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US Democrats Vow to boycott Trumps HHS and Treasury picks

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Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
As much as I want the Dems to do hold strong, I worry about how the long term effects to the institution of government. I also don't went any of these picks to go through.

I mean where does it stop?

We're in such a scary place right now :/


Pence is horrible in a lot of ways, but he is NOT a powergrabbing fascist like Trump and would be a marked improvement for the stability of our country.

Yeah, Pence is a true conservative believer but the dude at least has some empathy and is semi-competent enough to not be causing a self-inflected crisis every dang day.


As much as I want the Dems to do hold strong, I worry about how the long term effects to the institution of government. I also don't went any of these picks to go through.

I mean where does it stop?

We're in such a scary place right now :/

Now's probably not the time to worry about the effects to the institution of government. We had 6 years of blockades and it resulted in a fascist maniac put into power. We are currently living the effects to the government and to give in now would be a heinous mistake.


As much as I want the Dems to do hold strong, I worry about how the long term effects to the institution of government. I also don't went any of these picks to go through.

I mean where does it stop?

We're in such a scary place right now :/

The republicans started this shit, they've been holding the SCOTUS nomination hearing since scalia died, they've been boycotting Obama at every step he took.

Do you remember when they shut down the goverment, took a vacation and cost taxpayers millions of dollars of wasted money?
I'm in Ohio on work. While at breakfast there was a commercial on TV for the Secretary of HHS and how he's a good man and democrats are bad for holding his nomination up. The commercial asked you to call <name I don't remember> and urge him to vote for him.


As much as I want the Dems to do hold strong, I worry about how the long term effects to the institution of government. I also don't went any of these picks to go through.

I mean where does it stop?

We're in such a scary place right now :/

Honestly, the only way we're getting our institutions back to normal is if we get unified Democratic control of House/Senate/Presidency so the president can quickly purge the executive of Trumpists and the Congress can then pass legislation to rein in future presidents and to protect future voting rights and restrict gerrymandering to prevent this kind of thing from happening again. Until that happens, everything is already broken, and Dems should resist in whatever ways are available to them.


Honestly, the only way we're getting our institutions back to normal is if we get unified Democratic control of House/Senate/Presidency so the president can quickly purge the executive of Trumpists and the Congress can then pass legislation to rein in future presidents and to protect future voting rights and restrict gerrymandering to prevent this kind of thing from happening again. Until that happens, everything is already broken, and Dems should resist in whatever ways are available to them.
If Dems are in control of things, gerrymandering will not go away. It is the one thing both parties do when in power and both parties hate when out of power.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
The republicans started this shit, they've been holding the SCOTUS nomination hearing since scalia died, they've been boycotting Obama at every step he took.

Do you remember when they shut down the goverment, took a vacation and cost taxpayers millions of dollars of wasted money?

Of course I remember, trust me I'm fully aware of what got us here.

Ugh this is like negotiating with a suicide bomber,,,,

GOP have nothing to lose because they hate government in the first place.


If Dems are in control of things, gerrymandering will not go away. It is the one thing both parties do when in power and both parties hate when out of power.

Gerrymandering will always be a court issue to finalize, I think, and the democrats tend to actually nominate principled people that are far more likely to overturn gerrymandering than the Republicans.
We should run a betting pool for when the Republicans finally impeach Trump and purge the Oval Office of Trump loyalists so Golden Boy Pence and Pony Boy Ryan can take full control.


We should run a betting pool for when the Republicans finally impeach Trump and purge the Oval Office of Trump loyalists so Golden Boy Pence and Pony Boy Ryan can take full control.

Honestly, I would call representatives in your state and (if they're Republican) tell them you would much rather have Pence to be President and ask them to impeach Trump.

They'd probably agree.


The only upside of Price moving to the position is that Atlanta has a chance to redeem itself and vote in a better rep, but that's an incredible longshot for the district.


Homeland Security Fail
Mazel Tov Cocktail&#8207; @AdamSerwer

Cornyn angrily asking dems to get over their anger.

Lol wow.
Of course I remember, trust me I'm fully aware of what got us here.

Ugh this is like negotiating with a suicide bomber,,,,

GOP have nothing to lose because they hate government in the first place.

Then we need to just blow it all up then and let the chips fall where they may. People are going to get hurt either way. Being the bigger person did not work for Obama and it's not going to work here either.


As much as I want the Dems to do hold strong, I worry about how the long term effects to the institution of government. I also don't went any of these picks to go through.

I mean where does it stop?

We're in such a scary place right now :/

Until we have established some kind of norm where both sides get a turn the dems need to be the same assholes Republicans were.

Otherwise we're in a world where Democratic presidents don't get to pick anything or do anything and GOP ones do which is a scarier place.

After what GOP pulled I'll be disgusted with dems if they don't obstruct tooth and nail every single thing




Wait, what just happened. DeVos got approved but one Republican was missing so the chairman instead voted "yes" for him, which a Democrat then questioned the legality of and now they discuss it? So...it's not through? Or is it? o0


We should run a betting pool for when the Republicans finally impeach Trump and purge the Oval Office of Trump loyalists so Golden Boy Pence and Pony Boy Ryan can take full control.

People need to stop acting like this can ever happen. If you think republicans will impeach Trump you don't understand republicans.

Never. Going. To. Happen. Stap.
Pence is horrible in a lot of ways, but he is NOT a powergrabbing fascist like Trump and would be a marked improvement for the stability of our country.


Pence is basically a pretty standard conservative Republican that wouldn't just be a yes man to everything being drawn up by the Rasputin-like Bannon.

Not that this would ever happen though. Unless you've got some incredible smoking gun of treason or corruption so blatant, Trump isn't going anywhere the next 4 years.


People need to stop acting like this can ever happen. If you think republicans will impeach Trump you don't understand republicans.

Never. Going. To. Happen. Stap.

This is nonsense. If it saves them their seat or the presidency they absolutely will.


People need to stop acting like this can ever happen. If you think republicans will impeach Trump you don't understand republicans.

Never. Going. To. Happen. Stap.

Correct. The only way Trump will leave the White House if the people will drag him out of there.


Honestly, I would call representatives in your state and (if they're Republican) tell them you would much rather have Pence to be President and ask them to impeach Drumpf.

They'd probably agree.

More importantly, tell them you will vote for them if Pence was President and Drumpf impeached. Being elected is the only thing they value so threaten that.


This is nonsense. If it saves them their seat or the presidency they absolutely will.

I'm getting tired of repeating myself but if you think the Republicans will cross their base for any reason you don't understand the mind of the republican. I do understand it. It's never going to happen. Even the relatively sane people among them like Paul Ryan will make fools of themselves as needed.

Never. Going. To. Happen.


I'm reading about DeVos plagiarism.

I just can't stand these people. A certain thread seems to run between them all. They don't bat an eye about plagiarism or insider trading or things like that.

Its the same with Trump. Throughout the years he would take advantage of public programs and tax breaks that in spirit were not meant for him. Ignore court orders and just pay the fines because he would make more money keeping blacks from his properties.

AND WHAT GALLS ME THE MOST is the assumed response.

"This makes us smart"

NO DON. IT FUCKING DOESNT. Most of us are smart enough to know how to bend the rules or scam people or take advantage of programs. BUT WE DON'T. Because we are decent people.

Don't any of these people have a shred of fucking decency? Can't they see how backward and "got mine" they are?


As much as I want the Dems to do hold strong, I worry about how the long term effects to the institution of government. I also don't went any of these picks to go through.

I mean where does it stop?

We're in such a scary place right now :/
I'm not a supporter of blanket obstructionism and am glad they confirmed Mattis for example but these nominations aren't worth defending. They're trash and need to be blocked.


Homeland Security Fail
MJ Lee&#8207; @mj_lee

Sen. Hatch is furious about Dem boycott: "This is the most pathetic thing I’ve seen in my whole time in the United States Senate."

Lol the gop can't take their own medicine.


I'm getting tired of repeating myself but if you think the Republicans will cross their base for any reason you don't understand the mind of the republican. I do understand it. It's never going to happen. Even the relatively sane people among them like Paul Ryan will make fools of themselves as needed.

Never. Going. To. Happen.

Paul Ryan has lost any right to put himself in with the "relatively sane" after his statement on the Executive Order.

Only reinforces your point, though. Even the ones that had the common sense to hid how extreme they were are coming out.


I'm getting tired of repeating myself but if you think the Republicans will cross their base for any reason you don't understand the mind of the republican. I do understand it. It's never going to happen. Even the relatively sane people among them like Paul Ryan will make fools of themselves as needed.

Never. Going. To. Happen.

All of "their" base is not also Trump's base. And Trump's base is not enough to save them if the other 75% of the electorate wants him gone.


MJ Lee&#8207; @mj_lee

Sen. Hatch is furious about Dem boycott: "This is the most pathetic thing I’ve seen in my whole time in the United States Senate."

Lol the gop can't take their own medicine.

I wish the Dems would hammer them on their years of obstructionism, with specific examples.


MJ Lee&#8207; @mj_lee

Sen. Hatch is furious about Dem boycott: "This is the most pathetic thing I’ve seen in my whole time in the United States Senate."

Lol the gop can't take their own medicine.
People who thrive on double standards rarely can. Security no they're on the receiving end of their games win tactics they scream foul.

The Republican Party literally seems like the biggest double standard embracing of all. The end s justify the means and all tactics are fair unless it's an opposing game view in which case it's just wrong by default.

I'm all for differing opinions and debate but the US republican party just comes across like robots incapable of altering their programming. Like die hard conservatives in UK I guess. Sigh.


All of "their" base is not also Trump's base. And Trump's base is not enough to save them if the other 75% of the electorate wants him gone.

I think a lot of people on Neogaf are so infatuated with the idea of Trump being impeached soon that they go through all kinds of machinations to make it seem plausible or even likely that Republicans would do it.



MJ Lee&#8207; @mj_lee

Sen. Hatch is furious about Dem boycott: "This is the most pathetic thing I’ve seen in my whole time in the United States Senate."

Lol the gop can't take their own medicine.

remember Obama SCOTUS pick? fuck off bitch


I think a lot of people on Neogaf are so infatuated with the idea of Trump being impeached soon that they go through all kinds of machinations to make it seem plausible or even likely that Republicans would do it.


These aren't complicated machinations. Politicians like to stay politicians. If it becomes clear that their seats or the whitehouse is in jeopardy in the next couple elections, they'll go after him. There is only upside to it if they find themselves in that position.


Republican on Judiciary Committee goes on to talk about how he and Session have fundamental disagreements.

But he was nice to him in the Senate so he should AG.

Fuck right off.


I'm getting tired of repeating myself but if you think the Republicans will cross their base for any reason you don't understand the mind of the republican. I do understand it. It's never going to happen. Even the relatively sane people among them like Paul Ryan will make fools of themselves as needed.

Never. Going. To. Happen.

I agree with this. The Republican party is basically a cult at this point with Trump at the head. They would never impeach, ever. The propaganda, far-right is too intertwined within the party for it to happen.
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