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Woman records boyfriend after getting shot by the Police on Facebook

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Woke up this morning and watched this.

Jesus Christ.

Why the hell would you shoot someone four times, and then just stand there pointing the gun at him? I'm guessing he was waiting for back up? Obviously the young man daytripping with his family is too fucking intimidating for one cop.

Also, why the fuck is the girlfriend handcuffed!? Like what the fuck.

I see this shit happen every single day now; sort your shit out America. Take to the streets if that's what it takes, but make sure you're joined hand in hand with brothers and sisters of all races. Nothing will change if it's black America vs white America.


Omg.. I didn't know he died, because I couldn't watch the whole thing. Wouldn't have clicked if I knew beforehand. That video messed me up.

Two Words

The right to own firearms simply is not extended to black people. If you're black and you own a gun, you will be assumed to be some gang member carrying an illegal gun. Having a gun as a black person is basically treated as a justifiable reason to shoot by police. You will hear the media talk about how this man had a gun as if that wasn't his right as an American to own a gun.


The right to own firearms simply is not extended to black people. If you're black and you own a gun, you will be assumed to be some gang member carrying an illegal gun. Having a gun as a black person is basically treated as a justifiable reason to shoot by police. You will hear the media talk about how this man had a gun as if that wasn't his right as an American to own a gun.

Even immediately after the Civil War, white gangs would go around disarming black gun owners, forcing them to give them all their guns or be lynched.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
He died from bleeding out, are cops not supposed to try and keep anyone they shot alive? It's clear from the video he was in no shape to offer any resistance.

He might be alive right now ffs

I've seen many of these videos and I don't remember ever seeing cops render first aid after they shot someone.
I've seen them actively prevent others from doing it, too. Notifying EMS in a timely fashion doesn't seem to be a priority, either.

Two Words

Seriously, something needs to be addressed to cops just pointing their guns at people who are shot and denying them aid. There's a good chance he could have been saved if his wounds were properly attended to. Instead, the cops just point their guns at him like idiots and just let the clock run out on his life.


#WhereIsLavishReynolds is trending on Twitter along with #PhilandoCastile and #BlackLivesMatter

People are worried as she's been taken into custody and no one has seen or heard from her. This is the kind of trust the public has in it's police force. They are expecting her to come up dead from some mysterious cause now.


Seriously, something needs to be addressed to cops just pointing their guns at people who are shot and denying them aid. There's a good chance he could have been saved if his wounds were properly attended to. Instead, the cops just point their guns at him like idiots and just let the clock run out on his life.

I felt like screaming at the screen watching him continue to point the gun.


Woke up this morning and watched this.

Jesus Christ.

Why the hell would you shoot someone four times, and then just stand there pointing the gun at him? I'm guessing he was waiting for back up? Obviously the young man daytripping with his family is too fucking intimidating for one cop.

Also, why the fuck is the girlfriend handcuffed!? Like what the fuck.

I see this shit happen every single day now; sort your shit out America. Take to the streets if that's what it takes, but make sure you're joined hand in hand with brothers and sisters of all races. Nothing will change if it's black America vs white America.

BLM has been trying to do this. The problem is that there's just a massive, idiotic, racist segment of white America that refuses to help.


holy shit...

How can that officer go home and sleep at night? He must have children of his own. How can you look at your own kid while you just murdered another father?

I doubt he can. I would almost feel sorry for him, as he was obviously affected by the shooting, but then I remembered that from past experience, he was freaking out over his ruined career, not his killing of another human being.

Where does it say he was Asian(Chinese)? i havent seen any articles mention that

The woman who recorded the video said he was on the stream.



I can't seem to get sound on this, am I missing something obvious? (sound is up in the client)...

I doubt he can. I would almost feel sorry for him, as he was obviously affected by the shooting, but then I remembered that from past experience, he was freaking out over his ruined career, not his killing of another human being.

It was all about self-preservation and self-concern. If he actually gave a shit about the guy dying in front of him, he'd have attempted to administer aid.


To see someone dying like that in a passenger seat...I really wish I hadn't watched.

There's nothing to say anymore that hasn't been said, all I can ask is why? Why the fuck is this still happening?
Some twitter reactions are predictably disheartening.

I mean the whole thing is tragic but people still doing #AllLivesMatter still, feel like they're just willingly missing the point now rather than being uneducated about it.



So uh, why are the American police so fucking insane? Let me guess, guns?
Probably a combination of things. I'd have to imagine that since this is so common in the US that the police training has to have something wrong with it (do they not emphasize non-lethal methods of solving situations?). US has a lot of guns (that people keep with them and not locked up at home) which makes the police more trigger happy when there's the slightest threat of someone having a gun they might use against the police (even shit that doesn't resemble a gun in the least is claimed to look like a gun by hysteric police men trying to justify their shootings) + I think police are also shot at & otherwise attacked maybe a little more than in a lot of other countries so that makes them more trigger happy with the smallest inkling of (some imagined) threat + police can have the flimsiest excuses for shootings, even proven out to be wrong yet they don't face much in the way of consequences (a police going to jail no matter how badly they screwed up seems to be extremely rare having followed a lot of mistake shootings) so there's very little reason for police to change their ways + I've also gotten the impression that due to a lot of reasons (lack of funding etc.) too big of a portion of the police force are underpaid, dumbest scum-of-the-Earth power-tripping fucks which has lead to a situation where you don't have highly trained, rationale police men who assess situations wisely (what is really a threat and what isn't) and then try to defuse dangerous/threatening situations by cautious non-lethal action first, but ones who just shoot first & ask questions later (if even then...) even when there is very little threat to their lives.

Oh, and of course the big one: racism.
Some twitter reactions are predictably disheartening.

I mean the whole thing is tragic but people still doing #AllLivesMatter still, feel like they're just willingly missing the point now rather than being uneducated about it.

If there was ever any doubt, we're way past that point. If anyone's reaction in face of such blatant murders is "all lives matter", they might just as well say "I don't want to hear about that".


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Some twitter reactions are predictably disheartening.

I mean the whole thing is tragic but people still doing #AllLivesMatter still, feel like they're just willingly missing the point now rather than being uneducated about it.


#AllLivesMatter is like "Why isn't there a White History Month?", but for murder.


Some twitter reactions are predictably disheartening.

I mean the whole thing is tragic but people still doing #AllLivesMatter still, feel like they're just willingly missing the point now rather than being uneducated about it.


They haven't missed their point. AllLivesMatter doesn't mean all lives matter. It means "Shut the fuck up nigger and know your place." AllLivesMatter is a racist hashtag.

Anytime I think of all lives matter, i think of Zachary Hammond. White teenager killed by a white cop over the sale of a couple grams of weed.

All Lives Matter didn't say shit. Black Lives Matter took up his cause on twitter for him.

Black Lives Matter actually cares about all lives. All Lives Matter actively antagonizes police shooting victims.

#AllLivesMatter is like "Why isn't there a White History Month?", but for murder.

It's about ethics in police murder journalism.


Some twitter reactions are predictably disheartening.

I mean the whole thing is tragic but people still doing #AllLivesMatter still, feel like they're just willingly missing the point now rather than being uneducated about it.


It's fucking sickening, self-interested, ignorant fuelled bullshit.

Of course all lives fucking matter, but not all lives are being victimised and fucking murdered in daylight by the people sworn to protect them.

Whenever I see this shit on my social media feed I feel like screaming. How can anyone be so blind to their privilege?


What the fuck...

I can't believe this shit...

Fuck America.


what the fuck is with this whole treating her like a criminal as well?
I'm in a white hot rage. Shot him in front of his kid. IN FRONT OF HIS CHILD. And the fucking cop kept pointing the gun at him. It's time to make the system change whether it wants to or not.


the little girl doesn't even look very surprised...

if the woman wouldn't so collected and acted how I would expect, she would have been killed too...


I've seen many of these videos and I don't remember ever seeing cops render first aid after they shot someone.
I've seen them actively prevent others from doing it, too. Notifying EMS in a timely fashion doesn't seem to be a priority, either.

Here's a video of officers performing life saving first aid on someone they shot during a drug bust.


Spoiler alert: it was another cop. He lived though. It's amazing what prompted the first aid can dot.

You're right though, calling for help seems a low priority when it's not one of their own. Here's one where the cop texted his union rep before calling for paramedics.


And here's one where the cop completely forgot to mention shooting someone until another officer noticed the man was shot.


Big Brett

fuck is wrong with america. what a colossal fucking embarrassment. that's two black men in under 24 hours dead from those who "protect and serve," right?

fuck this place.

It's finally trending.
She was fucking terrified. If she would have reacted poorly, she would have been killed.

Yeah, that cop was on the verge of shooting her as well for some fucking reason. As if she's the threat in this situation. Just unbelievable.

Anyway, I might as well share what I posted on fb here as well:

Incredible. That's one of the toughest 10 minutes of video I've ever watched. What an incredible overreaction and needless escalation of a routine traffic stop. I really can't put in words how horrendously mismanaged that was. Someone died because a coward with a gun was entirely ill-prepared to perform the basic duties of his job.

If cops are going to execute someone for having a gun on their person, we can't simultaneously insist that the right to bear arms shall not be infringed and other NRA propaganda, because I'd say this guy's 2nd amendment rights just got violated in a pretty extreme way. Either owning a gun is fine and therefore cops don't lose their cool about it, or we do away with the relaxed gun laws and then cops can understandably be startled when someone is carrying, but it can't be both. This is the second time within 24 hours that a man has been killed for having a gun without ever having brandished it or fired a shot.

Where is the outrage from the NRA? The gun owners? The "good guys with guns?" Where has your unwavering support for the 2nd amendment packed its bags and flown to? Police are govt employees, so how is this not the government tyranny you always claim to need an AR-15 to fight against? Your tax dollars are currently paying for a police officer's paid administrative leave after having killed a man for announcing that he's a licensed gun owner and you have responded with... silence? Excuse me if I don't buy your vim and vigor in the future.

Anyway, I'm rambling. I'm bewildered. I'm angry. I'm utterly deflated. RIP Philando Castile.
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