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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Damn, didn't expect it to get this low. Still gonna be picking it up to form my own opinion, but it has put a damper on some of my excitement. Guess I'll see how I feel about it tomorrow.
You realize that this exact complaint comes up in nearly every review thread right

How can it come up in every review thread if I can only think of like two highly hyped AAA games that got low scores across the board? (This and RE6)

Even AC: Unity got several "This is broken, 9/10" reviews.


lmao at Jleack reviewing the game on Craveonline. That site is a joke, I know, but still... with that guy's rep... lmao


In fairness, the majority of AAA games this gen have been absolute train wrecks, with meh exceptions. I'm worried about just about everything AAA at this point save bloodbourne myself. Hell, I'm a little worried about bloodbourne too.

Then be worried about games that have zero connection between dev teams and directors. enjoy.


So I haven't read any full reviews, but I find it kinda harsh to take off points for the game being a singleplayer only game. It baffles me why unlocks and multiple endings is somehow the pinnacle of gaming. I can understand if the game is outright boring, but all that other crap? makes me shake my head. Reminds me of when people started to call Drive Club a corridor racer,really?

With that said I'm still getting the game at some point. Not at full price because ultimately I'm not THAT interested. Just started to play Total War Atilla and I want a new gpu next week so that'll take my time =]

Unfortunately we're all still waiting for that one Sony game to break into the 90+ meta critic range. I think, however, that everybody is surprised by the low score of this one. People expected 70-80, but not below 70 :p
oh well...


Quoting some awesome individual's comment I saw on Gamespot, who in turn quoted some other equally awesome individual somewhere else:

The Order: Son of Ryse


damn. these reviews are burying it. i feel bad for RaD. will sony get behind them again on the back of this? i meant if it flops commercially which seems likely considering the reviews


I'm buying. I'm totally up for a full-on cinematic graphical powerhouse and will enjoy this for the insane visuals alone :) This coming on the back of GTA5, with blood borne on the way, i can't see why there can't be room for an experiment such as the order.


never planned on getting this, but my condolences go to whomever was hyped about this title.

what a shame. Sounds like a decent rental for a weekend, though.


i am still going to buy this game next month. i think its woerth it. i will always support companies that push the graphics. even if the game is short.

Handy Fake

The impression I'm getting is that it's very Marmite depending on what kind of game you want and/or are expecting.

Looks good to me still.


Yeah, the game seems to be crap, no question about that. What I find interesting about the reviews of The Order is that now that there suddenly is an AAA game that works fine technically - no big bugs, no framerate problems, crashes etc. this is hardly even mentioned in any of the reviews...even though everyone has been crying about how incomplete and buggy all the AAA releases have been lately...


I will buy it anyway. It seems that most agree that it's not a awful game but some mechanics feel outdated which i don't mind at all. I'm looking forward to a game that I might actually finish this gen.
Color me sad. Man, this had so much dumb potential. I would have given a limb (no, not really) to have RAD axed the cinematic movie game idea and gone open world action RPG with this... Their art direction, setting and sound etc. could have been glorious. A hand holding, no exploration, vapid cover shooter... Shame.

Will still pick up and play at somepoint


So the game sucks, but looks good while sucking. We've been calling this since day 1 when they showed the first gameplay trailer.


Metacritic just rose 2 points to 65.


and old reference.
I don't know how anyone could have expected anything else.

I knew it was going to be a graphics benchmark, with basic Gears type gameplay and a tightly scripted experience. I'm fine with that.

Reviewers looking for RPG weapon leveling and branching story paths etc. Nothing of which was promised or I at least didn't expect any of it.

I've got the Collectors Edition arriving today and got it for $50 Canadian via E3 deals. Fine with that.

I'm still very excited to play it. You guys are nuts.


Ryse better storytelling and longer? Come on I finished Ryse in 5 hours in one sitting less then a month ago and can't even remember what happened.
Ryse does feel like a very good comparison.

And for what its worth, I think a lot of people who actually played it had a decent time with it, myself included. That said, I only paid $17 for it. No way in hell was it worth anything close to $60.
Not that I'm egotistically looking in this thread for mentions of me (I am), but I do wanna just request my review quote in the OP changes, because this...

Open-world games aren't going anywhere, and I don't want them to, but The Order is proof that there's still a place for linear, cinematic gaming experiences. It may look like a modern game, but The Order is a throwback to some of the best releases from the PlayStation 2: games that didn’t need a massive world to tell a cool story. It turns out I really missed that.

... is from somebody else's review, not mine. <3


Yes, all these mainstream giant outlets like IGN and Gamespot wanted to spite Sony, who they need to have a good relationship with to keep getting access.

Get your head out your ass dude. You are totally allowed to keep on liking this game (and keep the picture as your Gaf avatar), but let go of the persecution complex. It's not some grand conspiracy, it's just a mediocre game.

Not a persecution complex, play the game even if you rent it and get back to me. If you have not played it your words are meaningless.
so.... those of you who hide your true colors and those of you who constantly defend everything to the moon... how does the crow taste?? or are you still in denial?? Will you still be in denial after you already finish you 5 hour interactive movie??? It's cool... I bet you were the same quality of people that bashed games like Titanfall and Evolve for being Multiplayer only even though you never played it...You are the type that bashed something like Sunset because it wasn't "true 1080p"....your damage control is one of the other major reasons gaming continues to slip down the slippery slope....

Step up and make a damn example for once..... stop buying these overhyped exclusive piles of poop and tell Sony (and all these damn companies for that matter) to STOP OVER PROMISING AND UNDER DELIVERING.... this game has NO RIGHT charging $60.. you want to go for $20 ... ok cooooool... also LOL at the fact it was always hyped and advertised as a "shooter".... but hey its just Sony being Sony...

Gotta love "junior member". :D
Can't we track his IP and reveal his real account?

Some of those years were for developing their game engine.

Well, that's good to hear.
So their next game would be this good at least, gameplay aside.
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