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Xbox E3 Possibly Fully Leaked.


Talk about false advertising. Where's the "full" leak man?

Confused Pulp Fiction GIF by TheFactory.video

It's for the best. I'm ignoring all leakers this year and expecting nothing. I bought into the "twitter insider" hype way too much last year. :messenger_beaming:
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Fake list.
And people are still excited for that type of Wolfenstein game? Colossus sucked ass and the twin spin off... Ugh.
Not as fake as this post though. Klobrille is a very accurate MS leaker. But hey..... who reads actual threads anymore.
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I bought DS during the EGS sale for 13€ and I regret buying it, really tried to get into it but what a pretentious, phoned in snoozefest. Game of the year my ass, not on a year where Control, Sekiro and RDR2 released.

In my opinion Kojima needed Konami just like Rare needed Nintendo to make good games. I’d rather they pay other studios, a couple meltdowns aren’t worth it.
Bullshit. I played the game for 4 chapters and couldn't take it anymore. Trudging through the landscape to the next outpost was unfun. Reshuffling your cargo via a shitty menu was unfun. I was kind of liking the weird story, but it felt like a fucking chore to get to the next cutscene. It wasn't no gameplay, it was awful gameplay. Balance while you walk? That is some stupid unfun QTE shit.

I had the opinion that those who enjoyed it, either did so because of the story/Kojima or because they liked the rebuilding aspect and those who hated it, just wanted a fun action and or stealth game and were disappointed by a tedious gameplay loop.
Find it boring doesn't mean what I said. It's ok to don't like a game, but the no gamplay cry was total bullshit.
Beautiful or awful, fun or unfun are legit subjective opinions, they are qualitative. No gameplay is beyond dishonest.
You basically proved me right, even if you think the gameplay was tedious.


I was expecting to see more Hellblade 2 clouds at E3. Bummer

On the Kojima/xbox front, it’s gonna be hilarious to see how fast the ‘’get rid of Jim Ryan’’ petition will resurface if this turns out to be true 😆

I’m honestly just happy for not hearing ‘’just wait for E3’’ and ‘’our biggest E3 ever’’ (while only showing cg trailers) from xbox, this year. Walk it, don’t talk it.


Looks like a pretty weak list. If this all they have then PS5 is going to destroy them.. ap compared to their shit showing in the last few years?
Horizon FW is probably coming late this year/early next year (if they're at the point that they can show a decent chunk of gameplay)
Takes twice as long to develop a game at 60fps don't you know. That's why Microsoft is taking so long compared to guerrilla genes. /s


Rage Bait Youtuber
Machinegames is working on Indiana Jones so I will say this is bunk, but its really not difficult to know what will be shown.

They could have two teams, or someone else could be doing Wolf 3. Like how CD was doing Avengers so Square had someone else do Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
So Halo, Forza and probably Wolfenstein this year. Not bad at all. Let’s just hope they got games on track for 2022 too, but Starfield could probably carry it alone if needed.


Horizon and Ratchet has been in development 3 years before the pandemic. Vs a Newley acquired company 2 years before the pandemic and had to deal with a ramp up period. Let’s make smart comparisons. Btw this is year 4-5 of development for horizon. 🙄
Alright, so what about the rest of their stuff? It's not like they only have new studios.


Kojima game? Does that mean his games are bad again, I can't keep track anymore.
And that Death Stranding was overrated.

I can't help but think this is Sony troll psyops to over-inflate expectations for the show like they always do. Then when some of these are missing from the actual show, the same ones concern troll about how the show was a disappointment.

Don't let them do this again. The show will have Bethesda exclusives, MS exclusives and some third party stuff and maybe a couple of surprises. We don't have to know everything.
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Horizon and Ratchet has been in development 3 years before the pandemic. Vs a Newley acquired company 2 years before the pandemic and had to deal with a ramp up period. Let’s make smart comparisons. Btw this is year 4-5 of development for horizon. 🙄

You guys always make it sound like the studios Microsoft acquired ONLY started doing their job after they got bought.
It's kinda disrespectful to all the people involved.



CliffyB's Cock Holster
I can see Kojima making something with/for Xbox, but I highly, highly doubt it'd be his next major project.

No Japanese dev of any standing is ever going to shackle themselves to a platform with zero market penetration in their homeland. Especially given MS' penchant for losing interest once the reality sets in that Xbox is worthless as a brand in Japan and shifting focus elsewhere.


Rage Bait Youtuber
No Japanese dev of any standing is ever going to shackle themselves to a platform with zero market penetration in their homeland.
Kojima just shot himself in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase a Kojima game for either system, nor will they purchase any of Microsoft's games.

This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Kojima has alienated an entire market with this move.

Kojima, publicly apologize and cancel your Microsoft project or you can kiss your business goodbye.
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I can see Kojima making something with/for Xbox, but I highly, highly doubt it'd be his next major project.

No Japanese dev of any standing is ever going to shackle themselves to a platform with zero market penetration in their homeland. Especially given MS' penchant for losing interest once the reality sets in that Xbox is worthless as a brand in Japan and shifting focus elsewhere.

yeh i agree. i think he's making something for xbox but its not his main project. pretty sure he's working on something for sony too but its too early to show yet. the incoming meltdowns will be funny though. do people know that kojima productions is an independent studio and not owned by sony? he's free to make games for whoever he wants.


Gold Member
Is this some kind of joke? Even reading linked sources this doesn't equal "Xbox E3 Possibly Fully Leaked." At least including the word Possibly there is an out.


I can see Kojima making something with/for Xbox, but I highly, highly doubt it'd be his next major project.

No Japanese dev of any standing is ever going to shackle themselves to a platform with zero market penetration in their homeland. Especially given MS' penchant for losing interest once the reality sets in that Xbox is worthless as a brand in Japan and shifting focus elsewhere.
Should we forget about JRPGs from the 360 era?
Solid list.

Kojima does whatever the fuck he wants, so I wouldn’t be surprised about a Microsoft only title.

Would like to see Hellblade 2 and Forza as well.

But please don’t make me suffer through another Scorn demo. God that game looks boring as fuck.


I'll lose all respect for Sony for allowing it to happen. Will also buy an Xbox if they have a Kojima exclusive as it's the one thing they could have done to make me interested.

Don't do it... if you give in, then they know you can be bought.


With good (or at least personally appealing) games? Isn't that the message we want to convey?

Well, Ori is on Xbox. Forza is a good series and Titanfall was on Xbox along with SSOD..... there are some good games on Xbox.

However, personally I only have time for one console (I never use my Switch). So I will never buy an Xbox, not if kojima moves over, not if somehow Naughty Dog was sold to Xbox..... I have my trophies and my backlog and friends and I am into the entire culture around it.
I generally do not trust Xbox / microsoft after my 360 days too... they always start out strong and then once they are doing good, they stop making an effort.
The Kojima game is gonna be 2 years away at least. CGI trailer for another reveal isn't gonna be the explosion you expect. Now if they show gameplay well then........
it might be but seeing sony boys meltdown at the announcement will be fun.... it's already started just with rumors:

Kojima is dead to me if he is making a game for Xbox. I'll lose all respect for him.
how pathetic. what's wrong with him making a game for xbox? you don't seem to have had any problem with him making MGS/Death Stranding exclusive for Playstation....
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Gold Member
If this "leak" is accurate it will have nothing to do with Klob or his "ninjas" lol. His own patreon (good lord) which features benefits such has jpegs of Conker for ffs says "Sometimes I try to make the gaming world a little bit better driven by my own ideas, thoughts and creations."

Maybe he's faked his way into getting some actual inside information leaked to him but other than that possibility the dude is just a fan that passes off guesses as leaks.
If this "leak" is accurate it will have nothing to do with Klob or his "ninjas" lol. His own patreon (good lord) which features benefits such has jpegs of Conker for ffs says "Sometimes I try to make the gaming world a little bit better driven by my own ideas, thoughts and creations."

Maybe he's faked his way into getting some actual inside information leaked to him but other than that possibility the dude is just a fan that passes off guesses as leaks.

Why the hell would he need a Patreon? That’s taking the piss.

It’s like when these YouTubers call a google hangout a “show” cracks me up. Production costs through the roof!!
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Wolfenstein 3 and new Arkane game surprises me because I thought they were busy with Indiana Jones, Deathloop, helping other games, etc. But MS already has a ton of games announced for far in the future and I assume that they feel pressure to keep announcing stuff even if these other games also going to released 3-5+ years in the future, so maybe it's real.

I buy Halo, Starfield, Horizon 5 and new IOI game.

Regarding Kojima, I always though he would repeat with Sony, but maybe now that he got money with Death Stranding (it was profitable) wants to self publish their own games and go multi. In that case, MS would offer him a shit ton of money for maybe a timed console exclusive or at least marketing deal and to have the game day one on GP.
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it might be but seeing sony boys meltdown at the announcement will be fun.... it's already started just with rumors:

how pathetic. what's wrong with him making a game for xbox? you don't seem to have had any problem with him making MGS/Death Stranding exclusive for Playstation....

There was a lot of hate for Death Stranding from the Xbox side on twitter and many other places..... I find it funny that Kojima would go and make an exclusive game for the people that undermined and ridiculed his last game.
Either way... I don't see him finding an audience there on Xbox.

Hope he is ready for the backlash.
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