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Just got all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed.

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Not really minding it right now, the gauze how ever is starting to annoy me. I would like to eat but my mouth is still bleeding just a bit and if I swallow too much blood I feel like I have to barf.

How long until all this shit is over with?


Teh Hamburglar said:
I had no pain after the first day. But they gave me painkillers for 5 days.
They gave me pain killers for like a month it seems :lol

Im not really in much pain right now, just when I eat any soup :/
wwm0nkey said:
Not really minding it right now, the gauze how ever is starting to annoy me. I would like to eat but my mouth is still bleeding just a bit and if I swallow too much blood I feel like I have to barf.

How long until all this shit is over with?

All 4 at once??? Wow, that must suck.

I had one removed 2 years ago, they had to cut up quite a bit of flesh to get an angle to pull it out, even had to cut off parts of the tooth to get a decent grip on it.

I have to remove the next one in two weeks. Can't say I'm looking forward to it.

I didn't bleed that much after the operation. The dentist did quite a good job at stitching it. Didn't even feel anything until about 6 or 7 hours later.

I would suggest a light soup with low salt. Just nothing with meat or bread. And stay away from yoghurt or milk products and the bleeding should be over pretty soon. Try using a trick I used after my last wisdom tooth OP, keep an empty bowl next to you and spit out the blood before eating. Repeat until the soup is finished or cold.


wwm0nkey said:
Not really minding it right now, the gauze how ever is starting to annoy me. I would like to eat but my mouth is still bleeding just a bit and if I swallow too much blood I feel like I have to barf.

How long until all this shit is over with?
You'll bleed for 2-3 days or so, but you'll ooze blood for a week (4-7 days). As in it won't be "bleeding" but when you wake up in the morning you'll be spitting out some blood from blood that's still escaping through micro tears as it's healing.

For eating...you're not gonna be able to eat solid foods for a while. Try protein drinks and/or blend foods. What I did sometimes was blend soup like chunky beef and chicken noodles.


I had all four of mine out at the same too. Two of them were impacted. I was down for a week because it was hard for me to take the Vicodin without feeling nauseated. I was just chomping on 500mg ibuprofen every four hours to curb the pain. Shit sucked.
Had mine taken out a few years back. Waking up after the iv anesthetic is the best feeling in the world. I had zero swelling surprisingly. Just those decaying stitches were shit.


I have an infected wisdom tooth that's going to take weeks until I can get it out.

I feel like you won the lottery right now. I wish I had them removed.
Got all 4 taken out also. I hate painkillers, so I didn't take any of the strong shit they gave me (I took motrin here and there for swelling---it worked well enough). I think after 1 week, I still had throbbing and aching (not terrible at all) and after 2 weeks, I was pretty comfortable again.

Oh...and 2 of my teeth were impacted. Still not sure what that means.


Dont spit out the blood swallow it or rinse your mouth with a salt + cold water wash and then open your mouth and let the water drain out. Spitting can cause the blood clots to dislodge which is what you dont want.


I get pain in my wisdom teeth every year for about a week or so. I should probably get them pulled but fuck it.
They did all four in one appointment?

Got mine done over two visits, two weeks apart top and bottom on left, then the right. With each I was only really in pain the day of the pull, after the injections wore off. I got painkiller prescription, but never took em. I took the pain like a G. The key is to keep yourself busy, to keep your mind off it or go to sleep. Also, you'll bleed a lil for the next two days, and don't worry your spit makes the blood look way worse than it actually is. I was lucky I guess, I didn't really swell up like that.


Just don't rush the healing process like I did.

I had some bits of barbecue the next day and apparently I didn't get rid of some of the food particles in my mouth, and the left side of my jaw got really swollen... turned into an infection. Luckily it was nearing the end of Winter break when this happened... healed within a week.

TLDR; I'm stupid.


I had 8 teeth removed, 4 regular, 4 wisdom two of those being impacted.

Keep some black tea bags on hand, and if your sockets start bleeding, brew them in some warm water and bite down. It'll help clot them back up.

Also, those meal replacement drinks will be your friend for 2 weeks. Don't be alarmed when your cheeks get huge.

CrankyJay said:
Took me about 5-7 days before I could eat solid food again without much pain.

I had all 4 removed at once as well.

In my experience the strain on the jawbone and muscles is what hurts the longest, and makes eating a challenge for quite some time.

And boy all 4 at once, don't know if I would make it through that. I have genuine phobia about dentists. Doesn't really help that my dentist is excellent and actually knows how to use sedatives, I still cramp up like crazy everytime I even enter the room, let alone sit on that chair.... uggh..

Last time I even lost conscious while on the chair during a root canal therapy. Well at least I woke up with the dentists assistant holding my head right between her boobs. ^^

Deleted member 74300

Unconfirmed Member
My advice to you is...

Ice-cream. Lots and lots of Ice-cream.

I forgot when the pain went away though.


Getting your wisdom teeth, in my opinion, is the first true step into adulthood.

Unless you're already an adult, then nevermind.
I got lucky, my dentist removed them surgically before they even breached my gums. He got them out without even breaking them into pieces. Didn't feel a thing during it, barely felt anything afterwards. Didn't hardly have to use the painkillers, and had like a month's supply. My dentist rules.


Pain is bearable.

Taste of blood for 2-3 days is annoying as hell.

But I had 6 teeth taken out so maybe there was more blood.
Yeah, I had all 4 of mine removed at once too. I think I was just about to graduate high school (or just had), and I was big time into any intoxicant I could get my hands on. I remembered wanting to feel what the anesthesia was like, and would later think the way it knocked you out while you were counting backwards was awesome. Next thing I know, I'm in a car, pulling bloody gauze out of my mouth. The last piece was stuck, and no matter how hard I pulled I couldn't get it out. My mom looked over and said "jesus you've got your tongue" and I became vaguely aware that there was blood all over the place. I don't think I was supposed to pick at that gauze.

So the next few days were a haze of heavenly pain medication and total laze. I looked like someone had beat the shit out of me with a baseball bat, but was high as a damn kite. On balance, it was a positive experience for me. Just glad I'm not a smoker. Sucks to be you guys.

To this day I still get food in those little holes and have to lick them out. That will always be annoying.


I have to get mine done pretty soon.

Did you get knocked out for it, or did you just get poked with the nova-needle and take it like a boss?

I'm srsly afraid of getting knocked out. I've never done it before and it just sounds so frightening...


legacyzero said:
I have to get mine done pretty soon.

Did you get knocked out for it, or did you just get poked with the nova-needle and take it like a boss?

I'm srsly afraid of getting knocked out. I've never done it before and it just sounds so frightening...
Dude getting knocked out is AMAZING, last thing you will remember is them getting ready with there medical equipment and them BAM you will probably be in you car or home.

I somewhat remember getting into my car via wheel chair though.
When I got mine removed, the pain was gone within the day and there was absolutely no blood. I was so lucky. Hope you feel better soon, anyway.
I actually had five wisdom teeth and they were all impacted. I got them all out at once and was fine after about four days. The first two days involved a lot of blood, and then the third day was oddly the most painful for me. After that, no problems except for having a puffy, bruised face.


Grab some of these and stick them over the the area where the teeth were pulled helps them shut quicker.



Just had all four taken out last Friday, stopped bleeding the next day, was eating solids with little pain by Sunday. Right now the only pain I have was where they administered the shot, but some ibuprofen once a day perfectly manages it.

e: wait you can't even eat soup? That's awful.


wwm0nkey said:
Dude getting knocked out is AMAZING, last thing you will remember is them getting ready with there medical equipment and them BAM you will probably be in you car or home.

I somewhat remember getting into my car via wheel chair though.

You're so lucky to not have any pain.

Sucks for me, All mine have to get cut out unfortunatley :(((


Will Eat Your Children
Painkillers I got were heaven. Came home, drank a liter of hot milky tea combined with 3 or 4 painkillers and BAM. Before I knew it 18 hours had passed and my pain was all over.


wwm0nkey said:
Dude getting knocked out is AMAZING, last thing you will remember is them getting ready with there medical equipment and them BAM you will probably be in you car or home.

I somewhat remember getting into my car via wheel chair though.
Wow, same exact experience I had.
Yeah, there's no "like a boss" mode for surgery. If you've got insurance (which of course I don't have these days, but had back then) go ahead and get knocked the fuck out and get a full run of pain meds. Punish yourself in the gym or something, fuck that noise of being awake for invasive surgery.


Jakeh111 said:
needle for me cause im cheap and have no dental, GO AMERICA
I'm awesome with the nova-needle. I would do it that way if they weren't all impacted and needed to be cut out. Gonna be a long ass weekend for me when I do it. I have to stop putting it off. The headaches suck sometimes LOL.


Not as deep as he thinks
Welcome to the club. I didn't have all four of them removed at once, though. First appointment was two, and second appointment were the remaining two.
Got all four out as well, had the gauze in for appx. 4 hours after the surgery and the bleeding had stopped.

It sounds like you were put on anesthesia, me on the other hand was not as lucky as they put me under laughing gas. Mid way through the surgery the gas (cranked at 50%) wore off and I regained consciousness with full senses besides feeling numb from Novocaine. I would have asked them to crank the gas to 75% but my mouth was pried open while they were pulling and drilling my gums and teeth. The pressure I felt as they pulled out my upper left wisdom tooth felt like my face was being crushed by a table clamp.

One thing I recommend is you follow the Dr. instructions. After surgery I said to hell with their stupid rules and ate pretzels and other hard foods as well as smoking cigarettes and other dumb shit. Very stupid decisions on my part and I felt the repercussions a week later when I developed dry sockets in the bottom right socket. The pain was excruciating, to the point where I contemplated getting another oxycodone refill. Granted, the pills they prescribed me were generic and weak as shit they certainly relieved a degree of pain. If I could start over I would have taken better care of my mouth. I had dry sockets for over a month after my surgery. Seriously guy, fight all temptations that come your way, particularly solid foods and you will heal after a week, or perhaps two if your unlucky.


shadowsdarknes said:
Got all four out as well, had the gauze in for appx. 4 hours after the surgery and the bleeding had stopped.

It sounds like you were put on anesthesia, me on the other hand was not as lucky as they put me under laughing gas. Mid way through the surgery the gas (cranked at 50%) wore off and I regained consciousness with full senses besides feeling numb from Novocaine. I would have asked them to crank the gas to 75% but my mouth was pried open while they were pulling and drilling my gums and teeth. The pressure I felt as they pulled out my upper left wisdom tooth felt like my face was being crushed by a table clamp.

One thing I recommend is you follow the Dr. instructions. After surgery I said to hell with their stupid rules and ate pretzels and other hard foods as well as smoking cigarettes and other dumb shit. Very stupid decisions on my part and I felt the repercussions a week later when I developed dry sockets in the bottom right socket. The pain was excruciating, to the point where I contemplated getting another oxycodone refill. Granted, the pills they prescribed me were generic and weak as shit they certainly relieved a degree of pain. If I could start over I would have taken better care of my mouth. I had dry sockets for over a month after my surgery. Seriously guy, fight all temptations that come your way, particularly solid foods and you will heal after a week, or perhaps two if your unlucky.

DONT DO IT. The pain of a dry socket is simply unbearable. The only thing that beats it is an abscess.


I'm not looking forward to getting mine out.....it will probably be later in the year and apparently I have an extra wisdom tooth so they might be taking out 5 at once!


Had all 4 of mine pulled at once as well. Thank goodness I had FF IX to play through at the time.


I also had 4 wisdom teeth removed at once. The biggest thing that stuck out for me was how much blood there was after the operation. Sleeping the first night after the operation sitting up because the bleeding hadn't completely stopped was a pain. It'll suck watching people around you eat the solid foods you love but hang in there and stick to your doctor's orders.
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