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Why isn't Taito as revered as Nintendo?

what's the best puzzle bobble version?

i always play some taito legends every few weeks. elevator action returns, darius gaiden, gekirindan. just put in bubble bobble in for master system just a few days ago.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
It's because they didn't do the home console like Nintendo. For those saying their games weren't as big as Nintendo's, obviously never spent any time in arcades in the 80's and also have no clue what they are talking about.

Also Frontline was one of the best games ever.
No. Reading that I would assume Space Invaders is a fictional 80s game in a movie or something. I'm not that young (28) so maybe it's a cultural/exposure thing.

I mean, Space Invaders is one of the most historic videogames. I don't understand how someone who is on GAF could not know basic videogame history. It was a megahit in 1978 and pretty much changed the industry. But okay, here's a video of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axlx3o0codc

And its influence:
Game designer Shigeru Miyamoto considers Space Invaders to be the game that revolutionized the video game industry; he was never interested in video games before seeing it.[48] Hideo Kojima also described it as the first video game that impressed him and got him interested in video games.[49] Several publications ascribed the expansion of the video game industry from a novelty into a global industry to the success of the game. Edge magazine attributed the shift of video games from bars and arcades to more mainstream locations like restaurants and department stores to Space Invaders.[50] Its popularity was such that it was the first game where an arcade machine's owner could make up for the cost of the machine in under one month, or in some places within one week.[30]

They made Space Invaders Extreme nine years ago. There's Space Invaders Infinity Gene on your App Store right now. They put out Bubble Bobble Double, a Pacman CE esque update and it's also on mobile. They also released a modern Elevator Action.

But the problem is that outside of Space Invaders Extreme none of them are really that great. Though I haven't put much time into Infinity Gene.

Infinity Gene is really, really good. Well, I can't speak for the mobile version, but I have it on the PS3, and though it's a bit buggy, it's really stays true to classic Space Invaders while providing a ton of challenge and variety. As you progress it starts to get really psychedelic in terms of graphics. Maybe on a small screen it's not as impressive, but on a TV it's a very Rez-like experience. I really feel it got overlooked.
Ōkami;228498981 said:
Does anyone remembers Sonic Blast Man?

Googled it. Wow, the memories. Did not know they made this. Used to have fun playing this with my brothers. They are always the awesome Puzzle Bubbles company to me.


They were excellent back in the day. Then Nintendo released a console and handheld gaming machine.

What I mean to say is, it's easy to see why they aren't revered, because while they almost released a console - they didn't, Nintendo did, and not only did they release one, it became the defacto standard. This lead to even more success for Nintendo, who crushed them moving forward with more games and all that jazz.

Taito deserves respect, that is for sure, but the reasoning NIntendo is more revered is so obvious I don't know how it became a serious question.


The advertising that fact in a way that almost seems like they are proud of it is what's blowing my mind.
Right? I don't get it. I only come to NeoGAF because like minded people point me in the direction of cool games I might want to play. Be thankful you learned something kids, not proud that you didn't know!

I wonder if this thread would be less depressing had it just been a Taito appreciation thread without the comparison to Nintendo.



i was mocking that poster

I mean, Space Invaders is one of the most historic videogames. I don't understand how someone who is on GAF could not know basic videogame history. It was a megahit in 1978 and pretty much changed the industry. But okay, here's a video of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axlx3o0codc

And its influence:
Game designer Shigeru Miyamoto considers Space Invaders to be the game that revolutionized the video game industry; he was never interested in video games before seeing it.[48] Hideo Kojima also described it as the first video game that impressed him and got him interested in video games.[49] Several publications ascribed the expansion of the video game industry from a novelty into a global industry to the success of the game. Edge magazine attributed the shift of video games from bars and arcades to more mainstream locations like restaurants and department stores to Space Invaders.[50] Its popularity was such that it was the first game where an arcade machine's owner could make up for the cost of the machine in under one month, or in some places within one week.[30]

Infinity Gene is really, really good. Well, I can't speak for the mobile version, but I have it on the PS3, and though it's a bit buggy, it's really stays true to classic Space Invaders while providing a ton of challenge and variety. As you progress it starts to get really psychedelic in terms of graphics. Maybe on a small screen it's not as impressive, but on a TV it's a very Rez-like experience. I really feel it got overlooked

Worth mentioning that prior to Donkey Kong, when Nintendo just ripped off of other, more popular companies, they themselves designed a Space Invaders clone. I think Gunpei Yokoi even designed it.


How can one say "I prefer style over substance"? I'm aware many people do, in fact, have that preference, but it was my understanding they wouldn't be aware of actually having shallow tastes. How does that even work?

I'm not necessarily referring exclusively to the depth (or lack thereof) of the game play, although that *is* a prominent element in this argument. I just prefer games that let you do all sorts of crazy stuff from the offset, and Sega games tend to scratch that itch better than Nintendo games do. I'm talking about Sega games/series like Dynamite Cop, Jet Set Radio (which really hasn't aged well, but looks *amazing* when you get into a groove), Panzer Dragoon, etc. They just have less of a build-up to the really fun stuff.


Strap on your hooker ...
Not liking Taito is whatever, but not even knowing who they are is blowing my mind on an enthusiast gaming forum.

I get that the man on the street may not know 'em, but are there really people here that are so utterly disinterested in gaming history?
I can't even with all the people in this thread who don't know the company.

Then I remember that I'm almost 40.
There was a 22 year old on a game show last night that had never heard of Bruce Springsteen.

I don't really like his music and don't follow him but I've HEARD of him. Youngsters...

By far one of my favorite third parties. Space Invaders, Bubble Bobble, Darius, Rayforce series, New Zealand Story, Mizanbaku Adventure/Liquid Kids, Elevator Action, Chase HQ, sooooo much variety and that barely scratches the surface. And don't forget Zuntata's incredible music. Would be nice to get some new compilations, never got around to importing the Taito Memories volumes for PS2. Too bad Square Enix pulled a Konami on them and all but sits on the properties, at least Darius Burst CS on PS4 is doing really well which is heartening.

They almost had their own game console.


Mind blown! o_O


Infinity Gene is really, really good. Well, I can't speak for the mobile version, but I have it on the PS3, and though it's a bit buggy, it's really stays true to classic Space Invaders while providing a ton of challenge and variety. As you progress it starts to get really psychedelic in terms of graphics. Maybe on a small screen it's not as impressive, but on a TV it's a very Rez-like experience. I really feel it got overlooked.

had no idea it was on PS3! Maybe I will buy it, thanks for the heads-up. iOS version was cool, but could only be so enjoyable with your finger blocking the screen..
Taito didn't leave as much of a legacy compared to Nintendo. By the mid 90s Nintendo was making Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time but does anyone remember what did Taito did?


Eh, the games they made have some very fond memories for me, but those are like, late 1980s memories and still nothing approaching the level of Nintendo. Yeah, Bubble Bobble was great, and I love Rastan, but the rest? They were not remotely good enough to be in the conversation. They had some gems on the SNES especially but they were also weird and quirky and niche in ways that Nintendo games were not, while also missing the part where Nintendo basically ingrained their entire game library into gamers memories with the NES. Space Invaders is obviously highly important, but 'importance' isn't what keeps you relevant. If Nintendo stopped making smash hit good games after the NES, they'd be obscure now too.


Here's a nice review of the highlights of Taito Legends 2 on PS2:


Did not realize that the second compilation had quite a few games from the early 90s including a few shmups I'd never heard of.

Apparently, between the costs and the speed not being good enough for the service (it was a Satellite streaming service based device, like Satellaview), they decided to scrap it. But the idea was to stream the same quality as the arcade games to your home. That would have been incredible.

When you say streaming service, that doesn't mean anything else other than downloading it to console memory right? I mean this is 1992 we're talking about, and the game runs on the console's hardware in your home, or was it not like that? --I mean, sort of like Sega Channel for Genesis in the U.S. (but over satellite instead of cable) is what I am thinking


aeana's right though, not knowing who Taito is on a gaming forum is pretty embarrassing

We're not talking about sega

also agree somehwat

this post is likewise embarrassing

Sega kicks Nintendo's ass as well. Taito is C tier. Just above D tier like Data East.

see you start off strong, but cmon, Data East has a collection disc too and it's nowhere near as good as even Taito 1.

I'm more of a Sega fan, but I don't think Sega beats Nintendo in terms of quality. Sega's more style over substance most of the time (which I prefer), but Sega's games generally lack the polish that the overwhelming majority of Nintendo games have.

ughh this is almost meme-like with even retronauts contributors
I'm shocked that some people don't even known Taito. Arcade history should be mandatory before joining GAF.

JK... but damn.

Agree. They did the 80s arcade macho aesthetic so well.

Also the 2 collections on PS2 are an incredible value. They are interlaced but I read there is a way to force progressive.


Fucking Raystorm and G-Darius and Elevator Action II and Darius Gaiden and fucking Psychic Force 2012.

Seriously. Just rayforce and the darius series are enough to put them above nintendo for me.

I never said Comix Zone sucks. It's a fairly okay game but beyond its amazing aesthetic I just don't find it that fun to play.

Damn, comix zone has the most satisfying combat in any 2d scroller I've ever played.


While of course I would not have known the history of Taito back in the 80s, I certainly knew of one their games in particular. Operation Wolf.

Several times when my family and I went on vacation I played Operation Wolf any chance I got. It was my favorite coin-op arcade game. My dad even liked it.




If you're over 30, you should know this game.

It was followed up a year or so later with Operation Thunderbolt (1988) and then Operation Wolf 3 in the early 90s.


Apparently, between the costs and the speed not being good enough for the service (it was a Satellite streaming service based device, like Satellaview), they decided to scrap it. But the idea was to stream the same quality as the arcade games to your home. That would have been incredible.

Yeah, the hardware was basically neo geo level(same cpu and sound). It most likely would have been really expensive.
Underrated company, sad as true. Gaming gems like Space Invaders, Bubble Bobble, Puzzle Bobble, Darius, Operation Wolf, Rastan should be well-known by any gaming enthusiast.

If anything, this thread has showed me there's a lot of youngster gaffers who have missed an important portion of gaming history, that's interesting.


Taito didn't leave as much of a legacy compared to Nintendo. By the mid 90s Nintendo was making Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time but does anyone remember what did Taito did?

G-Darius? Darius Gaiden? Elevator Action? Rayforce?

All arcade style games sure. But absolutely top class for their respective genres.
Also just wanted to say that no offense, but someone saying they're a gamer yet not having heard of Taito is like a person saying they're a film buff but not knowing about the existence of Warner Bros studios.

Now, let's enjoy a video from 1997 of Zuntata performing some G-Darius music live:

Damn, comix zone has the most satisfying combat in any 2d scroller I've ever played.

Really? What about AVP? I prefer stuff like Ninja Warriors as well. I wouldn't put Comix Zone in my personal top 10 of combat in a side scroller. That said, I can understand why you put it up there. You get lots of options. I just feel the way the game handles these options isn't always the best and the enemies tend to be absolute damage sponges so killing enemies doesn't feel satisfying and what should be a basic fight turns into something that feels like you're just endlessly beating up on an enemy waiting for it to die. I also find the difficulty in Comix Zone to be extremely inflated, a consequence probably due to its short length. Of the notable 16 bit beat em ups I rate it pretty low, but that's me I guess. Certainly not a bad game though, and the guy who tried to talk shit by bringing up Wii Music and Star Fox Command was silly as fuck.

I like Taito so much that I copied Project MAME's Taitorama design when I built my first MAME cab.


I love this thing.

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