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[Via Jeff Grubb] The new Mass Effect is a long ways out, possibly six years away



They been asleep?


Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I'm fine with a long wait, but 6 years is pretty long.

I'm in no rush for another huge sci-fi RPG since I'm still playing one. But I'd like to play it sometime in my lifetime.


Yep, no surprise there. These hamsters are still at it with Dragon Age Dreadwolf and aren't equipped to do 2 games at the same time. Factor in how dev times have ballooned and wa la.


I hope it’s multiplayer is good. I have no care or concern with the story. I still enjoy the original trilogy replaying it every few years. The game has a chance to avoid the shit tier writing that plagues us today the longer it takes to finish; I won’t be holding my breath tho.


There's no way the next Mass Effect is good. Not coming from this BioWare. Not with what is likely development hell. At least we will always have the trilogy.


Gold Member
They overestimate people interest after andromeda, only rockstar and a couple of other few devs can announce a game 6 years before release and get people excited.


The modern video game industry.

Mass Effect - 2007
Dragon Age Origins - 2009
Mass Effect 2 - 2010
Dragon Age 2 - 2011
Mass Effect 3 - 2012
Dragon Age Inquisiton - 2014

For this 7 year period that's almost one RPG a year.

Over the last 8 years Bioware have released 2 games. Anthem and Mass Effect Andromeda.
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Gold Member
Yeah thats why its stupid to tease them stuff and even saying on twitter "yes its in engine" Give me a fucking break


Six years is an entire console cycle.

We need to stop talking about games that are TWO years away, never mind six.
Especially, in six years the game have time to be cancelled, completely reworked, shift direction. Why are You trying to hype a game so far from its release when you probably don’t even know yourself what it is going to look like at the end.


Doubt... ol chubby grubby can be wrong often.

Why tease something on N7 day for something that's 6 years out that's just moronic.

I think either this is a rumor where it's wires are crossed of just the usual "influencer guess they pretend is a leak" until they get called out then they "it was Muh opinions"


As a little bit of a Mass Effect fan and was looking forward to ME4, this doesn't bode well. It'll probably get scrapped at this point much like Bioware (of what's left of it).
Makes sense, they've been working on a new Dragon Age game since Andromeda. Sound like that one is finishing up and they are putting some of the creative team on Mass Affect. Not sure how anyone expects different with how long big games take these days


Gold Member
The modern video game industry.

Mass Effect - 2007
Dragon Age Origins - 2009
Mass Effect 2 - 2010
Dragon Age 2 - 2011
Mass Effect 3 - 2012
Dragon Age Inquisiton - 2014

For this 7 year period that's almost one RPG a year.

Over the last 8 years Bioware have released 2 games. Anthem and Mass Effect Andromeda.
I don't think this is indicative of productivity, rather that it's a miracle Dragon Age still exists (supposedly) in any form. Origins was in production for many years. After its success EA wanted a sequel ASAP (in less than two years, using a different engine, i.e. Unreal), with predictable results*). Inquisition was a huge undertaking, partially due to EA's insistence at the time of using Frostbite for everything (it doesn't work for everything) and that it came out at all when it did was due to massive amount of crunch. Frostbite sucks for many types of games, so Anthem and Andromeda get some sympathy from me (not a lot, though) in that regard. If anything, the previous production schedule was way too tight for consistent quality. OG Mass Effect trilogy had the benefit of using a single engine throughout its run.

*) I know I'm very much in the minority, but I don't think DA2 is that bad. As a sequel to Origins it blows, but it's not really a sequel despite the title. The time constraints are visible especially in the recycled environments. But had it been called "Generic Action RPG" I think it would have got a much better reception. It's no classic, but playing as a force mage can be a lot of fun, the crowd control spells are amazing.


I don't think its possible to make another ME game that keeps up with AAA quality of linear games.
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