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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 5 - Sundays on HBO

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Still don't mind his defeat, but if he's really dead I don't know why they'd cut away from the shot confirming it on screen. Or not give Brienne an extra few seconds of reaction.

Just for the cliffhanger.

The next season could start with Brienne chopping his head off and Pod running up all "Sansa needs our help!"



Interesting. Wonder why they didn't show an on screen death then unless.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
All those people in the No Book Spoilers thread are pissed and some are saying they are done with the show.

Was refusing to show Stannis's death supposed to be out of respect for him or some shit? Because I think it's too late for that lol, they just confused everyone.

What a bunch of hack writers.

All those people in the No Book Spoilers thread are pissed and some are saying they are done with the show.

To be fair we're doing that here too, but for different reasons.
Or just statements of fact. Bad writing is bad writing and this season is particularly full of it.

Except the loads of people who only watch the show and have nothing bad to say about the writing? I have seen exactly 0 people who are confused about Stannis's actions or the Watch's. It is entirely book-readers with thinly veiled "But here's all this book evidence showing why it doesn't make sense!" Like your own damn post further up this page, for instance.
There is a list of characters that I believe are truly unkillable to Martin (until the final season), and only one character/actor listed in that article (Natalie Dormer) is not on that list.

I hope so, as honestly we've witnessed so many deaths it would be nice to ride with some of these characters for a bit longer, at least until the end. The ones though that I feel are completely fucking pointless to kill at this point though are Jon and Dany. Its constantly hinted that they are important to the Walkers and the End Game. That's why if Jon is truly dead I'm just fucking over it


It is quite obvious when you read, as I do, forums dedicated to both show-only people and book-show people. Show people are constantly amazed, and wondering what comes next, book people are pretty consistently pissed, especially when it comes to Stannis. Why? People have their pet favorites and don't like when anything changes, and can never view these changes objectively for the show's canon. Unless it blows the damn doors off (Hardhome), everything is "bad writing" or "poor logic", when what they really mean is "It isn't like this in the books/my headcanon!"

These threads prove it pretty much every time. It's just bitterness.

Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe, just maybe, people who haven't read the books but dislike the show anyway don't post in 400 page threads about the show? That OTs are almost always overwhelmingly full of people who like the thing in question, at least on Off-Topic side. Whereas with the book thread, people who dislike the show still have a reason to stick around, because of the book discussion and potential hints about where TWOW is going.

It's not at all surprising that show-only threads on GAF and elsewhere are mostly positive. Non-readers who don't like the show have no reason to keep watching, much less getting into debates over it, five years in.


Master of the Google Search
HBO viewers guide says Stannis was killed by Brienne.
Don't believe it. They've never shied away from on screen death before and every time they've pretended to the person came back (ex. Theon)

Next year's theme will be surprising resurrections/survivings instead of just surprising deaths. We'll probably get a good number of those who are MIA to reappear too. Now that they don't have the books spoiling them, they can outright lie to hide their planned twists.


+ Arya kill scene—some great subtle mannerisms by Williams
+ Varys & Tyrion—I missed him too
+ Dragon CGI
+ Selyse scene
+/- Cersei walk of shame—thought it was a bit long, but otherwise good
- good girl/bad pussy—oh my God, who in the hell wrote that line?!
- Sansa lighting candle 2 seconds too late
- "Renly, the rightful king"
- Benjen fakeout & subsequent stabbing


Wouldn't Jaime turn right around and kill all the sand snakes?

I can't believe they saw all the shitty cliffhangers that were in the books that everyone hated it and they were like "Yeah, let's do that"

Weird that I feel so badly for Cersei. That's one scene that was done really well.


So are we to believe that half of Stannis army just deserted with every single horse without any of the loyalists realizing and telling him immediately?

No wonder Ninja Ramsay pulled off his raid. Everyone in Stannis army must be deaf.
All those people in the No Book Spoilers thread are pissed and some are saying they are done with the show.


My entire Facebook feed is all saying they are quitting. I do legit think if its confirmed in the season premier Jon is dead for good ratings are gonna drop. You can only pull this shit so much. Even Walking Dead is smart enough to know if they kill Daryl they will lose a ton of viewers.


There's no way Jon is dead forever (in the books at least, who cares about D&D's hackjob), some of yall are way too gullible with one Kit Harington interview

News Bot

Except the loads of people who only watch the show and have nothing bad to say about the writing? I have seen exactly 0 people who are confused about Stannis's actions or the Watch's. It is entirely book-readers with thinly veiled "But here's all this book evidence showing why it doesn't make sense!" Like your own damn post further up this page, for instance.

Shitty writing can still be popular. For the record everyone I know who watches the show has hated this season, and not one has read the books. For me, it's easier to notice shitty writing when there is good writing to compare it to, and I have plenty of reservations about some of GRRM's writing.


There's no way Jon is dead forever (in the books at least, who cares about D&D's hackjob), some of yall are way too gullible with one Kit Harington interview

People said the same thing about a Michelle Fairley interview years ago. That turned out to be true.
It's amazing to me that people continue to emphasize that Feast for Crows and Dance with Dragons were not as good as the earlier books as a way to excuse this season, when several of the best story lines from the book were not included the last two seasons at all, and those that were included were bastardized versions of them that were just a step above something I would expect from SyFy. Jesus christ... So much wasted potential in a Feast for Crows and Dance with Dragons...

I was so damn optimistic for the first few episodes of this season. It seemed like they were making all the right changes! But yeah, by the end it wound up being what I feared it would be.

The thing that sums it up the most for me is Brienne. Instead of wandering around looking for a fair maid of three and ten, she finds Sansa right off the bat? Fucking awesome, yes! ...And she spends the entire damn season sitting stationary outside Winterfell. Removing a frustrating-ish storyline and replacing it with nothing.
Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe, just maybe, people who haven't read the books but dislike the show anyway don't post in 400 page threads about the show?

I mean specifically the types of arguments that appear in these threads. I hear consistently that Stannis's actions have been entirely illogical/nonsensical from book readers, yet I have never seen any show-only discussions say this, only that he has done a terrible thing and they're angry about it.

On the other hand, when the writing is actually crap, like pretty much all of Dorne this season, show and book people alike call it out as crap.

That's what I was trying to say. Some arguments are cloaked in "bad writing!" when what they actually mean is "it didn't happen like this in the books and that annoys me". Apologies if my meaning was unclear.

Shitty writing can still be popular. For the record everyone I know who watches the show has hated this season, and not one has read the books. For me, it's easier to notice shitty writing when there is good writing to compare it to, and I have plenty of reservations about some of GRRM's writing.

Except shitty writing in the show is routinely called out, as I say above. And we can trade anecdotal stories all we want. The viewership and fan discussions online are what matter.
I am utterly convinced that there is nothing the show can do to bring you guys back.

I wish you well. I enjoyed it.

Overall I actually still enjoy the show. My major game ender for me is Jon, and that applies to both the books AND the show. If he is dead I refuse to stay on this train.

Again, if GRRM wants him perma dead, then ok, kill him when we actually get to the main point of his fucking story


Everyone complaining, I am not exactly sure what you expected. The 4th and 5th book are terrible/mediocre so the show was going to drop in quality if they stay even remotely true to the book.
This right here. The last two books and particularly A Dance with Dragons is awful.


Ugh, people in the non-book thread saying the show has fully caught up to the books.

There are still many story lines they skipped this season that could be in the show next season.


Goddamn at that Viewer Guide image. That's what let slip the Night King thing last season too, wasn't it? I'd believe it.

This was D&D's "sword or noose" moment. If he was really dead they would've just shown her kill him like they've shown every other death.

They didn't show Syrio Forel's death onscreen, but he's clearly not coming back. Just one example that pops to mind because of the tinfoil brought on by the precap leak.


Man, Brienne sat around in those ruins all season just so she could kill Stannis. His entire plot in season 5 was contrivance after contrivance to get them together so she could kill him.

Fucking quality writing, folks.
I was hoping we would get an EW interview with D&D about season 6. Didn't we get one right after season 4 when they talked about how difficult it would be to do season 5?


Not bitter, just unsweetened
People said the same thing about a Michelle Fairley interview years ago. That turned out to be true.


considering there's too much evidence pointing towards snow being azor ahai... and the only way GRRM accepted HBO's offer to do Game of Thrones was based on their answer to the question "who is Jon Snow's mother?"

there is way too much swirling around jon snow for him to be dead.
Man, Brienne sat around in those ruins all season just so she could kill Stannis. His entire plot in season 5 was contrivance after contrivance to get them together so she could kill him.

Fucking quality writing, folks.
Hey, it's not bad writing just because it didn't happen that way in the books! lol
There's no way Jon is dead forever (in the books at least, who cares about D&D's hackjob), some of yall are way too gullible with one Kit Harington interview

You'd figure they'd at least have him back like Charles Dance to show them burning his body or something even if he was really dead. So yeah, his not coming back for next season is probably bullshit.
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