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We may have found half the "missing" dark matter by watching neutron stars collide

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The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Okay this seems pretty damn cool.
Short version: intense and incredibly short bursts of energy that have been confusing for a while might be the collision of neutron stars very far away, and in the process of travelling half the universe to reach Earth they provide further evidence that much of the "missing mass" exists as gas between galaxies.


Full paper: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v530/n7591/full/nature17140.html

For the past 15 years or so, astronomers have been collectively scratching their heads over Fast Radio Bursts, or FRBs: incredibly intense but also incredibly brief flashes of radio energy coming from seemingly random spots in the sky. They’re so fast—just milliseconds long—that it’s been very difficult to find out anything about them. Poof: They’re there, like a flashbulb going off, then they’re gone.

A more likely explanation is even more exotic: A coalescing pair of neutron stars. A neutron star is left over after a massive star explodes. The outer layers of the exploding star scream away, but the core collapses into a ultra-dense ball of quantum weirdness just a few kilometers across. If two such massive stars are a binary pair, orbiting each other, they eventually become a neutron star binary. Over billions of years, they spiral in to each other, merge, and form a black hole. The merger is incredibly violent and energetic, flinging out tremendous amounts of energy in a very short burst that may last only milliseconds.

But there’s more, and this part is really cool. As radio waves travel through the Universe, the ethereally thin amount of gas distributed through space changes them. The radio waves get dispersed, with higher energy (higher frequency) waves arriving a bit earlier than lower energy ones. It’s a bit like visible light passing through a prism and dispersing, creating the color spectrum, but the radio waves are dispersed in time, not space.

The amount of dispersion seen depends on how much stuff the radio waves pass through. But that doesn’t give you a distance; the source might be close by and passing through thick gas, or it might be much farther away and passing through much thinner material.

The thing is, we only see about half the normal matter in the Universe; the stuff “missing” is thought to be very hot gas distributed between galaxies but is very hard to detect. The observations of the FRB seem to show that the missing stuff isn’t so missing after all. The radio waves passed through it, were altered by it, and that change was measurable!



I love this stuff... am slightly dissapointed dark matter might be hot gas haha i dont know what else it could be really but i like the mystery
My head hurts. I'm so dumb that when the universe is explained to me in the afterlife I'm going to be told I have to stay back and take universe again.
I love these clever observational tactics of late. This is at least as interesting to me as the one about "imaging" light as a particle and wave at the same time.

User 406

Makes sense. The "dark matter" is supposed to be a huge amount of mass, but space is so incredibly vast that even a infinitesimally thin gas spread throughout still adds up to a tremendous degree.
Makes sense. The "dark matter" is supposed to be a huge amount of mass, but space is so incredibly vast that even a infinitesimally thin gas spread throughout still adds up to a tremendous degree.
And it really wouldn't collect to form a nebula and then a star cluster? I have trouble imagining that... but that means nothing because the scales of the universe are unimaginable.

User 406

And it really wouldn't collect to form a nebula and then a star cluster? I have trouble imagining that... but that means nothing because the scales of the universe are unimaginable.

It's one of those things I always have to keep reminding myself of, that space really is so far beyond that crazy no fucking way to even imagine a decent analogy of a model of a comparison vast.


I'm just pulling this from my ass but, isn't "hot" a relative term here? Meaning several degrees above absolute zero might be considered hot?

That's what I was thinking. Even ice conducts heat, relatively speaking. It's what I learned from Bill Nye the science guy. :p


The title of this thread is unfortunately incorrect and should say "half the missing baryonic matter" rather than "half the missing dark matter" - to be fair, I think the title of the Slate article may have been misleading too since dark matter is also colloquially known as the universe's "missing matter", although Plait took care to distinguish between actual "dark matter" and "normal matter" in the article:

Why is this a big deal? Because the Universe can be roughly divided into three components: dark energy (roughly 70 percent of the total mass/energy budget of the cosmos), dark matter (25 percent), and normal matter (5 percent). That last bit is us: regular old atoms, neutrons, protons, and the like. We’re very much in the minority here.

The thing is, we only see about half the normal matter in the Universe; the stuff “missing” is thought to be very hot gas distributed between galaxies but is very hard to detect. The observations of the FRB seem to show that the missing stuff isn’t so missing after all. The radio waves passed through it, were altered by it, and that change was measurable!

The authors of the Nature publication have not discovered half of what we call "dark matter", but were talking about baryonic (aka "normal" matter), the distribution of half of which has been undetermined until now.
The authors of the Nature publication have not discovered half of what we call "dark matter", but were talking about baryonic (aka "normal" matter), the distribution of half of which has been undetermined until now.
Hey, OP, you totally suckered me your thread title! But also I probably should've read the article.


I think the title of this thread is somewhat inaccurate. The article specifies that this could account for baryonic dark matter (that is, stuff that's made of the same sort of stuff we are, but we just can't see it), but most scientists believe the majority of dark matter to be nonbaryonic.

how does the extra-galactic gas stay hot?

I expect it's a result of there not being much of anything out there for the heat to transfer into. Stuff only cools down because heat transfers from it to stuff with less heat. Not much cooler stuff around = not much cooling.

Of course, I'd expect that much heat to be emitted as light, but hey, maybe things are weird out there.

I'm just pulling this from my ass but, isn't "hot" a relative term here? Meaning several degrees above absolute zero might be considered hot?

According to another article I found (from a few years ago), it's genuinely hot. As in, hotter-than-the-surface-of-the-sun hot

Fake edit: Ah, I see the difference between baryonic and nonbaryonic has already been pointed out.


So much for Alien signals, but cool nontheless. I don't understand a thing about physics, but I love physics, keep on it you awesome crazy guys.


The title of this thread is unfortunately incorrect and should say "half the missing baryonic matter" rather than "half the missing dark matter" - to be fair, I think the title of the Slate article may have been misleading too since dark matter is also colloquially known as the universe's "missing matter", although Plait took care to distinguish between actual "dark matter" and "normal matter" in the article:

The authors of the Nature publication have not discovered half of what we call "dark matter", but were talking about baryonic (aka "normal" matter), the distribution of half of which has been undetermined until now.

Yeah I was reading the bits in the op and I didn't get that they discovered anything about dark matter, but they have a better understanding about the matter we know about (and figuring out what's happening with the rest of it.

Edit: if this was about dark matter, it would be a much bigger deal as well.
Wow, I feel stupid reading the abstract.

tl;dr most "dark matter" that we consider to be a Futurama-esque sluice of ultra-dense space aether is probably just regular-dense gas consisting of low-level elements (mainly hydrogen) that was too innocuous for us to detect in its regular state. "Dark matter" in this case literally means "matter unobserved" in the same way the Darknet are just parts of the internet that aren't otherwise networked out to neighbor sites, e.g. domains you have to specifically "hunt" for. However, a spectacle big, bright, and observable enough (such as neutron stars colliding) means that we're essentially smoking up the room to reveal all of the invisible motion-sensor lasers, just the other way around.


how does the extra-galactic gas stay hot?

Think of temperature in terms of the kinetic energies of the particles, which are moving about at extraordinarily high speeds. As for why this gas (really a plasma) is so energetic, one major heating mechanism is gravitational shockwaves passing through it as the result of matter collapsing and accreting to form big structures (like galaxies).

Bedameister said:
So dark matter is just gas (Hydrogen I suppose). Hm that's kind of lame

Nope, not at all. This paper is referring to missing baryonic ("normal") matter rather than dark matter, which is most likely to be non-baryonic.


This doesn't really seem to be that big a deal as far as dark matter is concerned. One of the verifications of dark matters existence comes from looking giant Hydrogen gas clouds in galaxy clusters colliding with other H clouds in other galaxy clusters. So the idea that most of the normal matter is in gas clouds spread throughout the universe doesn't seem especially revelatory.

However, since it's published in Nature i assume that it is an observation very interesting to professionals in that field.
This doesn't really seem to be that big a deal as far as dark matter is concerned. One of the verifications of dark matters existence comes from looking giant Hydrogen gas clouds in galaxy clusters colliding with other H clouds in other galaxy clusters. So the idea that most of the normal matter is in gas clouds spread throughout the universe doesn't seem especially revelatory.

However, since it's published in Nature i assume that it is an observation very interesting to professionals in that field.
The paper doesn't address dark matter at all. It's an error in the thread title.


What's the recipe for dark matter?

Well, there are many hypothetical models, but the most popular candidate for dark matter is a particle that is:

a) Stable (ie. doesn't decay)
b) Weakly interacting (interacts with other particles through the weak force and gravity)
c) Massive (ie. has a mass)

The acronym used to refer to a weakly interacting massive particle is, not surprisingly, "WIMP."

Dark matter is also often specified as being "cold" (ie. moving at non-relativistic speeds). The reason why "hot dark matter" isn't so favourable by itself is because in the early universe, dark matter composed only of these fast-moving particles would have effectively destroyed (smoothed out) the small density structures that later gave rise to big density clumps (galaxies) as the universe expanded. The only way galaxies could actually form in that scenario is by enormously huge clumps of matter eventually fragmenting to make smaller galaxies - but that doesn't really fit what we see. Cold dark matter in the early universe, on the other hand, is much more consistent with the finer density fluctuations in the early universe (we study this by looking at the cosmic microwave background radiation - an extremely low-energy "thermal glow" permeating the universe, which is actually a relic from when it was only 378,000 years old).

A WIMP can arise in many theoretical extensions to the standard model (the model of physics as we currently know it). For example, there is a branch of physics called "supersymmetry," which posits that there is a larger symmetry connecting the force particles (bosons) and the matter particles (fermions). A major result of this is that the standard model particles that we know of have "partner" particles called "superpartners". The superpartners of quarks are known as "squarks," the superpartners of leptons are known as "sleptons," the superpartner of the gluon is known as a "gluino", and so on. In these models, dark matter often assumes the form of a light supersymmetric particle.


Ultimately, any model of dark matter that scientists come up with has to fit the observational evidence - and there's a lot of it. For example, galaxies don't rotate in the way that we expect them to based on the matter that we can see (optical and radio observations). Stars and gas on the edge of galaxies orbit around the centre of the galaxy at high speeds that indicate that the amount of actual mass contained in their orbit is much, much higher than the amount of visible matter. This is the galaxy rotation curve problem.

Also, gravitational lensing refers to the technique of estimating the amount of matter in a cluster by how much light bends around it (light is affected by gravity too!). Based on how much light bends, there's a substantial amount of matter that isn't accounted for by the galaxies (and intergalactic gas) alone.

One really, really cool image often featured in explanations of dark matter is an image of the Bullet Cluster (which is actually two whopping clusters of galaxies colliding with each other):


What you're seeing there is a digitally enhanced composite of several images. The pink parts of the image represent the hot extra-galactic gas, mapped from X-ray observations by the Chandra observatory. The blue parts of the image represent the dark matter mapped out by weak gravitational lensing (from various optical telescopes, like the Hubble Space Telescope). What this shows is the gas lagging behind the dark matter, indicating that it is much more affected by the drag force of the on-going collision (the dark matter by contrast appearing to have phased through it).
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