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Vice: Sony documents show that single player is thriving, PlayStation users spend more time playing offline games than online ones


The company's own data showed that people were spending more time playing single player games, but struggled making it part of their schedule.

Video game companies like Sony and Microsoft spend years planning their next-generation machines. The moment one machine is out the door, they're sketching out what the next one will look like, even if it won't ship for another decade. Sony's big plans for PlayStation 5 were in motion long before the hardware showed up at people's doors, and that included its ambitious ideas for the PS5 interface, such as the "activities" that I wrote about last week, where people can instantly jump around to different game quests by sorting through a menu.


Sony flexing about their single player prowess

Its why I bought PS4 Pro over Xbox One X.

6Terfloppy Super duper mega monster killah can't replace

Ghost of Tsushima,
Death Stranding,
God Of War,
Uncharted 4,
Horizon Zero Dawn,
Gran Turismo Sport,
The Last of Us 2,
Days Gone.

Before my purchase I legit compared this above list to what Xbox had at the time and what was coming and I ended up with:

Gears of War 5,
Halo 5,
Forza Horizon 4,
Forza 5.

So yes, exclusive story driven games apart from GT Sport is what drove me to go PS. Crazy thing is I have not yet finished them all. I'm waiting on PS5 to finish these campaigns in glorious 4K and hopefully 60fps across the board.

EDIT: My post is not intended to start a list war. It's just a means to explain my reasoning for choosing PS.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Sony flexing about their single player prowess

Or someone inside Sony made a report for their bosses to kiss up and try to convince them that they're more popular than Call of Duty.

I think the sales reflect this. The likes of Horizon sell a ridiculous amount. Witcher too ofcourse. And GTA V across generations now. I'm glad the forced co-op and online trend didn't push through.

GTAV sells across generations for GTA Online.
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Or someone inside Sony made a report for their bosses to kiss up and try to convince them that they're more popular than Call of Duty.

Alternatively... Activision Sold Sony the marketing right and ever since Sony picks up 80% of royalties for that game, world wide. And 70% within the US. So infact, they want COD to be great. Despite what you may think or any theories you may have?
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Absolutely loved playing CoD, Battlefield and GTA with my friends and family. But as I'm getting older, I have new priorities.
I much rather spend money on a single-player game with a good story than play online.
Yep. Playing through and finishing Last Of Us 2 reminded me how important and enjoyable these experiences are.

My partner who has no real interest in games was hooked on that story to the point where she would just watch me play the game and we would watch every cutscene as well. It really was like we watched a Netflix TV series each night. It really was amazing.

I want more of these experiences on PS5 and I hope Sony continues down this road. I'd hate for them to start banging out GAAS titles.


Gold Member
Most companies have bungled the multiplayer game experience. I still enjoy a good MP game but nowadays playing one is like buying a house, you need to invest all this time and energy into it, with GAAS shit, battle pass, unlock grinding, it is so dumb and annoying. And I know, technically, you don't "have to", but these companies have teams of people to design these systems to give you FOMO if you're not, to keep you locked in. So more often than not I just don't bother.
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Someone should send this to Electronic Arts and Phil Spencer.

I really hope all games start to make use of the activity cards in the future It's amazing
Its why I bought PS4 Pro over Xbox One X.

6Terfloppy Super duper mega monster killah can't replace

Ghost of Tsushima,
Death Stranding,
God Of War,
Uncharted 4,
Horizon Zero Dawn,
Gran Turismo Sport,
The Last of Us 2,
Days Gone.

Before my purchase I legit compared this above list to what Xbox had at the time and what was coming and I ended up with:

Gears of War 5,
Halo 5,
Forza Horizon 4,
Forza 5.

So yes, exclusive story driven games apart from GT Sport is what drove me to go PS. Crazy thing is I have not yet finished them all. I'm waiting on PS5 to finish these campaigns in glorious 4K and hopefully 60fps across the board.

EDIT: My post is not intended to start a list war. It's just a means to explain my reasoning for choosing PS.

Yea that's what gets me.

If you want power - get a PC. If you want games - get a PlayStation or Switch. If you want... 3 franchises of varying quality (Forza is *always* dope though), then get Xbox.

Edit: I think Gears and Forza are on PC, too. Is Halo also? If so, yikes.
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Yea that's what gets me.

If you want power - get a PC. If you want games - get a PlayStation or Switch. If you want... 3 franchises of varying quality (Forza is *always* dope though), then get Xbox.

Edit: I think Gears and Forza are on PC, too. Is Halo also? If so, yikes.
Yes you can play Gears, Forza on PC. Not sure about Halo.

Agreed. Forza Horizon 3 was one of my favorite Xbox games of the past few years. I played that on PC a couple years ago almost daily. Wish PS would pull their finger out and develop a similar game with Polyphony Digital but yeah you can't have everything.
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I still enjoy a good MP game but nowadays playing one is like buying a house, you need to invest all this time and energy into it, with GAAS shit, battle pass, unlock grinding, it is so dumb and annoying.

There's a lot of older gamers nowadays that don't have the time to invest in grindy GaaS games but don't want to leave gaming as a hobby. Those well-made single player games fulfill the desire of experiencing something magical and awesome that he experienced when he was younger playing games.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Cool. Did Sony even make a GaaS title this generation? I think maybe they had Final Fantasy XIV console exclusive for a while? Closest thing that comes to mind, though I don't know if anyone else would consider a MMO GaaS (I do).


With multiplat games, Rpgs and single player games i mostly play on playstation, mulitplayer i always play on xbox. I'd say my library is 50/50 single-player/multi.


Single player games will always be king, most multiplayer games cover their shit qualities by making the players forget about the game itself as they play with their mates.

A multiplayer game has to be really good to get me invested, I'll still play games of FIFA, COD, Destiny and Siege when friends wanna play though. Nice to have a balance.


Sony only does single player games. Highly doubtful theres more time played on tlou2 or ghost over say cod or fortnite.

Once you get your 20 - 30 hour playthrough done, its a wrap. Especially after you got the platinum.

Whereas cod, destiny, etc people keep grinding for loot.


Good to hear. I have little enough interest in interacting with people in every day life matters, I certainly don't want to have to interact with the fuckers when I'm engaging in my favourite pastime.

I tried online/mp gaming a few times, it was awful.
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Not Banned from OT
This is stupid and I don't believe it for a second outside the hardcore in here there is very few who play the couple of Sony exclusives a year and then put the system away. Fortnight call of duty rocket league ect rack up millions of hours played but most playstations are offline sure lol.


thats why games like god of war (triple AAA,crazy production values,not a single micro payment,or gaas or that shit)made the compettion (microsoft,ubisoft,ea) look like pure shit,thats the difference,thats why they are winning and thats why they will win this generation,you can fill your subcription services with mediocre gaas crap and old games,people want the good stuff
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This is stupid and I don't believe it for a second outside the hardcore in here there is very few who play the couple of Sony exclusives a year and then put the system away. Fortnight call of duty rocket league ect rack up millions of hours played but most playstations are offline sure lol.
Those multiplayer games are also available on every platform. So no one would choose a console because of them. It is the differentiator that matters. What one side has that the other side hasn't got.
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