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Diablo Immortal Seeing “Hugely Enthusiastic” Response From Internal Playtesting


Tag, you're it.

During Activision’s latest quarterly earnings call, Daniel Alegre President & Chief Operating Officer of Activision mentioned that the game is seeing a “hugely enthuastic” response from internal playtesting:
"Amongst multiple Blizzard mobile titles under development, Diablo Immortal saw a hugely enthusiastic response in internal testing in the third quarter and will soon enter external regional testing."
Daniel Alegre President & Chief Operating Officer of Activision


If you’re not a fan of Diablo’s upcoming mobile version, take comfort in the fact that Diablo 4 is in active development, and even has
gameplay available to sink our teeth into.

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Very much looking forward to it. While I do believe the whole situation was handled poorly, speaking objectively Diablo game on a mobile device if done well and super polished can be a god sent and actually a solid experience while waiting for Diablo 4 or sitting in a waiting room. Interested too see where this goes.
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I thought it had been cancelled.
A lot of people who played it at blizzcon said it was not very hot. I believe blizzard went back on the drawing board and started adjusting and moving a lot of parts of it and give it the polish and quality it deserves. We will see how it plays out. Glad they are taking their time to make it right.


Not surprising. If they make progression addictive enough + addictive cash shop, financially it probably will be way way more successful than all Diablo games combined.

People probably haven't even heard about some shit mobile RPG game like Lineage 2: Revolution. But that shit is way more popular than Diablo 3 and has generated like $2B in revenue. Sad reality is that mobile "gaming" market has like 50% market share.

Why wouldn't these guys be enthusiastic? Asia will be all-over this game.
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Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
I am looking forward to it. I love all the Diablo games....even the gross ps1 version and I still finish the new d3 seasonmultiple platforms.

While I would not call myself a mobile game player, the amount of time I have spent with Genshin impact would pain an opposite picture.

As long as the controls are good I am sure I will eat it up (and the PoE mobile version too).
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Regarding D4 they need to stfu, work on this and put out a good game without any of this community bullshit, at least at this point in development.

Blizzard Devs: "bu-bu-bu, where do we start if we don't ask the community what they want? What do we base the gameplay on?!??"

Me: "You fucking just make a good game like devs used to do with barely any fucking input from fans, its called a "vision", it used to happen all the time! and the base you start with is the fundamentals of Diablo 1-3 or rather the very fucking obviously specifically rooted tropes of the genre you are making you bunch of knob jockeys!"

You can still innovate on the genre but lets at least try starting with the itemization they worked for 15+ years (combined) from release to improve in the previous versions of the game.

When I see that fucking stupid "skill tree" thats literally a tree I want to punch them all. WHO GAF about the art of the skill tree at this point, work on the actual skills first you absolute retards.

The E3 video coverage was filled with really terrible itemization and I had to just stop watching it: "Here's a legendary, its got 4 stats on it and a 7% chance to do something crap that even if it happened 80% of the time would be disappointing"

Its so frustrating, if I'm making no sense here its like id software coming out with plans for a Doom Eternal sequel and they say:

"So we need your help guys, we want YOUR input with the guns! Well so far we've thought, wouldn't it be cool if you had a SMALL, LOW-CALIBER PISTOL and we were even thinking how about a SHOTGUN... but with ROCK SALT SHELLS so the demons get all salt in their eyes and they go owwwww! Sound good guys?!? *cheering*"


Sorry, don't believe. It could be a trick for all I care.

Diablo so far is a tittle that is easly forgettable, so this type of internal test "trying to be positive" won't be working.
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A little offtopic, but I still trying to understand how Blizzard change the Demon Hunter gender without giving him shadowmeld.


I enjoy these games for what they are, but hold no expectations to what a developer chooses to make. I'll try it for sure. Probably won't end up playing it long but you never know.


And i bet the same "internal" testers will also be "very exited" about the max character for only 59.99,
the low droprates that force you to buy stuff in the real money Auction House
and of course the piss poor actual Gameplay, because holy fuck, has current Blizzard forgotten how to polish a game.


If its F2P I would give a shot, not spending a dime on it tho.

It's mobile so it's almost guaranteed to be F2P. Paid games are basically DOA on mobile (for the most part, specially if they are going after the microtransaction buying crowd, which is where the money is)
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Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022

During Activision’s latest quarterly earnings call, Daniel Alegre President & Chief Operating Officer of Activision mentioned that the game is seeing a “hugely enthuastic” response from internal playtesting:
"Amongst multiple Blizzard mobile titles under development, Diablo Immortal saw a hugely enthusiastic response in internal testing in the third quarter and will soon enter external regional testing."
Daniel Alegre President & Chief Operating Officer of Activision


If you’re not a fan of Diablo’s upcoming mobile version, take comfort in the fact that Diablo 4 is in active development, and even has
gameplay available to sink our teeth into.

Please let them come to switch!


Lets be real guys.
This game is going to be a massive success. Lets not pretend a AATier mobile game, with DIABLO, on a massive platform where Diablo clones are plenty is not going to be a success. Not kidding, Diablo Immortal would be among the best of these clones and people who didn't even knew about that blizzcon fiasco (or even after knowing it) is going to play the sh****t outta this game.

edit : Personally, not gonna touch any mobile game which requires time commitment.
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What time is it?
Lets be real guys.
This game is going to be a massive success. Lets not pretend a AATier mobile game, with DIABLO, on a massive platform where Diablo clones are plenty is not going to be a success. Not kidding, Diablo Immortal would be among the best of these clones and people who didn't even knew about that blizzcon fiasco (or even after knowing it) is going to play the sh****t outta this game.

edit : Personally, not gonna touch any mobile game which requires time commitment.

Honest question, but how did Blades do?


Honest question, but how did Blades do?
Never followed it but its 4/5 on android and apple stores, and I doubt Bethesda isn't happy over this.
Though only 90K downloads for elder scrolls seems low.

edit: just read other reviews of this game. Ouch.
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What time is it?
Never followed it but its 4/5 on android and apple stores, and I doubt Bethesda isn't happy over this.
Though only 90K downloads for elder scrolls seems low.

Diablo's style lends itself better to mobile, but it kind of feels like the mobile game craze is over...or maybe it's just because I don't listen to gaming podcasts anymore and there isn't much discussion regarding mobile. The last thing I really remember anyone talking about was Apple Arcade and really only when it launched.


I can't wait for it. I enjoy Diablo and would love it on my phone. Hope it comes soon.

Actually serious here incase anyone thinks I'm joking.


I always belive insider opinions.

"There is no danger that Titanic will sink. The boat is unsinkable and nothing but inconvenience will be suffered by the passengers."
Phillip Franklin, White Star Line vice-president, 1912


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Shit on it all you like, but it's probably gonna be MASSIVE overseas and make them a lot of money.

hemo memo

Gold Member
Activision’s President say company big upcoming game is good.

What a great news. I mean why wouldn’t you believe him right?


most of my friend are gamers and most of them play more than me (but they have little interest overall for side knowledge outside playing)
most of them sadly also play as much on console / pc as on mobile games.....
mobile games are even problematic and invasive when we do something not video game now (imo)
so even if we don't like/understand it we should not underestimate lot of people appetite for them
i sure can see it at my humble level

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
It's hilarious that Blizzsard wiped their POC character from Diablo phone edition because China is racist as fuck.


I'm getting the same vibes here as with the cancelled C&C game:

- The impressions are through the roof, the game is shaping to be fantastic!

<few months later>

- What we were building was not what the community wanted, so we decided to cancel the project.

Although given how huge the mobile market is, and how well isometric view games work on those devices, the new Diablo can be hella successful, I can see millions of kids playing it on a daily basis if they won't charge too much for it.
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