playing still on X360? I bumped into one player who was the number 2 Fei Long according to his BP. After a break of 1-2 years from SF4 I have regressed to super scrub level with Rog, but I still managed to win pretty easily.


Unconfirmed Member
Still fun to play. I feel good when I kick ass with him because I know he's a character that is very honest and fundamental.

Well said. I know exactly what you mean.

I can cancel close standing HP into palm relatively easily, but crouching HP is proving elusive. I'm more likely to get EX fireball or super.

I'm clearly doing something wrong, but I don't know what. Do I need to buffer the forward input before pressing down and HP to hit the crouching attack before ending the motion at down/toward plus 2x punches?

It's tricky, but you need to make sure the stick/pad goes back to neutral for a split second after tapping cr.HP, and before starting the DP motion.

You'll get EX fireball if your DP motion was incomplete and you accidentally hit two or more buttons.
You'll get super if you didn't release to neutral, and the game registers two quarter-circle motions.

You actually have more time than you think to link cr.HP with palms, thanks to its beefy hitstun.
I recommend starting slow at first, making sure you get the proper motions and get the palm coming out consistently.
Put auto-block on in training mode, and don't worry if the dummy keeps blocking the palm at first. Once you've got it consistently and can feel your fingers doing the right thing, start speeding it all up, until you get the combo.

After that, using EX palm (which hits faster) will be a doddle, and opens up extra combo/mixup potential.

... Man, Gouken is cool.

Mike M

Nick N
I can hit cr. HP xx Palm really consistently on its own now, but I haven't even done it once by accident when tagging that cs. MP on first.

I can do MP>HPxxHado about 50% of the time, though : D So many bad habits to unlearn with my inputs...


Unconfirmed Member
I can hit cr. HP xx Palm really consistently on its own now, but I haven't even done it once by accident when tagging that cs. MP on first.

I can do MP>HPxxHado about 50% of the time, though : D So many bad habits to unlearn with my inputs...

That's fine! Do MP > HP xx Hado > FADC > cr.HP xx Palm and you're away!

The initial Hado combo is like one big hit confirm that gives you the green light for EX Palm shenanigans.

Also, I recommend chucking in the odd Demon Flip after cr.HP from time to time.
The options involved at such close range can really confuse people, especially after you've conditioned them with Hados and Palms.
The only thing that can stop you is mashed DP.


The link from cs.MP to cr.HP might take some practice, but jump in training mode for a bit and you'll get it in no time. I don't know exactly how many frames, but it's far from one of the hardest links in the game.

That's a 1 frame. If you're close enough you can do cs. Mp to cr. MP. I believe it's a 2 frame link. Plinking helps the one framer though


@Mike M

Here's how I do cl. mp - cr. hp xx EX palm.


Hold "DF" during the HP, then press it again when hitting 3PPP.


Unconfirmed Member
That's a 1 frame. If you're close enough you can do cs. Mp to cr. MP. I believe it's a 2 frame link. Plinking helps the one framer though

Wow O_O I've not had much trouble with that 1 framer on a pad.
Thanks for giving me something to brag about to my SF buddies!


Man, first time playing after a huge break - what have they done to my beloved Juri? Second Ultra doesn't even hit correctly anymore. Been losing on average to similar skilled (rank D!) players on PS4 using her, which wasn't the case before, and even a break doesn't quite account for (think I scraped rank B on Xbox). Old combos don't seem to hold either, frame timing changes?

Switched to Cammy whom I haven't used in the past and I'm winning way more often than not. What am I missing and/or IS THIS THE END? <3
Man, first time playing after a huge break - what have they done to my beloved Juri? Second Ultra doesn't even hit correctly anymore. Been losing on average to similar skilled (rank D!) players on PS4 using her, which wasn't the case before, and even a break doesn't quite account for (think I scraped rank B on Xbox). Old combos don't seem to hold either, frame timing changes?

Switched to Cammy whom I haven't used in the past and I'm winning way more often than not. What am I missing and/or IS THIS THE END? <3

If your timing is off maybe some settings on your tv are resulting in input delay. Cammy is way easier to play than Juri so not surprising you're winning more.
Wow O_O I've not had much trouble with that 1 framer on a pad.
Thanks for giving me something to brag about to my SF buddies!

Fall back pad warrior, you've been hitting a 2f link the whole time. Cl. MP is +7 and cr. HP is a 6f start up so that's a 2f link. Don't feel too proud of yourself :p


I ran into the same thing, I made Cammy a sub character and I was doing better, then my competition just played better and I went back to Juri because results became the same :(


Unconfirmed Member
Fall back pad warrior, you've been hitting a 2f link the whole time. Cl. MP is +7 and cr. HP is a 6f start up so that's a 2f link. Don't feel too proud of yourself :p

Haha, damn mauldie played me for a fool.

Incidentally, do you know how many frames Oni's b.MP > b.MP is?
(Sorry, I'm terrible at making sense of the data on the Wiki...)


If your timing is off maybe some settings on your tv are resulting in input delay. Cammy is way easier to play than Juri so not surprising you're winning more.
Maybe, the no up+back divekick is a huge nerf and hitboxes have definitely changed on some. U2 startup seems worse and definitely doesn't connect as well, and it was bad anyway.

Looking at a list of changes it seems she's FUBAR - time to find a new main I feel. My only hope seems to lie in learning some new combos and I don't know if I'm down for that just yet when it could be spent elsewhere.

I ran into the same thing, I made Cammy a sub character and I was doing better, then my competition just played better and I went back to Juri because results became the same :(
Any fresh combos that aren't ridiculous? Juri trait, I know... Also wake up is a massive problem for me at present. Always has been weak but ex pinwheel and the main "safe" I forget the name of have also been nerfed complete with ironic DMG increase on wheel to boot.


Yeah, there's no way that Gouken link is a 1-framer. I literally never drop it, must be at least 2 frames.


I'm just getting started and have bought a stick. I'm playing either Ryu or Balrog, not sure which I prefer yet.

I accept I'm going to lose a lot online but just had a super frustrating game against some dickhead Dan player who was pissing about from the beginning (I guess after seeing my 200 points) with taunts then beating me with crossup LK + cr lks. I don't know if it's because I'm shit or it's online but I'd either fail to block the crossup or not crouch block quick enough, and cr HP seemed to come out too late or go on the wrong side.

In general online I'm not doing anything fancy at all, like my most used punish is sweep. My biggest issue is when people get proper in my face just jumping around, they get through quite easily. Because of this I'm trying to back off most of the time and sometimes throwing in random dash punches.

I'm going to keep at it because I can definitely see how I'm supposed to beat some of the people I lose to (and I am getting salty that I lose to some of them). Do any patient EU players want to play some games?

Mike M

Nick N
I'm just getting started and have bought a stick. I'm playing either Ryu or Balrog, not sure which I prefer yet.

I accept I'm going to lose a lot online but just had a super frustrating game against some dickhead Dan player who was pissing about from the beginning (I guess after seeing my 200 points) with taunts then beating me with crossup LK + cr lks. I don't know if it's because I'm shit or it's online but I'd either fail to block the crossup or not crouch block quick enough, and cr HP seemed to come out too late or go on the wrong side.

In general online I'm not doing anything fancy at all, like my most used punish is sweep. My biggest issue is when people get proper in my face just jumping around, they get through quite easily. Because of this I'm trying to back off most of the time and sometimes throwing in random dash punches.

I'm going to keep at it because I can definitely see how I'm supposed to beat some of the people I lose to (and I am getting salty that I lose to some of them). Do any patient EU players want to play some games?

I found Balrog to be pretty user friendly when I first played years ago. Good normals and specials, easy to combo into headbutt into Ultra. He probably falls off a cliff at higher play, and he suffers the fate of all charge characters where anyone switching sides on you blows up your ability to hold a charge.

Meanwhile, my quest to learn Gouken is progressing. Still can't link those punches reliably, though, and all attempts to combo go out the window in an actual fight for me. Getting a lot of mileage out of just chucking LP Hados and punishing jump-ins with EX Tatsu, though, now that I have a better grasp of ranges and properties of his moves. Still strictly scrub level, but I'm at least winning against other scrubs now.


I found Balrog to be pretty user friendly when I first played years ago. Good normals and specials, easy to combo into headbutt into Ultra. He probably falls off a cliff at higher play, and he suffers the fate of all charge characters where anyone switching sides on you blows up your ability to hold a charge.

Yeah I'm not really bothered by him having upper limits as I don't think I'll reach that level for a bit. I'm mostly looking to get ready for SFV.

Are there any good beginner characters that are more aggressive? I'd like to see what it's like to be the one in the opponents face for a change rather than just trying to mp headbutt punish random DPs all day


Maybe, the no up+back divekick is a huge nerf and hitboxes have definitely changed on some. U2 startup seems worse and definitely doesn't connect as well, and it was bad anyway.

Looking at a list of changes it seems she's FUBAR - time to find a new main I feel. My only hope seems to lie in learning some new combos and I don't know if I'm down for that just yet when it could be spent elsewhere.

Any fresh combos that aren't ridiculous? Juri trait, I know... Also wake up is a massive problem for me at present. Always has been weak but ex pinwheel and the main "safe" I forget the name of have also been nerfed complete with ironic DMG increase on wheel to boot.
Actually Juri has been overall buffed in Ultra. She's well within the top 7 within the game. The thing is they want you to play her a certain way. You have to be bold and have faith in your combos.
Look how Ai Ai Infiltration and Momochi play her. She's overall much better in Ultra.
Yeah I'm not really bothered by him having upper limits as I don't think I'll reach that level for a bit. I'm mostly looking to get ready for SFV.

Are there any good beginner characters that are more aggressive? I'd like to see what it's like to be the one in the opponents face for a change rather than just trying to mp headbutt punish random DPs all day

I find Rufus and Yun to be quite easy, Rufus more so. And they are pretty much on top of their opponent for the entire round if played well.
Haha, damn mauldie played me for a fool.

Incidentally, do you know how many frames Oni's b.MP > b.MP is?
(Sorry, I'm terrible at making sense of the data on the Wiki...)

Just look at how advantageous the move is. When you see Gouken's close MP say it's +7 on hit, that means that any move that starts up in 7f or less can be linked into this normal when it hits. So a 7f(such as his far MK) move would make it a 1f link since you have to time that perfectly with no room for error. Anything faster than that gives you more of a cushion to hit the link.

It's quite simple really, just pluses and minuses that's all. SFV will make all our lives better because it has a 2f buffer. So if you hit the link perfectly, or within 2 frames before you're suppose to then it will connect. Trying to hit the link after the exact timing will result in a dropped link so if you're going to try and hit a link in SFV, always try to do it early if anything.


I am so confused. In my steam library it says I have Ultra Street Fighter IV. When I load up the game it says Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition. The store pages says I have Ultra in my library. What gives?


Actually Juri has been overall buffed in Ultra. She's well within the top 7 within the game. The thing is they want you to play her a certain way. You have to be bold and have faith in your combos.
Look how Ai Ai Infiltration and Momochi play her. She's overall much better in Ultra.
I personally don't believe this to be true and after research I'm definitely not the only one either.

Perhaps at best it could be argued she's very different - almost a new character even?


Would not charactricze her as different but the changes to the game and the slight changes brought her up. After the first ex pinwheel nerf I gave up on that move.


I personally don't believe this to be true and after research I'm definitely not the only one either.

Perhaps at best it could be argued she's very different - almost a new character even?

Most Japanese tier lists put her at top 10. I dont play enough Juri's to have an opinion on her either way.


So then Juri is bad =P

The worst. :E
when playing on PS4, is there any way to make a PS3 arcade stick act as player 2?

Even if I sign in with a dual shock as player 2 when a PS4 stick is player 1, my arcade stick still only controls player 1

Mike M

Nick N
Disappointed online training on PS4 looks to be a wasteland.

*I* certainly want to make use of the feature : / I can blow up the CPU on the hardest difficulty all day long, I need human opponents who won't just roflstomp me and boot me from the lobby.


Unconfirmed Member
Just look at how advantageous the move is. When you see Gouken's close MP say it's +7 on hit, that means that any move that starts up in 7f or less can be linked into this normal when it hits. So a 7f(such as his far MK) move would make it a 1f link since you have to time that perfectly with no room for error. Anything faster than that gives you more of a cushion to hit the link.

It's quite simple really, just pluses and minuses that's all. SFV will make all our lives better because it has a 2f buffer. So if you hit the link perfectly, or within 2 frames before you're suppose to then it will connect. Trying to hit the link after the exact timing will result in a dropped link so if you're going to try and hit a link in SFV, always try to do it early if anything.

I see! Thanks for the lesson.
So there will be no 1-framers in SFV? Very interesting.

2 frame link.

I'm doomed to be a 2-framer for life.
Disappointed online training on PS4 looks to be a wasteland.

*I* certainly want to make use of the feature : / I can blow up the CPU on the hardest difficulty all day long, I need human opponents who won't just roflstomp me and boot me from the lobby.

Well yeah, you probably won't find random people for online training. That's something you'll have to set up yourself. It is a good feature though, and I've made use of it several times.
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