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What is a moment in Gaming you'll never forget?


CliffyB's Cock Holster
A certain moment playing Nier.

Giant spoiler here, do not read if you haven't played the game. Seriously.

The whole visit to the Aerie post time-skip; basically the stuff leading to the fight with Wendy and its aftermath.

Its this perfect transition showing the obsessive pursuit of a fundamentally virtuous cause unexpectedly turning dark and corrupt. I hope people get the awful weight of Nier's admonition to Emil about "not looking back" and what that really means consequentially.

It stunned me because of how it felt so organic, you know what you're doing is basically wrong, but shit's jumping off and you're just doing what you've been doing in terms of murdering shades!

Although its the game's first "are we the baddies ?" moment, it doesn't overplay itself by trying to completely flip our perceptions all in one go. It just sets up the confrontation with Devola and Popola and the whole exclamation point of "noone stops"...

Fuck me, what a game.

But yeah, its sections like this that make me curious as to how its going to be received in 2021.
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video games GIF


Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member

The most beautiful chapter of Gravity rush.... and this chapter impact me... is the most beautiful moment that i see in any videogame.
So many to list, but I'll list just one since I'm in the mood for that specific game right now: When you make it into Ryoshima Coast in Okami and hear the music, it's magic.


I will forever have fond memories of complex + proximity mines in golden eye 64, 4 player split screen. Not sure why it stands out the most in my mind.


- My first multiplayer game Return to Castle Wolfenstein on Xbox...mind blown
- The first time I tried VR...Astrobot Rescue Mission...mind blown
- The first time I played Bayonetta 2....mind blown
- The Halo Infinite gameplay demo...
The last couple fights of Bayonetta.

I thought it was silly throwing buildings at one another. Then you ride a motorcycle up a rocket that's launching into space to punch god into the sun.



Any game made me feel as "wowed" as I felt with this:

The closest has been Uncharted 4, but by the time of Metal Gear Solid 3 I was like 15 years and that full chase scene blown me away on that epoch.


Gold Member
I will always remember watching the intro to Liberation on the CD32, it blew me away

I'll never forget my dad playing Solaris, drawing his own maps and getting one square from the end, and failing

Playing the Syndicate Demo off of an Amiga format magazine for an Amiga 500 i'd got that Christmas day, non stop. And getting moaned at we had a Christmas party to go to..

Getting a Playstation 1 for the Christmas it came out and having the Wipeout Demo at the time, it was Glorious. It also came with a demo of Loaded, also glorious. Still love them to today

Playing Darkseed for the first time, loved it. H.R Giger? A point and click weird adventure game? Hooked (Jesus was it hard..)

Having a two player on Ikari Warriors for hours with the old man. The music is still stuck in my brain..

Sticking quite a few 10ps into Commando, in a chip shop, down in Newquay in the 80's

Going to the local pool for swimming whilst at school, getting chips after and playing Narc..

Too many to even mention really.

Oh, the ending to Soma. Marvelous that was, that'll stick with me too.
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-My first shoryuken in SF2 arcade.
I was so proud! Lol

-the intro of FFVI, when you walk in a snow storm.

-the intro of shenmue was just mind blowing at the time.

-the beginning of Last odyssey (still my favourite JRPG)

-the demo of dead rising.
Everything I’ve ever wanted to see in a
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Seeing F-Zero on a Super Famicom in 1991, as Finland just got the first NES games 1,5 years prior. "The city is infinite, it's so fast holy fucking shit how is this possible"
Seeing Ridge Racer in arcades in 1993.
Seeing Daytona USA and Virtua Fighter 2 in arcades in 1994.

Then the Metal Gear Solid "change the controller to second port" fight against Mantis. "Are you fucking kidding me, I have to walk to the console to change ports? What the hell"

After that, the next was the Kitchen demo on PSVR.

Those are the things I will always remember as the biggest HOLY FUCKING SHIT moments in gaming for me.


In wolfenstein the new collosus When bj blaskowitz’s pregnant wife rips her top off and mows down Nazi’s with a giant machine gun with her titties flopping about while she straddles him in first person. Or the beheading moment in that game. Man that game fucking rules so much.

also spiderman web of shadows on xbox 360 was a ray of light through one of the toughest break ups of my life. I just removed my self from life and sunk my entire being into that game, got all achievments. It was pure escapism
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Gold Member
First time I played Tribes. It was Broadside map. I stepped out saw how big the map was. Dropped down to ground and started walking. Next thing I know some one skis by at insane speeds and I explode. I was like wtf just happened. Before that I only played FPS with small maps and you were grounded.

F31 Leopard

Midnight line queues for releases e.g. Wii, PS3, C.O.D etc at Circuit City, Best Buy, Gamestop. Lining up with a bunch of your friends in the middle of the night freezing your butt off just to get it on day one and getting free swag at the door was fun. Also calling in sick for work when you get home 😆


Gold Member
Finding the first warp zone in Super Mario for the NES...didn't know what to do and died.

Being amazed at the plot twist of FFVI.

Being amazed at the scope of FFVII.

Loving how crafted Chrono Trigger felt. Loving how Secret of Mana felt like an adventure.

Recently....1-1 Demons Souls back on release in 2009. It reminded me why I pick up a controller in the first place.

The opening of the vault in Fallout 3 (after not playing video games for about 7 years).

Reaching skellig in Witcher 3...Dat Music.

The soundtrack of Skyrim.


I was really young and played the ColecoVision but wasn't truly transformed until I played Super Mario Bros on the NES. I will never forget playing that game for the 1st time. I was around 11 years of age and it made me a life long gamer.


A single one? Impossible! Here are a few I thought of...
  • First time playing Wolfenstein 3D (first FPS game)
  • First time playing DOOM (first FPS game that scared me, first game that scared me, period)
  • First time seeing Quake in action (first 3D/polygonal FPS)
  • First time playing Quake online (first online experience)
  • Seeing FMVs for the first time
  • Hearing CD quality music for the first time
  • First time playing a game modem to modem (Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight)
  • Playing Quake 2 via Heat.net and seeing people chat in different languages for the first time
  • Seeing Mortal Kombat in action for the first time (them digitized characters and the violence blew me away)
  • Seeing Mario 64 in action for the first time
  • Seeing Half-Life's intro for the first time
  • Seeing DOOM 3 in action (leaked and retail build)
  • Seeing Dreamcast in action for the first time (first time seeing 60 fps on a console)
  • Twisted Metal Black for the first time (first PS2 that blew me away graphically and 60fps)
Off the top of my head game wise...
  • Ending of Super Metroid
  • Resident Evil intro(s)
  • Metal Gear Solid ending
  • Red Dead Redemption ending
  • Red Dead Redemption 2 ending
  • Silent Hill 2 ending (hell whole game in general, same goes with 1 and 3 though 2 is burned into my brain)
  • Half-Life 2 Episode 2's ending

To create just one would be.... problematic, lmao.
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Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Another one. I’d never played this kind of game before so...

When I stepped out of the sewers for the first time in Oblivion on the 360. And then same when I first stepped out of the vault in Fallout 3 also on 360.


- Watching the opening sequence of FFX. O.O

- Suicide Mission in ME2, watching some squadmates die was gut wrenching. The whole experience felt epic.

- Playing Power Stones 2 at my friends house on the their gigantic 50" CRT TV.

- Everyone getting max stars on Welcome Home by Coheed and Cambria with my apartment roommates in college XD

- After 8 hours, finally clearing Vault of Glass with my fireteam in Destiny 1.

- Beating Mega Man 3 by myself (first game I ever beat without the help of my brothers, even got my dads big ass cam recorder to record it on the TV)

- Bubble Man's stage music, as its one of my earliest memories as a child experiencing video games for the first time when I watched my brothers play.
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It's impossible to pick just one, i definitely can't put all of them because there are quite many considering, so here's some:

- Snake meet Psychomantis:

Every corner in MGS in unforgettable, but if i pick one i would say Mantis encounter, i mean this guy read in my memory, made my stick move, and the fight was iconic, and then when you beat him he tells you his story about his past and all, Wolf and Raven were also legendary as well, like i said every millimeter of this game is legend, even my big brother that plays only Fifa was so invested in this game, i never see him invested in any game like that since then (of course except Fifa lol)


- Where's Chris?

RE2 was my first RE, and i was blown away about how the game was incredible, the graphics were incredible, the controls, the characters, the twist, and while there are many iconic moments in the game but i'll pick this one, cause it was first time i hear about Chris, i didn't know who Chris was (as i haven't play re1 ever at the time), but i already knew this guy is the dopest dude ever they way everyone (Leon, Claire, Marvin) was talking about him and you read about him in some docs, like i already wanted to know more about him, and then so i wanted to play RE1 so bad but it was super hard to access to games back then, as 15 years kid with no money and there weren't even gaming store around, so i while i keep playing the outstanding RE2 but i always keep think about Chris, like i always like: "That Chris must be so cool and so strong to survive shit like that" things like that. I ended being able to play RE1 around 2 years later, and as excepted the character is super iconic, and Jill as well, loved rebecca and Barry, and also Wesker (even he was traitor lol), and the remake was even better and another iconic game.


- Joel got injured, the you play Ellie to save him:

There were a lot of memorable moments in TLOU1, before and after this one, but this moment is my favorite as it was there where Ellie and Joel father/daughter relationship strengh up.


And the best and most iconic videogame of all time of all galaxies IS... Nina is Steve's mother

Steve fox is not just my favorite character of all time, it's ME. And Nina Williams was already my favorite female character of all time since Tekken 2, and then i hear that she is my mother, the ultimate revelation, in Steve/Nina/LeiTekken 4 ending, the most iconic and legendary videogame moment in history.

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B D Joe

Camping notorious monsters in Final Fantasy 11 online for hours, often days.

Getting the claim before other people doing the same was a rush I won't ever forget.


Many mentioned before in this thread. Also the ending of Grim Fandango.

The most recent is from two days ago. I blew up the polar ice in Surviving Mars which caused a huuuuge sandstorm engulf my whole colony for two solar days. My infrastructude held up pretty nicely but not perfectly, few hundred people had to manage without electricity and water.

An incredible moment. Edge of the seat stuff.


Marlboro: Other M
S4's dream coil.

Or when my father saw me struggling to control the motorcycle in the arcade because I was too small to move it, so he grab the rear end of the motorcycle and moved for me.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Traveling from Qeynos to Freeport for the 1st time in original Everquest.


Pretty crazy remembering stuff like this. I can tell you the very first map I played in Halo 2, Waterworks. The first map I played in the Halo 3 beta, high ground. I have so many amazing memories of bungies Halo games. The first time I hit level 50 in Halo 3 MP was on Guardian playing with a friend in 2v2. We literally tied the other team and it ranked me up to 50.
For sure! Hitting the grav launcher in Valhalla is the first thing I thought of when I saw this thread. It blew my MIND.
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