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What was your favorite game released in XXXX? 2002 edition (56k)


Warcraft 3 followed by Morrowind. I don't think I ever actually finished the campaign for either, but I've spent dozens if not hundreds of hours with them
We only played Sly Cooper in full for the first time a couple years ago but absolutely loved it, so if I can read the title as "is" instead of "was," that's probably my pick. Really super fun game with terrific 3D stealth platforming and creativity to spare. Very timeless and charming graphics and art direction, too. And it controlled super smoothly.

It's still the same. ;)

It's your favorite game that was released in 2002, but that doesn't mean you had to have played it then. I do always appreciate when someone goes, "At the time, my favorite was X and now it's Y/still X," just to see how their tastes have changed.


Morrowind for sure.

It's a close run thing though, the more I replay Gunvalkyrie the more I feel like it's one of my favorite games ever.

Man, Morrowind was so fucking good, what the hell happened Bethesda?
All those awesome games, damn. But for me, I definitely have a favorite and it's not even close:


Ironic, considering I never played the GameCube version :p
I haven't played much of that list, but favorites from it have to be Animal Crossing and Metroid Prime. Unreal Tournament 2004 as well, if it counts due to being an updated rerelease of 2003.


That was the year Warcraft 3 came out? Yep, that's the one for me.

I can't count how many hours I spent on NBA Street against other people though.
Metroid Prime is great and all but it's gotta be Ratchet & Clank for me. The game where the series first began is often overlooked in favour for its direct sequels due to it lacking their refined gameplay. Despite this, I always have a blast playing through the story and visiting some of the funnest planets in the series. Oh, and the music is my favourite from the series too.
I also kinda like it more than Ratchet PS4 but that might be because I had unfair expectations for the game pre launch.
Metroid Prime is great and all but it's gotta be Ratchet & Clank for me. The game where the series first began is often overlooked in favour for its direct sequels due to it lacking their refined gameplay. Despite this, I always have a blast playing through the story and visiting some of the funnest planets in the series. Oh, and the music is my favourite from the series too.
I also kinda like it more than Ratchet PS4 but that might be because I had unfair expectations for the game pre launch.

It's quite hard to go back to the first -- and even the second -- just due to how much more limiting the gameplay is. For the first, no upgrading weapons or weapon modifications. For both, no strafe (at least I'm pretty sure there was none for the second, and I just played it last year). Even two upgrades seems limiting in Going Commando.

And I wasn't a huge fan of the arena in 2, particularly compared to 3, which was excellent.

I take no joy saying any of this! =(


Metroid Prime. Didn't play it until like 2004 or so, but my favorite game of all time so...

Also played REmake late. Another gem.

Did play AoM at the time, a lot. One of my favorite games, especially at that time.


Man this is hard..

Aggresive Inline
Mario Sunshine
Jet Set Radio Future..

Probably Aggresive Inline.. I actually love that game, own it on 3 consoles, and probably put the most hours into it of the 3..

I'm weird :[

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I don't even have to look at the list. It's Metroid Prime. One of my all-time favorite games.

2002 was an insane year, and I don't think it gets enough credit, compared to the likes of 1998 and 2001.
Metroid Prime, no contest. It's my favorite game ever, and I consider it perfect.
At the time? Time Splitters 2. I spent like 100 hours playing it with my friend! Or maybe Srarfox Adventures? Yeah, probably that. Man, 2002 was amazing.


If I'm honest with myself, I'd have to say Mafia. I think GTA Vice City is still my favorite entry in the franchise ever, but Mafia was everything I loved in that crime genre. Varied, beautiful shootouts/set pieces and a narrative that stayed with me forever. I still consider the game in my top five of all time.
Metroid Prime, followed by REmake - two of my favorite games of all time. And then a nod to Metroid Fusion. I can't believe they released two Metroid games on the same day after an 8 year hiatus. That may have been my favorite day in video game history.


huh. I thought Sunshine was a launch title for some reason...

1. Super Mario Sunshine
2. Metroid Fusion
SOCOM!!!!! I was 14 and this was the first game that I ever spent entire days and weeks playing consistently every day. My first true online gaming love
I'm going to stump for Vice City and No One Lives Forever 2. The latter especially is a forgotten gem that I wish you could buy digitally.
1. Resident Evil
2. Eternal Darkness
3. Shenmue II
4. Super Mario Sunshine
5. Metroid Prime
6. Rallisport Challenge
7. Metroid Fusion
8. Resident Evil 0
9. Harmony of Dissonance
10. Virtua Fighter 4
11. Tekken 4
Wow, some really great titles in there. It's rare that a 3D Mario isn't the best of that year (Then again that's just Mario Sunshine in general).

Definitely a few games in my top 30 of all time. Sly Cooper, Ratchet and Clank both had incredibly strong entries into great franchises (probably the best game in the franchise for Sly). Jet Set Radio Future is an amazing game that refined a lot of the elements of the original. Virtual Fighter 4 is, imo, one of the greatest 3d fighters of all time. Not enough can be said about how great Metroid Prime is. But it comes down to two games for me: Kingdom Hearts and Shenmue 2.

Kingdom Hearts holds a strange special place in my heart. I for sure was the exact perfect age to have played that game when it came out; I was 13, getting into FF games, and hadn't had much experience with Action RPGS or RPGs in general. The game still feels like a great adventure in terms of scope and what the game entailed, and it really is a classic game.

Shenmue 2, and Shenmue in general, is just unlike anything else. 2 in general feels like it cuts to the excitement a little quicker because it doesn't have to build the background as much, so it feels like a more action filled and exciting game. The yellowhead building might be one of the best video game segments of all time, of course ending with the most dramatic standoff.
After chasing Lan Di for the past two games, he's finally within eye shot..and there's nothing you can do.
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