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LTTP: MGS V - WTF is this?!

Guess Who

The intro is indeed ridiculous but also completely unrepresentative of basically anything else in the game, besides the quality of the story.


WTF is this?

The best Metal Gear game. Enjoy. Everything picks up after the opening.

The only Metal Gear you need to play:


lol no

I really don't see what Platinum fans see in this overhyped piece of shit. The combat is awful, the characters suck, and the music is so bad that it's apparently "good".


Recently I got my hands on a cheap copy of MGS V. My first Metal Gear. I expected some kind of serious espionage stealth game with some comedy elements , since I knew about side kicks like the carton box.

After playing the prologue, my only reaction was, what the f did I just watch and "play"?

Seriously, it is like someone threw all cliche actions things together and made a bad b-movie out of it. The music is great, the camera directing is great, but everything else? Why are the soldiers that dumb? Why do they stop the execution right before shooting the main character and his buddy? It is ridiculously designed in my opinion, not serious at all. On top of that there is this fire demon which does not fit into my expectations at all. And why is this so long with so little control? Why am I forced to crawl for like 10 minutes until I finally get up "magically" because my meds kick in like instantly after being nearly disabled.

And why the hell did I create a character to throw it away immediately?!

Is the prologue only enjoyable for MGS veterans? Will it be explained soon or do I have to complete the game for it?

Actually the beginning upset me so much that I finally googled what exactly LTTP means and decided this would be appropriate as first topic of this kind lol
you poor thing, lol i even loved mgs5 150 hours played loooved the gameplay.. but yeah as your first in the sereis... 😑 play mgs2 and 3 anyway you can
The best Metal Gear game. Enjoy. Everything picks up after the opening.

Opening is incredible. A one-armed vet escaping from hell on Earth as a hospital is shot up by enemy soldiers and supernatural beings.

Metal Gear as a series has crazy stories. If you don't like it, don't play.

I don't get why you would want video games to NOT be crazy and balls-to-the-wall insanity. Like, if you want boring things, don't play exciting things.


Sorry I didn't meant it was good or bad, or better or worse than any other cinematic or introductory part of the game.

I just meant once any person gets to the 100 hour mark and realizes there's basically only 1 other mission in the entire game that is similar to the prologue (or past MGS games in general) in terms of more linear and focused storytelling, they may wish there was more missions at least similar to the prologue assuming they prefer linear (MGS1-4) to open world (V).

Wasn't speaking for myself, just generally to one of the most common complaints.

Fair enough! I just feel like the intro really misses the mark and doesn't feel like the other metal gear games either. In the old games, you were always thrown right into the action after the opening cinematic; the games always alternated between really gamey action and cinematics, whereas this time they tried to do both at the same time which really didn't work in my opinion; it felt like a badly executed version of something Naughty Dog would do. But yeah, I guess for people who like linear experiences this was better than nothing.

lol no

I really don't see what Platinum fans see in this overhyped piece of shit. The combat is awful, the characters suck, and the music is so bad that it's apparently "good".

I can't disagree more with this. The gameplay is absolutely great, the only thing bad about it the camera.

Opening is incredible. A one-armed vet escaping from hell on Earth as a hospital is shot up by enemy soldiers and supernatural beings.

Metal Gear as a series has crazy stories. If you don't like it, don't play.

I don't get why you would want video games to NOT be crazy and balls-to-the-wall insanity. Like, if you want boring things, don't play exciting things.

Most complaints about the opening aren't due to what it's about, but to how badly it's executed (especially from a gameplay stand point).


The best Metal Gear game. Enjoy. Everything picks up after the opening.

lol no

I really don't see what Platinum fans see in this overhyped piece of shit. The combat is awful, the characters suck, and the music is so bad that it's apparently "good".

Wow, so much wrong about two different things in one post. MGR is a great character action game with great combat, the enemy characters are on par with the usual MGS bosses (in that they are unique and interesting to fight and like their long speeches about philosophy and politics) and the music is legit awesome. If you don't think lyrics kicking in dynamically when the fight heats up to the climax is amazing then maybe you just don't like excitement?


lol no

I really don't see what Platinum fans see in this overhyped piece of shit. The combat is awful, the characters suck, and the music is so bad that it's apparently "good".

You're really reaching here. Rising is by far the best non-Kojima MG game next to Ghost Babel.
Opening is incredible. A one-armed vet escaping from hell on Earth as a hospital is shot up by enemy soldiers and supernatural beings.

Metal Gear as a series has crazy stories. If you don't like it, don't play.

I don't get why you would want video games to NOT be crazy and balls-to-the-wall insanity. Like, if you want boring things, don't play exciting things.

Yeah, no.

The idea is cool, but how they went about it simply sucks. The entire sequence of you escaping the hospital should be 10-15 mins max. Instead, it's almost an hour. You're not being fed any story the entire time. It's literally a flashy light show from beginning to end.


Yeah the prolouge is pretty lengthy , but not like the only game has this problem

Is the prologue only enjoyable for MGS veterans? Will it be explained soon or do I have to complete the game for it?

Do you want us to spoil the game for you ?



damn, im a fair bit into V and half to assume those hating it really didn't play or dig Peace Walker

So you choose the worst metal gear solid for your first one damn I feel sorry for you.

he didn't say 4 bruh

5 is utter shite and actually makes you hate some returning characters.

4 literally took a huge shit on the cast of 3, aka the series' peak tho

The introduction to MGS V is Ground Zeroes imo, not Phantom Pain.

that's not even an opinion, it's fact - people on about the story but skipping PW & GZ make no sense to me
Fair enough! I just feel like the intro really misses the mark and doesn't feel like the other metal gear games either. In the old games, you were always thrown right into the action after the opening cinematic; the games always alternated between really gamey action and cinematics, whereas this time they tried to do both at the same time which really didn't work in my opinion; it felt like a badly executed version of something Naughty Dog would do. But yeah, I guess for people who like linear experiences this was better than nothing.
True it's definitely even more linear than the others... MGS 1 and 2 had great balance. That said, I actually think the TPP prologue and MGS 3 prologue are pretty similar in terms of player control.

I've replayed MGS 3 twice now since MGS V (and I've done the intro god knows how many times lol
for the S++ soldiers bonus for replaying it
). And the first hour of MGS 3 is actually pretty similar in terms of how much gameplay you really get. I mean, very different themes and mood but the first hour (maybe even hour and a half) of MGS 3 is basically just cutscenes and codec calls. You get maybe 3 minutes of gameplay going to the house through the small swamp and across the bridge, and then maybe 5 minutes to infiltrate the house.

It gives you a much better gameplay representative 'sample' than MGS V's prologue, which is a big distinction... the few minutes of gameplay represent the broader game (e.g. shooting the beehive; eating a croc), whereas TPP's is just like a on-rails game that has zero to do with the TPP gameplay. So the 'type' of gameplay is much better. But the 'amount' is similar IMO... You probably control the character just as little as the TPP prologue. Maybe 10 minutes, 15 minutes tops, for the first 90 minutes of MGS3. It's basically just cutscenes and codecs.

Which isn't bad per se because it's still an awesome prologue. MGS3 in general is the GOAT action-story game IMO. One of the best prologues around, and basically the best 'action movie final act' (the last 2 hours or so) in a game. So in general, it does no wrong in my eyes.

I just meant, even as a MGS 3 fan, sometimes I forget how little gameplay the first 1-2 hours of MGS3 has, and TPP isn't all that unlike it. Different themes and type of gameplay, but a similar amount of time spent not really playing the game.

On PS2 (though I forgot to do so on the PS3 collection) I even kept a save file usually right after the first Ocelot/EVA encounter exactly because when I wanted Snake Eater gameplay, I didn't want to have to deal with the first two hours again.


The prologue is one of the worst things I've played in a long time, the game gets slightly better after that.


i assume other have already answered your questions, so here's a pro tip: turn off slow-mo in the options. it instantly becomes the greatest stealth game of all-time


Which isn't bad per se because it's still an awesome prologue. MGS3 in general is the GOAT action-story game IMO. One of the best prologues around, and basically the best 'action movie final act' (the last 2 hours or so) in a game. So in general, it does no wrong in my eyes.

I just meant, even as a MGS 3 fan, sometimes I forget how little gameplay the first 1-2 hours of MGS3 has, and TPP isn't all that unlike it. Different themes and type of gameplay, but a similar amount of time spent not really playing the game.

great post, strongly agreed - yeah, there's a lot of shitting on the TPP prologue here, which is odd given how often the obligatory tanker mission/etc early stuff gets pretty chatty fairly quick

of course, again, this is even more disjointed since V's tanker mission is clearly GZ

i assume other have already answered your questions, so here's a pro tip: turn off slow-mo in the options. it instantly becomes the greatest stealth game of all-time

this sounds cool but i'd get caught all the time without reflex mode!
The prologue is only really explained at the very, very end of the game and doesn't really play like anything like the rest of the game. Give it a bit more time to grab you, though. The true meat of the game is the relatively free-form stealth gameplay, only really let down by the level design. Alternatively, shelve The Phantom Pain for a bit and pick up Ground Zeroes. It's very short, but it's a tighter, more controlled experience. Camp Omega is pretty much better designed than anything in TPP.

If you're expecting a fantastic story, well, I'd adjust your expectations a bit. It has it's moments, but it's among the weakest in the series in that regard.


Junior Member
I don't even know if I'd suggest new people get into Metal Gear at this point. The story gained its reputation partly because of what the video game narrative landscape was like in 1998. It seems some new people are getting into it because of that reputation, but are expecting that experience from the more recent games in the context of today's video game narrative landscape.

Resident Evil has the same issue. Its insane B-movie story was praised as serious and realistic because in 1996 most action game stories were the equivalent of like, G.I. Joe Real American Hero. And then some new people come in expecting a serious and realistic story from the crazier, more recent games, in the context of today's landscape.

Both games at this point have stories more similar to seinen anime and comic books. In the context of that, there are points where I think MGS1 and 3 are thematically well put-together, and MGS2 is actually a really smart game overall, particularly in hindsight. Other than that, the only thing that really keeps MGS interesting is how heavily researched its settings are. Between all the goofiness Kojima still digs deep into world events and how they reflect the times, in a way very few other games do.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
That said, I actually think the TPP prologue and MGS 3 prologue are pretty similar in terms of player control.

I respectfully disagree. Virtuous Mission is like 10 minutes long and you can skip all the cutscenes. In MGSV it's more of a linear cinematic prologue where, even if you skip the cutscenes, you still have to skip through slow crawling, slow sneaking, and a bunch of scripted events with just the last part giving any real player agency.


One of my favorite games of all time probably. The prologue is also absolutely nothing like the rest of the game.

Getting the hospital escape and then the first "real" mission of the game back to back was just amazing to me. One of the best first 2-3 hours of any game ever imo. When they set you loose in Afghanistan after the essentially on-rails hospital segment,and the world just opens up, and you're on your own... 😙👌


The character you created is playable in Metal Gear Online, the game's multiplayer.

I'm really surprised that the opening sequence seems so reviled here. I was under the impression that it was well-regarded and considered one of the game's highlights.
You are going to hate quiet and probably every character at the base.
Gameplay get better thought, much better.
Nonsense will continue and get worse.
Wait so you got into the 5th game of the franchise (which is really the 6th game since Peace Walker should also be included to the rest of the series as a main MGS) without having play a single game of the previous ones? I don't even...

Also MGS V is, paradoxically, the best one for new comers and for most old timers the worse one in the entire series, so I am sure you will like it once it becomes generic sandbox game.


The character you created is playable in Metal Gear Online, the game's multiplayer.

I'm really surprised that the opening sequence seems so reviled here. I was under the impression that it was well-regarded and considered one of the game's highlights.

The favorite term for GAF seems to be "irredeemable trash" with little or no exceptions. I'm just happy that I can meet people in person with a little more insight than just that. The opening for the game is well put together in what it sets out to do and reminds me of the enclosed spaces gameplay from the older games. I'm not against the open world stuff, but I wouldn't have minded some more enclosed map environments in the game.


The gameplay on MGS V is the best of the franchise. To me MGS V is the best of the series, the gameplay is really good, the story is meh, but the gameplay makes up for it.
When I first played the prologue I thought it was insane. Loved it. It's my least favorite mission GAMEPLAY wise, though. The rest of the game is great. So keep playing it.


You are going to hate quiet and probably every character at the base.
Gameplay get better thought, much better.
Nonsense will continue and get worse.

What characters at the base? They warp in for the cutscenes and then warp right back out again.

Let me ask you this, OP. How strongly do you feel about... hamburgers?


Dude, start with 3.

I'm a long-time MGS fan, and I thought the prologue was great, though. I love MGSV, but it still disappoints because of Konami ruining it and cutting it short and shit. Good luck. The gameplay is totally solid, though.


Concerned about dinosaur erection.
Recently I got my hands on a cheap copy of MGS V. My first Metal Gear. I expected some kind of serious espionage stealth game with some comedy elements , since I knew about side kicks like the carton box.

After playing the prologue, my only reaction was, what the f did I just watch and "play"

There's yer problem.

This is the equivalent of starting a show with the last and so-so final season.
The prologue is the best and most MGS like part of the game. For better or worst, that batty shit is the reason Ive loved the series since MGS1 and now across 6 different consoles.

I don't hate MGSV - I just can't believe that the series will end on such an uncharacteristic note.

The only Metal Gear you need to play:


Oh my fucking lord, no. If nothing else, OP - ignore this post. There's no solid in the title for a reason.

It's by far the best in terms of gameplay.

Moment to moment, no question - the mechanics are unparalleled. As an overall experience, it's dead last.


The prologue is the best and most MGS like part of the game. For better or worst, that batty shit is the reason I love the series.

I don't hate MGSV - I just can't believe that the series will end on such an uncharacteristic note.

Oh my fucking lord, no. If nothing else, OP - ignore this post.

Yeah tbh the MGSV intro is much better than most of the story stuff in MGS4.
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