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Halo Infinite Multiplayer is out NOW

Didn't play 4v4 objective in past Halos more of a swat and firefight guy im enjoying the hell out of them. Swat is going to be phenomenal.
Swat is where it's at. However, I'm VERY happy that 1 Flag CTF is back. That was one of my biggest asks for this game.

Enjoying MP so far, but the fact you need to buy the Premium Battle Pass to unlock any armor permutations is pretty shitty. Everyone running around looking the same.


Another superb session tonight, the hours have fucking flown by!

4v4 is an absolute treat, I can’t wait to get more maps and game modes. Me and three mates have been tearing shit up in almost every game. My KD is usually in the minus but I’m doing my bit with objectives (3 flag captures in one game!). Fucking love it!

Excited Season 4 GIF by The Office


Holy shit, this game is awesome. The first few matches were a bit hard but getting used to a way longer TTK again is a game changer. I just had some great CTF matches and also TDM is great. Battle Pass progress could really be a bit faster... I just won a CTF match where I secured the flag 2 times, returned our flag 4 or 5 times, did about 15 kills and all I got were 100 xp for the daily quest. But yeah, just a small thing to complain about... game is so good that you really don't need a carrot on the stick. The gameplay itself is the carrot on the stick.


Gold Member
The level of concern about XP/progression is crazy to me! I dont understand this obsession at all.
For me leveling up in Halo ment facing stronger opponents and improving my skills along the way.

The industry has gradually turned most of their audience into a bunch of hamster wheeling, dopamine addicted empty shells.

It started with achievements and it's now evolved into what we see today. It's got to the point where people won't even accept a challenge and/or any degree of time commitment in order to get their dopamine hit. I WANT MY XP BARS TO FILL AND I WANT THEM TO FILL NOW!


The level of concern about XP/progression is crazy to me! I dont understand this obsession at all.
For me leveling up in Halo ment facing stronger opponents and improving my skills along the way.

that is you, not everyone else. the BIG issue with the progression is HOW you progress and how it has a bad influence on gameplay.
most people aren't like you, most people want to do the challenges and unlock their battlepass stuff fast.

and like I said it is the "how" that is the issue here.
because in order to level up you battlepass you need to do stuff like "Get 10 Kill Assists", "Get 5 Kills with a Bulldog" or "Destroy an enemy Wraith"
I have had matches in Big Team Battle, where many people on my team just stopped going after the objective and simply started camping and doing nothing... some of them trying to get Sniper Kills to do a sniper kill challenge, some camping in some spot with a Bulldog to get their shotgun kill challenge...
and some DELIBERATELY prolonging the match in the hopes that a Wraith spans in for the chance to kill it
(Wraiths spawn usually REALLY late in the match)
And in 4v4 I had matches where people just stopped shooting at enemy players, because they needed assists not kills... and more often than not the enemy player would get away and what our teammate did was directly negatively influencing our chances of winning the game

the progression system in Halo Infinite has an extremely negative influence on the flow of the game... these challenges are inspired by Battle Royale games, where this is not nearly as problematic usually because you aren't depending on the cooperation of 11 other players to win the match. and in a Battle Royale game it's usually not an issue if someone on your squad uses a certain gun, because ultimately the only goal is to survive until the end... there are no objectives to complete.
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that is you, not everyone else. the BIG issue with the progression is HOW you progress and how it has a bad influence on gameplay.
most people aren't like you, most people want to do the challenges and unlock their battlepass stuff fast.

and like I said it is the "how" that is the issue here.
because in order to level up you battlepass you need to do stuff like "Get 10 Kill Assists", "Get 5 Kills with a Bulldog" or "Destroy an enemy Wraith"
I have had matches in Big Team Battle, where many people on my team just stopped going after the objective and simply started camping and doing nothing... some of them trying to get Sniper Kills to do a sniper kill challenge, some camping in some spot with a Bulldog to get their shotgun kill challenge...
and some DELIBERATELY prolonging the match in the hopes that a Wraith spans in for the chance to kill it
(Wraiths spawn usually REALLY late in the match)
And in 4v4 I had matches where people just stopped shooting at enemy players, because they needed assists not kills... and more often than not the enemy player would get away and what our teammate did was directly negatively influencing our chances of winning the game

the progression system in Halo Infinite has an extremely negative influence on the flow of the game... these challenges are inspired by Battle Royale games, where this is not nearly as problematic usually because you aren't depending on the cooperation of 11 other players to win the match. and in a Battle Royale game it's usually not an issue if someone on your squad uses a certain gun, because ultimately the only goal is to survive until the end... there are no objectives to complete.
I understand it's me...I am just old and have a hard time understanding the enjoyment people get out of completting battle pass checklist.
The industry has gradually turned most of their audience into a bunch of hamster wheeling, dopamine addicted empty shells.

It started with achievements and it's now evolved into what we see today. It's got to the point where people won't even accept a challenge and/or any degree of time commitment in order to get their dopamine hit. I WANT MY XP BARS TO FILL AND I WANT THEM TO FILL NOW!
this makes no sense number 1. Number 2 ppl paid money for the battlepass. Ofc they want xp progression to feel better

i will guaran-damn tee that u have played tons of games with progression and unlocks. U probably have enjoyed it too.
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Gold Member
this makes no sense number 1. Number 2 ppl paid money for the battlepass. Ofc they want xp progression to feel better

i will guaran-damn tee that u have played tons of games with progression and unlocks. U probably have enjoyed it too.

Well that shows you have no idea what I play.

My most played game on Steam (Assetto Corsa) has no xp or unlock crap at all.

I want to play games that first and foremost play well, therefore the hook for me is how the game plays (or the overall experience in the case of single player driven games). Crazy, I know.

The people paying for battlepass would be better off just buying the cosmetics they want if that's their jam.


Don't see myself trying 4v4 anytime soon. I am fucking terrible in Halo mp, it's also my first time, and wanna just be bad in a team of 12 rather than 4. xD
You should give 4v4 quick play (unranked) a go. Don’t worry about holding the team back, just be sure to group up and play the objective. You get more time to breathe and get used to the game as it’s far less chaotic.

Edit: Add my gamertag (Flintty) if you’d rather go in with someone, but be prepared for lots of swearing and blaming the game for me being shit 🤣
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Did some research and there is NO Game Pass requirement on PC, and no XBLA/Game Pass requirement on console. This doesn't help you with your multiplayer issues, but at least we can eliminate a subscription requirement as a potential cause.
Thanks. I hope this issue fixes before the final launch on December 8.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I've put over 20 hours into this and didn't even realize there was some kind of progression system. lol. Cheers, can't wait for more game modes.


Gold Member

And guess how much exp I got towards my battle pass? Zero because I didn't kill anyone with the shock rifle... as the map didn't spawn with one.

Man do I feel rewarded... I should just go back to quitting every match until I see one in the intro cinematic.
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I understand it's me...I am just old and have a hard time understanding the enjoyment people get out of completting battle pass checklist.

that was not the point of my comment, my point is that the progression system sucks, and even if you yourself don't give a shit about leveling up, others do care and by caring they will try to complete these challenges that negatively affect the whole team, so also you, the guy who doesn't care about them.

that is the issue. the whole system is fucked at the moment. it is fucked for the people that do care and want to unlock new stuff, and it is fucked for everyone else who just wants to play a and have fun playing matches.
the people who want to unlock stuff get fucked by how tedious the challenges and how slow the process is, and the people who just want to play and have fun will have matches where their team does nothing but camp around in the hopes to fulfill the requirements of their weekly challenges and thereby completely ruining the flow of the match

it needs to be fixed, no matter on which side you are on here


Gold Member
Nope which is one of the reasons I had to que over and over quitting game after game to get my win 3 Slayer matches challanges because apparently there like gold dust.
This is part of the problem - you're one of those people who left me a man down in a CTF game just to pursue your damn challenges. Couldn't you just play the game and be patient and know you'll roll three slayers eventually?

This post right here is a perfect example of why the progression is fucking everyone.

And the last thing I personally care about is battle pass crap.


This is part of the problem - you're one of those people who left me a man down in a CTF game just to pursue your damn challenges. Couldn't you just play the game and be patient and know you'll roll three slayers eventually?

This post right here is a perfect example of why the progression is fucking everyone.

And the last thing I personally care about is battle pass crap.

In past halos, Didnt you use to be able to check the types of games you were interested in playing?


Only 40 minutes old. Was a new update for me - Major Battle Pass Changes Coming This Week

Radio silence on player collision and more playlists though, sadly.
They worked fast.

They have talked about player collision in Flight 2 & 3 Reflection. Bit of a long response:
A desire for increased knockback and physics impulses is one that we agree with. The two areas of focus for us on this topic are grenade explosions (to allow for grenade jumping) and the Gravity Hammer (for cool gravity effects and to have a more satisfying smash). There are lots of creative plays that can be made when physics impulses enter the mix, and that’s exactly what we want in Halo Infinite. We may not get these increases in for launch, but we’re on the same page and will be working to get them implemented as soon as we can.

Player collision, which is split in the community, is one that we believe is better to keep as is for the time being. We recognize that there are fun moments that can come from having it enabled, but we see far more benefits to the core gameplay loop for the majority of our players when teammates aren’t bumping one another. Running into a teammate at the start of a match, during normal gameplay, while trying to back down because you’re weak, when running the flag and trying to get around a corner, and more - these are common pain points that we’ve eliminated with this one decision. It does mean losing the ability to buddy jump and stack on top of your friends, but we believe removing the frustration of not being able to move where you want, when you want, is worth that change. That said, since we understand its use cases and value in some situations, we aren’t going to ignore this and will ensure that we monitor it closely and collect more data.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
I only think it is designed this way to combat the way MCC had horrendously dliuted player pools, which meant matchmaking took an age. At least this way you'll consistently be getting into games fairly quickly, even if some modes aren't exactly my favourites. Variety is the spice of life and all that.

Being Free to Play and only having the one game style should fix that lone. We don’t need to prevent/hide/remove the ability to choose the style of matches we prefer. I am not a fan of CTF or Oddball. I prefer TDM or Control matches. Always been the kind of match I prefer and being forced to do things that are unfun for me makes the game… well unfun.

Big trilionaire corporations need a defence force too, you know?!

Better insult other players with some bad attitude\too stupid to play objectives matches bullcrap narratives than facing 343 shitting the bed like an indie studios at their first attempt...

I get it. They spent hundreds of dollars on their plastic box and anything that can be a perceived slight against it makes them feel bad. They have the emotional stability of toddlers. I feel for them.

But reality is here and its showing that 343i fucked up. They have *been* fucking up for years. It took them the better part of an entire console generation to get MCC even playable, let alone in a decent state. Halo 5 was a fucking travesty. Halo 4 had a decent campaign, but so much of its story was hidden away in books.

Most of these problems people are speaking out about have been talked about for months during the alpha/beta stages. They were completely ignored. 343i has a habit of claiming they will “fix” things then they either don’t do it, take months to do it, or take these little baby steps like with teh bandaid situation they just presented people on Twitter.


You could tell there are a ton of new Halo players on here. Most matches people just run right past rockets or oversheild. Crazy.

Nice post in general.
While to me personally, the progression system of Halo means nothing - I definitely see your point here. I heard a dude screaming over the mic about how he was trying to finish some challenge all match. Now that ive looked at them - alot of those challenges do promote shit gameplay especially on objectives.
It just goes back to that modern gamer mindset of always needing something to unlock.
At least it’s not like other games where everyone has the same challenges at the same time. Challenges in the early days of PUBG battle passes ruined the game for a while since there were ones like get 10 crossbow kills or get a win only using a shotgun etc. It was annoying getting to the final circles only to get an easy own cause everyone was just trying to get shotgun and crossbow kills/wins while I just played the game. At least with halo the chances of those scenarios happening are slim.

As someone that literally could not care less about cosmetics and unlock systems, I’m happy with infinites limited progression system. It really does show just how many people don’t seem to actually care about playing the game for fun, just playing to unlock stuff.

You can really see why micro transactions and loot boxes are so insanely massive. If literal pokie/blackjack/roulette games were allowed with just skins for the cards and tables etc they’d probably make the most money of any games in history.

while I’m having a rant/whinge, I also can’t stand the people that will quit matches jsut because of a map or mode. Just play it. It’s not like you won’t still have fun.
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Tonight in a match I heard an enemy come up behind me with active camo on.. I jumped off the cliff and as I was falling I turned to see him mid air following me down. I no scoped him with my last round. I’m hooked - I need more people to play with tho. Played several matches with Love Regret again tonight but I need a full squad to carry my ass. Add me EST timezone I play most evenings 7-10


So I've just played my first game (was capture the flag) and we had a guy in a warthog shooting none stop at the respawn location. Was not enjoyable
There’s no set “respawn location”. Also if someone just camps somewhere shooting it should be a piece of cake to kill them. Sounds like you had a team of terrible players.

On the game, goddamn I am hooked. I was very hesitant and vocally so because I personally absolutely loved the changes they brought to halo 5 with all the advanced movement, so to remove them felt like a massive step back. Wasn’t blown away in the alpha/beta/tech test whatever it was called, but this latest beta has just blown me away.

I cannot remember a tighter, better feeling and controlling shooter ever. Every aspect of it is done precisely for a reason. The sound design is incredible, it feels like I’m not even wearing a headset but am using my surround sound system. The visual indicators for everything are just perfect. I thought the custom colours instead of red vs blue would be a problem but the outlines and names are just perfect at giving off the same info. The shield effect showing where you hit and when their shields break are perfect.

343 have just absolutely nailed it on all fronts. It feels like a perfect compromise between classic halo and halo 5, where it will get the halo purists to accept new things like ADS and sprint and clamber so gently that hopefully in the future they will also accept things like the thrusters as default movement options.
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played a 4 vs 4 Capture the flag... extremely generic map

big team battle is very fun, pwon3d! 4 or 5 noobs with Sniper Rifle...

Halo Reach is untouchable.... back to Gears 5..


Gold Member
They worked fast.

They have talked about player collision in Flight 2 & 3 Reflection. Bit of a long response:
Ah appreciate the quote.

Oddly they don't even mention my main issue with player collision - going up to assassinate an enemy and having them back up through you and miss. Melees in general are kind of wonky compared to past games.

I'd rather have all collision in, but at least enable it for the enemies.


Gold Member
At least it’s not like other games where everyone has the same challenges at the same time. Challenges in the early days of PUBG battle passes ruined the game for a while since there were ones like get 10 crossbow kills or get a win only using a shotgun etc. It was annoying getting to the final circles only to get an easy own cause everyone was just trying to get shotgun and crossbow kills/wins while I just played the game. At least with halo the chances of those scenarios happening are slim.

As someone that literally could not care less about cosmetics and unlock systems, I’m happy with infinites limited progression system. It really does show just how many people don’t seem to actually care about playing the game for fun, just playing to unlock stuff.

You can really see why micro transactions and loot boxes are so insanely massive. If literal pokie/blackjack/roulette games were allowed with just skins for the cards and tables etc they’d probably make the most money of any games in history.

while I’m having a rant/whinge, I also can’t stand the people that will quit matches jsut because of a map or mode. Just play it. It’s not like you won’t still have fun.
That issue that PUBG had is prevalent in my time with Infinite.

So many games where people ignore the objectives and focus on challenges. Or outright quit.

I also don't care for the progression but seemingly the vast majority does so the sooner they fix it the better.


Swat is where it's at. However, I'm VERY happy that 1 Flag CTF is back. That was one of my biggest asks for this game.

Enjoying MP so far, but the fact you need to buy the Premium Battle Pass to unlock any armor permutations is pretty shitty. Everyone running around looking the same.
There are free permutations you can unlock. Just not very many.


I just played it on controller for the first time since the test flight... they didn't improve the aiming AT ALL since then... wtf?
there were literally dozens of highly voted threads on the official subreddit about how awful and behind the times their aiming and the aim settings are -_-
Some guy even did a whole FUCKING ESSAY on what exactly is wrong with it and how to improve it... HE GAVE THEM THE SOLUTION...

I forgot how bad it actually was tho, it's so sluggish and slow and the sensitivity curve is so shit... and the forced acceleration that you can only change the speed up of but not turn off completely...
IT'S SO BAD... how is it SO BAD?

they literally completely ignored the feedback they got by dozens of threads on reddit with thousands of upvotes... I am shocked...
we live in a world where the Halo clone (Splitgate) has vastly superior controller aiming as the newest mainline Halo game... this is just unbelievable, holy shit

this is especially bad because I play with people on XBox and the ranked playlists are separated into controller only and Mouse & Keyboard only, so if I wanna play ranked with my friends
I need to use these god awful controller aim settings they have
puke GIF

if that wasn't the case it wouldn't even be that bad, because I could just use Steam controller settings to emulate a mouse on the right stick (which I did in the test flight) which feels SOOOO GOOD...
but I can't with the way ranked works


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If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Game is really starting to click now. Still finding half the weapons underpowered, but some of that is me not knowing how to use the well yet. It’s definitely got me hooked though, been killing my sleep.
They should just remove the battlepass, refund anyone who paid for it and tell people if they want the cosmetics they need to pay for them directly.

All this fucking nonsense over some progression bars and cosmetic unlocks.

this might be the dumbest thing ive read on neogaf. and i've seen some doozies.
Maybe they should remove all the cars from that italian PC racing game u like...just give u one car and one track. And u have to buy the rest


Can you disable the trigger lift off mechanic? It's sucking my enjoyment at the moment. You basically have to press trigger to the bottom and any lift will stop shooting.
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Moderated wildly
Hopefully they get the battle pass sorted for people so we can all just play the damn game.

don’t even want to go to work today…..…..I should have booked time off for this. Not been this excited for a game in ….man I can’t even remember.
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