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Yakuza 0. 1/24/17 Less than a month to go. Let's make a difference.

I'd say get a 128gb or 250gb standard drive, which should be incredibly cheap nowadays, and buy the games. Likewise buy y4 or y5 and YouTube one or the other. Y4 has recaps of the previous 3 games.

Yeah, but you also need an intermediary drive in order to copy the old to the new. So honestly at this point in the PS3's life I just don't want to spend more money on it. I'm not even sure if I'll take to the Yakuza series, so we'll see how Y0 goes.
How normal people answered phones in the 80's:

How Yakuza characters answered phones in the 80's:



I've enjoyed the entire series over the past few years after playing the PS Plus Yakuza 4. I have Yakuza 0 pre-ordered but still haven't started Yakuza 5 yet. Any opinions on which to tackle first? I can't imagine finishing 5 before 0 comes out, lol.


This is gonna be my first Yakuza game.

People seem to have the same fervor for it as I do with other rather niche series in the west, and that seems like something I want to be a part of.
I've enjoyed the entire series over the past few years after playing the PS Plus Yakuza 4. I have Yakuza 0 pre-ordered but still haven't started Yakuza 5 yet. Any opinions on which to tackle first? I can't imagine finishing 5 before 0 comes out, lol.

Definitely Y0. Save Yakuza 5 for when we are closer to Kiwami or better yet Y6.

Also, to everyone who is starting the series with Y0.


9.2 million sales for a series with this many games makes me wonder how they keep getting made. These can't be cheap to make considering the quality and production needed. Obviously I'm glad they don't abandon the series, but I just don't get how this can't have been just a huge money hole for Sega.
9.2 million sales for a series with this many games makes me wonder how they keep getting made. These can't be cheap to make considering the quality and production needed. Obviously I'm glad they don't abandon the series, but I just don't get how this can't have been just a huge money hole for Sega.
It's actually quite cheap. I don't know how they do it (I'm convinced that Nagoshi is some sort of Yakuza wizard or something) but cash wise these games are cheap to make.

At least, they were before Yakuza 6. That game looks too good to be a budget title.

All right, sounds good. Thanks!
Your very welcome. It's just good to see that people are giving this game a chance.


9.2 million sales for a series with this many games makes me wonder how they keep getting made. These can't be cheap to make considering the quality and production needed. Obviously I'm glad they don't abandon the series, but I just don't get how this can't have been just a huge money hole for Sega.

I don't think it's that expensive. They reuse a lot of the locations and character models so that budget really spreads over multiple games.

Anyways I'm in for all these games day one as long as they keep making them.
Actually, Zero being in 80s means no hostess clubs, right? That's a bit of a shame cause they were all voiced in Y5 and with Y0 being on PS4 where you can easily use a headphone with DS4, it would've been a very good way to listen to some normal Japanese conversations.

I basically learned English by playing games and watching movies so it would've been a good way to learn a little bit more usual/normal Japanese conversations if they were in Y0.
I already pre-ordered it ages ago when it was first up on Best Buy...though I did change it when that $25 off $100 offer was available. Either way, I'm always in for more Yakuza, just put up the pre-order pages for Kiwami and 6.


Actually, Zero being in 80s means no hostess clubs, right? That's a bit of a shame cause they were all voiced in Y5 and with Y0 being on PS4 where you can easily use a headphone with DS4, it would've been a very good way to listen to some normal Japanese conversations.

I basically learned English by playing games and watching movies so it would've been a good way to learn a little bit more usual/normal Japanese conversations if they were in Y0.

You manage one.


Took the dive when Yakuza 6 came out and just Platinumed it like a half hour ago, it wasn't easy especially not knowing Japanese but between guides, the help of others and streamers I got through it. It was great so I'll probably pick up 0 when it comes out here and enjoy a Yakuza game without having to dig so deep.


Op, you missed out the fact that right now on EU psn at least yakuza 4, 5 and dead souls are heavily discounted and people who still own thier ps3s, and never touched the series, can get in on some excellent yakuza action before 0 drops.

I'd say add the sale links to the op.

By far the yakuza games are my favourite game series, well tied with GTA anyway, currently playing through 5 and loving the gameplay loop and variety dearly.

I can see why people feel y4 story is stronger but the massively improved gameplay systems, variety, different types of activities, and sheer amount of content puts it above 4 for me.

Added some links to the PSN sale for Yakuza 4, 5 and Dead Souls to the OP.

Added some Import impressions from the Import OT to the OP.


I still haven't played Yakuza 5 sadly. Also, I'm pretty determined this year to not spend full price on games seeing as I got burned so badly this year with games going on sale literally a month after.
if no one has played the Yakuza series, i URGE you to play. Although personally i dont like the idea of 80s tokyo, it'll be definietly FUN, and i'm buying it day 1.


There is no limited edition anywhere. The Business Edition is simply the day 1 game that they've added a business card holder to it as a way to thank fans for their support. It's still $60.

Maybe he means in Europe because I only got the standard edition here.


I always wanted to try this franchise out, but was overwhelmed by all of the releases and whatnot. 0 looks like the perfect jump on point, and it's where I plan to begin my Yakuza journey.
This game has weird sci-fi energy knives?

I thought it was supposed to be (semi) realistic.

Blades have glowing light effect for style like in Zelda when you swing. Also you can craft waky weapons with visual effect ie Katana with Sakura leaves falling out of the blade cause why not
Blades have glowing light effect for style like in Zelda when you swing. Also you can craft waky weapons with visual effect ie Katana with Sakura leaves falling out of the blade cause why not

Yakuza 4 (and 5 I think?) lets you craft a spear weapon using a frozen Marlin you have to catch through the fishing mini game as well. I love some of the crazy weapons you can get if you put some time into the modding stuff. Plus its always awesome to get yourself a lightsabre or two for your fights against Amon!

So was their any DLC for this in Japan? and do we get all that included? it's been that way with other Yakuza games.

when it comes to Yakuza. Yes.*

*except Yakuza dark souls. no. no. NO.

The usual stuff - costume DLC that was free in Japan and extra items and modding resources. I'd imagine we'll get that all on disk on day 1.
I think this is actually the first Yakuza I'm not getting day one, because Gravity Rush 2 is out four days before it and Kat takes BIIIIIIG priority over Kazuma I'm afraid.


I think this is actually the first Yakuza I'm not getting day one, because Gravity Rush 2 is out four days before it and Kat takes BIIIIIIG priority over Kazuma I'm afraid.
Yeah January is making me have to choose because I can't justify buying everything and I don't have close to the time to play it all. I'm probably going to get GR2 and Yakuza. Really want KH 2.8 and Digimon too though. RE7 and Tales are also some that will have to go by the way side. :(

This game has weird sci-fi energy knives?

I thought it was supposed to be (semi) realistic.
That's just a glowing effect but realistic ? I mean the dude can pick up a couch like it's nothing and swing it around causing massive damage to several people. 😂


I think this is actually the first Yakuza I'm not getting day one, because Gravity Rush 2 is out four days before it and Kat takes BIIIIIIG priority over Kazuma I'm afraid.

Boo this man, boo! Just when Yakuza is finally getting some serious traction in the west and is in need of support. :(

Yakuza takes priority over everything in January for me, this is even the first time I won't buy a RE game on day one [but that's also partly because the change in direction doesn't look too appealing to me].


Boo this man, boo! Just when Yakuza is finally getting some serious traction in the west and is in need of support. :(

Yakuza takes priority over everything in January for me, this is even the first time I won't buy a RE game on day one [but that's also partly because the change in direction doesn't look too appealing to me].

I was going to pre-order this on the PSN since I'm pretty much digital these days, but my wife won't let me pass up on the business card holder, since she's also a fan of the game and wants that thing to carry her own cards in, so physical it is.


Thanks for the reminder I'll be preordering soon if that's available. I still have both 4 and 5 unplayed and i've played none of the other games either. Should I play 4 and 5 in that order before this? Are they both worth playing? Sorry for my noob status - I've been buying the games to support getting more of them since they need to see sales to keep releasing the series here!
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