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Ultra Street Fighter IV |OT| What is old is new once again


My psn is Assassio

Feel free to add me, I'm new to SF.

Add me if you like. Ive been unable to win a single game online at my level so far. I'm getting slowly comfortable with Ken but need to work on counter hits/technicals etc. Only finished Arcade on Medium.

PSN: Auctopus


Hello Gaf brothers and sisters. First time playing online and out of 30 matches, I won only 2. Hehe I use Ryu (non evil).

Any good fight pads to use for a noob like me? (Not sticks)


could never
Add me if you like. Ive been unable to win a single game online at my level so far. I'm getting slowly comfortable with Ken but need to work on counter hits/technicals etc. Only finished Arcade on Medium.

PSN: Auctopus

Nice, will add you later.


Neo Member
Trying to learn Fei and having a tough time. Anyone have any advice on how to use him best? He's more of a defensive character right?
A quick question regarding the PC/Steam version; I have the original SF4 and it's a GFWL game that does not show up as a Controller game (and rightly so, because fuck the GFWL client and shit) - but is SF4 Ultra a Controller game that is 100% Big Picture mode friendly?


A quick question regarding the PC/Steam version; I have the original SF4 and it's a GFWL game that does not show up as a Controller game (and rightly so, because fuck the GFWL client and shit) - but is SF4 Ultra a Controller game that is 100% Big Picture mode friendly?



I ran across HZY, that Viper player who is like, a tournament player or something online.

Bodied my shitty Sagat. Was pretty cool to play someone "known".


Link to vids?

I didn't upload any. I mean, I was playing shitty in general that time so it's not like they were anything to write home about.

I literally could not stop him from just doing cr. mp into thunder knuckle or feint -_-

He won off just doing that, no wakeup needed.


If anyone wants to play later tonight (in 4 or 5 hours) hit me up.
PSN ID: HardJoker
I live in Peru though (That's South America) so connection might not be optimal but I try to free my connection whenever I play online.


So any solid tips for Ryu?
I always like to split things up into situations. Makes it easy to remember stuff.

Long range: throw fireballs to build meter
Short range: use cr. mk xx fireball to chip, use cr.mp to frame trap
Do they jump?: fierce SRK, cr. fp
Do they focus?: use solar plexus, confirm it into fierce SRK
Do they whiff a poke?: use sweep to punish, or cr. mk xx fireball xx FADC into combo
Can you FADC well? Use ultra 1. If not, use ultra 2.

Zoning is hard in SF4. You need to have your fundamentals down to play Ryu.


If anyone wants to play later tonight (in 4 or 5 hours) hit me up.
PSN ID: HardJoker
I live in Peru though (That's South America) so connection might not be optimal but I try to free my connection whenever I play online.
Do you have it on Steam?
It would be cool to play it with a peruvian brother :)


So, Ken's Trial Level 10 must be some sort of scrub level skill-check. Played it for half an hour and can only nail the first two moves, the Shoryuken just won't come out, never mind cancelling it in to a focus attack.


I always like to split things up into situations. Makes it easy to remember stuff.

Long range: throw fireballs to build meter
Look out for specific matchups like Rose or Dictator
Short range: use cr. mk xx fireball to chip, use cr.mp to frame trap
cr. mk xx fireball isn't a real blockstring at about max distance
Do they jump?: fierce SRK, cr. fp
fierce SRK is good against deep jumps otherwise mp SRK is more useful and can be FADC'd for U1 combo. For jumps further away standing HK is also useful.
Do they focus?: use solar plexus, confirm it into fierce SRK
solar plexus is rather slow and has short range, especially if you want it to hit twice. Use it when people like to focus at close distance. Otherwise people prefer using EX fireball to blow up focuses, since it is faster and helps the fireball game against focuses.
Do they whiff a poke?: use sweep to punish, or cr. mk xx fireball xx FADC into combo
Ryus combo potential after cr. mk xx fireball is rather low, so people like to save the meter for other things like EX fireball or SRK FADC.
Can you FADC well? Use ultra 1. If not, use ultra 2.
Not much to say here, but to be honest FADC is pretty important system in the game so it is recommended to learn at least the lp/mp SRK xx FADC xx U1

Zoning is hard in SF4. You need to have your fundamentals down to play Ryu.

Some notes in bolded.

So, Ken's Trial Level 10 must be some sort of scrub level skill-check. Played it for half an hour and can only nail the first two moves, the Shoryuken just won't come out, never mind cancelling it in to a focus attack.

Shoryuken and Focus attack are cancels. When you hit your standing HK don't wait and immediately input the Shoryuken and then use focus attack to cancel the Shoryuken on first hit.


Shoryuken and Focus attack are cancels. When you hit your standing HK don't wait and immediately input the Shoryuken and then use focus attack to cancel the Shoryuken on first hit.

So does it go Directional Input then Medium Punch THEN Medium Punch + Medium Kick immediately after? Because I can't see to time it where I can beat the Shoryuken with a cancel before Ken's up in the air.
SFV needs to bring region locking restriction options, create a room and choose to play North American players only, too many Asian and Euro players join my room and they are all LAGGY...


I always like to split things up into situations. Makes it easy to remember stuff.

Long range: throw fireballs to build meter
Short range: use cr. mk xx fireball to chip, use cr.mp to frame trap
Do they jump?: fierce SRK, cr. fp
Do they focus?: use solar plexus, confirm it into fierce SRK
Do they whiff a poke?: use sweep to punish, or cr. mk xx fireball xx FADC into combo
Can you FADC well? Use ultra 1. If not, use ultra 2.

Zoning is hard in SF4. You need to have your fundamentals down to play Ryu.

Wait, lets say someone jump bait my fireball on short range, the standing rhk stops them? I tried dp but opponents jump kick beats me all,the time when they jump over my hadoken.


Wait, lets say someone jump bait my fireball on short range, the standing rhk stops them? I tried dp but opponents jump kick beats me all,the time when they jump over my hadoken.
Are you performing the dp when you're actually out of your fireballs recovery frames? Its very hard to position yourself so that you can DP right after a fireball. Standing roundhouse is a solid AA button against characters like Zangief. Also, make sure you time your DP to hit very deep. AA's are prone to trading in this game, timing is strict.


Are you performing the dp when you're actually out of your fireballs recovery frames? Its very hard to position yourself so that you can DP right after a fireball. Standing roundhouse is a solid AA button against characters like Zangief. Also, make sure you time your DP to hit very deep. AA's are prone to trading in this game, timing is strict.

I guess when someone is jumping kick afger I fireball, I tried dp but I get hit first. I will try standing round house kick .


Been getting my butt kicked a lot of times but I am getting some victories as well. I just need to learn how to punish certain characters.

Question, how many hours do you play per day to improve? Like how many hours on,training mode and how many hours on online fighting?


Just started playing Street Fighter. I played it on SNES as a kid with my neighbors but just got the PS4 SFIV port.

I am beyond terrible. I am working on learning the basic moves. I've spent quite a while on Training mode, and have a pretty good idea of the range on my normal attacks, and can quickly and reliably perform a fireball or hurricane kick. The dragon punch is hard. Forward down down forward feels so awkward to me, I often miss when I need it.

The Easiest and Very Easy difficulties in Arcade are a total joke. On easy I breeze past the first enemies then hit a crazy wall against Seth. Haven't played medium.

Beyond the very obvious "keep training", are there any specific Ryu tips I could use to beat this Seth guy? I've beat him twice on Easy now but both times it's been grueling, long, and I end up winning almost through luck. Don't wanna play Medium difficulty until I can consistently beat Easy, or maybe I should?

This is so overwhelming but so fun!! I'm a_javier on PSN, feel free to add me if you feel like sparring with a total noob. I'm in France, for the super lag-conscious.


Just started playing Street Fighter. I played it on SNES as a kid with my neighbors but just got the PS4 SFIV port.

I am beyond terrible. I am working on learning the basic moves. I've spent quite a while on Training mode, and have a pretty good idea of the range on my normal attacks, and can quickly and reliably perform a fireball or hurricane kick. The dragon punch is hard. Forward down down forward feels so awkward to me, I often miss when I need it.

The Easiest and Very Easy difficulties in Arcade are a total joke. On easy I breeze past the first enemies then hit a crazy wall against Seth. Haven't played medium.

Beyond the very obvious "keep training", are there any specific Ryu tips I could use to beat this Seth guy? I've beat him twice on Easy now but both times it's been grueling, long, and I end up winning almost through luck. Don't wanna play Medium difficulty until I can consistently beat Easy, or maybe I should?

This is so overwhelming but so fun!! I'm a_javier on PSN, feel free to add me if you feel like sparring with a total noob. I'm in France, for the super lag-conscious.

Biggest common mistake for beginners is using Arcade mode to train.
If you got some time to spare I recommend The Vesper Arcade SSFIV tutorial series. As bonus Juicebox explanation of footsies/spacing
Just started playing Street Fighter. I played it on SNES as a kid with my neighbors but just got the PS4 SFIV port.

I am beyond terrible. I am working on learning the basic moves. I've spent quite a while on Training mode, and have a pretty good idea of the range on my normal attacks, and can quickly and reliably perform a fireball or hurricane kick. The dragon punch is hard. Forward down down forward feels so awkward to me, I often miss when I need it.

The Easiest and Very Easy difficulties in Arcade are a total joke. On easy I breeze past the first enemies then hit a crazy wall against Seth. Haven't played medium.

Beyond the very obvious "keep training", are there any specific Ryu tips I could use to beat this Seth guy? I've beat him twice on Easy now but both times it's been grueling, long, and I end up winning almost through luck. Don't wanna play Medium difficulty until I can consistently beat Easy, or maybe I should?

This is so overwhelming but so fun!! I'm a_javier on PSN, feel free to add me if you feel like sparring with a total noob. I'm in France, for the super lag-conscious.

Play online and only online in order to get better. Single player, arcade mode especially, is bullshit and teaches nothing.

I'll say practice some small things in training mode (NOT trials) and get the move execution nailed, google for some basic combos (make sure you're googling Ultra), but mostly play online.

After a bunch of fights online watch yourself in the replay mode and see stuff you did wrong, see what other people did to beat you and think how you should have stopped it. Learn from it. It sounds lame but just replacate what others do (unless they clearly suck), especially when it comes to basic attacks like pokes and footsies.

When you get the basics down you can start being more adventurous.

Also online is full of a lot of lame players who abuse the flawed ranking system to play people well below their skill level, you'll just have to deal with this, though at least get some good opponents to learn from sometimes.


I beat a 2k+ Ryu in a patient(!) grounded !) match with just spacing and fireballs with my Saggit.

Feels good man

I couldn't really stop his jumping or punish as hard as I should have but still.


just back into SF4 with the PS4 version of this game. Have a lot of street fighter experience but never got beyond just being able to execute the specials properly so am trying to learn some of the deeper mechanics/combos etc.

Right now I'm struggling with the timing of Poison's Whip of Love hits. Does anybody have any advice on how to get the 2nd and 3rd hits of this move to come out properly? I can get it some of the time but it is very inconsistent. Reminds me of being terrible at Fei Long's Rekka punches back in the day. I've just never been good at getting this type of move out but would like to finally get over it.

anyway if anyone wants to beat up on a kind of lousy player I'm Gordeaux789 on PSN and mostly play late at night from like 11PM-130AM EST.


Is endless better than ranked for lag? Had a match with somebody from Germany (I'm peruvian) and it was really good.
Add me on steam for some free wins on Steam: Perro


Anyone advise against the Hori fightpad? Tempted to get one now but can wait for the madcatz SFV pads too.

I wouldn't advise against it, but I think it's just OK. The best feature for me is the switch to let you play with the right shoulder buttons set to L1/L2 so you can have 3p/3k on the right side. I hate using the left shoulder buttons in fighters. I hope Mad Catz copied this.

I like the buttons on the Mad Catz pad best and the Hori d-pad is just a bit too stiff to be comfortable for extended use.
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