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What would you want from the Elder Scrolls VI?

Xbox and PC exclusivity...

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
If they’re only going to bless us with one game every decade then I’d like:

- the entire variety of climates and biomes
- powerful modding and scripting tools
- real single player expansions farmed out to smaller up and coming studios
- to be able to liberate Tamriel from the fucking Altmer already; couldn’t even really do this in Skyrim


A non-human region to explore.

More narrative quest lines like the dark brotherhood, thieves guild, ect.

Less content locked behind the main quest.

A more robust magic system.

Enchanting weapons in real time combat. (One fire spell in one hand, sword in the other. Being able to cast fire on the sword for a fire sword).

More variety in kids/teens/baby NPC of all races like argonians and dark elves as well their ages.

No fetch quests.

A bigger map isn't a more fun one unless there's enough meaningful content to do in it.


Gold Member
Bring back the skill system from Morrowind with the variety it had (with few skills changed that don't make sense).

I really want more weapon variety like spears, halberds and in general more polearms.

Bigger cities would be nice and cities without loading like Morrowind was.

The return of Mysticism and more spells.

Ability to kill any NPCs with a warning message. Or better yet, make it a toggle option in the menu.

VR would be amazing yet again.


More Elder Scrolls, less Fallout 4. I didn't like the modernization "improvements" they made with FO4 at all. The cutscenes and loss of control wasn't great. It did have some features that could be cool in ES, like weapon and armor customization. Stick to the style that has worked so well, open world choose your own adventure.

More options in the skill trees. I'd like to see hybrid skills, like if you reach a certain level of archery and magic and also have a magic skill, you can shoot split arrows like Chebacca's bowcaster.

Enchanted weapons to return to Morrowind style, where they recharge over time if you aren't using the weapon. It would encourage trying new weapons or combat styles, and it would ditch the horrible using soul gems to recharge your weapons system. Enchanting is my least favorite part of Oblivion and Skyrim.

Expand the home building they introduced in Skyrim. We don't know what the story is so it might not make sense unless it's a dlc, but I always love the building up a fortress and team in games. Let us build up a fortress and put specific buildings that offer specific bonuses to our defences, and have NPC armies raid it. A first person tower defense, kinda. Though it was really simple, I loved that part of Neverwinter Knights 2.


Gold Member
Argonian class, so I can have a character I dnt have to worry about swimming skill.

A big adjustment to their Gamebro/Creation Engine.

At least make it look a lot different on the surface even if the back end is similar. Every Fallout and ES game has a very samey kind of look.... compass and icons, dialogue with NPCs, the UI even runs sloppy unless you got the recent next gen 60 fps patches which makes things run smoother and snappier.
PCVR support, or, even better, a vr only game.

I know that's not realistic but it's the best option for a mind blowing experience. Anything else is probably just a bigger and better looking Skyrim.


More physics. I want not only all the objects to be physically simulated but the larger things too so the tables they sit on and just everything thats not nailed down indoors + have systemic interaction, with fire, water, air, etc. Some of my best memories of it are trying to do BotW systemic stuff when that wasn't really a thing yet.

The potential is there for it to be as amazing as Skyrim was back then, but I don't know if thats the angle anymore, I think they will put all the effort into a million branching paths with tons of voicework and animation to show them. I love the amount of dialogue in the nu-Hitman games and a big part of what I enjoyed is seeing all those interactions, but I also want to make my own fun in the world, outside of quests. So

I hope they double down on physics and systemic... systems.


Good combat.
Good story.
Good voice acting.
Good characters.
Good towns.
No level scaling for items or enemies.
Not being able to join every single guild. Make checks on the player stats.
No radiant quest bullshit.
Use a new engine.


* Proper RPG stats. No more choose to increase magicka, health, stamina.

* Quests made to work without quest compass. With descriptions and NPCs who you can ask directions.

* By the way, no quest compass.

* Minimal to no level scaling.

* Hand placed loot. No loot scaling.

* Climb skill

* Spears

* Levitation spell

TLDR: I want more Morrowind in modern Elder Scrolls.


World’s Biggest Weeb
I hope it has lots of self referential humor. Like someone will say “watch out, you don’t want to take an ARROW TO THE KNEE” then look right at you and pause for you to laugh at the funny joke.
Better writing. There was a huge drop in quality after Morrowind, mostly because they now had to voice every single line of dialogue in the game. It was like going from a decent paperback fantasy novel to a Saturday morning cartoon.

I wish they'd go back to doing it the old way, but that's never going to happen. They could never afford to release a game that isn't fully voiced. They'd catch endless shit from all the people who only ever played Oblivion or Skyrim, which make up the majority of their audience now.
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I will probably get the game regardless but I am hoping they don't keep dumbing down features. I want classes! I want many skills to upgrade not the horrible perk system of Skyrim and Fallout 4.

I am fine with having perks but I want the other features I mentioned as well.

Spend some money on proper animation and character models.

Don't force me to use crafting.

Let me kill annoying NPC's even to my own detriment.

Have some evil quests and path to take instead of being the hero all the time.
I was going to write something but then I took an arrow to the knee...


I want to be able to break the game. Not have the game come broken. I loved how much insane shit you could come up with just the Create-a-Spell feature in Morrowind. You could easily break the game, but it was so fun to do.
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The mod community has spent a decade iterating on Skyrim, it has been more modded than any other game before it or after it. Every facet of the game has been refined, polished, improved, upgraded.

USE THAT Bethesda. It's all there on a plate. Bake that into ESVI and you will have a game of incredible breadth and depth.

What do I want from ESVI, what do we all want from it? We want it to be the greatest RPG of all time, and it well might be.


Gold Member
I want to hit a troll with an axe and it to actually look and feel like I hit the troll with a damn axe. There should be visible recoil animated for appropriate attacks.

If leveling is going to be a thing in the new Elder Scrolls, don't have enemies level up with you. Additionally, I think the locations of stronger enemies are should be less predictable. Sure you may fight some wolves in a particular section of the map, but the map should also have higher level enemies that invokes an ever-present sense of danger no matter where you are in the wilderness.

A return to glory for crafting. I think there should be a crafting mini game that the player can actually learn and improve at in order to make better armor. I think gear and equipment should have an effect on your crafting ability. I think crafting by mashing a button is not fun.

Let it be singleplayer but allow an online Auction Shop that allows players to essentially influence the inventory of shopkeeps to an extent. I know this is a huge ask, but it could make the game more interesting.

A more advanced NPC routine system. NPCs should go to work, sit and have dinner with their families, undergo training, visit the local theatre for plays, attend town halls...go out hunting, etc.
The mod community has spent a decade iterating on Skyrim, it has been more modded than any other game before it or after it. Every facet of the game has been refined, polished, improved, upgraded.

USE THAT Bethesda. It's all there on a plate. Bake that into ESVI and you will have a game of incredible breadth and depth.

What do I want from ESVI, what do we all want from it? We want it to be the greatest RPG of all time, and it well might be.
I can't even play Vanilla Skyrim. After playing Skyrim:Requiem w/ Frostfall, it's hard to go back. Requiem made the world feel dangerous and scary. Vanilla feels like a crazy power trip with nothing to worry about. Which has it's merits some times, but it's not good for multiple replays.


In order:

1) Better combat. Melee combat in particular needs a complete overhaul.

2) Game world and quest not build around quest markers. I doesn't need to go completely oldschool but make actual exploration a bigger part of the experience instead of always telling me exactly where to go

3) No or at least less level scaling. Give me an actual sense of progression, make more enemies, make some I just can't beat early on and become increasingly easy as I get stronger and then introduce new enemies with new moves to offer a challenge as I level up. Being able to easily kill ancient magical Dragons but then struggling against a bear was always fucking ridiculous.
A more refined melee combat system.
The combat turned me off from playing almost immediately. After YEARS of seeing people build meme's around Skyrim and talk about how awesome the game was. If people complained about the (superior) melee combat in the Witcher 3 and Skyrim 2 launches with the same combat, there's going to be a lot of people walking away after the first gameplay trailer. Honestly, I just don't see Microsoft letting that happen.

Mods made the world feel dangerous and scary. Vanilla feels like a crazy power trip with nothing to worry about.
If I spend a couple days of my life building a character to feel powerful, then I want to feel powerful damnit.

It to work and not be a buggy mess but the odds of that will be slim
Fulfillment in life comes most often from achievable goals.
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Naked Lunch

Good combat, for once, is a given.
But I want to see really good main dungeon designs - where every main dungeon has unique aesthetic like a Zelda game.
Fewer bugs, actual have decent combat/gameplay for once (yeah, right), less copy/paste zones, less jank.

I don’t have much faith, honestly. Bethesda has long been passed in opem-world rpg quality - even lapped a couple times.


Combat that doesn't suck balls.
The core problem is this: your typical mainstream Bethesda/UBI/Bioware, ect... designer is thinking in terms of how do I design a combat system that won't drive away potential sales. So anything that's somewhat complex like KCD or Warband gets dismissed, and it's just whack/whack/static block/whack, cause any retard can do that.


Better action gameplay, deeper npc/world interactions, more gameplay variety(maybe I want to be a legit skooma smuggler?).
Also, expand the movement skills like Morrowind had and even bring back some of Daggerfalls skills/abilities. I want to play a legit thief/assassin that can scale walls and sneak through windows.
Also, true open world without loading screens for cities/buildings/caves etc...


A magic system with proper magic spells.

The magic mods made the wizard feel a lot more like a wizard. It should be a hard af character to play with up until just after the half-way point of levelling, then the character should feel like a God.

Vanilla skyrim was shit.
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