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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 5 - Sundays on HBO

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Given better writers these changes would've been really cool but unfortunately we lose all nuance and character building is immediately thrown out the window for shock value. Disappointing.

-Although the Tyrion and Varys scenes still are the best of the show. Actually any Varys scene is immediately top tier regardless.

-lol stannis. his whole arc this season was one big joke after another. Even if he is to lose and is meant to die he ended up losing in the most boring and contrived fashion. I'm glad Brienne was immediately able to find stannis too. And ramsay for being and invincible evil caricature

-Sand Snakes are also still garbage but I assume we all knew that.

-Cersei's walk was handled really well actually.

I'm just so underwhelmed by this episode and this season as a whole.
I thought it was funny when Brienne read off Renly's titles before she didn't kill Stannis. The concept of her following show Renly was so ridiculous, and the fact that she's clinging so seriously onto him being the rightful king when the closest he got to that was turning to his bros and saying, "Hey bros, I'd be a sweet king, right?... well, it's just absurd.

Yeah, her calling him the rightful heir was cringeworthy when in reality she was talking to the rightful heir there. They should have left that stuff out.

She followed him because she liked him, just leave it at that.

You know when would have been a great time to kill him and all those filthy Wildlings? When he was standing outside the Wall waiting to be let in, famished, tired, with little weapons and strength left. They could have killed him and all the Wildlings with one volley of arrows. But no, they waited to let him and the Wildings in, then let the Wildlings leave the Wall to settle on the Gift, and the wait a little bit more to then suddenly stab him "for the Watch."

They didn't know what had happened yet and there were other watchmen with Jon. It's not hard to believe that their conspiracy wasn't ready yet.


It depends on how spoiler-averse you are. The show is basically at the same point where the most recent book ended, but there are some plot elements from earlier in the books (for Sam and Arya, at least) that have apparently been moved and will now appear in some form in season six. And there have been a number of preview chapters for the next book, The Winds of Winter, and spoilers from those are sometimes discussed in here.

Don't want to get too specific, but most book readers think he survived one way or another. (Edit: saw your subsequent post; yes, it is fairly ambiguous.)

This season struggled in different ways than the fourth and fifth books did. With the last two books one of the biggest problems was the atrociously slow pacing. That obviously wasn't the case for the show. But a lot of the stuff that gets complained about are (to be fair, perceived) plot holes and the wonky characterizations that are not present in the books.

Thanks for the info -- I started the first book about two weeks ago, should be caught up completely by season 6. Although if book 6 does happen to release during that window I'll probably just wait for the television show to close out the story. That's going to be a tough call though, depending on how into the books I am.

You know when would have been a great time to kill him and all those filthy Wildlings? When he was standing outside the Wall waiting to be let in, famished, tired, with little weapons and strength left. They could have killed him and all the Wildlings with one volley of arrows. But no, they waited to let him and the Wildings in, then let the Wildlings leave the Wall to settle on the Gift, and the wait a little bit more to then suddenly stab him "for the Watch."

But then they'd have to kill Edd too. And Ser Alliser and Edd are besties
in my fan fiction.


So they dedicated a whole season establishing this new setting in Dorne just so they could write off Mycella. I mean, at least in the books Dorne was connected to the overall story thanks to the Targaryen conspiracy. In the show bringing up he Dorne storyline was just an excuse for the writers to hang out in Spain for a few weeks and show some bewbs.


I'm actually glad the 4chan leaker was lying about Stannis killing Ramsay.

I want to see him die when they have a full episode to dedicate to what leads up to it.


In the books, Melisandre warns Jon about a 1000 times to keep Ghost close. It is hardly subtle or a surprise that Jon is in danger and is eventually knifed.

We don't know how important the subtleties you mention are to the story ahead of us in the show OR the books. I agree this season wasn't awesome, particularly Dorne, but I really think you guys are nitpicking the show to death.
Yeah, like how prison titties was really important because it showed us the poison antidote

Being pretty sarcastic with that example, but I'm generally on your side. I might have to swear this thread off if I see 'arc' used much more.


They didn't know what had happened yet and there were other watchmen with Jon. It's not hard to believe that their conspiracy wasn't ready yet.

They knew he went to save the Wildlings from the Others, they saw him come back with a few Wildlings looking beat up as fuck. Ser Aliser was put in charge, and it seems all the leaders agree with his rationale. There is no excuse.
I'm actually glad the 4chan leaker was lying about Stannis killing Ramsay.

I want to see him die when they have a full episode to dedicate to what leads up to it.
I think we all wanted to at least see him die. But those hacks D&D didn't even give us that :'(

Also yeah Stannis is a dick bad guys should die. Ramsay forever!
come on #teamollysaves, rock these avatars



Thanks for the info -- I started the first book about two weeks ago, should be caught up completely by season 6. Although if book 6 does happen to release during that window I'll probably just wait for the television show to close out the story. That's going to be a tough call though, depending on how into the books I am.

No problem, hope you enjoy the books. :) Personally I don't think there's much chance of the next book coming out before season six, but GRRM hasn't kept the public as informed of the status of his progress as he did last time, so we can't do much more than just speculate wildly.

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At this point I find Telltale's game much better written and directed than the show. I care about the Forresters more than anyone in the show now.
At this point I find Telltale's game much better written and directed than the show. I care about the Forresters more than anyone in the show now.
Gotta agree with that too. At least compelling stuff happens that makes logical sense.

"Asher, Ramsay Bolton's men killed your whole family in a night! They never saw it coming."


Myrcella dying makes absolutely no sense to me at all. It's just lousy story telling. What was the point in going to Dorne? Seriously.

I guess this means that she has nothing to do in the books? This sort of makes sense because her plot in the books was pretty stupid and irrelevant.
Myrcella dying makes absolutely no sense to me at all. It's just lousy story telling. What was the point in going to Dorne? Seriously.

I guess this means that she has nothing to do in the books? This sort of makes sense because her plot in the books was pretty stupid and irrelevant.

If the endgame was to have the Cersei prophecy come true, they could have had one scene in dorne of the sand snakes killing her, by poison or whatever.

Why did Jaime go there? Just to give him shit to do? I wonder if that will have any impact on his change of character? In the show I don't really feel like Jaime Lannister is a different person really. :\



You know when would have been a great time to kill him and all those filthy Wildlings? When he was standing outside the Wall waiting to be let in, famished, tired, with little weapons and strength left. They could have killed him and all the Wildlings with one volley of arrows. But no, they waited to let him and the Wildings in, then let the Wildlings leave the Wall to settle on the Gift, and the wait a little bit more to then suddenly stab him "for the Watch."

For all they knew every night's watch member survived at that point and Jon's plan went off perfectly.

Plus one volley of arrows from what, 20 men? The wall was already short on people before the battle last season. They'd be lucky to hit 5 people.
Drowned God is best God. For only he has the power of CPR.

Y'know, at first I was pissed the cut the Kingsmoot, but after Dorne this season, holy shit it would have been bad. Probably have Euron show up literally raping someone, shoot Vic in the head, and then sexually humiliate Yara, y'know because we need to be edgy.

As far as what did get adapted, the season was shit. The show doesn't even follow its own logic anymore.

Also, anyone else think that they are going to damsel the hell out of Dany next season so Daario and Jorah can save her?


I honestly can't get that excited about a revival of the Iron born storyline. One dimensional viking archetypes simply aren't that interesting.
Quick everyone: What is the narrative reason for Brienne's existence?

A strong female character to bring up whenever girls get spanked with a rod and raped?

This episode, btw, was like 4 episodes worth of shit crammed into one.

Sadly enough, I would trade Stannis being alive for Jon, because I think Stannis after this crushing defeat would be a much more interesting character than "I'm jon snuh I don't know I'm a King and I'm wasting away my life in oblivion."


Myrcella dying makes absolutely no sense to me at all. It's just lousy story telling. What was the point in going to Dorne? Seriously.

I guess this means that she has nothing to do in the books? This sort of makes sense because her plot in the books was pretty stupid and irrelevant.

Not necessarily.

They've been handing characters someone else's storyline a lot lately. If she turns out to have an important role to play, at this rate I'd guess that they'll give it to Arya.

Or possibly Peter Dinklage in a wig.


Myrcella dying makes absolutely no sense to me at all. It's just lousy story telling. What was the point in going to Dorne? Seriously.

I guess this means that she has nothing to do in the books? This sort of makes sense because her plot in the books was pretty stupid and irrelevant.
Unfortunately, Dorne had no point for this season. Dorne's reason for being this season was so that it would be there for next season, where it'll presumably play a bigger role. Otherwise, GRRM wouldn't have put it in the books. I guess they didn't want to have Oberyn then skip all Dorne content for a season and waste the foot in the door he provided. The alternative would be Jamie talking his way through a LSHless Riverlands, and Dorne and the Sandsnakes sound like better TV than that in theory, regardless of how it turned out in practice.


For all they knew every night's watch member survived at that point and Jon's plan went off perfectly.

Plus one volley of arrows from what, 20 men? The wall was already short on people before the battle last season. They'd be lucky to hit 5 people.

They can't count?

They killed Jon because he let Wildlings through the Wall, not because some people died.


Unfortunately, Dorne had no point for this season. Dorne's reason for being this season was so that it would be there for next season, where it'll presumably play a bigger role. Otherwise, GRRM wouldn't have put it in the books. I guess they didn't want to have Oberyn then skip all Dorne content for a season and waste the foot in the door he provided. The alternative would be Jamie talking his way through a LSHless Riverlands, and Dorne and the Sandsnakes sound like better TV than that in theory, regardless of how it turned out in practice.

Right this is the correct answer. Jaime had to be here treading water and they had to setup a few things in Dorne for the future. It's just a shame that the writers couldn't come up with something a bit more compelling.

Jaime wouldn't have had anything interesting to do anyway. If he weren't in Dorne he would have been treading water in the Riverlands doing nothing at all.
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