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Behold the XB1S Version of CyberPunk - SlideShow Edition


This is embarrassing and just damages CDPRs reputation, they shouldn't have released on last gen systems (but they probably had to given its budget).

Releases like this should never become the norm.

I disagree actually. Looking at the game on PS4 Pro after the 1.04 patch, I played 10 hours with no patch, 10 hours with the day 1 and about 5 hours or so with the 1.04 patch (started new games with all of them btw)

The game looks and runs more solid, but that goes to show what I've been saying....this is not a last gen issue, why the fuck is AC Valhalla running on last gen just fine and not doing shit like sub 720p or frame dips to 15? If Last gen was sooooooo bad and no one could make games, how on earth can you explain all the games this fall that released fine on last gen systems? You telling me Ghost Of Tsushima is dropping frames below 20 and low res and crashing every 10 min cause PS4 is too weak or? We can make that argument when THE MAJORITY of games do this and we can say "shit, time to move on, PS4 and XONE just can't play anything" but that isn't the case here.

THIS GAME is the issue. Even if I agree that this game should have skipped last gen, its not because last gen is too weak, its because this team simply can't do what Rockstar or Bethesda does and they need the handicap. They can't optimize for shit. So to an extent I do agree THEY would need to skip last gen as they simply can't put out games compared to the rest of the developers that had next to no issue putting games out on many platforms this fall.
Imagine being baited into this:

Poor motherfuckers ;(
Whoever designed the controller warned you, they wrote "no future" on the thing! I mean, if you buy that and you did not see the sign... it's kind of your fault.


The PS4 is still a beast, that's the reason.

People put a lot of efforts to make games, don't criticize their work.

DDR3 memory in action

I disagree actually. Looking at the game on PS4 Pro after the 1.04 patch, I played 10 hours with no patch, 10 hours with the day 1 and about 5 hours or so with the 1.04 patch (started new games with all of them btw)

The game looks and runs more solid, but that goes to show what I've been saying....this is not a last gen issue, why the fuck is AC Valhalla running on last gen just fine and not doing shit like sub 720p or frame dips to 15? If Last gen was sooooooo bad and no one could make games, how on earth can you explain all the games this fall that released fine on last gen systems? You telling me Ghost Of Tsushima is dropping frames below 20 and low res and crashing every 10 min cause PS4 is too weak or? We can make that argument when THE MAJORITY of games do this and we can say "shit, time to move on, PS4 and XONE just can't play anything" but that isn't the case here.

THIS GAME is the issue. Even if I agree that this game should have skipped last gen, its not because last gen is too weak, its because this team simply can't do what Rockstar or Bethesda does and they need the handicap. They can't optimize for shit. So to an extent I do agree THEY would need to skip last gen as they simply can't put out games compared to the rest of the developers that had next to no issue putting games out on many platforms this fall.

Bethesda console games are optimized? :messenger_tears_of_joy:

That One S version is fucking brutal... after 7 years of developing this game you'd think they would figure some sort of optimization out. Damn. It really makes the case for Sony wanting to stray away from cross-gen games, imagine how gimped a PS4 version of Demons Souls would be if it was forced to be released on 7 year old hardware. Makes me wish Halo Infinite would switch to an only Series X/S release instead of wasting time developing for the Xbone.

It's frankly embarrassing to share a forum with someone who posts crap like this.


Am I crazy or the Series S version has higher NPC density than other consoles?

Time stamps:
4:27 - 5:45

Series S and X (in resolution mode) run the same settings simply at different resolutions. they both have higher density than the PlayStation variants.
if the S seems to have more in specific scenes that's down to the dynamic nature of the world
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You have to applaud their boldness. They pulled the biggest bait and switch scam of the software industry masterfully. Keep the real performance hidden for the majority of potential buyers and base reviews and promo videos on high end PCs. Plaster a 92 metacritic score, with the help of the naive reviews media, and boast about 8 million presale to convince a few more uninformed millions in the next 48h.

These guys are good, real good. But they are good at stealing, not programming.

and what makes you think they're not in on it


Gold Member
Kinda can blame them completely. They developed it from the ground up and obviously didn't test it at all on the consoles they announced it would be released on until it was way too late in the development process.

Incompetent shit. Fuck CDPR and fuck anyone who defends them. Even more so when they intentionally mislead everyone by only giving reviewers PC copies of the game.
I get it but, what if they delayed the game? Would they be facing a better luck?

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I assume there is a clause somewhere that dictates that you can’t release a game exclusively for a Pro/One, and not the base consoles.

Yeah I don't recall any ps4pro/xboxonex only game.

Nintendo did have exclusives for their mid gen refreshes tho.
My friend applied for refund already and he bought it for PS5. He hates FOV in the game and graphics and frame rate problems there as well.

Lszy job by CDPR.

Xbox versions also all over the place. You can apply refund quite easily on Xbox as well
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Junior Member
I love the army of CDPR defenders. I will never understand the allegiance that some people feel towards these companies.

Style over substance is the leiv motive of this game. Pretty videos and pictures from high-end hardware, but a soulless experience overall.


Lol, Sony and MS just punted this shit through certification to beat the holidays.

Millions of people preordered it without seeing a single image of it on the base ps4/xb1. it received 100% scores from shill media. CDPR thought this quality was acceptable and the console manufacturers agreed.

Off course they had to approve the game. This game was as hyped as NoMansSky before release.

What do you think would happen if MS just went out and said, we refused to release this game on XboxOne because of substandard quality/performance?
People would have gone completely mental and there would be death threats all over the place.

So, they made the only choice they had: let it release even if completely unplayable and just see what happens.


They will improve it to some extend but base consoles are underperforming in many games now so it's not suprsing that 7 years after release you have games that perform like shit, plus there are much better versions available NOW:

GTA 5 framerate was only fixed 1 YEAR AFTER release (and 2 years for PC release)


And the best one:

This level of performance is nothing new on consoles...

Show me another game that runs at 720p on the PS4 besides Cyberpunk

Even now at the end of the lifecycle, you dont see games reaching this low in terms of resolution or performance

Valhalla and WD Legion both run better and look sharper. Much sharper.

I swear to God that the GTA video is less blurry than Cyberpunk on my 4k tv

Despite the low resolution, Cyberpunk also uses LOTS of volumetric lighting and fog, that in combination with the TAA, results in one of the worst IQ thst I've seen in a console game. Ever. And I have a Switch connect to my tv, Ive seen some shit.

That's why that even in the PS4 pro and One X, despite the higher resolution, image quality still looks very soft.
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in this thread people with 7 year old hardware moan about having 7 year old hardware.

pc gamers are used to this, upgrade or play at shit fps, no reason for consoles to be immune especially since they are gloififed pcs nowadays, do you not remember GTA3 on ps2? it maxed at 25fps and dropped to 15fps.

there is zero reason to preorder a game before seeing it running on your particular hardware, reap what you sow.
The whole point of consoles is so ppl don't have to go through upgrading and all. If the game was going to be like this then they shoudve aimed next gen only. But yes there's zero reason to preorder a game now days looking it how the state some games come out.


The whole point of consoles is so ppl don't have to go through upgrading and all. If the game was going to be like this then they shoudve aimed next gen only. But yes there's zero reason to preorder a game now days looking it how the state some games come out.

You what? Don't have to upgrade? How long have you been burying your head in the sand? The whole reason the redesigns/pro consoles exist is to upgrade, the Xbox one is a 7 year old dead console, deal with it.
Regardless, if you’re buying any PS4/XO game you shouldn’t have to find out it drops to sub HD resolutions and 10 frames per second before buying it, you should automatically assume that is not the case.

I’m embarrassed CDPR submitted the game in this state and also at Microsoft and Sony for not rejecting it.
There should be minimum requirements for your game to be certified. Sony and Microsoft should make mandotory for games to be at least 30 fps and 1080p. If your game goes under then it shouldn't get certified until you fix it. But seeing that both companies practically were in this together with CDPR I know I'm asking for too much

John Day

There should be minimum requirements for your game to be certified. Sony and Microsoft should make mandotory for games to be at least 30 fps and 1080p. If your game goes under then it shouldn't get certified until you fix it. But seeing that both companies practically were in this together with CDPR I know I'm asking for too much
There might be, but ya know, hot christmas title ($$$$) 😜
in this thread people with 7 year old hardware moan about having 7 year old hardware.

pc gamers are used to this, upgrade or play at shit fps, no reason for consoles to be immune especially since they are gloififed pcs nowadays, do you not remember GTA3 on ps2? it maxed at 25fps and dropped to 15fps.

there is zero reason to preorder a game before seeing it running on your particular hardware, reap what you sow.

Well, BotW was developed for the Wii U as well, and ran almost as fine as the version on the Switch.
I guess this is just a weird strategy that people pisses off in a way.

They should have made the PS4 the base version, and give the newer consoles more frames and rez.


I'm playing the game on the 4pro: i expected a 1080p game running 30, I got 12XX something at around 30 most of the time.

I had a few crashes, a few bugs, no big deal for me. Not more or less than any other big console RPG I played before. I'm enjoying this game alot! I think it's strange how people forget how previous crossgen went, its obvious games need to be graded down from the pc version, it's obvious you won't get perfect locked 30 fps... Its obvious the newest pc graphic card look better than 7 year old console hardware..

the bugs and crashes are a pain in the ass, but I encountered only a few and have been playing around 15 hours or so, frame rates on the pro are 30 - 25 in heavy situations. I'm sure CDPR will patch those bugs and the base systems so they will play smoother, just don't expect miracles from these old machines.
Just like we diden't expect miracles from skyrim on the PS3 or GTA5 on the PS3.
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They needed to cancel those versions. Thinking they wasted a massive amount of resources on them too. Management fucked up.
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As shitty as CDPR are for releasing it in this state, you have only yourself to blame if you've been burnt on base console. Before release only having the PC version, One X via Series X BC and PS4 Pro footage shown should have been enough of a red flag. It doesn't take quitting smoking levels of willpower to not pre-order a game or waiting a few days post release before picking it up to see how things turn out.


Well, BotW was developed for the Wii U as well, and ran almost as fine as the version on the Switch.
I guess this is just a weird strategy that people pisses off in a way.

They should have made the PS4 the base version, and give the newer consoles more frames and rez.

BOTW is open expanses of nothingness


I just checked John’s twitter and WOW. 540p in a 800€ card gives you this whooping performance. So glad I let the master race behind: so many quality pixels would melt my eyeballs.
Patches....Patches everywhere :messenger_tears_of_joy:

At least today we can have patches if they game runs bad. In the past - you bought the disc and you were alone with your sorrow :messenger_loudly_crying:
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It’s hard to believe that a 15 FPS game got shipped. So many points of failure, from the developer, to the publisher, to basic cert standards.

Completely unacceptable. Imagine a casual gamer getting this as a Christmas gift, and if they can even play it without crashing, having... this as performance.
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Blame CDPR management for going for the money grab. Pro/One X and Series S should have been the base spec for this game on console.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Console folks should not even bother for a few months. Wait for the patches, it's a mess.
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