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Wii on LCD monitor help

Hey guys. I could really use some help here. I picked up a 20" widescreen lcd monitor for pretty cheap thanks to CompUSA going out of business. I got it mostly for it's hdtv capabilities and plan on hooking up a 360 to it when I get the money together to purchase one. In the meantime, however, I want to hook my Wii up to it. I'm not expecting phenomenal picture quality as I know an sd signal going to an hd lcd is not optimal, but I really don't care. I just want to be able to play it in the comfort of my own room.

So I picked up this component to VGA adapter made by Canon. I'm not getting any kind of signal whatsoever. I try to switch the monitor to the analog input (it also has a dvi that I'm using for cable) and it goes right back to the digital! I had the Wii set to progressive scan before I moved it from downstairs. I'm wondering if it is this adapter that isn't working or some settings I'm overlooking.

If anyone has had any experiences with this type of problem, your advice would be greatly appreciated.


I'm assuming that a component>VGA adapter made by Canon is only going to do 480i, and your monitor doesn't know what to do with that. For 480p you'll need a transcoder, and this one is the best one out there (actually made by AVSForum people). I have a VDigi VD-Z3, but it muddies up the picture a lot and I wouldn't recommend even though it's cheaper. I haven't tried the X2VGA but I would assume it's similar in quality to the VDigi.

Basically, your monitor can't display 480i, and your Canon thing probably can't do 480p, so you're screwed until you buy more hardware.

Give us the Canon model # so we can Google it just in case, though.


Maybe somebody even more of an AV geek than I am can correct me, but this is how I see it. That cable doesn't do any processing to the signal, so it's still in the component signal format which is slightly different from VGA. If you were hooking this up to a projector or TV or something that was built to recognize and use such signals it would probably work (and this is how Canon markets it), but it won't work on your monitor because your monitor only understands traditional VGA and DVI. To get your Wii's signal into a format your monitor speaks, you'd need one of those transcoders I mentioned.

Sorry :(

I could be wrong and it might just be some sync-on-green shenanigans that your LCD doesn't support, but I really doubt it. You need something to transcode it.
I understand what you are saying, and I appreciate the help. That transcoder looks like a good product.

One more question: Would it allow me to play games on my monitor that only support 480i?


I think it potentially could, assuming that this monitor is an SDTV with a VGA input. I really don't know anything about arcade monitors.


Fourth Storm said:
I understand what you are saying, and I appreciate the help. That transcoder looks like a good product.

One more question: Would it allow me to play games on my monitor that only support 480i?
I really don't think it has the ability to play an SD signal. Transcoder is required basically since there isn't any kind of VGA cable for the Wii. I just remember those DC games if you have a VGA box the games that don't support 640x480p it would say the game was incompatible.
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