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What is a moment in Gaming you'll never forget?


Everyone's listing such awesome moments! Quit it!!

GAF, a moment in gaming that I will never forget. It's so stupid. I was like 7 or 8 years old. I plugged the cartridge into the Super Nintendo, and the opening to Super Mario World started playing. That's it. That's a moment in gaming I will never forget. The opening to Super Mario World. The cheerful music. The vibrant (compared to NES) colors. The sliding backgrounds that gave a sense of depth and distance. The koopa troopas who were walking around on two legs! TWO LEGS!! And that Yoshi. It was 100% pure untainted childhood magic...
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Hardware : when my PS5 arrived on November 2020 at lauch day. Been playing since Atari 2600 and its the firsth time i got a console at launch day.

Games : Metal Gear Solid the sniper boss fight the one in the woods.

Cutty Flam

When I first heard this I had no idea what to expect, one of the tracks that I cannot forget, especially while reading the files in certain rooms; feeling was unreal. Discovering what was really going on behind the scenes in that Mansion, and elsewhere was an unparalleled experience. It’s like the worst possible things imaginable that could have happened, were actually happening in that game lol



The best I can think of is taking the lift back down to Firelink Shrine in Dark Souls, and realising the shape of everything and the spider web nature of the world.

At first I didn’t realise it was the same Firelink, I thought it was a generic name for a safe space because I didn’t recognise the area you descend to. But then I realised, and stepped back to appreciate the bigger picture.


always chasing the next thrill
Me playing tales of phantasia


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always chasing the next thrill
ok, I guess I know what to play next in my backlog..

i was not the only one.. i had NO idea too. I just remember me looking at my buddy and both thinking.. the fuck we just read? :pie_roffles:
it's basically just watching Disney's Lion King.. and then suddenly Pumbaa calling Timon a dirty ol cunt.
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Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
When I was a freshman in college, one of my friends in the dorm had a Saturn. People congregated in his room to play sports games because he was the only person on the floor that had a console.

He was really good at Sega Worldwide Soccer 97 and would beat all comers, especially his next door neighbor who could never beat him despite many attempts. One time my friend got up by 5 goals on this poor guy and then sat on the controller for the last few minutes of the game and said "I'm beating you with my butt." That guy got really mad and stormed out. We didn't see him again for several weeks.


Playing Metal Gear on my Playstation 1, and finding the position to place c4. Little detail: I had the japanese version and was before i had internet, so basically i spent weeks figuring out what to do. Magic moment.
  • The opening of Metal Gear Solid 2
  • Entering Zoras Domain in BOTW
  • Winning a "Tournament" of Initial D Arcade at Ohayocon (not official and just having 10 people go at it until 1 stands).
  • The first time that
    Mayuri dies in Steins;gate
  • Nearly the entirety of Persona 4/Persona 4 Golden
  • Learning the "twist" in House of Fata Morgana, along with the ending of Requiem for Innocence
  • Pet your one true waifu
    in Spice and Wolf VR
  • When you enter the pleasure quarter for the first time in Gravity Rush
  • Current Objective: SURVIVE in Halo Reach
  • The
    moment you realize you have to shoot The Boss
    in MGS3
  • The prologue of Wind Waker (the woodcut intro)


1. The end credits of Panzer Dragoon (Sega Saturn).
2. Dead Space 2 (Xbox 360). The needle.

1. First, and only, COD4: Modern Warfare (Xbox 360) Free-For-All match on Vacant with zero deaths. There was so much hate blazing out of my headset in the post match lobby...hilarious!
2. First Saturn Bomberman (Sega Saturn) 10-player match I hosted. 10 people packed around a Sony Trinitron dropping digital explosives and hurling deadly insults. Total chaos.


Assassins Creed 2 - Ezio's journey through Italy.
Age of Mythology
Everything, up to invading Atlantis to save everyone from Poseidon's betrayal and Chronos being freed.
Chrono Trigger - The first pan over Guardia, and the theme kicks in.
Going to the future and seeing the worlds destruction and how much is at stake. Saving Chrono.
Final Fantasy X - The then bleeding edge special effects in the cutscenes.
Dragon Age Origins - "Sound the retreat." Tower of Magi. The Deep Roads and what is at the end.
Kotor -
Ravens reveal.
Jade Empire - Finding out why your martial arts style has a weird weak spot.
Its intentional.
Mass Effect 2 - Quite a few of the Loyalty Missions. The Suicide Mission. Lair of the Shadow Broker.
Uncharted - Seeing a freaking U-Boat in the jungle. Going into the bunker.
You are not alone in the bunker.
Uncharted 2 - Having a actual fight in a collapsing building.
Okami -
The Ninetales reveals itself by using its own brush powers to counter your own. Oh shit. The final battle.
Wind Waker -
Going to the bottom of the sea and seeing a stasis Hyrule as the main theme begins to play.
The World Ends With You -
Just about everything. Beats betrayal. Joshua's betrayal. Any time a reaper assumes a noise form. Shikis true form (for a different reason.) Final battle is crazy.
Ghost Trick Phantom Detective -
Climbing up a sinking submarine. The reveal that best cat and best dog saved the day.
Borderlands 2 - Handsome Jack is a asshole. I still regret reading the plot summary, thinking 2's story would be like 1, eh instead of pretty good.
Dead Space 2 - Escaping in the opening scene. The orbital jump. The Church. The School.
Returning to the Ishimura. Isaac Clark having choice words with the marker.
Horizon Zero Dawn -
What Zero Dawn is. Seeing how Ted Ferro manages to be a worse human being then Handsome Jack.
Breath of the Wild - First emerging from the cave and seeing Hyrule on a before unimaginable scale.
Hyrule's super mecha?! actually weakening Ganon with 4 super beam cannon attacks.
Ace Combat 7 -
Flight forming up on Trigger.
Ghost of Tushima - Opening battle.
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir - Good thing I did not google what Leifthrasir is until after beating the game.
Ragnarok. Mercedes sacrifice.
13 Sentinels Aegis Rim - Everything.
When the main theme kicks in during the final battle.
Dragon Quest XI -
The world tree in Act 1. Act 2. Getting the group back together and forging a new sword of light.
Xenoblade Chronicles DE -
Everything after Prison Island rapidly escalates. The fall of the High Entia. Walking into where the final battle is going to take place and seeing "Saturn" appear as the location, making everything that has happened in this game take on a new meaning.
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-Quake 3 Arena Online.
-Entering Hyrule Field for the first time in OoT.
-Streets Of Rage 2 co-op end boss
-Bioshock Twist
-Seeing all the zombies in Dead Rising 1
-First 64 player match in Battlefield.
-Eternal Darkness sanity effects
-Being killed by a fucking manicore in some shitty school PC game.
-Souls games clicking for me.
-The first death in TLoU
-Playing xcom 2 WOTC when my kid was born. Sounds stupid but my kid would sleep on my chest while I repelled the xeno scum. Will always stick in my mind.

Edit. Few more.

-Destiny raids (yeah yeah. I know but I was a console player at that point)
-Command and Conquer.
-Warhammer 40k Dawn Of War 1.
-Goromi in Yakuza Kiwami 1. Dreamboat
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Most memorable moment was in a road course online Druveclub match.

Me and thus guy were pretty evenly matched and we raced each other extremely clean, only bumping once but we both understood it was an accident.

He beat me by .001 but we ran probably 50% of that race side by side.

Most fun I ever had online.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
John Marston marching out his front door one last time to face the soldiers.

Inversely, eagerly firing up Red Dead Redemption 2 on launch day, sipping on a rum and coke vibing, knowing absolutely nothing about the story because I refused to spoil myself, and shortly in hearing who else but my favorite video game character's voice again.

The first time I played Journey, shortly in I came across another mute robed person-thing chirping at me, and we made it all the way through together to the end. What a game that was at launch when so many people were playing and everything was fresh and new.


Being a troll berserker in Dark Age of Camelot and patiently waiting for a saracen rogue to stab me from behind before finishing him off. He had no chance.


Gold Member
Alex the Kidd on the Master System: my first game and console

the music from the game still rings in my ears almost thirty years later
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The death of John Marston...

I started playing back in 1981 and nothing could prepare me for that, I remember tearing up in disbelief.


Mario 64 - Outside the castle when starting the game
Suikoden - Killing the dragon boss and finding out I have my own HQ
Shadow of Collosus - fighting the flying colossus
Diablo 2 - Fighting The Butcher
Final Fantasy 7 - Gold chocobo to island and getting Knight of the Round
Resident Evil - first zombie encounter
Street Fighter IV - me winning a local tourney using Blanka
Meta Gear Solid 2 - crazy codec conversations when you find out about the patriots
first to come to mind was when i first discovered a shortcut in Dark Souls and realised how the world was designed. it might not sound exciting but it blew my mind at the time realising how everything is connected.
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FFXIV, the end of Heaven's Ward expansion, there is a fight on the bridge against the main big dragon. The song, the moment, it's all very epic and sends chills down your spine. So well done, beautiful and out of nowhere really.

Kev Kev

I assume this was already posted, but nothing in gaming has topped this moment in terms of surprising me, exciting me and filling me with a child like sense of awe and amazement the way this did…. Well, except for when I tried VR for the first time, but thats not fair because just being in VR the first time is amazing no matter what you’re playing…

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Manipulating Mario’s face then getting into the open area outside the castle in Mario 64 was transformative for me. I was a teen experiencing a 3D world with the most iconic video game character of all time. How was this possible? Gaming was never the same again.
Call of Duty on Xbox 360 before private voice chat - It was the wild west of voice chat. If you had thick skin it was pretty entertaining. Sorry to those who were actually damaged by it =/
Oh the good old days, I was 12 and I had sex with the moms of all those who played on Xbox Live! I can't remember how I met them.
fallout, hit some bloke , ran off , bastRD tracked m down to another town , woke me up and attcked me , shit pants and was blown away.

randomly once threw my not needed books away on floor ,in skyrim, in the town with market , a fight kicked off for them,.. i love momens like dat in games , the a.i being fking freaky

like tesla guy gettin high wid joe
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