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wtf has happened to gaming?

has game gone downhill?

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This subject is difficult. While I still enjoy a good number of new games, with the latest being cyberpunk 2077 which overall could be my fav this gen, I admit that there were games or francises in the past that for sure felt like lightning in a bottle and I think the quality of people in the industry has gone downhill, great writers and designers being slowly but surely replaced by extreme liberals and this shows in the games of course. Let me give you some examples:

- I dont think there will ever be a game that gives me that grand and wonderous feeling that I got when playing Mass Effect 1 (or the trilogy for that matter). Looking at it now it really feels like something thats so hard to replicate.
- I also dont believe someone will ever write story in RPGs like in the past such as Kotor 2, ME1. I cannot take seriously people who say The Outer Worlds has good writing. Larian has pretty good writing, but they seem to want to remain in that izometric/semi-turn based style that just doesnt do it for me these days.
- Dont see what game that can be somewhat considered AAA will ever have quest branching like Fallout New Vegas did
- Starcraft 1 and Warcraft 3 for me still remain best RTS games ever made and can you see someone still investing enough to make a good new IP in the RTS genre? (stuff like new AoE is cool, but lets be real, the genre is on its last legs, and i mean RTS in that style with base building etc, not grand strategies or turn based stuff).

It feels like a good nr. of francises/genres had their peak more than a decade ago and I just dont see who might be able to top them. I am mostly referring to AAA, I realize indies are thriving. For a time I think funny enough FPS singleplayer games were doing good with stuff like Wolfie: The New Order, Doom (2016), Titanfall 2 campaign, CoD Infinite Warfare campaign, but besides that, I think most genres of games were doing much better in the past.
90% of people anyway only play CoD, FIFA, NBA, Fortnite, GTA, Nintendo 👶 games as shown by the sales numbers so don’t worry about it too much. And reading this topic it has very PC-centric perspective. For us, exclusively console and AAA gamers, wait between next installment in your favorite AAA franchise is getting unbearable, remasters and remakes are in abundance and GaaS games dominate the landscape. Game pricing has just gone up inexplicably for consoles you can’t even get your hands on. Other than that, sequels, sequels, sequels and copycats with scarce originality and true innovation. Yes, games look and play better obviously, you could say the same in any generation compared to previous one.

I’m too old to bother about indie trash anymore as I see many of you drooling about it here. They don’t have money and their games look terrible. Was reading Resetera topic about those hidden gems last/this gen, checked them out on YT and one was grainy black-white hand drawn ship detective game, could be interesting but looks god awful. Other one, Outer Wilds I think, sounds interesting but can’t escape that low-budget indie look. Quality over quantity always.

Still, PS4 era gave me 2 🐐 in RDR2 and Witcher 3 so can’t complain too much. Nier Automata, on the other hand, is reason why I still believe in this hobby and industry. It’s just that takes too long to make those kind of masterpieces nowadays. I want FF XVI, GTA VI and TES VI now, not in 2025.


unfortunately, that something for everyone is 99% lesser clones of classic games. worse, clones of clones

as for new games, whatever you guys think about XCom or whatever being at its primetime: it doesn't have a 10th of the popularity of those memegames I listed up there. So when things like Diablo mobile happen, you don't get that they're trying to go after those huge crowds

SMB NES was kid's game back then - and as popular as those today. Compare that in challenge or the ingenuity of level design to these idiotic generic sandboxes and you'll quickly realize that going after lowest common denominator is going to hurt gaming in the long run. Expect to lose more than just Diablo. Expect more Bugsnax and less AAA.
plenty of indies are paving the way

wayward mechanics and level design ebb and flow with the generations, something like diablo 2 will continue to persist if the market selects

path of exile is doing pretty well (as an example), d2 remake is coming, d4 and of course the mobile game


2 recent examples:

1. An epic exclusive just released on Steam. OMG, the forums for these exclusives is embarrassing. I know its a bunch of morons who have never done anything but really feel bad for the devs.
2. A Ytber i follow has constantly been uploading info about Outsiders, end game content, etc. and its like STOP. What made games before the internet great? Surprises and these devs providing this info is ignorant. Dark Souls is legend for one reason, it brought everyone together to discuss, now all the info is laid out for you like a pillow so you dont strain yourself thinking for a minute.


Gold Member

check the latest memegame to try to replace the likes of Flawguys, Among Ass, Minicrap, Animal Flossing, Fortnap, Craplox and the likes...

seriously take a look at the shitload being fed to kids these days and compare to games you played as a kid

can we say without a shadow of doubt we've been going seriously downhill?

now I'm sad for the whole weekend, thank you YouTube ad

This is just ONE game of thousands releasing each year, so a drop in a sea. It lacks a lot of originality for sure, but then we also had a lot of shovelware back in the time, there was a time when games were basically sidescroller Mario clones, you'd expect the game to be that most of the time and times where everything was generic JRPG or FPS fest, little options compared to today anyway.

BTW game is called "Blanko" and no one cares, imagine if this game was called "Negro", you'd see lots of bitches (males and females) jumping to feel offended because someone said a very normally used spanish word lol.


my cake, fuck off
There has always been an amazing amount of shit videogames. At least now we can watch videos and read 100's of reviews to decide if we want to buy something.
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Gold Member
Ignore the shit you think sucks, and focus on the stuff you're excited about.

That's it.

The industry has grown, immensely. As has the fans. All with different tastes.

Mainstream tastes may not appeal to everyone, just like in every other form of entertainment. Just bob and weave the nonsense and focus on the good.
It's the truth... Microsoft is a cancer and should have been broken up 2 decades ago.

Their monopolistic tendencies ruin everything they touch. They have zero creativity and intend to buy their way to the top , they contribute nothing, creat nothing and are a huge negative in the space.
They created Xbox live, which Sony copy and pasted every aspect of onto their platform. lol
Games are awesome nowadays. The mere fact that the shitty game you've posted is available and some weird dudes are enjoying it, is a testament of how cool gaming is nowadays.

I'll start to worry when there's no good, master piece, games released. As long as there're good games, i don't give a fuck about the monstrousities people play.

Good for them.


Indeed gaming was way better when we were kids. All games were high quality.

Be honest and try to find something that beat this masterpiece :

Gamers nowaday don't know what they missed !


Hey! Minecraft is fantastic. Love the ambient of rain in the night when building some underground structure... the other failguys, smong us etc I couldn't care less. Same with overwatches, apex, etc.

But hey! We got souls games, bloodborne, last guardian, god of war. There are still good games. Just not many
No gaming is pretty much better than its ever been thanks to indies to triple aaa and everything in between. Nostalgia is a hard drug that I use every once in awhile but just like real drugs the high only last a few hours and when you come down you realize it wasn’t really worth it lol.


Simps for Amouranth
I'm old as fuck and started gaming on an Atari VCS of all things and i think it's doing just fine. The sheer diversity in genres now coupled with the incredible horsepower of modern consoles/pcs wouldve made 10y.o. me head explode, heck I'm playing through shadow of the tomb raider and keep stopping every 10 minutes to admire the graphics for the realism... fuck man i used to think having 16 colours on screen at once revolutionary at one point
I may not agree with your point, but after watching the video I understand your reaction.
Frustrated Clint Eastwood GIF
There's always been games aimed at kids. It's not a new thing. Some aspects of modern gaming are worse and some aspects are better. There's still plenty of great games to be had though. Maybe a bit more research is needed these days to look for the good games.

Lux R7

I'm 34. To me the overall quality of videogames decreased. Mostly because there were more (if not only) real nerds creating games for other nerds. That said, clearly we can still play old videogames and good games are still released today so it is not a real problem. In general it was better when it was a niche hobby, now that is popular the overall quality decreased like a said. But this olds true for a lot of things, hell i think the entire internet was better when there were less people in it.


Hyperbole as usual id been gaming since the late seventies and i love how awesome are games now, i have a hugue backlot of games

To the people not enjoying games now, sorry your loss, change hobbys, sex or whatever i dont care im just having a good old fun
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Kids watching youtube are the worst.
My nephew got ps4, minecraft, ratchet and clank etc for christmas from me.
All he wanted to do was "build an ender portal"... he got mad he didn't get dimensions right and went back to youtube.... to watch someone play minecraft
I tried to show him that there is a lot of fun in minecraft. You can build castles and stuff but nope. Kids on youtube build an ender portal and that's all there is


Gaming peaked in 2007.
*Halo 3
*Modern Warfare
*Mass Effect
*Assassins Creed 1

It’s had a few good years but it’s been largely downhill since then, especially the Xbox One/PS4 gen.
God, if this was "peak gaming" I would have been done with this hobby 13 years ago.
I’m old, so I’ve been gaming for a long time.
I always knew that gaming would one day appeal to too many people to remain as consistently unique and interesting as it was in the late 80’s and early 90’s.
The 360 generation gave me a lot of hope... but...

...the reality is that the majority of humans on the planet are tasteless and stupid, and it’s their turn to play.

Meanwhile, I’m going gray (well, bald actually) and having to wait 6 years for Hiroshi Iuchi’s next joint. Ennui.
very easy to cherrypick shitty videos games from literally any year and fall over ourselves proclaiming that gaming is shitty "now".

Super Mario now is a joke, it was great back then. Same for Zelda. Same for MGS. etc

and the real popular games are those memegames I listed. I'm not cherry picking some obscure crap... Minicrap is far more popular and relevant today than Mario - whose latest installments are casual games anyway. Let that grow deep in your soul...

and btw, who was the bozo who edited the poll?

and btw 2, how many of you come from old brazilian game forum UOL?
Even if you wanna argue that "older stuff" was better than 100% of what is available now (to say nothing of indies that regularly iterate on the retro genres), we are living in the best time to play old games. The amount of information on available platform, best way to emulate, tweaks to settings, fan patches/mods, online communities to share knowledge, etc etc etc .... We are far better off today than when these games originally came out.

"Back in the day" we had gaming magazines, schoolyard conversations, and arcade rumors. Now I can watch world-class speedrunners and fighting game enthusiasts and 1cc chasers playing their game of choice at the click of a button. I can seek out the hardware that works for my situation (original, aftermarket, emulation, etc). And there's no stigma against "old" games in the hobby, so people are happ6 to talk about games made 20+ years ago alongside the New Hotness. It's wonderful.


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
I felt this way in the mid 2000s gaming never really went back to the sega/arcade awesomeness days when crap like Half-Life2 and RE4 got all this love I knew this hobby was shifting very far from my tastes

Good thing this hobby isn't just about me I think 90% of modern games are hot garbage but other people seem to enjoy them and I hope you have a blast with your ultra woke, cal arts, QTE fest, sjw agenda having, too long tutorial soy simulators

I'll be playing old arcade games on my CRT forever since the types of games I like aren't even being made anymore for the most part
Even if you wanna argue that "older stuff" was better than 100% of what is available now (to say nothing of indies that regularly iterate on the retro genres), we are living in the best time to play old games. The amount of information on available platform, best way to emulate, tweaks to settings, fan patches/mods, online communities to share knowledge, etc etc etc .... We are far better off today than when these games originally came out.

"Back in the day" we had gaming magazines, schoolyard conversations, and arcade rumors. Now I can watch world-class speedrunners and fighting game enthusiasts and 1cc chasers playing their game of choice at the click of a button. I can seek out the hardware that works for my situation (original, aftermarket, emulation, etc). And there's no stigma against "old" games in the hobby, so people are happ6 to talk about games made 20+ years ago alongside the New Hotness. It's wonderful.

yeah, guess it's an awesome time for cheaters. They don't even need to play anymore, just watch


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
and the real popular games are those memegames I listed. I'm not cherry picking some obscure crap... Minicrap is far more popular and relevant today than Mario - whose latest installments are casual games anyway. Let that grow deep in your soul...

Presumably you mean Minecrap aka Minecraft? If Minecraft was available when you were growing up it would have been just as popular and you'd be here crying about how the latest game wasn't as good as Minecraft. Just like kids in 20 years will be crying exactly that when it's some new game they don't like.

By the way, the last mainline Mario game (Odyssey) was the 9th best selling game in the US when it released in 2017. Probably higher as digital wasn't counted. It stayed in the top 15 for 2018, and 2019 had 2D Mario in the top 20. Mario isn't irrelevant at all. As for "casual games", Mario was never inherently hardcore, it's always been a children's game, it's just that games overall were harder in the 80s because they're all super short due to technical limitations. Super Mario Bros. is like 2 hours long.


Nothing, there's a massive variety of games now for every taste. From Meme games like the one in the OP, to multiplayer, cinematic adventures, open world, racing, simulators, RPG's, etc.

If the exact same game in the OP (maybe without the annoying announcer) released 10 years ago with Nintendo characters you'd see ton of people talking about great and original it is.
Mario was never inherently hardcore, it's always been a children's game

who you're trying to fool, man?

put minicrap or Mario Odyssey kids to play SMB or SMW and watch them fail over and over and over and give up in 10 minutes. Yes, games overall were inherently more hardcore back then. A 2 hour game that would take you weeks or months to master until beating it.

and there were goals, secret entrances, exploration with actual rewards and fearful danger to get there. It's not minicrap where the whole world is a diggable resource and going from A to B is just digging a tunnel there and once you reach B it's as pointless as was A.

games were just inherently harder and better - and precisely because of limitations, tech limitations, storage limitations and last but not least, development limitations - it was just harder programming those games with far more limited tools back then and so all the unity idiots of today had no chance of ever developing games back in the day. There was Basic at best for them, but it was clearly amateur stuff on magazines...


not tag worthy

check the latest memegame to try to replace the likes of Flawguys, Among Ass, Minicrap, Animal Flossing, Fortnap, Craplox and the likes...

seriously take a look at the shitload being fed to kids these days and compare to games you played as a kid

can we say without a shadow of doubt we've been going seriously downhill?

now I'm sad for the whole weekend, thank you YouTube ad

You’re getting older older. Its fine.
Or cheap cash in games
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Gaming nowdays is like

"I can ignore 80 % of all games that are coming out and i would never miss something important that i need to play"

So no stress and saves money. I just focus on the few i really want to play, the rest like a One Nigh STand. Played once and then forgotten. (Games like Last of Us 2, Horizon Zero Dawn, Breath of the Wild for example).

The best games that excite me and make me addicted rightn now are the Trails Games. :)

On the other side: i still remember many many good games from my past up to the golden age of adventures. :) I cant say the same about most AAA titles that come out nowadays. I still remember everything from A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princes.... but cant remember one thing from Breath of the Wild other than "Jeah it had good physics" after finishing it.
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Gaming nowdays is like

"I can ignore 80 % of all games that are coming out and i would never miss something important that i need to play"
If people actually think there was a time where trashy shovelware wasn't a thing they are deluding themselves. If anything, it used to be that in the '80s and '90s a lot of that trash didn't even match a basic threshold of quality that today would make us tell them apart from deliberate scam attempts.

The one truth I can concede about the "good old days" is that there used to be a time when the "big budget releases" (that costed pennies compared to modern titles, by the way) were almost systematically the most ambitious, complex and innovative stuff around.
Today is pretty much the opposite. The "industry giants" don't seem capable to come out with something ambitious or interesting if their own lives depended on it, while on the contrary a lot of "mid tier" and independent developers are the ones trying new and interesting stuff, or daring to have some actual depth in their design.

Now, to be clear here, I'm definitely not one of these guys who seem to think that every charming platform in pixel art is some sort of Second Coming, and I'm completely NOT into so called "arty fartsy" pretentious walking sims.
I'm not saying that people should be ecstatic about motherfucking Gone Home, Journey or Dear Esther. I like substance over style, thank you.

When I talk about "interesting games" from small or mid-size developers being out there, I'm talking about stuff like Kenshi, Mount & Blade, Battle Brothers, XCOM, Total War, Pathfinder Kingmaker. Door Kickers, Disco Elysium, Shadow Tactics, Dark Souls, Hitman, Hollow knight and a lot more.
Some of these games are every bit as good as most of the "all time classics" that trigger a lot of strong nostalgic responses in these threads, and in fact sometimes even better than their source of inspiration (i.e. Shadow Tactics plays way better than the Commandos franchise they are emulating).
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If people actually think there was a time where trashy shovelware wasn't a thing they are deluding themselves. If anything, it used to be that in the '80s and '90s a lot of that trash didn't even match a basic threshold of quality that today would make us tell them apart from deliberate scam attempts.

The one truth I can concede about the "good old days" is that there used to be a time when the "big budget releases" (that costed pennies compared to modern titles, by the way) were almost systematically the most ambitious, complex and innovative stuff around.
Today is pretty much the opposite. The "industry giants" don't seem capable to come out with something ambitious or interesting if their own lives depended on it, while on the contrary a lot of "mid tier" and independent developers are the ones trying new and interesting stuff, or daring to have some actual depth in their design.

Now, to be clear here, I'm definitely not one of these guys who seem to think that every charming platform in pixel art is some sort of Second Coming, and I'm completely NOT into so called "arty fartsy" pretentious walking sims.
I'm not saying that people should be ecstatic about motherfucking Gone Home, Journey or Dear Esther. I like substance over style, thank you.

When I talk about "interesting games" from small or mid-size developers being out there, I'm talking about stuff like Kenshi, Mount & Blade, Battle Brothers, XCOM, Total War, Pathfinder Kingmaker. Door Kickers, Disco Elysium, Shadow Tactics, Dark Souls, Hitman, Hollow knight and a lot more.
Some of these games are every bit as good as most of the "all time classics" that trigger a lot of strong nostalgic responses in these threads, and in fact sometimes even better than their source of inspiration (i.e. Shadow Tactics plays way better than the Commandos franchise they are emulating).

I take games like Xcom or Disco Elysium anyday over Breath of the Wild, Horzon, Last of Us 2 or Cyberpunk 2077 :)

Most "ambitous" AAA games are boring as fuck nowadays or just hold up to the hype they got.

I dont think a game that just follows the Ass Creed Open World Formula 60-80 % Copy & Paste content should call themselve "Ambitious". Its just a huge overblown Game that tries to impress with graphics.

Ambitous is stuff like "EIyuden Chronicles" that try to reinvent "Turn Based Combat" with modern technology.

I invented a new Review System when i go back to reviewing games that i play. And stuff like Copy & Paste Content will negatively factor in it.
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