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Why are retailers refusing to carry AO games?

I'm at a loss to figure out why the retailers are so afraid of carrying an AO game? Most store managers I talked to say it's store or corporate policy but can't explain where that policy came from or what it was based on. If stores refuse to carry AO rated games, why does the ESRB have such a rating in the first place? The ESRB shouldn't be undermining its own industry. If a game is considered "higher" than Mature, ESRB should not rate it. AO seems like a worthless rating if stores won't sell these games.


Actually, Gamecrazy carries it behind the counter. They're not allowed to display it openly though. I'm not sure about Gamestop or EB though. Read the memo about Gamecrazy at work today but I am sure that Gamestop and EB are doing the same thing. They wouldn't want their sales hurt.
Was at Gamestop today and apparently the topic of GTA:SA came up and one of the customers asked whether they could purchase it (definitely 30-40 years old, so age wasn't an issue) and the employees said, "No, we don't sell that title anymore. Company policy" So it seems that they aren't even selling it at all o_O


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I wonder if some retailers will refuse to carry the next GTA even if it gets an M rating.
GaimeGuy said:
I wonder if some retailers will refuse to carry the next GTA even if it gets an M rating.

why? The problem they have is strictly with the rating, not the content or the game's reputation. The big retail chains (Walmart, EBs, Gamestop) have had policies in place since the ESRB was established not to carry AO rated games (which is why you have never seen any major companies releasing AO games for consoles, it'd be financial suicide). If anything, im sure these stores would LOVE to still carry GTA, as its still a big name and has potential for big sales, but they can't change their policy for this one game.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Wario64 said:
same reason why stores dont sell pornography videos

Some do...Wherehouse Music in particular.

Either way, there seems to be quite a difference between what qualifies for an AO rating and pornography in the first place. I mean, it's not like SA shows penetration and cumshots.
not to forget that two of the largest game sellers (Walmart, Toys R Us) don't sell AO games either. That will kill lots of potential sales of the games.
Robert-GCA said:
not to forget that two of the largest game sellers (Walmart, Toys R Us) don't sell AO games either. That will kill lots of potential sales of the games.

Would it? Somehow I don't think so, even if big block stores like Wally World or Toys R Us didn't carry it. Grand Theft Auto is a phenomenon now, the last three titles have made it one of the highest selling franchises of this generation, and this incident has only pushed it further into the public's awareness. I bet people would go out of their way to buy this game, even if the next iteration was rated AO.


very simple reason. if they allowed it, that mean they are allowing adult stuff in the store. and for this, they have to cover the whole front of the store with some papers that doesnt allow the kids to see through. so it will look like porno store. and if this happened. kids are not allowed to go in = no sales = no money

aside from the fact that some malls " sp?" don't allow a porno store to be opened inside the mall. so you have no idea how much EB or gamespot would lose just for selling GTA SA?

they would rather not sell the game rather than lose all the money


I just dont understand why sex is considered worse than murdering people with fucking chainsaws.

Don't ban either of them. Sell them to people who are old enough, you backwards douche bags.


Andy787 said:
I just dont understand why sex is considered worse than murdering people with fucking chainsaws.

Don't ban either of them. Sell them to people who are old enough, you backwards douche bags.
yeah, corporate policies regarding what they sell and how they sell it are so "backwards" right now. Their policies should be governed entirely by the whims of angsty whining youths, because they are the real driving economic force in society today.


Because the Red states overpowered the Blue states in the last election.


The other reason is that because only a few games have ever been bad enough to warrant an AO rating that most stores raked in some easy soccer mom brownie points by including on their rating guides "we don't carry AO games. See, we care!" The policies have been in place in a lot of these stores for years, and changing the policy now for GTA would only bring attention to the individual retailers. Something I'm sure they'd be thrilled to have at the moment.
Juice said:
Because the Red states overpowered the Blue states in the last election.


The other reason is that because only a few games have ever been bad enough to warrant an AO rating that most stores raked in some easy soccer mom brownie points by including on their rating guides "we don't carry AO games. See, we care!" The policies have been in place in a lot of these stores for years, and changing the policy now for GTA would only bring attention to the individual retailers. Something I'm sure they'd be thrilled to have at the moment.
I don't so much think this is an issue exclusive to republicans.

Hillary Clinton and Joe Lieberman are both VERY anti video game sex and violence.


Don´t hit me for my bad english plase
Lieberman is the typical person that believes that all the people except him is capable of do the most horrible things.

Clinton is a false feminist.


Lemurnator said:
I don't so much think this is an issue exclusive to republicans.

Hillary Clinton and Joe Lieberman are both VERY anti video game sex and violence.

Yeah. I know... It's just that making fun of the conservative, trigger-happy FCC under the Bush Administration is so EASY.

That said, Joe Lieberman is the real enemy of gaming. No doubt about that.
Andy787 said:
I just dont understand why sex is considered worse than murdering people with fucking chainsaws.

It's all about expectations my friend! most parents really are quite sure that their kids aren't going to go out and take a chainsaw to the family.

Whereas they are quite sure the kids is going to get it on, and would like to keep that away as long as possible.
stone128 said:
The scenes found in GTA:SA is no worse than what you'd see in an average sex and the city episode.

A far cry from porn.

Sex and the City should be banned for being so shitty.

Anyway, its because its much easier for youth to fuck than to slice someone open with a katana. Therefore, sex will be administered much tougher. There are many reports that make both parties (lets not turn this into another Bush bash) believe that video game violence is responsible for real violence.


No wonder the US is so messed up. There's no problem being exposed to violence, but sex is a taboo.

You can imagine what happens to a soul when its owner is sexually frustrated and educated in violence.


The Experiment said:
Sex and the City should be banned for being so shitty.

Anyway, its because its much easier for youth to fuck than to slice someone open with a katana. Therefore, sex will be administered much tougher. There are many reports that make both parties (lets not turn this into another Bush bash) believe that video game violence is responsible for real violence.

So if a youth decides to get laid, is that such a HORRIBLE thing? We all do it. If if that child had a reasonably good upbringing, he'd use a condom if he doesn't waqnt a sex disease. I'm so sick of seeing sex labeled as someting evil and degenerating. It's uneducation and poor upbringings that's the real problem (sometimes bad genetics too).

If a person goes out and kills after playing a video game, there's nothing wrong with the video game, there's something terribly wrong with HIM.

However, I'm a big fan of age ratings. GTA games are not suited for small kids.
stone128 said:
So if a youth decides to get laid, is that such a HORRIBLE thing? We all do it. If if that child had a reasonably good upbringing, he'd use a condom if he doesn't waqnt a sex disease. I'm so sick of seeing sex labeled as someting evil and degenerating. It's uneducation and poor upbringings that's the real problem (sometimes bad genetics too).

If a person goes out and kills after playing a video game, there's nothing wrong with the video game, there's something terribly wrong with HIM.

However, I'm a big fan of age ratings. GTA games are not suited for small kids.

No arguments here, I was just pointing out why sex is perceived as more dangerous. Poor upbringing is the cause for most of the bad shit that goes on. I also agree that a kid was beyond being able to be saved if a game set him over the edge. These are probably the same people that drink arsenic laden Kool Aid.

No wonder the US is so messed up. There's no problem being exposed to violence, but sex is a taboo.

You can imagine what happens to a soul when its owner is sexually frustrated and educated in violence.

Thats not why the US is messed up. The average age of losing virginity for girls and guys are 16. Hardly any kind of taboo. Sexual frustration comes from the fact that the man is clueless when it comes to the opposite sex and would rather jack off to anime than real women.

This thread will go OT quick so I better stop here.

Ranger X

Those big store doesn't carry it is because of image. They are powerfull enough ($$$) to go and act like politician.
Wallmart not selling GTASA and also telling it in the media like if they were proud or something is really really stupid and wrong.

By removing this title it's a message that they play politics. It means they decide what you should buy and what you shouldn't. It's not the purpose of a retail store.
Retails store shouldn't be doing politics. It's ONLY about trying to give the best range of choices in the products and at the best competititive price possible.

I can understand that stuff beyond decency shouldn't be sold though. That's why they don't sell snuff movies and some porno. Even some porno is quite wrong and not healthy imo. But GTA, come on. If you don't sell GTA there's a SHITLOAD of things that shouldn't be sold in this world. GTA is nowhere near undecent.


works for Gamestop (lol)
stone128 said:
The scenes found in GTA:SA is no worse than what you'd see in an average sex and the city episode.

A far cry from porn.

yeah, i dont necessarily agree with the whole AO rating, but since ESRB have slapped an AO rating on the box, retailers won't want to carry it because it sounds like they're selling a pornographic game (which it really isn't imo)

i bet most people wouldn't have known about the hot coffee mod if this whole fiasco didn't break out
I don't buy the argument that the GTASA sex scene is the equivalent of what you find in your favorite porn DVD, but aside from that you have stores willing to snub millions of gamers (6.5 million in the case of GTA) to pacifify few angry parents and vocal ani-violence, anti-sex family groups. It doesn't make economical sense to them. Walmart and Best Buy said publicly they may not carry the next GTA game, no matter what its rating is! Why are they so afraid of these fringe family groups? Are they worried that groups would call for nationwide boycotts based only on them carrying a controversial game? Do these groups represent more than 6.5 million consumers?


Hang out with Steve.
Wal-Mart IS one of the largest retailers of video games. If Wal-Mart doesn't carry your game, chances are you as a publisher or developer are going to miss out on a large number of sales. That's just plain fact.

Wal-Mart also considers itself a family store. They have in the past considered not selling M-rated games, even, but they changed their minds. An AO rating has the same stigma attached to it as an X or NC-17 rating does on a movie. It is considered inappropriate for children, and thus inappropriate for families. While there is likely conservatism at the heart of Wal-Mart's business practices, they are still a business, and if they felt that they would increase sales, I'm sure they'd carry AO rated games. But the real "problem" they face is their customers -- families -- might elect to stop shopping at Wal-Mart if Wal-Mart sold things that were inappropriate for families. Right now, the upper level for acceptability is R-rated movies and M-rated games. I seriously doubt that'll change.

And other retailers face similar barriers. Toys-R-Us is a TOY STORE, for example.

Given that the largest retailers simply will not stock or sell AO rated games, no publisher in their right minds will spend millions of dollars on an AO rated game. They're simply not going to make enough sales to cover the cost of development, marketing and distribution.
Amused_To_Death said:
Do these groups represent more than 6.5 million consumers?

Well that's the issue - yes they do. Unless a retailer is willing to accept their role as a niche player in America, they clearly don't want to snub those groups.
SteveMeister said:
Wal-Mart IS one of the largest retailers of video games. If Wal-Mart doesn't carry your game, chances are you as a publisher or developer are going to miss out on a large number of sales. That's just plain fact.

Wal-Mart also considers itself a family store. They have in the past considered not selling M-rated games, even, but they changed their minds. An AO rating has the same stigma attached to it as an X or NC-17 rating does on a movie. It is considered inappropriate for children, and thus inappropriate for families. While there is likely conservatism at the heart of Wal-Mart's business practices, they are still a business, and if they felt that they would increase sales, I'm sure they'd carry AO rated games. But the real "problem" they face is their customers -- families -- might elect to stop shopping at Wal-Mart if Wal-Mart sold things that were inappropriate for families. Right now, the upper level for acceptability is R-rated movies and M-rated games. I seriously doubt that'll change.

And other retailers face similar barriers. Toys-R-Us is a TOY STORE, for example.

Given that the largest retailers simply will not stock or sell AO rated games, no publisher in their right minds will spend millions of dollars on an AO rated game. They're simply not going to make enough sales to cover the cost of development, marketing and distribution.

But the porn industry is HUGE!!!

Just sell AO games over the internet, at a pron store, or at a game store.

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
It'd be interesting to see Rockstar take a Steam-like approach with the next GTA and just go crazy and make it totally AO as a big ol' FU.


It's interesting how the rating has indeed become a tool of censorship. No publishers dares publish anything with an AO rating, which is why the sexual content of Fahrenheit (AKA Indigo Prophecy) was cut out of the US release. Kill them any way you want and it's a mature rating, show a nipple and you're not allowed in any store...
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