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Would you stop playing if your wife/gf ask too?

Would you stop playing?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 5.6%
  • No

    Votes: 210 73.4%
  • Divorce/breakup

    Votes: 42 14.7%
  • Together for the kids

    Votes: 4 1.4%
  • Hide play

    Votes: 3 1.0%
  • Eye for an eye, take something from her

    Votes: 11 3.8%

  • Total voters


Gold Member

My last BF never asked me to stop playing games, but he'd constantly complain about how stupid he found them and that he didn't understand why people wasted time on them. We're still pretty close and on good terms with each other, but it def made me realize that I prefer to date guys who play games themselves or are at least not bothered by them. Gaming date nights are fun anyway.


Gold Member
You should never give up a hobby for an SO. They need to accept that shit and learn to deal with it or else that relationship is just a sham.
I've got quite a bit of experience here as it so happens.

When I got with my first wife, I didn't play games all that much. Once we were married and settled a bit is when my playing increased. She really didn't mind too much, but she would use it against me during arguments. Funnily enough, her first boyfriend after we divorced was a guy who she met on second life. That was the only game she ever played too.

I played quite a bit when I met my second wife. While she would watch me play, and play a bit herself, this was temporary. After awhile, she quite often said that I played too much. I told her tough shit, as it wasn't something I started post marriage. She knew about it well before she proposed. It took years of stubbornness, but we eventually worked our way through it by simply having 2 TVs in the living room. She watches her dumbass shows, while I play my dumbass games. She did raise a bit of fuss over my wearing headphones awhile back. After about 30 mins of gaming through the stereo, she broke. Since then there's been no problems as far as gaming goes.


No, I enjoy gaming and don't enjoy movies (very often) or TV (very often). So I would assume my SO/wife would let me play games. I wouldn't ask her to stop watching tv/movies.

Although I am not addicted to games so there is that.
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mine did. i said nope not unless you stop taking pictures of your fucking salad for "the gram" and stop wasting your money on dildos + vibrators.

K.S v2.0

Hell no. My wife has to be able to love and accept me for who I am, she knew what she was getting into.

That being said, if it was a case of say, extreme addiction ie early days WoW tier addiction where you throw away your job and family to play, ok that's another story... then I would be the problem. But outside of that specific scenario, no. She accepts my hobbies, I accept hers, and if we have a problem somewhere we talk and compromise like mature adults in a relationship. There is no 'condition' for love, its always unconditional. You accept your partner for who/what they are, the good and the bad, flaws and all.

If you can't do that, then you're in the wrong damn relationship to begin with.


I work in gaming. I need to keep up with industry trends! Sorry sweetie.

She actually doesn't mind.
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I will never let someone else dictate what hobbies I should and shouldn't have. Not even my wife. Me playing games is none of her business unless I let it have negative effects on other, more important, stuff.


lol no because she doesn’t wear the pants and respects my authority as the main provider


Luckily my wife shares most of my hobbies but if she didn't I would never give up what I enjoy for any woman. Once you do that then it's one demand and then another and then another until you are a shell of a man she can't stand. Respect is a huge part and of what makes a woman attracted to a man and women don't respect men who give up their identity for them.


Not happening, she’s into games as well.
But all our kids are gamers too so I have other things to worry about, like actually getting any gaming time myself, during daytime there is either someone sitting there gaming already or there is homework or house things to do. Eventually everyone will have their own consoles/PCs but for now I usually play late at night when everyone is asleep. I’ll sleep in my next life I guess.


I'd say ... it depends.

If gaming made me neglect my gf/girlfriend, or other necessities ... then yeah. There's a problem there.

But it would be interesting if you would ask her to stop a habit you don't appreciate, like ... smoking. What would her reply be?


It depends. If you spend more time with video games than with your GF, there's a problem in your relationship and you should reconsider your priorities.
But playing only 1-2 hours a day or so after work and she asks you to stop? That's a different story. Everyone needs "me-time". Taking that away from someone is abusive and sounds like a control freak. In that case: run away.
Protip: play coop games together. So you can play games while still have a bonding experience with her.
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Gold Member
I could agree that for every day this theoretical women could go without using a smartphone, social media, or taking pictures of herself...I would go that day without video games. So pretty much never.


No. And if that's a deal breaker for her then it wasn't supposed to be, I guess and we should call it quits.


That would be an incredibly selfish thing to ask. Unless it's an addiction where you're paying hundreds of dollars on a single game, otherwise they have no right to ask that.


I "vetted" my partner before our relationship became more serious about whether she likes playing video games (not really) and if she minds if I play (no). It's best to know this early on to avoid tough decisions later. ;)


Nah, I wouldn't.

I would never asked my SO to resign from any of her hobbies and I expect from her to do the same.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I he/she asks you to stop doing something you love just because... You better end that relationship as soon as possible.

Unless you enjoy being a total cuck of course. :lollipop_content:


I am in the fortunate position that my wife loves playing games with me so it isn't an issue. Also even if she did want me to stop, you can negotiate own nights and together nights so on the own nights you can kill aliens whilst she fantasieses about incredibly rich and good looking men as she watches romcoms

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief
I "vetted" my partner before our relationship became more serious about whether she likes playing video games (not really) and if she minds if I play (no). It's best to know this early on to avoid tough decisions later. ;)

The only vetting most men do involve a woman's cup size.
My wife plays just as much as I do, and is supportive of my hobbies she doesn't share, so thankfully it's not an issue.

Were she to ask me to stop with a hobby, I'd expect her to both have a good reason behind the request, and be open to counter arguments and compromises.

If it was a straightforward irrational demand, purely driven by petty emotion, then we'd be getting a divorce, because that's not the kind of person I would want to be in a relationship with.
Didn't really know how to vote on this one. My wife doesn't game at all and just doesn't get it.

If she truly wanted to give it up, I would as she and the kids come first. That being said she would never ask me to give up a hobby just as I wouldn't ask her to give up something she enjoys.

The way she (and I) see it is i dont like sports, I don't gamble, I'm not down at the pub every night and I don't do drugs (anymore lol) so I feel like I'm allowed one vice.
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Gold Member
My wife asked me why I play video games so much once. I said "Would you rather I was on a golf course all day with a bunch of guys drinking beer instead?"

Been about 20 years since then. She never brought it up again.


Gold Member
Whenever my girlfriend would throw shade at me playing games I'd wave my arm around in the general direction of the penthouse and say, "Videogames paid for all of this". She dropped it pretty quick after that.


I would talk to her to identify the underlying problem and work on that one. Does she needs more attention etc.
The poll is a bit useless and indicates a lack of communication.


My soon to be ex really hated time I spent gaming and would always whinge about it. OFC she didnt get what she wanted :D

Never give up something you love/like doing on behalf of some else, as long as what you are doing isnt harming someone else.


Neo Member
So I think that is the case with any other hobby. When I read a book, watching TV, I am doing puzzles... Sometimes I can stop, sometimes I don't want to, and sometimes I just can't, because It could screw up everything. But it depends on the situation.
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