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Easy Allies |EZOT| Good Vibes and Good Hype

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Unconfirmed Member
Kyle makes getting into the 100k+ look so easy in tetris. It's actually kind of hard. Struggle doing it consistently. Gameboy tetris feels like it punishes greed super hard.
I did not expect Brandon Jones to ever utter the words ''Xehanort playable character would be BAAAAD AAAASSS''

As a huge KH fan I 100% agree that the trailers for KH3 have been pretty bad. They devalue the game that is supposed to be the culmination of the franchise.


Kyle makes getting into the 100k+ look so easy in tetris. It's actually kind of hard. Struggle doing it consistently. Gameboy tetris feels like it punishes greed super hard.
Yup. Kyle is legitimately good at that game. I can get to 100'000 pretty consistently now thanks to Bosman's TET philosophy.


Discussion moved on, but on the subject of Frame Trap, my highly relevant opinion *cough*:

The show's segments in general are fine. They're simple, don't restrict too much, but give an elegant order to the show.

The length of an episode should be decided by the natural flow of the recording.

Which brings me to my only critiscm that I - I must admit - don't necessarily know the real cause for it: But the pacing is somewhat off and I think that might have to do a thing with Ben's moderation style. Not too strict in topic transistions? Too broad questions? Too long questions? Something of that might be right, but I am not nor ever was a moderator so my tips for improvement are worth nothing, that's just how it feels sometimes.

Also: I prefer the What did you play?-segment over the Emails, because - at least on many, many other podcasts - the later tend to repeat themselves or are too similiar to each other. It's boring to me to hear the same tride evergreen question over and over again. What's your favourite game that no one else likes? What's your favourite game that you secretly hate? What's your favourite game that has a shit/great/surprising ending? I think you get what I mean :D There may be a twist involved, depending on the person asking but overall, it's not a segment I enjoy all the time (Speaking of experience regarding PS I love you, GameScoop, Giantbomb/beast Cast (though they probably have the more creative mails in general) and so on and forth)

I think email segments can be totally fine if you actually don't choose those kind of topics (which pop up as threads on GAF every month). As someone who has listened to every Bombcast and Beastcast I have never gotten the impression that there are a lot of repeating emails. Pick more specific emails and avoid the "what's your favourite game" types of emails and you're fine.

That of course requires that your podcast is popular enough to get a ton of emails every week, but that shouldn't be a problem for EZA.


I've just realised the amount of content I have to catch up on this week + NXT, seems a good time to get struck down by the flu


The FF XII HD announcement gave me the itch to play FF XII again, got the english fantranslated patch for the international zodiac version and booted it up yesterday.

The intro is Star Wars-y as hell, with airships doing dogfights and all. Not to mention later stuff like Balthier/Fran vs Han Solo/Chewbacca, princess joining the rebels to fight the empire and all that.

Has Brandon ever expressed his opinions on this game?


The joy of having a large phone with a stand and an unlimited 4G data plan to do all that while at work.

Must be nice!

Either I totally missed it or they forgot to talk about Gravity Rush 2 on the podcast during the sony segment, probably my most anticipated game to hopefully see at E3 this year
Next week is going to be awesome. I love E3! I realized that I've probably been watching it for the last 10ish years consecutively (maybe more, maybe less, my memory is fuzzy) and how crazy it is that this is one of the few things (outside of family events) that I've done consistently for the past decade. I loved GT E3 coverage last year, I'm about to start listening to the E3 podcast and I'm so looking forward to Final Bets! I'm ready for Sunday.


Can't wait till Crash announcement so they are forced to talk about it!

I can only really see Huber being that excited on it. Their reaction will probably be excitable but I doubt they'll discuss it much afterwards. Everything that can be discussed about a new Crash Bandicoot post-announcement is the same as what can be "discussed" now.


The crash announcement by itself is nothing, but I'm really curious about what they do with it, though. A rehash would be boring but what if they go all Mario Galaxy or even Super Mario 64 style?


The crash announcement by itself is nothing, but I'm really curious about what they do with it, though. A rehash would be boring but what if they go all Mario Galaxy or even Super Mario 64 style?

I think it'll be a sort of SM64 style game with sections that have it go Crash 1-3 style


Still without luck
If I saw kratos after what started as a cool looking Viking game was being demoed, I would quickly roll my eyes and think 'oh fuck off'
I loved this week's podcast, mainly because I had the time to listen to it all out in the sun. Especially liked the 'Huber moment' discussion. I agree that HL3 is truly the big one, for many.

But what about you GAF? What would be your Huber Moment/Stoic Tear? I'm going to go with
Kojima/Del Toro horror game.


I already had my "Huber moment" with FFVersusXIII/XV and VII Remake, others that came close were Ni no Kuni 2 and Nier Automata.

But i feel like nothing will come close to that for many many years if ever.
My Huber moment will be a legit good Crash Bandicoot with a razor sharp focus on platforming. There is just a huge lack of platformers on the market outside Wii U and none with the exact style of the classic CB games.

Other would be a Kingdom Hearts spinoff with a total lore reset and a big focus on adventure elements, puzzles, platforming, secrets ect. and less about the flashy combat. So pretty much a modern Kingdom Hearts 1 without it being a remake.

And finally if REmake 2 is made exactly like the original Resident Evil remake.


Still without luck
Hitman episode 3 really lacks the variety and craft of the other episodes. It's a far simpler and far easier ep.


Unconfirmed Member
I feel the continuation of Suikoden is my Huber moment. My stance is actually similar to Kyle's on Megaman Legends.
Like so many stars have to align. Lots of them would be related to Konami starting to care again.
There's just no hope, so I accepted that it's not going to happen. Really realistically the only way is for someone picking up the spiritual torch on it and starting from 0 world lore wise.

But afaik the ideas in Suikoden are free to be used. The whole 108 stars thing is Chinese literature free from trademarks. And of course you put a twist on all of it to differentiate. Lastly, weirdly I wouldn't even need/want a full blown super high production values game, would be happy with something that stays smaller. I don't need voice acting, super costly 3D, etc. Just story and good content.

Ray Down

Man a lot what they were expecting at Sony aren't going to be there. Especially after they posted made the podcast.

KH3 was deconfirmed basically right after the podcast came out. Doubt FF7R will be there since Nomura said they will only show it after more games are out.

I can't believe Kyle thought XV wouldn't be there/very little of it(Especially now since the ATR is right after the conference) and it's easily SE biggest game in some time.


I feel like I could have lots of near-"Huber moments" just because of how much I love and get excited for RPGs.

But if I had to really narrow it down to going Full Huber - a proper, big Skies of Arcadia remake or sequel. Hell, even a simple remaster will make me go "SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE".

And Xenogears. Anything Xenogears. A remake with disc two finished. More Xenogears episodes. A remaster. Fucking anything. ANYTHING GEARS. Not Saga, not Blade, but Gears. That's my Shenmue 3.


I always think Sony is either the best or the worst, but it always gets a reaction. I think it's because I'm quite drunk at that point.


the one game that would make me jump for joy


Also, side story. I was at GT when Mirror's edge got a surprise announcement. I literally fell on the floor I was so excited that ME was happening. Now that I am playing it? Still a good game, feels a lot like the first one.


Mine already happened with Zero Time Dilemma last year. Never thought we would get that.

Also 3 years ago when KH3 was finally teased.


Unconfirmed Member
Mine already happened with Zero Time Dilemma last year. Never thought we would get that.

Also 3 years ago when KH3 was finally teased.

Always felt like our chances for it were insanely good with Operation Bluebird(really the influence should not be understated even if it seemed like a small thing, it's pretty clear that they shifted their focus on ZTD towards focusing on the west),

Uchikoshi basically saying that no matter what he will find a way to finish it, it was also the time when Kickstarter was rising, it being a game that conceptually is very adaptable to the available budget(Given that the story is the key seller you have the range of Visual Novel all the way to something like what Telltale does and anything inbetween). It was always more a question of when and not if we're going to see it to me.

And I think it was when Uchikoshi gave an update saying that he needs to work on other projects for a while and when those turn out good there's a very good chance that he'll get to return to the series I felt very assured that we're getting ZE3.
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