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Just got all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed.

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giga said:
I had all four of mine out at the same too. Two of them were impacted. I was down for a week because it was hard for me to take the Vicodin without feeling nauseated. I was just chomping on 500mg ibuprofen every four hours to curb the pain. Shit sucked.

I took one vicodin and was completely nauseated for 6 hours. After that, I didn't take another one ever again. In retrospect it is quite emasculating because my brother (who got addicted to vicodin after a car accident) was able at one point to take 3 or 4 at a time several times a day. Four vicodin would probably kill me.


I had all 4 taken out 2 months ago. You will not get close to going through all the painkillers they give you, and the bleeding stops after about 2 days. The pain stopped for me after about a day and a half. Then get ready to be flushing food bits out of your tooth holes for a few weeks. It's really rather annoying.


I still have all of mine until this coming Wednesday. I'm getting one pulled. Pulling the tooth should only take a few minutes according to my dentist. I'm not sure how badly this will affect my ability to eat since it is only one tooth, but I bought some liquid food from Costco to prepare.
A week and a half ago for me.

Bleeding was a pain in the butt for the first 24 hours, then it was alright. Relatively speaking. Didn't eat real food for about 6 days, though. I guess I should also mention that I didn't eat for about 20 hours after the operation, but most of that was spent asleep so...

Here's how it went in detail, for future travellers, and the OP:

-3 wisdom teeth out Monday afternoon. (only had 3)
-major bleeding stops after a tactical gauze invasion Tuesday morning.
-hot soup opens one of the sockets Wednesday night. More blood, more gauze. Stops by Thursday morning.
-Thursday night while brushing teeth, the brush slips and I clobber one of the stitches (one of the teeth required 2 stitches). Blood, gauze, stops by the next morning.
-Friday night the stitch rips, tears a hole in the tissue inside my mouth/gums, blood pouring out like I got shot. Gauze. Midnight trip to CVS. More gauze.
-Saturday: Gauze.
-Sunday: stopped bleeding.

Anyway, I didn't have any issues with the wisdom teeth/sockets themselves, just some nasty pain the first 2 days. "cry and drool" pain (defined by the fact that all you can do without painkillers is to cry and drool). The collateral damage was a bitch though!


Had all four of mine removed a few years ago, went about the same as everyone else. One thing I don't think I've seen mentioned is for me at least they said not to use a straw when drinking anything. The dentist said the sucking action could tear the cuts. Just have to drink everything normally.
Paprikka said:
Had all four of mine removed a few years ago, went about the same as everyone else. One thing I don't think I've seen mentioned is for me at least they said not to use a straw when drinking anything. The dentist said the sucking action could tear the cuts. Just have to drink everything normally.
Right, don't drink through a straw for the first few days. Pretty much a guaranteed return to "need gauze in mouth to catch blood" status. And after you've left, you don't want to go back!
Paprikka said:
Had all four of mine removed a few years ago, went about the same as everyone else. One thing I don't think I've seen mentioned is for me at least they said not to use a straw when drinking anything. The dentist said the sucking action could tear the cuts. Just have to drink everything normally.

^THIS THIS THIS! Straws can also cause dry sockets as well. I forgot to mention that a couple posts ago.


Elfforkusu said:
A week and a half ago for me.

Bleeding was a pain in the butt for the first 24 hours, then it was alright. Relatively speaking. Didn't eat real food for about 6 days, though. I guess I should also mention that I didn't eat for about 20 hours after the operation, but most of that was spent asleep so...

Here's how it went in detail, for future travellers, and the OP:

-3 wisdom teeth out Monday afternoon. (only had 3)
-major bleeding stops after a tactical gauze invasion Tuesday morning.
-hot soup opens one of the sockets Wednesday night. More blood, more gauze. Stops by Thursday morning.
-Thursday night while brushing teeth, the brush slips and I clobber one of the stitches (one of the teeth required 2 stitches). Blood, gauze, stops by the next morning.
-Friday night the stitch rips, tears a hole in the tissue inside my mouth/gums, blood pouring out like I got shot. Gauze. Midnight trip to CVS. More gauze.
-Saturday: Gauze.
-Sunday: stopped bleeding.

Anyway, I didn't have any issues with the wisdom teeth/sockets themselves, just some nasty pain the first 2 days. "cry and drool" pain (defined by the fact that all you can do without painkillers is to cry and drool). The collateral damage was a bitch though!
Yea...don't brush your teeth for a few days, and if you do, only do the very front teeth. Just don't brush your teeth. Don't want to strain your mouth.

Don't use a straw for a month. I mean after a week or two it's likely fine, but don't risk it. It's not worth what happens if you do.

Rinse with salt water (teaspoon of salt in a cup of water). By rinse I mean lightly swish it around your mouth using head movements instead of closing your mouth and pressurizing it. Salt water is more soothing to your mouth than regular water.

Also, fun story for me....I developed a case of thrush (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oral_candidiasis) on my tongue because of the antibiotics I was taking. I stopped taking it and the dentist prescribed me this tablet that killed it off after three days. Made me extra miserable during the whole experience.

You'll be miserable for about 1-3 weeks. It'll pass and you'll get your life back again..everyone goes through it. Just don't mess it up because it's not worth it. Look up dry socket.


I'm on vacation this week because I got my 3 wisdom teeth removed on Tuesday. Kind of weird hearing everything about bleeding for the first day or two. For both me and my wife who had hers done a few months ago our bleeding pretty well stopped after about an hour and a half. Neither of us replaced the first gauze they put in after we took them out. I took that gauze out after about an hour and a half or so. There was a drop of blood in my drool, but other than that drop it didn't bleed at all since.

By now I can almost eat some solids, just mostly with my front teeth. I haven't had any painkillers since yesterday morning, and I probably didn't even need them then. I actually didn't notice any difference at all between vicoden/ibuprofen and not.

After seeing my wife go through HELL with hers I've been following things to a fucking T and not taking chances. The surgery beat the hell out of her. She looked dead when I got her and we had to haul her into the apartment while she tried her damndest to dry heave into the cement and floor the whole way. It took her about an hour of recovery in the room to even to to the state where we could take her out like that. She got 2 dry sockets, and I had to watch them put that clove oil stuff in for that and it looked absolutely excruciating. In fact she came out of that saying she thinks she could safely handle child birth since that was the absolute biggest pain she's ever felt in her life.

She did things mostly by the book, but I've been diligent with the mouthwash they gave me. I've been using that shit right when I wake up and right after eating ANYTHING.


I have 3 that need to come out. Not looking forward to it. I need to pay down the $12k in dental bills I have racked up since November some before I think about that, though.


wwm0nkey said:
Dude getting knocked out is AMAZING, last thing you will remember is them getting ready with there medical equipment and them BAM you will probably be in you car or home.

I somewhat remember getting into my car via wheel chair though.

Yeah, I made 'em knock my ass out. I even got a valium for my needle anxiety, even though I'm mostly over that. Now I know valium does NOTHING for me. Does a ton for my wife, but nothing for me I guess.

Anyway it's weird how that stuff fucks with your memory. I only really remember talking a TON in the recovery room, and talking a ton on the way home, but I don't remember any details at all. My wife and parents said I did talk a ton and they said I was totally conscious and coherent and making tons of sense. I just didn't remember it at all afterwards. My most vivid memory of that day started when I got to the couch at home. Before that it's all weird like it happened a year ago.
Unregistered007 said:
What is the reason you get them removed?

I am 28 should I get them out?

Mouth isn't big enough for them. Humans would lose teeth back in the day through decay and just killing sabertooth tigers. It pushes your teeth every which way and then you have a busted grill.


Unregistered007 said:
What is the reason you get them removed?

I am 28 should I get them out?

Some people never need to have them removed. For some, like me, they are very hard to get back to to floss and brush properly, so they can end up getting infected or rotting the teeth in front of them.


Unregistered007 said:
What is the reason you get them removed?

I am 28 should I get them out?
Get your dentist's opinion. They'll x-ray you and analyze it from there.

But know that if you need to get them out, the younger the better. The longer you wait the worse the recovery will be, which if you read this thread it's not really a trivial event. Teenagers bounce right back while 20s are a little harder and 30s even harder.


Gold Member
Remember getting all 4 out at once. Went to an awesome oral surgeon. Had no swelling and he used stitches that naturally dissolved. No infections and healed fine.

Better than a family friend's daughter. This joke of a surgeon used 4 year old dental xrays. The girl's face looked like a chipmunk and looked like she was beaten too seeing all the bruising from the surgery.


Impacted, had all 4 removed under general when I was 20, aftermath was terrible. Couldn't eat comfortably for days, blood and saliva drooling everywhere. I don't envy you, use it as leverage to have your s.o. or folks get you what you want though, milk it baby.


I was grouchy and groggy due to painkillers for the second half of the day in which I got mine removed, lethargic, ache-y, and chipmunk-cheeked for a day or two afterwards, and pretty much fine within three days, though eating could still occasionally be a hassle.

I have a Wolverine-like healing factor was acting as though nothing had happened within a week or so. I feel sorry for people when I hear some of the horror stories... A gal-pal of mine had gaping holes in her gums that hurt continuously for several months. :(
i haven't had wisdom teeth removed... yet.

but i did have my tonsils removed, and it was terrible. i didn't get any fancy laser removal. it hurt very badly every time i swallowed for like a month and a half, i also tasted iron from my blood the whole time.

this was during the summer so i missed out on all the barbecues my family had. worst summer ever... well, until the next year when i got scoliosis surgery. you don't know true pain till you've had that.
wwm0nkey said:
Not really minding it right now, the gauze how ever is starting to annoy me. I would like to eat but my mouth is still bleeding just a bit and if I swallow too much blood I feel like I have to barf.

How long until all this shit is over with?

I had the same thing done. If you wake up in the middle of the night with pain, make an appointment that very next day. You have something called "dry sockets" and they'll have to pack the holes in your jaw with yucky gauze but it will feel 1,000,000 times better, guaranteed.
Had all 4 taken out when I was 15, don't remember much afterwards I slept like a boss...


I had every one of my top teeth taken out while awake, then had the sockets stiched, then had my denture put in, then walked about 2 miles home.

Little sore first day, ended up eating my bottle of 30 vicodin for shits and giggles over the next 3-4 days.
Almost OD'd, had labored breathing, kinda scared me.
Told my dentist the vicodins made me sick to my stomache so I flushed them so he gave me Percocets, to me they were like speed so I ate them up and gamed my ass off non-stop.
ugh getting my wisdom teeth out was horrible because i got a dry socket and my sutures fell out of one area and food got stuck in the hole so i had this taste of death in my mouth for awhile, which i tried to fix by gargling a ton of mouthwash, and then my mouth just tasted like mint death
i feel your pain OP, before i got my braces i had 8 teeth pulled in one sitting. i was awake for the ordeal too, i can remember blood squirting out of my mouth onto the dentist hands.

the pain will subside, but the feeling of your mouth after is weird.


Had all four of mine out, the worst part was I slept most of the day, had Taco Bell the second day and never really had any swelling. I guess I was lucky, either a good doctor or mine were easy to remove.


wwm0nkey said:
How long until all this shit is over with?

The constant pain/throbbing should be gone by the end of the second week at the latest, but it'll take approximately six weeks for the sockets to completely close up and for the healing process to finish.

That's what my dentist told me was the average healing process before I had mine taken out, and he was pretty much right.

If the pain is still intense after the second week, then you likely have dry sockets which you should have tended to immediately.

Although the most fun part is that, when you can actually start seriously eating like normal again (after a couple weeks) some of the fluid in the sockets can ooze out and give whatever you're eating a goddamn nasty taste...not fun.


When I got mine pulled the pain went down to a very dull throb by the third day, but it took a week till everything was working again normally. Oh and don't worry about big holes in your gum, they'll fill back in soon enough.
Anth0ny said:
Wasn't looking forward to getting mine out, and this thread didn't help.

I had all my wisdom teeth pulled back in January and I was pretty much back to normal in a week. Don't sweat over it.
The first two days I didn't feel anything, but on the third I had the most violent throbbing pain in my jaw. I am usually good with pain but dear god, I wanted to shoot my jaw it hurt so bad.


Neo Member
I had all 4 out at once. Woke up from the anaesthetic in a wheelchair, high as a kite. Popped it up on 2 wheels and was spinning all around the room til the nurse came and stopped me. Comedown after that sucked though. Spent 5 days in bed, don't think I ate solid foods for about 7 days.


I got them all removed at once too. Got laughing gas and they put me out cold for the operation. Hurt a little afterwards.

But sweet, sweet Vicodin.


I got all 4 removed at once as well, not a great experience. Couldn't eat proper food for weeks, and the it didn't stop bleeding for a good two weeks or so. Plus the Jigglypuff cheeks.
Just be sure to keep the areas clean to prevent any infections.
HBP said:
Had all four of mine out, the worst part was I slept most of the day, had Taco Bell the second day and never really had any swelling. I guess I was lucky, either a good doctor or mine were easy to remove.
Pretty much...Kraft Dinner and watching movies all day! The only thing that sucked was I had the dissolving stitches which are disgusting when they start to come out.
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