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White girl attacked for getting box braids

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She looks decent in them, fuck the haters. How a hairstyle only belongs to a certain race is the dumbest shit I've heard in a while.


You know what, if this thread was about an asian girl (i'm guessing you're asian because of your avatar) and she was going super european on something, you wouldn't like it if someone in here would go "we're calling yellow people ____ now?", would you?

Come on, this is Yahoo comments level.
Title is deceiving lol. I'm a little relieved she wasn't physically attacked, but being attacked on Twitter is still very lame.
I'm not so sure its valuable as a construct. Context is so key in these situations that applying a blanket label like that "cultural appropriation" — I just can't see the utility. It's a verbal bludgeon. So many counter examples.

If someone had accused Beyoncé of cultural appropriation when she dyed her hair blonde people would have laughed their asses off, and rightfully so.

why though? because it's not cultural appropriation? or because aiming to be as 'white' as possible is rewarded by society overall?







why though? because it's not cultural appropriation? or because aiming to be as 'white' as possible is rewarded by society overall?

There's simply no "appropriation" happening in my view. This has happened for centuries. It's not being taken, remixes and inspirations are old news. Of course there are ways to be shitty about it, which is why I said context is everything, and also why I think the "appropriation" phrase is uselessly broad and not at all accurate.


Concern was probably a bad choice. I mean I understand the motivation behind these tweets. The appropriation of black culture by a society that we're still largely excluded from is real and people are gonna react to it. Some will get angry and some (like me) will just find it amusing. I think singling out individuals is pretty silly and hateful though.

I'm down with the concept of cultural appropriation to begin with so I simply don't get it. I grew up in NY, my culture is what was around me and I don't know where it even comes from. I can't say my culture is attached to a specific country let alone colour of skin since I'm neither white nor black.
Is everyone on twitter a twat? It certainly seems that way.

The comedy racism sprinkled in there gives me my daily dose of irony.

Like I've said before Twitter is basically filled with reactionary assholes. The issue of cultural appropriation is no doubt worthy and interesting topic, but you deserve to take a massive L when you start harassing a pre-teen over getting some box braids. Her apology despite all that was pretty classy though.
What age gap do people consider Millennials? I heard Giant Bomb discussing it and pulled up Wiki that said "birth years ranging from the early 1980s to the early 2000s."

Who are these sensitive Millennials to y'all?


She pulls it off tbh.

And her apology was more than that. It‘s one of those calm and civilised responses that make people feel stupid for getting angry in the first place.


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What age gap do people consider Millennials? I heard Giant Bomb discussing it and pulled up Wiki that said "birth years ranging from the early 1980s to the early 2000s."

Who are these sensitive Millennials to y'all?

IMO "millenial" ought to mean somebody born between 85 and 2005. Basically, "the young", but not small children.


I really dislike the idea of cultural appropriation. I can see why people might have problem with it in some cases, but cultural exchanges are vital to the advancement of whole human civilization. Plus it's a hairstyle! Sigh.


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What are the concerns to understand? I'm not seeing them through them tweets.

The argument is that many aspects of Black culture -- from rapping to dreadlocks to box braids to jazz -- are seen as trashy or weird by the white mainstream, until white celebrities make them popular. This is why many people are offended at the popularity of some white rappers, who do the same think that Black people have been doing for years.

When a Black girl wears these braids, some people might insist she'd look better with straight hair. When a white girl wears these braids, people might think they look cool and unique.

I find that they look ridiculous. But I can't stand the whole false hair look on anyone.

What's false hair?


I'm down with the concept of cultural appropriation to begin with so I simply don't get it. I grew up in NY, my culture is what was around me and I don't know where it even comes from. I can't say my culture is attached to a specific country let alone colour of skin since I'm neither white nor black.

So much this. This desire to segregate ourselves based on arbitrary rules is sociopathic. This "I am a X label human so I must follow Y rules, and any Z Label humans who follows Y rules, or X label humans who follow V rules are horrible people" is so disgusting. That is the root of racism. Until that mentality dies, racism will continue to exist. This type of BS just perpetuates it and breeds resentment from the opposite side, completing the cycle.


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Tell those folks who are accusing you of "appropriating black culture" to fuck right off. It's your hair. Do what you want with it.

Sheesh. Some fucking people. SMH.


This seems trivial, I think they should be more outraged about the other races having more booty these days.

More the merrier I say.


Full werewolf off the buckle
If a culture is getting appropriated doesn't that mean it's become mainstream and accepted as "normal"? I'm coming from a position of ignorance and I'm honestly asking here.

Is the ultimate goal to completely become part of the main culture or to stay separate? Not that an entire race or ethnicity could have some grand, unified voice or anything.

If everyone is becoming comfortable enough to view each other's culture as worthy of emulation isn't that a good thing in the long view? Ideally won't we all just eventually become one race at some point in the far flung future of water wars beyond Thunderdome?

Like I said, I'm just some white dude speaking from ignorance here and I'm sorry if I've offended someone by asking this.


Haven't they heard that imitation is the sincerist form of flattery?

And in this case I think that phrase is very appropriate. If they are so proud of their culture, they should be proud that other cultures agree and want to imitate it!

The argument is that many aspects of Black culture -- from rapping to dreadlocks to box braids to jazz -- are seen as trashy or weird by the white mainstream, until white celebrities make them popular. This is why many people are offended at the popularity of some white rappers, who do the same think that Black people have been doing for years.

When a Black girl wears these braids, some people might insist she'd look better with straight hair. When a white girl wears these braids, people might think they look cool and unique.

That's understandable but then they're getting angry at the wrong person! She can't help some people are hypocrites, she's actually showing she likes the style and isn't one of those. Now if some one was sticking their nose up at it before and then likes it cause she's wearing it, I could see their beef!
I went through the same shit in the 90's when I had dreadlocks. It was stupid then, it's stupid now. Dreadlocks, braids etc. are old, and known in many cultures outside of Africa. It's not a race thing, it's a "it's my hair I'll do whatever the fuck I want with it" thing.


So dumb..is a black woman who relaxes her hair "appropriating a culture"...no, so it has to work the other way. That's what equality means.
If a culture is getting appropriated doesn't that mean it's become mainstream and accepted as "normal"? I'm coming from a position of ignorance and I'm honestly asking here.

Is the ultimate goal to completely become part of the main culture or to stay separate? Not that an entire race or ethnicity could have some grand, unified voice or anything.

If everyone is becoming comfortable enough to view each other's culture as worthy of emulation isn't that a good thing in the long view? Ideally won't we all just eventually become one race at some point in the far flung future of water wars beyond Thunderdome?

Like I said, I'm just some white dude speaking from ignorance here and I'm sorry if I've offended someone by asking this.

Problem is the blacks have ALWAYS been part of main culture and one can argue their contributions are the definition of American culture. Most people are upset at the age old saying "Everyone wants to be black, but no one wants to be black."

As in everyone loves and appreciates the things black people bring to American culture for mass consumption, but by large don't want actual black people in America. The hair stuff has some merit to it's argument (as in don't shit on black women for rocking a certain style then turn around and say how bold and innovative X celebrity is for doing it), but the idea that no one else can have the hair styles is dumb as fuck. Too many people are correlating the two together as their argument.

But even then, I think Native Americans have the biggest axe to grind with America.


This is ridiculous. You wouldn't know if a girl was wearing weave if you were looking straight at her. Most of the time, it is certainly not obvious. Ask any celebrity.
I'm no hair stylist but I know textures well enough to know what is not natural human hair.

Anyway, not to go into a whole other thing but I just don't like it.


If a culture is getting appropriated doesn't that mean it's become mainstream and accepted as "normal"? I'm coming from a position of ignorance and I'm honestly asking here.

Is the ultimate goal to completely become part of the main culture or to stay separate? Not that an entire race or ethnicity could have some grand, unified voice or anything.

If everyone is becoming comfortable enough to view each other's culture as worthy of emulation isn't that a good thing in the long view? Ideally won't we all just eventually become one race at some point in the far flung future of water wars beyond Thunderdome?

Like I said, I'm just some white dude speaking from ignorance here and I'm sorry if I've offended someone by asking this.

From what I'm gathering, main issue people have is certain aspects of "black culture" is only celebrated when someone of a white complexion is doing it. I don't agree with that but I'm only working off what I've experienced.

I find the whole thing strange. Whenever I meet family or friends from various Latin American countries, their favorite thing to do is share aspects of their culture.


But GAF told me racism against white people cannot exist!

In all seriousness, I think if people dig deep enough in twitter, you will find all kind of sick and discriminate posts about practically everything. In real life, this girl would probably have gotten a few comments regarding how "nice" her hair looks. However, it is a different story when people have the power of anonymity .


Good thing this came out before twitter:


going all the way back to grade school for me-and I'm old-I remember girls coming back from tropical vacations and always having their hair braided from a local on the beach or whatever.


Ah yes, “Cultural Appropriation”.

On it's own, its a very worthwhile topic to discuss. There have been many cultures that have been harmed and even destroyed by others with commercializing and watering down their beliefs and rituals. Good examples are how bastardized Native American culture became thanks to the expansion of the United States, and the Mayan and Aztec cultures being commercialized through the expansion of the Spanish and Portuguese empires. A lot of sacred relics, rituals, and beliefs became nothing more than gas station nick-nacks, pointless festivals, and urban legends.

On the same token, and something these idiots don't see, as a species, the best way for us to understand others from different lands is to understand their language and culture. To share and experience other cultures is the best way to establish common grounds and experience the bond of humanity, that even though we are different we are still the same in that we laugh, cry, rejoice, and mourn. This sharing of culture is what allowed us as a species to be where we are today, in a globalized society where we can conduct business and build relationships with almost anyone is in this world.

What these people are calling for is segregation and sterilization, to have humanity separate and label themselves. Doing so would harm progress, differences would be seen more often, and racism would grow exponentially due to primitive "them vs us" mentality. These people are no worse than those who call interracial dating, "disgusting" or "wrong".

This girl should have just ignored them and moved on, but clearly we can see who the real children are in this matter. The girl was the most mature one in this entire thing.
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