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Why was Eidos working on this god awful Avengers game instead of a new Deus Ex?


People bitched and moaned about the ending of Mankind Divided (which was fine, IMO), calling it a bad game while ignoring the sublime RPG experience leading up to it (one of the best ever made).

Hence, it sold poorly, Eidos shelved it, and became Crystal Dinamics' lap dog for a shitty licenced game.

These are the same peoole that hail Naughty Dog movies as the pinnacle of game design while dismissing genuine masterpieces that take full advatage of the medium.


I mean, it's pretty simple, they had an opportunity to make an Avengers game. The Avengers brand will do enough for them regardless of how the game is received. They also have time to improve it. So even if it doesn't sell well now, it could potentially turn around in the future, but that's all on them.

I'd love to see a new Deus Ex, but there's no comparison between the two IPs when it comes to money making.


Gold Member
Because it's far easier to sell a glorified pre-alpha with avengers in it that a deus ex game.

Arkane started a multyplayer game because dishonored or prey didn't sold well.

People don't really buy immersive sims anymore.


People bitched and moaned about the ending of Mankind Divided (which was fine, IMO), calling it a bad game while ignoring the sublime RPG experience leading up to it (one of the best ever made).

Hence, it sold poorly, Eidos shelved it, and became Crystal Dinamics' lap dog for a shitty licenced game.

These are the same peoole that hail Naughty Dog movies as the pinnacle of game design while dismissing genuine masterpieces that take full advatage of the medium.
Exactly. If you don't value flawed (arguably) masterpieces and bitch about them too much, you get absolute shit only normies would tolerate.
It would all be fine if it wasn't a soulless, repetitive, Games-as-a-Service title. If there was legitimate care put into the crafting of the mission structure and gameplay loop, then people would be praising the shift from Deus Ex. But money grubbing reared its ugly head and now we have Avengers Destiny. It hurts even more because we've seen what good superhero games can be with the Arkham series and Insomniac's Spiderman.


A perfect metacritic score Deus Ex game would never outsell a 56 metacritic Avengers game. That is just the way the market is. And Square knows that. Avengers is going to make a ton of money because the general audience is where the money is , not Neogaf and Reddit people. Sad , but true.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
People bitched and moaned about the ending of Mankind Divided (which was fine, IMO), calling it a bad game while ignoring the sublime RPG experience leading up to it (one of the best ever made).

Hence, it sold poorly, Eidos shelved it, and became Crystal Dinamics' lap dog for a shitty licenced game.

These are the same peoole that hail Naughty Dog movies as the pinnacle of game design while dismissing genuine masterpieces that take full advatage of the medium.

I loved Mankind Divided, I think I liked it even more than Human Revolution. On Xbox it scored 83 with the critics and 75 with users. The Avengers trash is at 63 with critics and 3.9 with users, it doesn't seem like anyone loves the super hero garbage Square sacrificed Deus Ex for.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
It's not hard to understand why the business would be convinced the Avenger's liscense and a co-op GaaS model would be bigger than a downward trending series in a genre that has seen nothing but failure in recent years.


Because money, Deus Ex is a niche franchise...Avengers is massive.

Its like asking why Mc Donalds develops a new hamburguer instead of a pulp grilled sandwich.


Gold Member
The game has some redeeming qualities, the combat when you upgrade the characters is pretty veried and every character is fun to use and they have cool as fuck moves, also on hard and brutal the game offer a great challenge (even if some of the challenge come from bullshit game design choices).

The graphic is good and the destruction is pretty cool.

But almost everything else is subpar to straight up bad and the game is without a doubt the most bugged game that i played in my life, and it's not even a contest, i played early access game in a far better state.
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Cause Deus Ex blows and Avengers is a much better game.



Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
Eidos?? This game was developed by Crystal Dynamics => the Tomb Raider guys. Published by Square Enix, no?

Crystal Dynamics was moved from Tomb Raider to The Avengers. Eidos Montreal was then tasked with making Shadow Tomb Raider instead of a follow up to Mankind Divided and they were also involved in this dumb ass Avengers games, hence NO new Deus Ex.


Publishers believe they can make more money from a GAAS model than the packaged game model. Its as simple as that.
Money that's why. Here in Portugal it's rare to see an ad for games and today... This shows up on the telly for ps4.

Everyone knows marvel, so valuable IP + easy cash in game = money.

They could make the best Deus ex game ever and it probably would never sell or make the same money they're doing with this crap.

It's the sad truth.


It's a simple calculation - gaas + Avengers is a very strong pairing and a high chance of good sales numbers.

Mankind Divided didn't sell well compared to Human Revolution. I still think they'll give it another shot now that Cyberpunk 2077 is making the genre popular. I just think it should be a new story even with how Mankind Divided has ended.



There's no way a Deus Ex game sells even close to an Avengers game.
Look at the Cyberpunk hype. Everything is possible if you put your AAA team on it and promote it.

Hell, remember how hyped everyone was for dat old Prey 2 "demo" ? Market is there.

Sure, Marvel is a safer bet, but damn I want some AAA wrpg ...


Elden Member
I predict Square will refocused on it once Cyberpunk sales come in and show the genre, with the right marketing, can be huge. I think the next Dues Ex will be be a semi-reboot, giving nods to Jenson but otherwise have little to nothing to do with the narrative so far.
I loved Mankind Divided, I think I liked it even more than Human Revolution. On Xbox it scored 83 with the critics and 75 with users. The Avengers trash is at 63 with critics and 3.9 with users, it doesn't seem like anyone loves the super hero garbage Square sacrificed Deus Ex for.

Pragues level design was aces, I enjoyed it way more than Detroit. It's clear that their was supposed to be an entire whole other act in the game before it just subsequently ends out of nowhere.

Shit is still so weird looking back how the game just ended at a mid boss who had no significant importance to the plot.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
Maybe because of... money? You know, what shareholders want? I don't think projections for a fucking Deus Ex game could come within the same ballpark for a huge, culturally relevant, pop-culture franchise game based on super heroes?

It's not rocket science, I promise.


Simple answer is money, avengers is much stronger media franchise than deus ex, I don’t like it, I will not touch avengers Game and would get deus ex day one, but reality is that eidos will make more money from avengers


Answers right there. Avengers will sell more than Deus Ex any month of the year.
AND Deus Ex mankind divided wasn't received well.

Modern Publishers hardly sits on a franchise anymore. Everything is getting remastered or remakes. Deus Ex 3 will come when its time.


Why not both? The Avengers game is alright, needs some patches to fix bugs etc but they are a long way from how shit Anthem was on release.

I do hope for a new Deus Ex though, Cyberpunk will have to scratch that itch for now


Gold Member
So is it the general consensus that this game is a solid 0/10 or is someone actuall enjoying it? What would this game be worth to you during say a Steam sale?


Gold Member
Why not both? The Avengers game is alright, needs some patches to fix bugs etc but they are a long way from how shit Anthem was on release.

I do hope for a new Deus Ex though, Cyberpunk will have to scratch that itch for now
In terms of combat and gameplay avengers is better, in terms of bugs and glitch is light years worse, and i extensively played both.

I had a lot of 2-3 hours sessions with minor to no bug in anthem, and i had zero of that with avengers, there is always a couple of crash or big audio problems or absolutely shitty performance or one of the hundreds of bugs reported everywhere online, i played early access game in a far better state than this game.
Yesterday i wasn't even capable of loading the campaign ffs...(you can search infinite loading online to see how common the problem is).
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Gold Member
So is it the general consensus that this game is a solid 0/10 or is someone actuall enjoying it? What would this game be worth to you during say a Steam sale?
The core gameplay and combat is pretty fun and varied, i even argue that the combat is better than the mindless free flow on batman or spiderman even if less refined in terms of animations and precision, the progression is ace in terms of skills and build personalization, the graphic is nice.

Everything else is trash or close to that.
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In terms of combat and gameplay avengers is better, in terms of bugs and glitch is light years worse, and i extensively played both.

I had a lot of 2-3 hours sessions with minor to no bug in anthem, and i had zero of that with avengers, there is always a couple of crash or big audio problems or absolutely shitty performance or one of the hundreds of bugs reported everywhere online, i played early access game in a far better state than this game.
Yesterday i wasn't even capable of loading the campaign ffs...(you can search infinite loading online to see how common the problem is).

I agree that Avengers actually has more bugs than Anthem had at release and I’ve played both extensively. However, it has a substantially better foundation than Anthem had. Anthem was devoid of content and most of the rpg systems in place were actually fake. This was found out later when people realized that the gear didn’t actually affect things how they should and no stat page existed. Anthem had so many issues from a game design perspective that no matter how polished it could have been it would have failed as looter game.

Avengers still has time to save itself. If they can iron out the bugs and release substantial content in the next 2 months they’ll be fine. If not, long term support may be pulled and it will be another cautionary tale. I think the key takeaway here though is that if your game isn’t ready you must delay. It’s hard to earn players trust back once you’ve killed it and right now despite Avengers good qualities it is severely hampered by a ridiculous amount of bugs and that’s unacceptable.


Gold Member
I agree that Avengers actually has more bugs than Anthem had at release and I’ve played both extensively. However, it has a substantially better foundation than Anthem had. Anthem was devoid of content and most of the rpg systems in place were actually fake. This was found out later when people realized that the gear didn’t actually affect things how they should and no stat page existed. Anthem had so many issues from a game design perspective that no matter how polished it could have been it would have failed as looter game.

Avengers still has time to save itself. If they can iron out the bugs and release substantial content in the next 2 months they’ll be fine. If not, long term support may be pulled and it will be another cautionary tale. I think the key takeaway here though is that if your game isn’t ready you must delay. It’s hard to earn players trust back once you’ve killed it and right now despite Avengers good qualities it is severely hampered by a ridiculous amount of bugs and that’s unacceptable.
In terms of content avengers win because he has 6 different characters with extensive skill three but in terms of locations, level design and veriety of missions is trash exactly like anthem imo.
The rpg part in avengers maybe is not fake but it is glitched sometimes and some of the ui\descriptions\how power up works is poorly explained, a lot of people have problem even understanding what boost what...
Also loot that doesn't show up in your character model? Wtf is this bullshit?

Oh, and anthem had a broken but still viable multyplayer, i played a lot with friends or people online...i had zero multyplayer with avengers because matchmaking is totally broken, even after 2 weeks, this shit is absolutely mindblowing for a gaas multyplayed game.

I hope they can save this game because like you say, deep deep deep down the foundation is there.
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We already had the Bioware Anthem disaster. And now Eidos with that shit.

Eidos makes good single player games. Why did Square Enix think, they should produce something like Avengers or was it Eidos idea?

A new Deus Ex would have at least sold as much and I know, publishers are in love with the game as a service idea, but Fallout 76, Anthem and now Avengers. At which point will they learn something.

Get us a new Deus Ex you morons.

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Because of the immature love of superheroes. 9/10 of movies are about them, enough TV shows and gaming hasn't been spared either.


In terms of combat and gameplay avengers is better, in terms of bugs and glitch is light years worse, and i extensively played both.

I had a lot of 2-3 hours sessions with minor to no bug in anthem, and i had zero of that with avengers, there is always a couple of crash or big audio problems or absolutely shitty performance or one of the hundreds of bugs reported everywhere online, i played early access game in a far better state than this game.
Yesterday i wasn't even capable of loading the campaign ffs...(you can search infinite loading online to see how common the problem is).

Yeah but thats my point, those problems are fixable with patches, Anthems werent


Gold Member
Yeah but thats my point, those problems are fixable with patches, Anthems werent
Everything is fixable.

You add a stat page, fix the loot, add some variety, add some weight to combat, add more skills and characters et voila, anthem is fixed too.

They fixed no man's lie, so they can fix everything.

I'm very curious of how anthem 2.0 is gonna shape up.

If you think that squashing bugs is more easy than fixing loot or stats problems then ask to bethesda why fallout 76 has the same exact bugs of fallout 4...
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I would love a new Deus Ex game but on a bigger scale than previous ones. Maybe a spin-off title with even more grim setting.
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